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Fluff for Skyrar's Dark Wolves

Angry Angron

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Kind of late but isnt a Great Company going renegade kinda the death toll for the wolves?


I mean the =][= hate them enough as it is.


I think making them a group of 13th Co. would be quite as good, its lot easier to justify and it adds the feeling of strong vetrans who would have come into contact with the lesser known Skyrar, perhaps fighting her forces on world for centuries.


Anyway all the best


Personally I agree. Having an entire Great Company go renegade would be alot. I would like to see it as a Wolf Lord and his personal retinue(maybe 15 Wolf Guard or something)are thought lost and as such given up as dead. However after they save themselves they find their chapter has forsakken them and they have no chance to save themselves from wherever they are. Thus enter the goddess story.

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Remember, there are many lost wolf great companies who may no longer have contact with the main chapter(Logan Grimnar and crew)( so not just the 13th Co.). One of these could have fallen to Chaos hundreds/thousands of years ago.
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This is my first post on the B'n'C Forums, so hello everybody :-)

(and try to ignore my bad English because I'm neither a native speaker nor am I much of an online writer)


Back in summer, when there was the rumour about a new Codex: Chaos going to be released, I actually planned to do an Emperor's Children army. But now, having read the the codex several uncountable times (not to mention the hours and hours of staring at all those new renegade colour schemes) I really start to love the whole Dark Wolves idea thoroughly. I was always tempted to do a Space Wolves army in the past but the allure of Chaos was too strong. So now I can do both at once, which is just plain great because a) it saves me lots of hard currency and b) I always thought that the Space Wolves were way too nice and Chaos was way too less of a viking warband anyway - but both mixed up is just as perfect as nonalcoholic beer isn't.


So I am going to build myself a Dark Wolves army. The following ideas about theming have crossed my mind so far...


- modelling fur and long wolfish hairstyles with Green Stuff

- wolves as lesser daemons (Goblin Wolf Riders seem to fit the role perfectly because you get 10 wolves for 30€ and some nice Gobbo stuff for yer ole bitz box)

- any bigger wolf model for the greater daemon role (there are some nice models done for the Confrontation TT e.g.)

- icon of Khorne due to the bloodthirsty lupine nature (hence all the axes!)

- icon of Slaanesh because of the viking/pirate nature my Dark Wolves are going to have (drinking mead all day and stealing other guys' women - where do you find some good slave models by the way? Dark Eldar maybe?)

- yeah, and finally lots of snow and grim looking nordic faces ;-)


I even tried to give you a preview of what my Wolves are going to look like (well, actually it's pretty close to the picture in the codex, just a bit different). So go ahead and feel free to laugh about my humble Photoshop skills ;-)




Actually I just recoloured the new 'the Purge' Chaos Lord and thought he would look less stupid with some hair atop. Well... who cares anyway? ^^


But I still got some Questions to you that agonise me since a few days.


1st, to the painters: What would be the best way to paint a metallic blue that would look similiar to the colour of the armour's rim in my Photoshop picture?

2nd, to the fluff experts: Where do you draw all your information about Skyrar, the minor chaos goddess? I would like to know more about Her in order to build up some elaborate fluff for my Wolves.


Thanks in advance. Let us all howl with the wolves! ;-)



//edit: Updated my 'Wolf Lord' picture (added some details to it and fixed some things)


//edit2: Tried to do a Dark Wolves Aspiring Champion via Photoshop but I am not pleased with the result yet. Either this is because the scheme I use is too boring... or 'photoshopped' minis just don't look as great as real ones. Well, I am only juggling with ideas anyway ;-)



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Remember, there are many lost wolf great companies who may no longer have contact with the main chapter(Logan Grimnar and crew)( so not just the 13th Co.). One of these could have fallen to Chaos hundreds/thousands of years ago.


Source? because ive never heard of a whole company going missing apart from the 13th :(



Xebeche Skyrar is a new Goddess fleshed out by the boys on the BnC. The only information I believe is the Codex and here.


To paint the mettalic blue I would basecoat Boltgun and highlight up to mithril silver. Give it a heavy blue ink wash then extreme highlight with mithril again. Should turn out great :(

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@sangunius' chosen wing:


Thanks for your response. Your painting instruction sounds like a plan that might be going to turn out quite well and please my eyes. As far as concerning Skyrar, I will search the B'n'C forums for information :-)


//edit: In my last post i mentioned that the Goblin Wolf Riders box contained ten wolves which would be good to represent a pack of wolven daemons. Well, forget about it because I found something better ;-)

The Warg Riders from GW's LotR tabletop game look far more menacing and, in my opinion, better in general. The warg box costs £12.00, the goblin wolf riders cost £18.00 which makes the wargs a bit more expensive than their goblin mounted fellows (but the warg costs confuse me a little, because on the German GW online store they charge €22,50 for the warg box and €17,50 for the warg sprue alone - the UK store charges £12.00 for any of them. Odd, huh? Guess that makes me proud to be a Kraut ;-))

I also told you about the Confrontation "Wolfen" models that would be neat to personify a Dark Wolves daemon prince. I found them on a German tabletop supply online store. The model range can be seen here (the models i like the most are "Worg 2" (2nd from top) and "Wolfenrudelführer Killyox" (3rd from the bottom)).

OK, but now I'll leave the thread again because my posts so far had only very little to do with the original topic, the fluff for Skyrar's Dark Wolves :-)



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Remember, there are many lost wolf great companies who may no longer have contact with the main chapter(Logan Grimnar and crew)( so not just the 13th Co.). One of these could have fallen to Chaos hundreds/thousands of years ago.


Source? because ive never heard of a whole company going missing apart from the 13th :P



Xebeche Skyrar is a new Goddess fleshed out by the boys on the BnC. The only information I believe is the Codex and here.


To paint the mettalic blue I would basecoat Boltgun and highlight up to mithril silver. Give it a heavy blue ink wash then extreme highlight with mithril again. Should turn out great :verymad:


WD 245 (June), Pages 31-34.


Also, at the end of the 3rd edition SW codex it mentions that there is a section for missing, lost, Great Companies and for GC who have recanted their oaths to the chapter.


Keep in mind that recanted ones oath to the current Great wolf does not mean they turn traitor like other chapters. Wolves, as befitting their anti-authoritarian mentality, may have issues with the current Great Wolf and may select not to be under his thumb. They may go off fighting the foes of the Imperium on their own. Or they may decide not to come home like Bearclaw's Great Company due to the length of time for space travel (they were on the eastern fringe). (WD 245, page 34)


That said, I could see a Great Company who have decided to recant their oath, being seduced by chaos for whatever reasons after they departed. They would not have the strength of the chapter to help keep them in line.

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Not to forget that 10,000 years is a long time. It could be that a couple of Marines have gone missing every couple hundred years and end up joining with their turncoat brothers. Whole chapters have fallen to the side of chaos, so it can be reasonable that a company might break off and swear alligence too.
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Wow this is fantastic work guys well done!


I have just been asked to build a chaos army for an up coming campain at the newcastle GW store, could I use your fluff and build my army on your Skyrar's Dark Wolves ?


Its just the thing I have been looking for, really love the fluff :lol:


Now to go buy that new codex and some models, keep up the good work!

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Just because I want to put in a strangely unrealised thought, well, what about Lord Huron's Raid on the Wolf of Fenris Battle Barge? That thing must have had AT LEAST a companie's worth of space wolves on it, I would imagine that Lord Huron would have allowed the highest ranking Space Wolf traitor to be the leader of a small company of traitor wolves. Skyrar was granted daemonhood, no? ;) That is what I am doing ^_^
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WD 245 (June), Pages 31-34.


Also, at the end of the 3rd edition SW codex it mentions that there is a section for missing, lost, Great Companies and for GC who have recanted their oaths to the chapter.


Thanks Im still sticking by 13th co. would be easier to explain and allow an easier match up with the codex.

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Warhounds of CHAOS I used them on my conversion, and they look beautiful


In fact I should post up a few pics of my work from this past weekend, it took me about 3 hours to do fully, I will use this forum to show off my own ideas for inspiration ok?

Methinks you like mine model when Im ready to show it 8).


Oh, and I am wondering, should these guys be dedicated to khorne entirely or should I go with a shamanistic army that uses sorcerors of tzeentch and lords of khorne?

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just read everything on this psot and i have amd ea neshy and khorne army and its fits with the wolves perfectly so now i can paint em up and call them an army, and i thought that skyrar was the leader of there pack nto a goddess but is there a page in the book thatsays its a god?



-Edit: and also instead of khorne beserkers wouldnt possesed suit wulfren more and khorne zerkers just be there best combats.

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Its amazing to me how people from different places can come up with alot of the same fluff. This is the first time I have read this thread just now. Earlier today I assembled 2 squads of Dark Wolves to back up my World Eaters. The fluff I was going to go with is that they are a mixture of renegade Space Wolves and 13th Company veterans who have spent too much time in the Eye of Terror.


Like I said, I have two 10 man squads of Dark Wolves and a pack of Wolfen that I am going to use as my Possessed Marines. I also have 12 Dire Wolves from my Vampire Counts army that are going to be summoned lesser demons to go along with my Flesh Hounds and Bloodletters. Im not sure if Im going to flesh out the fluff like you guys have, I just want to keep it fairly simple. But, the fluff yall have come up with is great. So, either way, it works out. Although my Dark Wolves are probably going to stay undivided and just trudge the galaxy with the World Eaters for no other reason than wanton bloodshed and vengeance.

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Molgorain, that would be a great idea for SW beserker traitors.


Use the Fantasy mauraders chest and arms, putting the shoulder pad on like the arms and green stuffing the blood eagle on their backs.


I was planning to do so, but a newborn child, just stopped all my "conversiontime".


Im not sure, how the bloodeagle would look like. :unsure:

Been thinking about something like the old Pontiac Trans Am "Firebird", wings up etc

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Sorry for the double post.


Just looked thrue all my bitz-boxes, and found some parts. So now Im going to start converting my Skyrars DW army.

Here´s what Im going to use in my army:


Chaos Termies, as Wolfguard Bodyguard.

These veterans should have been most in the warp, and have more ornamented(sp?) armour than the rest.


Regular CSM, as Grey Hunters.

Mix of SW-parts, CSM and regular SM-parts. The mix of parts, are that some are more new to the pack, than other.


Khorne Berzerkers, as Wulfen.

CSM & SM-parts, and some fantasy marauderparts.


Obliterators, as Long Fangs.

Chaos Terminators, and devastatorparts, termies wielding supportweapons. Some lesser creatures hold some weapons, ready for their "master" to switch" weapon. Maybe a combi plasma/lascannon :)


Maybe Wolves, as lesser daemons.

Basic wolf figures. or converted chaos hounds

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now i'll make some notes that space wolves found written by the dead ordo hereticus leaders


-have cult troops from both khorne and slaanesh

-close combat specialists preffered weapons lightning claws

-have developed a own combat style wich reminds of a beasts

-they fight with suck a ferocity and anger that they forget fear and pain

-battle cry BY MY FANG AND CLAW

-often have a red scar painted over their eye (both helmet and bare face)and have fur on their armor often also the whole helmet is red



Really love the whole idéa, I am stuck at the thought on starting a Skyrar's Dark Wolves army... but a couple of things:

I would rather think that Skyrar is their Company Master/Leader or whatever, not a Chaos God of some sort.

And i like the whole army "fluff" list you've made up here... some Berzerkers (maybe converted to look more like Space Wolves), som Noise Marines (for those who gave in for the joy of the fight), they prefer Lightning claws, Power fists or chainswords and are really unstable in the eager to sever the enemys heads for their shoulders. Like the battle cry to. Though i would suggest to put in more red trims rather then red helmets, it doesn't really fit in with the whole dark grey to have to much red. I am seriously considering buying a box of the new Marines together with some CSM

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Hello all, I just joined here earlier today and while browsing around I found this thread and thought Id stop by. Earlier last month I picked up a force specifically for doing Dark Wolves. I was curious about fluff for them but I dig what yall have posted.


I started a log on Warseer, though I havent updated it any.




What I got from the Dark Wolves scheme in the dex was Vallejos German Grey as primary and German Grey/Sky Blue 50:50 as the secondary. Theres some of the fluff I was BSing but Ill probably drop it for your work in here its also given me acouple ideas on some list changes.


I started off with a Space Wolf and Chaos Battleforce and used the Berserker bits for the Chosen. Primarily the Legs and Torsos, the rest of it is sitting in my Bitz Box.

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Hey, guys good job :)

i stopped by 'cause i was looking infos for my new army:

skyrar's dark wolves!


i'm on a good point assembling and converting, and will post pics just to share. ;)


(as already stated) It's good to see young people still working on

the fluff, keep it going Angry Angron!!




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Im curious, since this is the Unofficial Official Dark Wolves thread, how would I go about representing a Rune Priest/Wolf Priest in the Chaos Dex? I recently dove into my bits box and scrounged up just enough bits to make one final marine and kit out something resembling a young rune priest. Just curious as to what Psychic Powers and Marks would be best suited for him. I was thinking MoS with Warptime, to show off Acute senses and calling upon Skyrar to send him into a temporary wulfen like state. I was also thinking of finding a way to add a familiar to him and give him doombolt or wind of chaos but I couldnt find a decent reason for it.


Any Ideas/Thoughts?

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