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Word Bearers


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Thanks mate :). Ye, the lil' guy is pure gs.


Results of practice would be the correct answer for quick painting :(.

@Dark Disciple

Thanks mate, the idea is very tempting.... ;)


Glad ya like it :).

Todays progress, I noticed how I suckily sculpted the flames, right after I uploaded the pic here :P.


I'm not really conviced with power fists fingers. Help out little bit: Black, red, bone, or stay with metal?

I think that you should leave it silver imho. Done bone would look sort of cool almost like a skeleton hand (wow that sounds pretty cool now, thats my choice now!!) black would look like it is just primed unless you highlight it and red wouldn't stand out. Thats just my two cents. But I do agree that the flames are kind of sad (sorry) and need re-modeling.


p.s If you look at the post done by Shrike and then your termie just below you can really get a comparison on how you have improved. Look at the quality of the red it is much darker and more sinister now!! Just thought I would point that out!!

I have been following this thread since the beginning. and i have to admit that i like your work very much. Fascinitaing colours, and very well done conversions. you should definitly be pround of yourself :P


keep up the good work, and it would be nice to see some more things coming along soon :)

awesome work kikkala! the mood and atmosphere of your termies is just howd id imagine secretive and sadistic wordbearers to be!


I think you should have the powerfist fingers bone...like lilgrim said...skeleton hands would be sick!


if not bone i'd say make them glowing red...kind of how you did the eye on the termies chest.


the metal now doesnt give as much of a contrast...and if you went with either the bone or red...imho it would tie together the color scheme of your mini a lot better


keep up the good work!

I would have to say red on the fingers to be honest. Something about the idea of leaving the fingers in metal makes the lower part of the glove a giant metal mess (and not exactly in a good way). Adding some color i think will help redistribute the color of the model and give it more balance. I'd also suggest avoiding black as it would just create an unwanted visual void. I think you would do well with red or bone (i'll lean towards red), however the final choice as always is yours ;)



Other than that, great work as always ;)

@-Brutus-, blackblade 68, LuNCHBiZZLe

Thanks for the suggestions ;).


Thanks, don't feel depressed, because you could paint more instead being depressed, you know ;).


Don't feel sorry, I appreciate every comment. Now that you mentioned the old pic of the possessed, I would be great time to update The Comparison Picture :D.


Thank you for following my thread from the sucky beginning to average present, let's hope there'll be above-average future! :P


At first I thought that the glowing red would have been the one I'd choose, but then I remember the shameful past... if you check out from early pages of this thread, you'll see my old termie lord, I tried to glowing lighting claws, but miserably failed. Thanks for the suggestion though :).


Thanks for the extensive feedback, it illuminated much :).

First of all, thanks for helping out with choosing the color. Majority suggested bony fingers, so.


I'll resculpt the flames tomorrow, and maybe paint the rest during the weekend.

And now is the time to update the Comparison Picture. Now you can see one my shameful horribly painted models, everyone has their roots somewhere :).


The leftmost model: One helluva ugly berzerker. I started painting... or actually repainting my chaos army from Black Legion to glorius Word Bearers during 2006-2007. I'll always save these models, as memory of past :P.

The center model: Progress starts to show, I start to use blending and mixture of inks on regular basis. This happened during 2007-2008.

The rightmost model: The present. Chopping the models, using plasticard and lil' bit sculpting without shame. Thank the gods for the washes.

nice! good work on the bone hands...looking good.


I went back through your older pages and saw the lord with the claws you were referring to...i think the reason it looked too orangey was the transition from orange to yellow was to sudden and then paint was too thick...but...i think you can pull it off now!! your blending technique has been a lot better!! <_<

The boney fingers came out great, definitely not something i had been able to see in my head, but you made an excellent choice. ;)


Good ole painting progression pictures, interesting to see the changes over the years and i can safely say you have improved in leaps and bounds kik, your current work is fantastic :devil:

Wow those bone fingers are exactly what I had in mind!! Although I could never pull them off you did an amazing job. Those comparison shots really are something. Lets hope in the next year I can get too the second stage!! (in my dreams) I think its great that you have made soo much improvement over the years that it really gets you motivated to keep making great models. Man that first berserker really gives me a laugh but then I looked and my first model and wow even I can see allot of improvement. I think that all first models must be really bad!!


Anyways cant wait to see the new flames and the rest painted!!


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