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Word Bearers


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As none has asked or wanted, here's some step by step possessed painting!


1. Metallics


First: Hardcore drybrush with Chainmail, and then tiny drybrush with Mithril Silver.

Then: Watered down Brown Ink-wash.

After that: Watered down Black Ink-wash

Gold parts were made like silver, instead using silver I used gold (obviosly :P ).


2. Reds Basecoat




Should I countinue, or quit while I can? :P :lol: :lol:

As you wish. :)


What I did last time:


Basecoat for red.



3. Red




At this point I simply added more and more Red Gore to Scorched Brown, and lessening the amount of brown little by little.




Two last layers: 50/50 Red Gore and Blood Red (VMC Vermillion in my case). And final layer of pure Blood Red.



Now glazing with Magenta Ink, no pooling allowed!


4. Flesh


Grrrrreeeeeeeeeyyyyyy..... (VMC German Grey)


What do you think?

Great! I will continue to follow this thread with great interest! You have given me some tips with these pictures!

A suggestion from my side when you paint the skin on a normal Chaos head without a helmet: first a smooth layer of snakebite leather, then you drybrush on rotting flesh except for the deepest areas (can be done differently) and then a highlight of rotting flesh/bleached bone and at last a highlight of pure bleached bone, and if you would like a little brighter skine, add some white in to the bone color and make a final highlight.

I'm on fire tonight!


I'm glad that I can help you Lion El'Jonson. ^_^

Well to be honest, all my chaos marines have their helmet on, but I have to try your skin recipe. Now I just need Rotting Flesh and Snakebite Leather :lol: :lol: .


6. Flesh continues


Forgot to take more pictures, I blame the painting-frenzy. :huh:

Well, to express it without pics, I mixed German Grey with Codex Grey, added more and more Codex Grey to the mix. Final highlights with pure Codex Grey.



Watered Blue Ink wash.


But whats next..... duuuuuuuuuh, dunno. B)

Looks terrific... I have to try blue inking black and grey areas sometime... I'm not so sofisticated with black and grey highlights. Love the red... now I have to get magenta ink because of that... :P You could always try to make the Possessed Champion or just a regular Traitor Marine without a helmet ;)... and yeah you should get the colors before you try the method :) but trust me, it looks great if it is done properly, I have actually only done it one time and back then (three months ago :devil: ) i wasn't in the same league I was as now... but i can post a picture if you like? Beware, corrupted brother, because it isn't quite beatiful, the blending is horrible.

Late night with updates!


Nice models you got there Lion El'Jonson!


Where was I?


Oh yes... 7. Bone


Basecoat with.... you can quess....... Desert Yellow


Mix of Desert Yellow and Bleaches Bone, equal amount of both.


There isn't nothing pure in this world, but pure Bleached Bone highlights!!!


In my honest opinion my bone needs some better techniques and lots of extra practice!


What do you guys think?

Nice job of the WB Possessed guy. For bone, you should start with a darker brown, snake bite leather is a popular choice though I usually start with something even darker then that. Then build up to pure white instead of bleach bone. A bit of pure white give you the effect of light bouncing of the highest edges, points, etc and make the bone effect look much more striking when done correctly.




Thanks for the tips HuronBH. I tried them, here's the result:


I only repainted the horns coming from shoulder pads. Why, they're biggest horns in the model.

Used mix of Dark Flesh and Snakebite Leather, and highlighted all the way to Ivory (VMC).


Base is next!

I love em!!!


Especially your red, it's so vibrant and... well alive!!!


Even though Little Huron is a bit too small you've done a stunning( no really) job on him :D


Your thread gave me a new view on painting red( before that I started off with Mechrite(sp) Red and frankly it sucked.


That's why my Chappy looks a lot better than the rest( DIY Chapter)


Keepy uppy the goody worky

Thankies for the comments!


@Lion El'Jonson

You should thank HuronBH, he was the one who told me the recipe :( .



Glad that you like the red!


Ok, where was I...


8. Bad Base


Basecoat with Scorched Brown


Drybrush with Desert Yellow.


Drybrush with Bleached Bone.


But what does Kikkala has in his mind? What would be the most mocking thing for the imperials (heresy of course...), that would be a squad or two fighting against them like the most sacred warriors in the imperium of man... that would be:


ANTI-ADEPTUS CUSTODES-SQUAD.... <insert dramatic sound effect>


He is major WIP, he needs "Nemesis" weapon. A mere chaos marine has bolt pistol, close combat weapon, and a bolter. So the idea just struck in me like a million volts!

Haha what an blasphemy to that rotten corpse-god of theirs :lol:

Really like it, you should make a blade out of plasticard and add some runes/eightfold stars with GS :D and by the way, what are you going to count them as? Berzerkers, Possessed, Chosen Marines perhaps? :teehee:

I'm really liking the red for your Word Bearers, too. Seems sort of the same progression as I'm using in my own Warband's inducted Word Bearers.


A little after the fact, I guess, but I really don't think the ultra-bright yellow is doing your guys justice. I'd suggest starting off with Bronzed Flesh (or even Snakebite Leather/Tausept Ochre if you want a darker tint) and then working your way up with just Golden Yellow > 1:1 Golden Yellow/Skull White > 1:2 Golden Yellow/Skull White edge highlights or something similar. The Bronzed Flesh has enough brown/tan in it to provide a good shading color, and I think sticking with Golden Yellow and simply making it more pale for highlights would suit the red of your armor. I think going the more orange/brown approach up to paler orangey-yellows would help with your guys, since when you paint straight yellow (I'm assuming Sunburst?) it takes on somewhat of a greenish case when compared to the purplish tint of the brown-based reds. Strictly personal opinion, though... you're a lot farther ahead in an army than I am.


I'm liking the different approaches you're taking with your Possessed. I've got the box, too, although haven't started painting 'em up yet. I've been trying to sort out my own Warband color scheme and I've been working on sculpting and converting and stuff. Basically, when I get around to painting mine up, I'll likely be trolling back around this thread for ideas... Kinda curious as to why you seem to use a lot of drybrushing, though - is that just for speed and ease of painting?

@Lion El'Jonson

Well... teehee... I'm using the chainswords from chaos marine sprues, as chainswords roar out loudly, when from Custodes' weapon goes: "Svooosh" (sword sound effect :blush: ). They'll be regural marines, in some cases maybe chosen.



First of all, your inducted Word Bearers are fantastic :( .

Your thoughts about the yellows made me think, those are some lifesaving ideas you gave me. Never thought yellow that way, I have used only the way of Orange-to-yellow, but yours sounds lot better.

And about drybrushing, I recently started to use drybrushing again, 'cause of recent feelings of frustation, mostly. Usually I paint the red parts first, and metals later, but with the latest possessed, I went other way around. I'm trying to do more layering that drybrushing these days, but the latest possessed was a drawback.


You say that you've been modelling more than painting. I'm practicing modelling and basing myself, as my painting has been evolving, when my modelling and basing hasn't. :teehee:

And again, thanks for you help.


Okay, (phew) my possessed squad is finished.



What do you think?


Edit: OH SNAP. Photopucket made my day, no piccies until I make something up...

Evenings, and sorry for a late update.



Thanks Cassarus, what could the next project be... <evil laughter> :P


@Lion El'Jonson

Thanks to you too ^_^ .


Ok, one week of work is behind, and now I thought I had time to shove my hands on some Green stuff... FLU ATTACKS!!! DAMN YOU NURGLE! :)


Luckily it didn't cancel my session with green stuff... but I was forced to stop when I started to cough and sneeze all the time, and snot started come out of my nose like a river!


What I managed to do...



What do you quys think?

Cool, have any pics on the snot flowing out like a river??? ;)

No I'm just joking, wonderful GS job I have to say :cry: although you should consider to work a bit on the weapon he's holding, it looks a bit to heavy on the top with the bolterweapon on it :)

I'd have to agree about the need to work on the weapon a bit - not so concerned about the "top-heavy" part, I mean he is an augmetically enhanced Chaos-driven superhuman - no, my thing is that the whole blade attachment seems to be on a slight downward angle when compared to the shaft... and eyeing the field of fire of the bolter on top, it appears to point directly into the teeth on the chain blade.


Other than that, it looks like some good GS work. Everything seems proportional and nothing's overdone. A little hard to say, though, given the distance of the camera from the piece.


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