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Ithmaril's pre-heresy World Eater Legion


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Work is progressing tremendously slow at the moment because of christmas preperations, last Uni work and loads of commercial work (gotta earn the money back I'm currently wasting)... anyway, I've cut up the jumppacks and dry-fitted them to have a peek at the complete look of the squad. I'm starting being more and more happy with them. Now just some GS work, and they'll be done modeling-wise. And I've found another blade in my bits box I just -had- to use for the champions' sword, but it doesn't look right on the pics... much better in real life, though, so I'm gonna post some detail pictures of the miniature once it's done.



what are you planning on doing for characters? i think that im gonna do a Khârn mini, i just dont know how to go about it? any suggestions? sorry for the diversion........back on topic, its coming along great, keep it up.



  • 3 weeks later...

You didn't think I'm dead, did you? :D


After an immensly exhausting christmas/new year season, I'm back. Naturally, there wasn't any real progress in the meantime- our last guest left just today- but I still have kind of an update for you. First of all, the random 40k-related gifts I got:




Let's see what I can do with them.


Additionally, I've visited my favorite old game store some days ago, and stumbled upon some nice trash. The temptation was just too big, as it was all part of the 1-€-box...




GW ripoff terminators from a company named Enigma, dated 1997. I've posted very detailed pictures and written up an analysis over there: http://z10.invisionfree.com/Pre_Heresy/ind...?showtopic=1925 ... check it out if you're interested in learning more about those strange pieces, and drop me a line if you know something about this company, their range, or anything less related, as I find this matter quite... fascinating. Considering that they're really HUGE and heavy, they'll sure as hell find a place in my army- for more info, follow the white rabbit. Or the link.


And then, there was this:




Again, I couldn't resist, and I guess with loads of work, I can get some really nice PH marines out of them- I especially like the loincloth, legs and heads, and they're easily combinable with GW parts. Here are some detail pics.. that'll be quite a challange, but I'm a sucker for old curiosities.






So much for now.


@BLARGAG: Sorry mate, no characters planned yet, but if you need some conversion ideas, visit the PH forums I've linked above and in my signature, you'll find excellent examples, articles and some nice, really knowledgable people there.

*gag* I must thank you, Ithmaril.

For some strange reason your endless stream of fantastic conversions of totally wicked PH models has rekindled in me the will to work on my CSM Nurgle Doomsday Brotherhood, putting every damn last piece of FRICKIN possible detail into them to try and at least VAGUELY be HALF as good as you...

*gag*....I feel another bout of Nurgles Rot....thank you....*GAG, HACK* :HQ:

Just a preview of the things to come, for the lack of proper updates...


Three camoflagued prone Marines, securing my new keyboard. They'll give those cats hell if they make one wrong move.



Awesome work, Ithmaril... now I want to do a pre-heresy army too... must... finish... Space Wolves... first!!!

I especially like the command squad champion - he just screams "DEATH FROM ABOVE!!!"


P.S. What are you gonna do with the PAGK box you got? Custodes?

Thank you very much, Vassakov. I'd love to see you doing this. For much more great inspiration, I can only recommend the PH forums I've linked in my signature, it's a great place for information, research and discussion- with many nice, helpful members who specialize in PH modeling and lore. Good luck with your wolves, first. ;)


Concerning the GKs, I just don't know yet. Custodians would require massive conversion effort- they'd look great, but I'm not quite sure yet if I want to add such aspects into my army. My first idea was a veteran 1st company assault squad, antique-style, with shields and spears.

  • 1 year later...

It's thread resurrection time.


After a long hobby hiatus due to various reasons, I'm resuming my work on my beloved PH/H World Eaters. There's much to talk about, many plans, and tons of other stuff in my head I could write down now. But I'll have plenty of time for that later on, so here's the part that matters: Pictures of combat squad 2, Assault Squad "Sectuor". Painted with half dried paints, brushes I hadn't stored properly, and really :cussty lighting. Damn you, winter. But I pulled myself together and finished them off for now, and that's what makes me happy.




Full squad:







Thanks a lot. :D


I've realized some time ago that I've never provided proper, clean pics of the painted scouts, so here they are.




Now I just need to wait until some more of them turn up at the german ebay, for a prize I can afford... two conditions which turn this into a miracle, more or less. :D

  • 3 weeks later...

After finally getting around to read the new Codex, and also getting the urge again to play due to getting the new rulebook, my priorities have shifted. The almost-done captain miniature and a second troop choice will be finished next. I'll also have to build and paint a Rhino for my assault squad.


Luckily, Vredesbyrd from the Great Crusade Forums helped me out with 8 more retro plastic scouts (Tyranid Attack/ Advanced Space Crusade). Now, normally I'm not very fond of cutting up and converting retro models (I'm a huge nostalfia buff), but these ones are just too static to not stand out from the rest of my army... so there will be conversions.




I'm gonna use them to form two seven-man-squads, one based on the existing squad (pistols & CCWs), and one bolter squad with a heavy bolter.


Here's the first one. Just need a little GS work to be finished. I've taken the trouble to do some drilling and pinning (something I'm quite new at) in order to redo the pose, and I'm happy with it so far.



ahahaha so im not the only one who has used space ranger models mine came on hexagonal bases though, the bottom weapon on the heavy weapon sprue works quite well as a lascannon if you beef up the barrel, add cabling and put a chaos head muzzle break on it. the normal rifles made meltaguns for my entire army with abit of work.


as for the rangers I never used a whole one, I hacked mine apart to give me heads and legs(knee down). also the whole backpack looks almost tyranid to me so i cut out the "ears", built them up with green stuff and used them as replacement nozzles on some converted SM backpacks.... cut of old nozzles put my own stalks and then these, made them CSM.


all your left with is a couple of ruined torso halves....


btw there are 8 more on ebay if you are UK based.... [linkie] for £3.50. he also has 4 gorkamorka era ork nobz in mega armour for a £10.... both prices included P+P



anyway, major threadomancy man, your old stuff was great and this new stuff is just as good, will definitely be back here. i think the scouts could do with running into a box of cadians/catachans.....

@mightygoose: Glad to know I'm not the only one who got them for their marines, too. Thanks for the insight, any pics of your conversions? I'm still not sure what exactly to make out ofd them, though- but thanks for the link.


@Rindaris: Ebay or Garage sales. It takes lots of luck, I guess.



Turns out that I had so much fun converting those wee little angry boys that I pulled an all-nighter to get them all done. So much for "slow and steady". As soon as I enjoy working on a project, patience just goes overboard. ;)


Less talking, more pictures!




You already know the guy, here's the finished version. Seems like someone prefers to use an autogun in close combat, and keep those costly bolter shells for long range shooting.




Some sucky GS work I'll maybe fix up. But I really dig the pose.




The only way to make a retro miniature even better is to convert it with parts that are even more retro.




Don't ask me how those strange white stuff got stuck in the GS, I have no clue. But it has next to none texture, so it's okay. Vox caster guy with binoculars- a recon squad needs that s**t, I suppose.




Heavy Bolter guy with huge backpack. Known for always yelling at the enemy way too long before opening fire. A miracle those guys still have the infiltrate rule, as all of them seem to be sreaming on top of their lungs. :D




The squad's veteran corporal, with a strange taste for weapon choices. He took that one away from an eldar teenager he beat up in front of a Wall Mart.




The squad's leader. I went for an "almost astarte" look, a veteran who shows those neophytes how things are done the Angron way.




This guy will beef up the other, close combat scout squad, but can also still be used as a bolter marine if I want to get up the head count of this squad. Many scouts from both squads look like they will work either way, even the already painted, metal ones. It's good to have some flexibility.


I've also left one of them unconverted, to pay some respect to those nostalgic little buggers. He'll also become part of the CC squad. Figured it's not neccessary to post a pic.


So, here are the eight Scouts you saw above (who now form the bolter squad), plus the two who'll join the other one.




As you can see, I used most of the original heads, as they define the retro scout's look for me- and hell, you don't find much more diversity among the newer model line, anyway. What I had noticed with the metal scouts is the fact that their equipment looked very personal and individual, so I had no qualms at all to dive into my bits box and just pick out what I found cool. I'm very happy with the final results.


Ithmaril out.

I'm liking the look of this army, just enough nuttiness to be in keeping with the excesses of the XII legion :angry:. A question if I may, how did you achieve the hand/arm of the marine in post number 8 that's holding the skull? I'm interested in tring a similar idea but can't figure it out.



Thanks, man. <_< It's been a long time since I converted that one, but if I recall correctly, it was fairly simple: Take a standard left Bolter Marine arm (the one with the empty hand), cut and GS the shoulder to achieve the pose (can be messy: the shoulderpad will cover it up, anyway), cut and reattach or bend the thumb, and put a WHFB skull into it. The only thing I'm not quite sure about is if I maybe cut off a biker Marine's Hand and replaced the normal one with it.


Hope that helps.


EDIT: just realized that most likely, cutting the hand off and repositioning it will be neccessary, anyway.

It's always fascinating how much a black priming helps to make a squad, constructed of many multicolor bits, look like one.


So, yeah, I've primed them, and will try something new this time. Instead of waiting days, maybe weeks, to find the time for a hours-long painting session, losing motivation in the process, I'll set them up in a corner of my desk, with a water glass, some brushes, and 2-3 colours. And every time I feel like it and have a spare 10-20 minutes (like work breaks, waiting for oven food, etc.), I'll get something done about them.


Here's the proof:




Let's see if that works.


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