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Ithmaril's pre-heresy World Eater Legion


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Based on the the scout's former owner's comment on the sergeant pose leaning too far over, I decided to just try it out, in spite of the fact I had already started the paintjob on him, although I personally didn't mind the pose too much.




Now, that's a double-edged sword, here: Because of the foot pose, he's now -really- tall. Es tall as an Astarte in PA, actually. Now, he's standing on a little hill, and his leg position is very straight (contrary to most astartes models having bent knees, as the scouts do, too). So, considering the fact that he IS supposed to be a fully modified Marine in scout armor, it could work. It's the age of the great crusade after all, a time period of overblown heroism and insane deeds, commited by barely human heroes and villians. Still not one hundred percfent sure, though...


On the other hand, I really, really like how much cooler the pose looks from this angle, and how hardcore he looks, also because of his size. If I ever field a pure scout force, he sure es hell will be their CO. :HQ: Additionally, You see much more of the base, which has enough open space on it for some creative modeling now.


So, what do you guys think?


On a different noter, painting whenever I have short timespans with nothing to do works surprisingly well so far. For me, at least. I've applied some basic blue and skin colour. They'd make some fine PH Night Lords atm, but that's gonna change soon.



Thanks for that!




So, here's my test dummy attempt at figuring out if the technique I've thought about for this squad, a partially painted scout. The idea was to paint a deeper white this time, and checking how much longer it'll take me. I'll try it (more carefully) on the whole squad, and time will tell if I'll use it again on my WEs. But atm, it looks like plain, grey-washed white works better and faster, as I'm quite a noob to painting great amounts of white on black undercoat, as you can easily figure out from the pic...

Sorry for the quick flow of small updates lately, I have to admit that I'm in real need of motivation to pull that technique off on the whole squad, as it's not comparable to the way I've painted whole units before. I'm not a patient man. I get bored, distracted, and headache'd quickly during painting. Not the same with converting, strangely. Must be something with my eyes. I tend to hold miniatures I paint really close towards my eyes in order to get it right, and sometimes, my sight just seems to de-focus in short bursts, after a hour or so. Maybe I should let a doctor check on this. Anyway- posting keeps me motivated. It's as simple as that. I sincerely hope people don't mind the spam.


Enough of the blah part, at least there's actually something to show off. I've broken my 15 minutes rule today in order to finish the white on the test scout and the grey basecoat on the whole squad.






Trooper with finished white (note: only the white, though.):




The scouts will all be done this way, no matter how long it takes me. But I'm still only toying around with the thought to expand further on that and learn to master this kind of technique over months and years... the alternative would be to go back to my old "white spraycoat with grey inking" ways.


The time this seems to take already gives me a headache. On the other hand, I'm slow, anyway, so they may at least look like more of an effort in the end. And they're marines, no horde army. And I'm never gonna get better if I always go the quick, tried and true way.


Humm. I guess I'm gonna make that decision once the squad is finished to the last base and detail. And hear it from the more talented people from forums like this.

My brain hurts. ¬_¬




On a lighter note, I've had the chance to work with other materials yesterday, namly my girl and tattoo markers. Gotta keep that freehand skills in shape!



So, here they are. Out of no special reason at all I pulled off an all-nighter to get them done. It just kinda... happened. I guess the idea of slowly working them up over the course of weeks just really, really turned me off.


They're based, they're varnished, they're finished- and I don't want to see scouts again on my painting table in the near future. ;)


Front view:




Back view:






So, up next: Something lots of people seem to have been waiting for.


Before painting, I put some more converting work and touchups into the model itself. Besides some minor cleaning, and drilling out the guns, I had to make a difficult decision. In the meantime, I had realized that he upper weapon mounts just don't work. Full configuration looked overloaded and rag-tag, arm-only configurations let the upper mounts look misplaced and senseless, and using them meant that I had to get rid of at least one arm, letting the arm mounts look crappy.


So, I've decided to scrap the upper mounts. But cutting them away would have most likely resulted in damage on the model in its current state, and the model as a whole would have lost its balance because of the quite high banner.


In the end, I decided for small missile mounts, and I'm more than happy with it. I also converted the existing weapon arm into an assault cannon for a good first configuration, and if I want other ones, I still can cut up more sentinels and build more all-modular arms!


Here's the result- he will be primed tonight or tomorrow.




Tell me what you think!

Thanks. Yeah, despite my love for everything retro, I've got no particular love for the RT dreads.


No real updates yet, but what I've done is a breakdown off stuff I'll have to get done in order to field a decent 1000 pts. force. So, that's basically my to do-list.


Scout Squad

10 men, combat blades

Sergeant: power weapon

1 heavy bolter


Status: 10 painted


Tactical Squad

10 men

plasma gun

heavy bolter



Status: 1 plasma gunner painted


Assault Squad

9 men

Sergeant: power weapon



Status: 9 painted, Rhino to be done



Lightning claws, artificer armour


Status: Conversion in progress



Assault Cannon


Status: Painting in progress


Sternguard Veterans

5 men, 2 Lascannons

Status: to be done

@Menathorn: Basically, I've taken the Space Crusade Dreadnaught model, bulked it up with Sentinel parts (and used its legs as modular arms), added an ogra kingdoms banner, used some more bits form my box to further bulk it up, cut a terminator cylone launcher for the missile pods, and that's it. I can provide a more analytic picture of the dread with a listing of bits if you need more details, but I better ask beforehand if you need it, as this would be some work. :D


@Sons of Horus: Thanks. What squad do you specifically mean, the power armoured one? And could you please be a little more specific on what you don't like about the rest, so I can draw some conclusions? :)


here's the proof that I'm actually painting that beast, slow and steady. Tin Bitz basecoat for the metal parts, will be brushed over with boltgun metal, and chainmail for highlights after that. Well, besides some brass/gold applications.




Besides that, I've got an ongoing project that I always put some minutes in from time to time. My goal is to practice my sculpting-fu in order to become a halfways decent sculptor one day. With some more miliput/GS, filing, touchups and bits, this one will probably be a fine mk3 suit, soon.




Concerning the studs, I've made a tutorial of my method at The Great Crusade Forums. You can find it here: http://z15.invisionfree.com/The_Great_Crus...=0#entry4027906. Whenever I have some spare putty now, I'm stamping a row of studs for later, fast-and-easy use- works like a charm.



Okay, done. Space Crusade Dreadnaughts and other stuff turn up quite frequently at the german and UK ebay (the ones I regularly check), if you haven't checked that out yet. Mostly with the possibility for international shipping, too.


I've used old WIP pics to point out the bits that make up the torso, as they're better visible on those. The arm configuration has changed, and I swapped the upper mounts with a cut-up cylone missile launcher, but the stuff you see below is mostly still correct.




1: old WHFB skeleton shield motive

2: sentinel multilaser power cables or imperial guard heavy weapon team lascannon cables (not sure)

3: random armor plate bit from a classic battletech miniature

4: sentinel exhaust

5: ogre kingdom banner, I think

6/7: symbols from current imperial guard verhicle accessory sprue

8: original Space Crusade dreadnaught assault cannon

9: sentinel legs for arms

11: green stuff and ranom plastic bits to place underneath dreadnaught torso, in order to achieve the position

12: sentinel multilaser power cell, I think.

13: same as 2, marked it twice :)

14: sentinel leg joints for modularity and movability of the arms

15: sentinel "toes" to beef up the feet

16: old imperial vehicle accessroy dozer blades

17: IG flamethrower

18: two SM shoulder pads, filed smooth and cut in half, to make the front half of the powerfist plating

19: current imperial vehicle accessory sprue searchlight is the other part of the powerfist


That should be all, I think. Hope that helps.




So, to make that a real update: University life has gotten its cold, dead hands on my life again, but I'm still dedicating half an hour a day or so to my WEs.


First up, here's the promised MK3 marine. He'll be my tactical squads' sergeant.




Next up, a very WIP second marine for that squad. Just a mock-up of the pose, at the moment, he'll soon get some sculpted hair and a reworked chestplate. Maybe some studs, too.





In the background, you can see that my dread slowly gets more and more paint slapped on him, too.




So, combat squad 1 for my tacticals is finished, building-wise. Converting them was a blast again, but now I'm gonna use them to force myself painting. It's back to the dread again.




Quite happy with the two kneeling marines, grenade-tossing and pointing guy (who is another instance of metalhead hair in my army ;) ), although they'll look more like it once painted, again. The other two are fairly straightforward MK4s, one of them gangasta style. (Couldn't resist.)

Yay, progress.




Damn, that table needs a good cleaning.


After that, I've decided to enjoy myself with the banner freehand painting for a change, and went a wee little bit crazy on that. See, I'm far from really good at this, but I think that my skills in that are enough to make it a nice tabletop centerpiece, anyway.




I've decided to paint the "patchwork" ogre kingdoms banner as actual patchwork skin, taken from worthy enemies. With the Legion symbol painted on. But guess what, the guys who prepared it for the ancient nutter who's inside that sarcophagus thought something along the lines of "not awesome enough". So, this time, it's metal jaws literally eating a planet, which bleeds magma.


Any thoughts? :)

Actually, I was quite afraid of people not "getting it" because of a too rough job, or something. Thanks for the encouragement!


I didn't touch any paint brushes since 13th due to easter vacation, and the fact that I wanted to do my first update for B&C's Call of the Imperium MKIII until the 16th. So, what you see here is my Captain (again... lightning claws), who was converted more than a year ago, and will be finished with a new base and banner/backpack now. Next up is my Sternguard squad sergeant, Mr "will look better when painted", who still needs some tidying up. And, finally, my first two space marine tanks ever built- the two "Blockade Runner" (search for a better name pending)-pattern Rhinos. Note the WE symbols on the dozer blades, the steps and handles next to the doors (my answer to "how can that thing transport 10?") and the heavy stubber. I like them, and it will be a nice challange to paint them.




So, that's it for now, ithmaril out.

Busy times, but I've managed to get some more stuff done. 2nd half of the tactical squad is finished, converting-wise, some more paint on dread and first half, and I'm toying around with how to paint the rhinos, finally settling on badab black wash over white basecoat, with white highlights and heavy weathering. And some blue of course. I have considered all-blue rhinos- they look fine, but I can't help myself feeling lazy if I do it that way. <_<




So, the only things that are left to build are my captain and sternguard sergeant, who just need some extra work, and I still have to take care of 4 more sternguard vets. These first 1000 points really start to shape up, and I'm quite excited. So excited that I even managed to clean my desk, as you can see. :tu:


Thanks for sticking around!

Just wow...


I've always loved looking at your World Eaters, loved 'em ever since I first saw 'em!


Am I right in thinking the WE symbols on the Dozer Blades of the Rhinos are Ogre Kingdoms Belly plates?


Still, loving them all, Ithmaril! I love everything! ^^



Thanks a lot, glad you like them. :P Yeah, ogre plates all the way... I've just got one more left, so I'm gonna have to look out for more of them soon.


I've finished the grey (most. annoying. step.) on the tacticals. From here, things will progress more fast and fun.




Also did the banner, but it's a rather sloppy job compared to my first sergeant's. I was kinda unnerved by it, being my first old-style paper banner. I used a cut-up tissue handkerchief in the end, applied lots of super glue over it, and tried to bend and fold it to look like cloth, bit it still looks too much like paper. Oh well, after I've wasted time with this and couldn't come up with a better result, I wasn't exactly motivated to put loads of work into the freehand...


But I can live with it.


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