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Iron Hands.... of irony


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Thanks guys :lol:.

After finishin' Dark Apostle "kikkala" today, I started painting the 2nd pred. Funny story, I dropped it on the floor and was actually suprised that it went to pieces :lol:. It was supposed to be glued with plastic glue, but it just went to pieces. But anyhow, after some slashin' and shavin' I was able to reassemble it.

Current progress.


I need to contact a friend of mine to get my hands on autocannon and some lascannons/heavy bolters.

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I swear dude, you must paint in your sleep to get some of these stuff pushed out! For some reason the current look of the Pred screams out convert me!! convert me!! I don't know why but the turret mount just gives me this vibe that you could REALLY do something interesting with it. I have no idea what, but that's what the Pred is telling me...


That or i'm getting more whispers to do IH :D


Looking forward to seeing more updates :) :)

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Should I, or shouldn't I drop the bomb?

I want to save the "conversion-juices" to Sternguard :tu: . So no conversions for pred ;).

Pred "Stannum" is completed, but no turret or sponsons still :D.


Good news for change, maybe next week I'll get my hands on some plasticard ;) .

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Thanks, I'll be starting this week, if that damn plasticard would show up! :P

@Captain Mick

Thanks :).

Ok, I got the turret and sponsons yesterday, assembled and primed them... and painted them today B).

Stannum is finished finally.


I'll be starting sternguard tonight... or later this week. -_-

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Thanks TAS :).

Good news for change, the plasticard has arrived and I'll pick it up tomorrow :P. Wonder what happens after that? ;)

Sternguard almost finish'd.


Couple nitpicks, then painting begins, tonight! :)

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@Hubernator @ Asmodeus' Swordhand

Thanks dudes :).


I thought that you'd know me ;). I was going to have a break today, but....

Heavy Flamer Sternie finish'd.


Not too happy with lettering in heavy flamer, gonna scrap it later.

Plasticard has arrived! Oh no, the possibilities ^_^.

1st tries with plasticard.


Not done yet, adding more stuff on him.

2nd try.


Much better :).

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Ah, so that's what i am to do with that plasticard i got some time ago :D


The sternguard are looking really good :P


Just a quick Question though, i know on your MotF, you did some changes on the legs to make them look more 'hard edged' and i was wondering if you were thinking of repeating this technique on any of the sternguard for a potential quick step by step guide? ;)

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Well, I could do it again, but it's not that hard. Geometrically thinking leg is just a circle ended cylinder (if this makes any sence), to make it more "techmariney" you need to cut & shave it to hexagon ended cylinder. I don't think there is need for pic step-by-step. It's like removing the flash, going little bit further though :P.

2nd and 3rd sternguards finish'd.


Pic showing the leg bionic.




The happy family.


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The happy family looks great :P


I just realised that you did a left handed marine, although, i wonder, is that a proper left hand, or a normal right hand upside down? ;)


In any case, the sternguard are coming out great, although i'll still have to say that your WB Anti Custodes have been the best and most characterful unit you've made to date (however the SG aren't trailing that far behind ;)).


I might have to give your 'techmariney' concept a go. I'll probably have a refresh over the WIP pics you had of him and hopefully i won't butcher anyones legs too much!

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Thanks TAS, it's a proper left hand ;). In my opinion Hereticus Custodes could need a new paintjob :D. They can look scary with their height and big weapons, but biggest problem with them is that they are pretty impossible to transport to match :tu:, I won't do that mistake second time with Sternguard :).

4th sternguard.


I pretty much strained my eyes making this, ouch.

C&C are appreciated.

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