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Iron Hands.... of irony


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@Captain Mick & RazakellXIII

Thanks :).


In due time, after Sternguard is finished, I'll take the army shot.

@Master Toddius

Glad you like it *bows*.


Thanks buddy :D. Wait no longer for the next one!

For the sixth sternguard, I went for more-plates look and tried my luck with rivets. Head needs more work though.


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Your plasticard-fu is strong :tu:


I'm totally loving the work you've done on the IH Sternguard. Sure this makes me want to take some of your techniques and try them out myself (man, please don't start any more armies, following you on the trail of WB and IH is bad enough :lol:).


Although it is a bit late now, you could have had the most comprehensive guide to modelling IH ever!! Granted your techniques look easy, but man, just having a resource like that would be a big boom to future IH players!

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Your plasticard-fu is strong :Troops:


I'm totally loving the work you've done on the IH Sternguard. Sure this makes me want to take some of your techniques and try them out myself (man, please don't start any more armies, following you on the trail of WB and IH is bad enough ^_^).


Although it is a bit late now, you could have had the most comprehensive guide to modelling IH ever!! Granted your techniques look easy, but man, just having a resource like that would be a big boom to future IH players!



i have to agree with you TAS.


if you ever want to do something like this PM me Kik and ill add what i have sort of learnt along the way to the mix.


Iron Hands FTW

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@Shortsonfire79 & Asmodeus' Swordhand

Thanks :).


I suppose I could update the IH tutorial then, after I get more experience with plasticard first ;).


I'm intrigued. I'll contact you when I'm prepared. Iron Hands FTW!! :unsure: *runs to finish up the sternguard*

6th sternguard ready for painting.


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Kikkala I have a serious question to ask you.. Did a bunch of reasonably good conversionists all commit ritual suicide to make you? Is that why your so awesome? Seriously. You make me quite envious. I mean, personally I don't like the idea of chopping up my marines to make them look more awesome, but after seeing what you've done, I'm wondering if I should, because your guys look freaking sweet.
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@captain kantor

Thanks mate :).

@Asmodeus' Swordhand

Thanks, maybe I should revisit my older tactical squads perhaps ;).

@Captain Mick

Artist... ;) don't say that yet, I might disappoint you :D.


Thank you. *bows*


Nah, I just needed to sacrifice my soul some of my free time to actually try something new :). You would never get anywhere if you just settle on current stuff, because you can do anything if you'd just tried.

Remember also that choppin' is goood. ;)

@TAS & Shortsonfire79

I have my better days :P. Honestly, I could still learn thing or two.

Ok, let's see... errrr...

I have started with 7th sternguard. But today was super sucky day at job. Frustation is major feature in the model. Gonna start again with him. No pictures of him. So sucky sternie.

*7th sternguard flies to pieces*

Instead I have current family photo.


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If I might request, how do you Paint your Iron/Copper parts? I'm looking to do a similar colour for my own Chapter, and have been having trouble with it.

I've skimmed your thread a few times, but I have yet to find any info on how to paint like that. Would a guide be too much to ask?



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@captain kantor

Haha, thanks mate :devil:.


I don't mind, I made a converting/painting tutorial for Iron Hands not long ago, here's a linky Click Me. You'll find metal recipe there, I hope that helps :lol:.

@Brother Cassern

Thanks mate, basically I paint white like this: basecoat with Ice Blue. Next is 4-5 layers of little water thinned white (I use VMC Foundation White), after that, little shading with Asurmen Blue, fix with white if you make mistakes.

Phew, I actually got somewhere with 7th sternguard.


I'm kinda worried right now, I don't usually have problems with converting the legs, but during last few days I've noted that I do easily mistakes, which I'd normally avoid with no prob.

Anyone encountered something similar?

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'm kinda worried right now, I don't usually have problems with converting the legs, but during last few days I've noted that I do easily mistakes, which I'd normally avoid with no prob.


**gasp** what self doubt is this?

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Perhaps ease down on the throttle somewhat kik? Although the models you are producing look fantastic, maybe you are trying to produce them too quickly, so your mind doesn't feel like it's fully achieved the desired effect?


Either way, 7th SG looks great :)


Managed to get some plasti-tube bits today from the LGS, so HOPEFULLY i'll be able to play around with some of that soon too!

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Your welcome :).


I hope it's not contanious :P. Or permanent :whistling:.

@Asmodeus' Swordhand

Thanks mate.


Maybe I should take a break for day or two, to rest my mind :P.

I'm waiting for your updates :).

7th Sternguard finish'd.


And the obligatory family photo.


3 more to go. At this point I know that I'll do the sarge last. I was wondering should I give him a power weapon? Waste of points or real life saver? Those who have experience with sternguard, please share your thoughts.

*Edit* I have been busy poster :D 300 posts, and more to come (I hope).

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