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Iron Hands.... of irony


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Telion looks great Kik, as always, your skills have maintained that top quality and excellent standard ^_^


I think the only C&C that comes to mind right now is that the mini looks rather dark overall. Although the bolter casing is helping break up the tone, it just seems 'dark'. Then again, these are the IH, so darkness is still well within background and theme <_<


Looking forward to seeing your new projects :)

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@son of nocturne

That is an option, yes ;),


Thanks for the praises :D. Unfortunately I won't be addind Vanguard to my army, but that won't stop making one test model ;). I'll put some army pics tomorrow.


Thanks mate.


Thanks :). Wait no more for crimson.

@Asmodeus' Swordhand

Damn it! There's always something that I forget :D. Will be fixed.


Glad ya like it.


Thanks bud. Well he's kinda dark, and I have perfect explanation. He's a scout sergeant B), he's supposed to be dark and unseen.

I have started the initial sketches for thunderfire cannon, but I have no clue about cannons lenght, widht or height. If there's some with the model, I would appreciate the measures.

So, thunderfire cannons on hold, not for long, vacation starts next week :). So here's Kantor proxy instead :D.


I'm thinking giving wrist-mounted ranged weapon on both arms, so I can do a servo-arm.

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I really like your IH. The dark tones have really started to grow on me. Mine are kind of the oposite - lots of really bright colours! And your conversions for bionics are very good.


no clue about cannons lenght, widht or height. If there's some with the model, I would appreciate the measures.

Ask and ye shall get :D . Consider me, the early, techmarine version of santa ;) . Or not, whatever suits you :angry:

(all measurements are rounder up)

The chassis:

length: 1.8in (3in with legs fully extended)

width (no tracks): 1.4 in

The tracks:

length: 2in

Height (bottom to the tallest part): 0.9in

Width (single track): 5mm



barrel length: 1.2

breech: 1in

barrel diameter (all 4 in 1) 6mm


Length: 1.1in

Height (to the first fold) 0.3in

Second bit - 0.4in


Techmarine :

1.65in tall (not including servo-arms or backpack)

1.1in wide (very edges of the shoulderpads)


I hoped that helps you :angry:

Keep up the good work :D


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I drew this for you:




the first one is slung under the arm with 2 ammo clips like the old stormbolters, and the barrels on top of each other, the second is on top, with over-under barrels, and a lot like the dorns arrow on the proper kantor model. the over-under barrels is just a personal preferance for me, so they could also be side-by-side.


personnaly i prefer the under slung one (the one on the left in the pic) but either way, youve got something to work with :HQ:

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Sorry, I haven't commented lately - but wow.


Your army is coming along great! I really am enjoying the conversions that I am seeing.


Keep up the good work- there are not enough of us around. :tu:

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@Marshal2 Crusaders

That should do the job :).


Thousand thanks to you, Techmarine-Santa :lol:.

@captain kantor

Thanks mate.


I'm thinking going for the right one, the storm bolter mounted top of the hand. I've already planning how to do the ammo feed ;). The left one screams Marneus Galgar to me, if I ever want to use Marneus Galgar in my army (never thought about using him, but better having him in reserve :P) I'll give him underslung stormbolters :P.


Good to see you :P. Yeah, there ain't enough Iron Hands, but there have been new Iron Hand starters here at WIP forums, like g-relk, revmatt, ShotgunFaceLift, and TAS (whose update I'm still waiting :P).


Hmmm, possibly Lysander, but nothing stops me from converting them all, even though I wouldn't be using them in matches. :P

Little update.


I started fleshing out (bad word for IH) the leg bionics and torso, chose the head also.

Last time I posted the army pic, they were so tiny...


And now.


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@Asmodeus Swordhand

Looks good already? Daamn, I just started it by removing the rebreather mask and the left lense :cuss.



Tack! ;)



Well I thought so myself, must be the amount of work for each piece twisting the reality :P.



Well the army pic consists my 1000p army list and addinationally couple hundred not included in the list ;).


And any updates here, no, still going to the party B).

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Can I vote for seeing your take on a Conversion Beamer instead of the aforementioned Thunderfire Cannon? I'm thinking of retooling my Ultramarines techmarine into a master of the forge (I also toyed with the joke idea of sculpting him with two dozen servo arms, and having him modeled to be carrying everything from the armoury at once..) and giving him one, but I couldn't think of anyone who could make it look neater (and subsequently, I didn't want to finish mine to have yours make mine look like a flashlight by comparison ;) ) so yes, I'd love to see your take on it.
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It's interesting to see which each of your minis (well your IH anyway) how each one seems to use less and less of the default spure parts and more and more GS and plasticard :rolleyes:



Great work as always ;) Looking forward to seeing how you take on "Kantor's" weapons.

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Thanks mate.


Conversion Beamer instead of Thunderfire Cannon? Way ahead of ya :D. I've already done MotF with conversion beamer. Here's a pic.



Hehe yeah, I'm too cheap to buy the parts I need :P.

@Frost Knight

Thank you :P.

There was little I could do today with "Kantor" as I ran out of super glue, so here's todays worth of progress.


He'll get second weapon to left arm later :).

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