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Iron Hands.... of irony


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@Asmodeus' Swordhand

Thanks mate :P. Head belonged to some nameless Dark Angel, now it serves better purpose :P.


Glad ya like it ;).


Indeed :). Sprue can be used for lots of things :).

@Captain Mick

Thanks, will do.

More progress with Kantor's servo-arm and second storm bolter.


Other angle pic to show the servo-arm.


And starting with the you-know-what :P. I spent 2 hours just calculating this thing :).


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@Asmodeus' Swordhand

Thanks, I'm already planning to add some decoration on the track unit :P.


Thanks mate ;).


And also a lot cheaper ;).

Little bit more details to servo-arm over there... some wire for ammo-belt over here...


I'm starting to sculpt the ammo-belt. Wish me luck, 'cus I'm going to need it.... :)

Perhaps I'll update tonight with the results, you'll never know.

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I'm liking Kantor. Needs more gubbins and stuff though ;) Is it going to have any AdMech icons on it or not?

I may have to loot the servo-arm idea. I like it.


Nice progress with the "weapon_that_shall_not_be_mentioned". I'm sorry I couldn't give your the angles for the tracks - I tried to get them but...lets put it this way, it could have gone better....


Keep up the work! Please ? :)


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Thanks ServanoTomasin :D. Oh please, I liked the challenge you gave me :lol:. I'll give him icon or two, maybe freehand for bolters?

Mmm, green stuff.



Maybe it got too big, I'll sand it when gs dries.

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Alrite Kikk! have been keeping tabs on Kantor and he looks brilliant so far! Ammo things are too chunky for him, the way i got round it with a conversion i did on a dread CCW arm is took a thin strip of plasticard, and just with my fingers rubbing and bending it untill it was malleable, it is possible, but you doo need patience, as it is maleable, you can then shape it quite well to hang and turn in the correct directions, then after glue has set (or if inpatient like me super glue has dried) take a little bit of GS, roll it out inbetween your fingers, wrap it around the card and sculpt it to the right size shape.

Elaborate but it works, may be able to get a pic up in the next few days to show you, but am at my parents so away from models... :)


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I'll have to agree with the ammo belt looking a tad bit on the thick side, but hey, you've shown alot of guts to do that in GS. I would have thought plasticard might have been a better route. But nonetheless, the model looks great :tu:


Plus i can't imagine doing a GS ammo feed would be easy anyway :lol:


Nice to see this wrist mounted weapon concept literally taking off!

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@son of nocturne

Ok, using plasticard never came to my mind. At first I was going to chop up some sprue and long story short, it didn't work out. I would like to see your results with plasticard :).


It wasn't so hard in the end actually. Wires give the core for the ammo-belt, you cover the wire with gs, but not with too much gs. Remember to use lotion on the sculpting tool. Yes, lotion. Give it boxy shape, and wait for 20-30 mins, then do the segmentations. If it got too bulky, like mine did, you can sand it to make it thinner after gs has dried. See, simple and easy :).

@Asmodeus' Swordhand

Thanks mate. I'll try to take it off tomorrow :). If you got empty sprues, look at the pics with the servo-arm, cut couple of pieces with round thing, shave it more boxy shape and glue, Vóila, Lé Servo-arm :P.

Some sanding with ammo-belt. I'm taking some time off. Time to eat some x-mas delicacies :)



Happy holidays everyone! :P

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@Asmodeus' Swordhand

Thanks mate. I'll try to take it off tomorrow :). If you got empty sprues, look at the pics with the servo-arm, cut couple of pieces with round thing, shave it more boxy shape and glue, Vóila, Lé Servo-arm :P.


Happy holidays everyone! :)


Wow, I should have come here first. I spent about 20 minutes trying to figure out what to use for my Techmarine's servo arm and harness.. But...great minds think alike, as I used that same method. =-D

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Glad to see the filing process is helping to knock back some of the thickness of the ammo belt. Plus, now that you've done it once, can you imagine the perfection you'll have for the second belt ;)


Nice tip on the servo arm ;) Even i wouldn't mind giving it a crack.

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I wanted to see a giant version of the conversion beamer, designed to take out titans, but it's your army.



Though, I will say, you'll like the tank I've been working on. Not sure which of my armies I'm giving it to yet, but it'd fit in well with your guys too.

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Kikkala, you have done awesome work.


What tournaments are going with Iron Hands? Have you thinked that? Reason why I'm asking that it would be awesome see that army in Turku Fanatic.


About your lastest project, Pedro Kantor proxy. I would do ammo belt little bit more smaller, but as I said earlier that it is still awesome. Also thank you very much from black painting guide.


Try to keep up.





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@Captain Mick

Thanks mate.


Sure, be my quest ;).

@Asmodeus' Swordhand

Post your results when you've done, I want to see your version of it. :tu:

@Brother Captain Andrecus

Thank you for the praises mate :P.


Great minds indeed :P.

@The Angelus Sanctus

Thanks bud. Start updating your thread already! ;)


That is an option yes, I've been pondering what to use for the Thunderfire's cannon part. You've got my mind thinking for something alternative :P.


I've been thinking a lot to join up for some tournament. Turku Fanatic would be an fun, but I live 40-50 km away from Joensuu.

I'd like to start with some tournaments in Joensuu, but I don't know when or where they're having them. And I need to get familiar with 5th edition too :P.

Ok, x-mas being over, I've made some progress with 'kantor'.


Quite a lot progress. There's a huge spot that needs some filling ;).

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