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Iron Hands.... of irony


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Thanks to all for the comments :mellow: .

@son of nocturne

Next on the list? Maybe it's about time I'll finish my librarian <_< .

@Frost Knight

Thanks mate! If you're interested how it's done, check out John Thompson's tutorial for tile bases LINK, scroll down and there it is.

Woooaaah! And he is finished:


Very very OT, but Happyy birthday to mee, to meee. Now that I'm 20 years old, and I finished my showcase model, I so proud of myself. B)

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Now that is an awesome looking Iron Father, you should be proud Kik! :P


Happy Birthday to you as well!


Although i was never a big fan of that particular Tech Marine model, i think you've done a really good job on painting it and giving it that "dark vibe" about the model. The metal areas look really well done.


Now, about that Librarian? :blink:

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hey, quick suggestion here. i really like your libby. but i think that hiding wire holding my libbies up with a swirly of GS energy is really cool... hoping you might incorporate that idea into your libby.
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@son of nocturne & TAS

Yikes, I'm on it! Put the whip down :D .



I made brass like this (by Moribund the Burgermeister):

-Black primer

-Tin Bitz basecoat

-Dwarf Bronze drybrush

-light Chainmail drybrush

-Wash with Babad Black



If I can manage to do that, it'll be on my librarian, thanks :D .


OK, some unfortunate news, I'll be off from painting and other stuff I like for a month, so don't wait for any updates for some time... <flees before whips start to crack> ;)

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*cracks whip*


So where is the finished Librarian Kik? ;)


Then again, I can't talk much either, i've got soe many 40K army ideas in my head, i just haven't tried seeing any of them from start to finish.


Looking forward to the next update though :D

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  • 2 months later...

Time for some threadomancy!

Ok, AoBR contest's over and my termie came maybe 11th if I counted right ;) . But which termie was mine?

This poor bastard:


Did I raise this thread up just for the termie... certainly not!

I had a seeing for new codex, and I fell in love with the new HQ entry, so Iron Handy, must have that one in my army!



Bike and conversion beamer to be expected :) .

Oh, and TAS if you're seeing this, you said that I should do dreaddie leg chop up-tutorial, it indeed is possible thing to do :P , but don't expect to see it anytime soon.

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What? That was your Terminator? I had no idea when I voted for it.



The MotF is looking good thus far. I'm interested in seeing what you do for his Conversion Beamer.

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Thought that terminator looked familiar :D


Assuming that is indeed a Master of the Forge, the model is coming along great. Some brilliant work and effort you've put into it. I look forward to seeing the progress as that one gets worked on.


I also look forward to seeing this dread tutorial of yours :o There isn't any rush on that, feel free to do it in your own time of course, however when you release it, i can see it getting alot of attention.

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So you were one of the nine persons who voted for it :D .


Thanks mate, I'll probably start doing the tutorial after some goody IH units and that damned last olbiterator for WB.

Some master of the forge progress:


Conversion Beamer too much ;) or just fine :tu: ?

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Awesome work i have been watching your threads for quite a while now. It makes my Eyes sing with joy :P.


The Conversion beamer is just right IMO and suits the model nicely.


I love your Iron Hands the look you have accomplished is awesome.



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I honestly wasn't too sure about these guys at first but as I continued to see more and more I fell in love. A very strong army over all, and that Iron Daddy, to use your expression, is the best of the lot. The master of the forge is looking good and imposing as well.
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I like your take on the conversion beamer, looks great (especially for a weapon that hasn't been very well documented).


Although i am surprised you've gone for a bike mounted MotF? Any particular reason? Will we eventually see a non mounted MotF?


Oh, and yes, it looks great :tu: :lol: I like how you've actually reshaped the legs to be more suited without even having to resort to using GS. Nicely done!

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Scroll down for the conversion beamer. I think hes still selling them. Better get them before he raises the price because now everyone and thier sister will have a MotF with Conversion Beamer firing from maximum range... :mellow:


Personally I think this is a perfect opportunity for a quad with beamer turret.

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Thanks for the comments! :)

@Marshal van Trapp

I can imagine MotF missing the whole battle just because of the sheer size of the beamer getting the bike stuck in mud puddle of similar :( .


It's good to see that there's people who check out my threads sometimes. I'm happy :D .

@GI Joker

Glad you like them ^_^ .


Isn't bike very good choice for MotF? Very mobile anti-infantry and anti-tank in my opinion. And having 2 MotFs could be overkill too :D .

@Master Toddius

Could be nice to have real conversion beamer, but having to post it here where I live would cost a fortune. :D Gotta settle for what I have for now.


At first I was planning to have tracks instead of tires in the bike, but couldn't pull it off properly :D .

Bike is way faar away from completion, and little patience that I have couldn't hold the urge to paint.


What do you think?

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I still think you are crazy ;)


Great work on the MotF, didn't think you were going to hit the painting line this quickly. However, the results are well worth it.


I see how the MotF on a bike would be a great idea, you are right that it will grant you alot of versatility on the board.


Looking forward to seeing the bike ;)

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