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How to kill Abaddon ?

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Yes. Any model in the game could potentially beat The Despoiler in combat. What an astute observation.


The original poster, though, was looking for suggestions for killing Abbadon, or, perhaps, things of which his own Abbadon should be wary.


The simple fact is that, despite the vague possibility of even the lowliest Grot finishing him off with a swift kick to the big toe, Abbadon shouldn't be all that scared of Grots--or, really, most anything else.


There are things of which he should be wary, and Librarians certainly make that list, but the fact remains that, most of the time, he'll feed those Librarians to Drach'nyen with a smile on his face and a song (of death and vengance) in his heart.


Though they're in the top tier of Abbadon killers, they're just not that likely to actually finish him off. Certainly, sending a lone, character-hunter Librarian after Abbadon is not something on which you should hang your hat.


You can disbelieve the numbers all you want, but basing your decisions on the really, really long odds will only lead you astray in the end.


It simply is not smart to ignore the probabilities--no matter what experience you have.

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every time someone comes into our store saying "abbadon is undestroyable, mwahahaha" i challenge them to a combat with this squad:



Inquisitor Lord Torquemada Cotaez, plus retinue (389pts) :

4 combat servitors

4 accolytes with storm shields

4 mystics

4 familiars



abbadon strikes first, usually kills about 4/5 of them. bear in mind that Cotaez is NOT an independant character, he can NEVER be picked out unless you have a vindicare or a culexus.


attacks back:


mostly relying on luck for the mystics/familiars - discount them as extra wounds.


4 combat servitors - 8 str 6 power weapons attacks, 4 hits, 2 wounds, 1 saved. abadon on 2 wounds (i think he has 3)



cotaez attacks, 4 attacks base and 2 combat weapons. 2.5 hits (i dont think his weapon is master crafted so i'll say 2 hits) he re-rolls 2's to wound. 2 inv saves - abbadon on 1 wound.



next turn abbadon kills another 5 random henchmen (or a few stormshield saves are needed) but strikes at I1 because of cotaez's daemonhammer


abbadon destroyed by cotaez and powerfists.





it has yet to fail me, though i think it does outpoint abbadon himself :D

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Certainly the non-independant character in retinue approach does work, though Abbadon does actually have four wounds.


Still, a good idea. Similar to the T-Sons Aspiring Champion in his massive squad of T-Sons. The combination of Force Weapon and lots of wounds with 4+ invulnerable saves yields pretty good results.


Actually, wait. Aren't those combat servitors Weapon Skill 3? If they are, they're hitting Abbadon on 5s, that really cuts down the damage they're doing to him.

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Fair enough. It's worth noting that Abbadon isn't reduced to Initiative 1 by the Daemonhammer. He is not and never has been a Daemon, :P Also, your squad does over-price Abbadon by alittle more than a hundred points.


Still, not a bad plan. Cortez is an interesting choice.

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Fair enough. It's worth noting that Abbadon isn't reduced to Initiative 1 by the Daemonhammer. He is not and never has been a Daemon, ;) Also, your squad does over-price Abbadon by alittle more than a hundred points.


Still, not a bad plan. Cortez is an interesting choice.

But Abbadon will still suffer the Thunderhammer in the Daemonhammer part and be reduced to I1 ;) The Daemonhammer thing only does so that the wielder strickes in iniative order versus daemons :D



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Im quite surprised no one has mentioned a Grey knight Grand master


These guys imo are the best at chr killing I know only I5 but with soome item i forget the name it lowers chaos I by 1


so far we are striking at same I, with true grit they have 5 attacks at stg 6, Abaddon is relying on a 4+ inv or our Grandmaster will use force through his weapon. in all fairness i think abaddon will kill him in turn 1 also with ID but he may take down the warmaster with him,



What about a brood lord? I8 5 attacks i think, rending power weapon at stg 5


with good rolls maybe,


and a fex up to 11 attacks at stg 10, going last but who cares with that backing you, altho hitting on 5's i think

small points. first, your grand master does NOT have true grit...that is power armour gk only, although he still stands an alright chance. also, your carni is hitting on 5 normally, 4 with ws upgrade to 4.

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It's still possible to teleport Abaddon down on the table together with a Terminator retinue ? If so, now that would be a uber-unit :D


I had Abaddon come at me with a giant horde of Slanesh Termies with Lightning Claws. I lost 20 something terminators in my DW army taking that crap down.



Abaddon wit the Mark of Chaos Ascendant, renders him immune to instant death, so wouldn't that make Force Weapons...useless?


Further The Dark Angels would use Ezekial, Mind Worm the Sucker. Assuming Abaddon somehow fails his Ldrship roll, He is down on his knees crying and asking an invisible person for forgiveness. ;)


Chaos wise...I'd use Khârn, most useful way of taking down Abaddon or at least most economical friendly. And you all know if Khârn had the chance, he'd try to kill Abaddon, just to prove he's awesome

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Easy. Bring in the Daemonhunters.


GrandMaster with Nemesis Force Weapon, Incense, Icon - 211. You don't even need the Icon, that just adds survivability. And, for the record, it is very clear that GKT do get True Grit with their stormbolters. FAQ says use the universal rule, universal rule says all grey knights get true grit.


They attack simultaneously. The GM forceweapons, killing Abbadon. Abbadon hits back hard, but hopefully our intrepid hero survives. Or, if Forceweapon doesn't work, bring in option number two.


Option Number 2 = comically large amounts of GKT's. S6 powerweapons should might do the trick.



Option Number 3 = Land Raider Crusader. Can retreat at six inches per round and unleash a load of dakka that will cause failed saves. Any rends force him onto his invulnerable, as would the multimelta. Abbadon cannot catch the landraider and destroy it in assault as they are both moving at 6in per turn. Thus, the landraider just retreat shoots untill Abbadon dies. And even if Abbadon catches the landraider, he doesn't have that good a chance of doing anything serious.

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I had a game against a fellow chaos player and he used Abaddon in his 2200 point army. I didn't find him to hard to beat. A couple of meltabun and bolter shots took down his first 2 wounds and then the combined charge of a tzeench DP with warp time and a 10 man CSM unit with a PF AC and his fate was sealed and droped dead.


Now if my opponent would had him attached to terminators... that would have been an entirely different matter, but them probably, I would have softened up the unti with a couple of obliterator plasma shots. A 4+ invulnerable has just 50% chance of success... and the same chance for a failure.

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Let's presume that the GKGM gets the charge, thus eliminating the issue of True Grit (remember that True Grit prevents you from getting a bonus attack from charging.)


The Grey Knight Grand Master, with five attacks, has a 56.35% chance of killing Abbadon in one round of combat.


Abbadon, on the other hand, has an 82.12% chance of killing the Grand Master on that same round of combat.


In a fight between the Grand Master and Abbadon, it is likely that both will die.


However, even so, Abbadon is highly favoured. It's far more likely that he will kill the Grand Master and come out alive than the other way around.



Now let's consider seven Grey Knight Terminators (294 points) charging Abbadon (once again, we'll presume they charge in order to waive the True Grit issue)


Abbadon swings first, doing an average of 2.88 wounds. He has a 60.35% chance of killing three or more, so we'll give him three kills.


The remaining four Terminators take 12 swings and do an average of 2 wounds. They only have a 12.52% chance of killing Abbadon outright. (That's equivalent to a one-in-eight chance, or odds of seven-to-one against.)


Abbadon, who is almost certainly still fine, kills another three Terminators, leaving one Terminator who does 1/3 of a wound (on average) and has a whopping 2.78% chance (about 1/30) of killing Abbadon outright. If he fails to kill Abbadon, Abbadon is virtually guaranteed to finish him in the next round.



So, basically, Abbadon substantially outclasses both the tooled-up Grey Knight Grand Master and the swarm of Grey Knight Terminators. It's a reasonable fight either way, but Abbadon is favoured regardless.

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Let's presume that the GKGM gets the charge, thus eliminating the issue of True Grit (remember that True Grit prevents you from getting a bonus attack from charging.)


The Grey Knight Grand Master, with five attacks, has a 56.35% chance of killing Abbadon in one round of combat.


Abbadon, on the other hand, has an 82.12% chance of killing the Grand Master on that same round of combat.


In a fight between the Grand Master and Abbadon, it is likely that both will die.


However, even so, Abbadon is highly favoured. It's far more likely that he will kill the Grand Master and come out alive than the other way around.



Now let's consider seven Grey Knight Terminators (294 points) charging Abbadon (once again, we'll presume they charge in order to waive the True Grit issue)


Abbadon swings first, doing an average of 2.88 wounds. He has a 60.35% chance of killing three or more, so we'll give him three kills.


The remaining four Terminators take 12 swings and do an average of 2 wounds. They only have a 12.52% chance of killing Abbadon outright. (That's equivalent to a one-in-eight chance, or odds of seven-to-one against.)


Abbadon, who is almost certainly still fine, kills another three Terminators, leaving one Terminator who does 1/3 of a wound (on average) and has a whopping 2.78% chance (about 1/30) of killing Abbadon outright. If he fails to kill Abbadon, Abbadon is virtually guaranteed to finish him in the next round.



So, basically, Abbadon substantially outclasses both the tooled-up Grey Knight Grand Master and the swarm of Grey Knight Terminators. It's a reasonable fight either way, but Abbadon is favoured regardless.


off the top of my head, abbadon is just shy of 300pts



why not try brother captain stern AND a GM with sacred incense (not sure if BC Stern has it already) - comes to 296pts




or the patented character hunting librarian!!!!:


Epistolary - 215pts i think

- with veil of time (re-roll hits/wounds/saves/ld tests)

- artificer armour

- familiar

- storm shield

- terminator honours

- adamantine mantle



edit: or has anyone mentioned the combat hive tyrant with 3 tyrant guard - all with lash whips (-4 attacks for abbadon)??

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Abbadon is 275 points.


Brother Captain Stern is an enormous waste of points.


If you really want to kill Abbadon with Grey Knights, take a Grand Master (145) and a three-man Terminator retinue (126 points). Since Grey Knight Grand Masters are not Independant Characters while with their retinues, Abbadon can't pick out the Grand Master. He has to swing at the unit, and, as I pointed out, he only gets about three kills on average. This leaves the Grand Master with his shot at Force-Weaponing Abbadon. If he has Sacred Incense (making him and his squad more expensive than Abbadon, but only by a little) he'll likely have two chances to instagib Abbadon before he dies. It significantly increases not only his chance of killing Abbadon, but his chances of coming out alive (though his retinue is basically doomed).


As for the Librarian:


He has a 32.79% chance of killing Abbadon with his Force Weapon.


He has a 0.785% chance of killing Abbadon using Veil of Time.


Abbadon has a 41.63% chance of killing the Librarian.


So, while the Librarian isn't likely to get Abbadon in the first round, there's a reasonable chance he will live through to the second round, and given two rounds he's got a 51.09% chance of gibbing Abbadon.


Of course, he has almost no chance of living through to the third round, so it's still only a little better than a coin flip.


He is a lot cheaper, though. I'm surprised at how much the Storm Shield helps him out. (Though the Adamantium Mantle is really a no-brainer).


It's also worth noting that, basically, Veil of Time is a bad pick. You can't use both the Force Weapon and Veil of Time in the same turn. A Librarian using Veil of Time is far, far less likely to kill Abbadon than one using the Force Weapon ability.

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Er, why? I'm pretty sure he can, actually...


Anyway, it doesn't really matter. Artificer Armour doesn't help him at all against Abbadon (or pretty much any other Character, either) so you can just drop the Armour and it won't change the numbers at all.

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