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Modelling: Doghouse Pattern Truescale Marines


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Bigger-than-Jesus: It was good luck actually if the taps hadn't lead to me discovering the fault in the boiler I'd have been blown to smithereens. Guess the Emperor was watching over me that time... :)


wiplash: Not sure the guy that I got would have liked the idea of being paid in minis. :lol:


Right, just to clear things up a little for everyone... :)


There is definately an update coming soon...


I've developed a quicker and simpler method for the torso that means you can knock them together very quickly and I will be show casing my new completely Actual Scale army that I've been secretly working on soon to prove it here first on the B&C. ;)


I will do my best to make it asap and it might take me some time but the update is coming...so hang in there just a bit longer guys! ;)

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Yup, a Top Secret army! (you can tell it's special because it's in itallics as well!!!)
- damn you doghouse! DAMN YOU! again the salivation kicks in... I need a new keyboard.


I'm glad to see my 'talents' are seen in good light for once... I'm open to hire for standup/birthday parties...

Edited by lord_bunny
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I have actually started my own Actuall scale, and besides the Green Stuff slowing me down a litle adn lack of supplies,

I am doing alright,

I have 10 actuall scale style done and I am waiting on some more bitz to get going on the rest,

I figure that I will be rocking it with Actuall scale marines for the Semis of 'ard boyz,

Well that is assuming that I dont get stomped like a sissy in round one,

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  • 2 weeks later...
Fantastic tutorial! It inspired me to use it for my Mark of the Wulfen model! I intended to create a bigger Space Wolf and this is just what I needed. Excuse me, but I'm off to the store getting me a box of assault terminators... ;)
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I'm having some computer issues at the moment but am going to continue with the tutorial regardless. :)


The Torso


After hours of hard work and research I've managed to break the torso section of the tutorial down into a simple process so that it can be done by anyone. I will stress at this point that this is not the same technique that I used on my Night Lords Captain but the one that i used on my Invaders army seen here:







This is simply because the original method is extremely time consuming and requires a higher than average knowledge of sculpting.

This new technique is fairly quick and I will be taking you through in stages, starting with the converting of the terminator torso right up to sculpting bits on.

The idea is that you can stop at any point once the basic work is done to suit your level of modeling skill, you can even adapt parts of the process to replace the GS work with plasticard if need be.


Safety: I must stress at this point though that the plastic is fairly thick and there is a lot of cutting involved, so make sure that you use a sharp modeling knife and clippers where needed. Remember to make all cuts away from yourself, so the blade is moving away from you when you make the cuts.

Last thing I want to do is another tutorial on how to sew fingers back on with one hand... ;)


I'll be using a snap-fix AoBR Terminator for the tutorial but regular terminators will do. Like I say once the basics are out of the way then we can look at adding the details.


More to follow...

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Step One


I will go back and redo this properly but as my computer has lost the original files I've had to quickly knock these pictures up. ;)


The First Cut


This is the standard standard push fix terminator that you get with the AoBR set. You can use a regular Terminator however.





The following lines are where we are going to cut the torso.

The first is a rather simple cut but neccesary as it defines the where the torso meets the hips.





The second cut is to remove the arm pegs and the raised areas that the arms are attached to.




The third and forth cuts are made across the top and the down the back.



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The fifth cut is then made down the front of the torso like so.




The result is something like this (but probably smoother as this is a rush job).



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Here's the rear of what the moldel should look like but you could probably do a better job of it if you took your time and removed the remaining grills at the bottom. You could remove the power socket thing as well but I keep it on mine personally.




The chest plate


Although this torso is stuck on the terminator it's jsut so that I can show you where to cut. Do not stick it on just yet!


The first cut removes the head from under the chin of the helmet and removes the collar as well.




The second cut removes the pegs on the back of the push fix torso and is done in line with the front section of the chest plate. So everything behind this line is removed.



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