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pre-heresy truescale worldeaters


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if anyone was following the iron hand i was making:





ive decided to make him a world eater now, to go alongside this army.

Bolter's do fire self propelled ammo, but the jets on the ammo don't ignite 'til it leaves the Bolter so as not to ignite the rest of the shells and explode in your hand. The cases that get ejected are little compressed air packs that pop the Bolt Shell out of the barrel so the jet can ignite. That's why you still see ejection slots and things being ejected from those slots in painting and whatnot.

(We've had this discussion countless times here on the B&C)

cool, I just rember fluff stating that it had a shard of the 'emps armour in it, and thats what gave terminators the invun (old I guess) and thats why pre heresy terminators often don't have it.


badge of honour proberly would work with your blood thirsty maniacs, skulls are pretty much onto a death killing theme. :lol:

i was thinking of giving the terminator a big lion head as a trophy on top of his. this owuld be similar to all the space wolf versions we've seen (just like that SW termie special character). you know like a trophy.


is that world eatery enough? or not at all?


EDIT: extremely WIP on the chaplain terminator, to give you an idea of the way he'll look (and please dont expect him to be sized like monstrous creature, cuz youll just be disappointed!).


I'm looking forward to seeing a true-scale terminator (mine are going to be waaayyy down the line). The terminator models are already taller than the power armoured ones (obviously, since you've used them on your marines), so I imagine you'll mostly be bulking the figure out, making it look like its actually wearing super-thick armour (?).





-the iron hand kicks all kinds all kind of arse, by the way. I especially like the bionics.

i dont want to make him too tall. i mean after all technically speaking, the guy in the armour is the same size as a normal marine, and the armour ?(though far heavier and bulkier) doesnt add that much in terms of height - just the thickness of the boots (if indeed theyre any thicker than normal power armour) and the gubbinz above the head...


haing said that i do intend for the legs to be a lot bigger (bigger as in bulkier, thicker, chunkier; rather than taller) than those of a normal marine. i widened the groinpiece by cutting it in half and bulking it out with some plasticard and extended the legs a bit more than those of a normal marine.


hopefully, using dreadnought shins as shoulderpads whould help show the size of this guy.



im planning on putting a lion head on top of him (ala logan grimnar). ill see what that looks like, if its strange i can always take it off.


the arms will have the typical pre-heresy leather straps on them, and ill add a loincloth in a similar style (like the leader ive already modelled). ill also give him a big thick fur cloak (whether or not i use the lion head, ill assume this is its pelt. and finally, hell have a banner made of hanging chains and skulls


although the fact that they are on termie bases means that the termies mught have to go on dreadnought bases and dreadnoughts would be like tanks on legs!

are you thinking of doing anyvehicles or dreads or LS or bikes?

or even jump troops !oooooooh!

1 dread which ill be starting as soon as i order all the bitz i need


3-5 jetbikes


5 assault marines


5 scouts


enough marines to make the 2 squads i have now 10-man


maybe, just maybe a truescale pre heresy land raider in the style of the old rogue trader one... but modernized a bit


im worried about truescaleing it though, since it will make the fellblade ive got look kinda small in comparison.



the imperial guard ill be adding to the army will have predators and rhinos though, which i wont change

i dont want to make him too tall. i mean after all technically speaking, the guy in the armour is the same size as a normal marine,


My thoughts exactly. I think the lion could look really neat. As you say, it works for the Space Wolves.




though my worry was mainly that it doesnt look very world eater. but then agian they were gladiators and i guess, amongst the legion, besting a fierce alein leonin creature (far tougher and stronger to the aniceint terran verity ;) was a great mark of strengt hand that they would display the trophies with pride.


the liopn head ill be using (if i use it, since im still not sure) is the head from the high elf lion chariot (the actual lion duloing the pulling, not the puny heads that adorn the crew...) though that should convey the point that its no normal lion that this chaplain has killed!


also, the garro model i made (yes its meant to be garro ,though i know its not strictly acurate - so sue me! im sure the guy had more than one suit of armour and weapon choice!) has a skull trophy on his rioght shoulder pad, as a similar mark. not to mention his cloak, which im sure he pricured himself!


ideas anyone?

small update and scale shot of the terminator.


the other truescale model is a blood angel im doing for another project and is there to show the scale with another truescale model (note: the blood angel is really standing upright, as you can probably see from the position of its legs, while the terminator is striding, and a bit mure hbunched, which detracts from the overall height)



and the beginning of hthe chain crozius. i just need to cast up one more of these for the other side and then sandwitch a layer of plasticard inbetwen, with edges shaped like teeth. should work out fine


Youve posted these on so many places I don't even know where to reply :D

Right, the terminator is coming along really nicely. I wouldn't worry about the height. As you said he's in a hunched position and the lionhead will make him look even taller. Now seeing this latest scale comparison really shows what kind of giants these models are, they put mine to shame ;)

The chaincrozius is a great idea, how are you going to pull off the actual chain part?

Youve posted these on so many places I don't even know where to reply :P

lol! welldoghouse done the same pretty much :) Yeah, but i really want to get as much input and C&C as i can. youll be surprized the obvious things i tend to overlook whenever i do a project on my own!


The chaincrozius is a great idea, how are you going to pull off the actual chain part?

1.5mm plasticard with teeth shapes cut with a knife. ill then take the casts i made (from the sergeant storm shield bass design) and glue on on either side of that and pin the thing to a thunder hammer haft. should work out fine

The height looks good, but I agree about bulking him out. you might want to put some plasticard spacers inbetween the body and the shoulder pads. Also a layer of card on the soles of his boots would be nice, not for height but because currently his feet are flat. maybe some plasma pistol/ chainsword generators for the crozius like in the GW charozin conversion might be cool?

well the boots have been enlarged with GS but i will be adding a thin layer of plasticard before mounting on the special base.


more pics, now with arms and shoudler pads




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