Commissar Molotov Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 What is "Two's Companies"? Like most people in Warhammer, I've started an army before. Quite a few times before, actually; I tend to start, get disenchanted, and give up. So in my years in the hobby, my bitzboxes have grown exponentially whilst I've never really had anything to show for it. There was really no forward progress. Recently I've been organising things, and the sheer number of Space Marine models I had astounded me. This constant start-armies-give-up-start-give-up has left me with loads of Space Marines.I've been watching some blogs and the like, and it seems that a painted army on the table looks awesome. It doesn't necessarily matter if individual models are mediocre - in large units, they really pull together. That's encouraging, because I'm not an expert painter, and I tend to get disenchanted and give up when things don't quite seem to match the expertly painted model on the laptop's screen. The Battle Company is the ultimate endpoint for many Space Marine players - a cohesive units capable of levelling worlds, it's really an awesome sight - and the ultimate end-goal for this project. I sat down and talked to Cpt. Tiberius, also going through a similar crisis, and we decided that we were going to do something about the mounting piles of plastic and metal piling up. Our plan is simple. Each of us is going to collect a Battle-Company (with attached support) for our respective Chapters; I'll be creating the Fifth Company of the Castigators and he'll be creating the Third Company of the Space Sharks. It might take us a while, but we're hoping that we can spur each other on (and of course, you guys can help in that, too.) Painting's definitely not my forté, but Tiberius and I are trying to make modelling and painting fun - because that's what it should all be about. Fifth Company Castigators So, simple enough. Here's my list of what I plan to create as part of my Company: Captain Anteas Chaplain Punitus Codicier Acastus (from Librarium) Apothecary Decius Standard Bearer 6 x Tactical Squad 2 x Assault Squad 2 x Devastator Squad 1 x Terminator Squad (from First Company) 2 x Sternguard Veteran Squad (from First Company) 2 x Scout Squad (from Tenth Company) 2 x Vindicator (attached from Armoury) 2-6 x Rhino 2 x Dreadnoughts Land Raider (from Armoury) Whirlwind (from Armoury) Possibly some Drop-Pods Possibly some Land Speeders Techmarine (from Armoury) Inquisitor with Retinue Storm Troopers Squads Pictures! I'm told that these blogs are nothing without pictures, though, so here are a few to sate your appetites: is most of the part-assembled stuff I have lying around from my previous attempts at making Castigators. I've got a bunch more in bits. guy... well, Tiberius told me that we needed a test model, and he nagged me until I painted one. So here goes - I won't pretend he's perfect. I have discovered Mechrite Red, though - difficulty painting red was one of the key reasons I've been slow to make Castigators in the past. Now I understand the Foundation paints a lot better, I'm eager to give these guys another try. So yes - Two's Companies will continue with the two of us updating semi-regularly as our schedules allow, showing our long journey towards two complete Companies of Space Marines. Hopefully you guys will find it interesting enough to check back. :P Stay tuned for Tiberius's post! ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpt_Tiberius Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Hello Everyone! First off I want to say thanks for visiting our thread. I hope you like what you see. :P Molotov & I have been working on our armies for quite some time, but have never really gotten them too far off the ground model-wise. After mentioning that I was pondering building an entire codex company, he admitted that he had been thinking the same thing, so we decided to kick each other in gear and start working on our armies. For myself I have many goals for this project, the overall goal being a completed Space Sharks 3rd Company & to become a better painter. But I also have short term goals on the way to the finish line. First off I am playing in a tournament on the 9th of August so I am preparing a 2000 pt. list for that. Secondly, but tied to that goal, I want to field my first fully painted army. ^_^ So without further ado, here are my first WIP's. 2nd Tactical Squad, 3rd Co. Space Sharks Chapter Vet. Sgt. Scamander commanding So first up is an overview of the entire squad. As you can see I am of the "leave off the bolter and the pack until painted" school. You will notice that I have covered the contact points for the backpack with sticky-tac to keep them from being primed. this is a trick I am sure many of you have tried as well. It helps create a stronger bond when assembled as the bonding surfaces are not polluted with paint. Second are a couple of pics of Sgt. Scamander. You will notice that I have added the Shark Tooth veteran totem to his right leg. This is my first try at using greenstuff and I feel it turned out decent enough. :) And now, here’s a pic of the squad’s Razorback. As you can see I have also used sticky-tac masks on these sub-assemblies as well. Finally, here are some pics of some previous Shark minis to give you an idea of where this is headed. I hope to improve on what I have done in the past. So that's what I have so far. I am still working on my army list and will publish that as soon as I have it worked out so I can give you a run down of what I will be putting together before the tourney. Feel free to over feedback, we would both love to get your imput. :) Cheers! -T. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asmodeus' Swordhand Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Sweeeeeet! thread so watched! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tyrannicide Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 This is a great idea guys, and I look forward to both of you logging your progress. Should be quite a task. I think the banner, simply makes the thread, it's awesome! ;) So here's to seeing some more from you guys, hopefully soon. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Awesome thread. I will definitely be keeping an eye on this thread. For one..i love seeing others works. Second, i too can also use the motivation to help me getting my marines done and worked on. As for above, building a full company is a great long term goal. It gives you a great place to start structure wise but also gives you a good goal that you will definitly enjoy when its finished. @Commissar Molotov, i can feel your pain. I too started off several years ago getting discouraged on painting. I was a good pencil artist but couldn't quite get the painting techniques i had learned from art classes to get the same effects on the minis. I slowly started getting a tiny bit better, using the internet helped, but the best advice i can give to anyone who painting skills aren't up to there liking. Thats to keep practicing. Learn the techniques, tho its better to learn from someone in person if you know anyone who is willing to teach you. But learn the techinques, practice the techniques, and find stuff that works for you. Practice and practice. Best thing about painting an army is mark your first model on the bottom of the base with something simple, and when your army is done, you can compare your first model to it. Later on you can replace models or repaint them if they aren't to your liking. But the best thing is to simply just get an army painted. Also, the new foundation paints and washes are great tools. Painting has never been easier to get decent quality models on the table. Simply find a good foundation, give it a wash, highlight or wet/dry-brush over the ink and your base coats are done. Then just rinse and repeat for other areas or paint a solid color. @Cpt_Tiberius, awesome job on the small green stuff work. Its way better than my sculpting skills. I am in dire need myself to work on that area of the hobby. I am good at easy conversions but i really need to improve the working with green stuff skills. ALso those space sharks look really good. As i stated before..i will be watchign this thread, to give critism, advice, tips, pointers, or just all around encouragement. I will also use it to help me get motivated on getting my DIY marines done too. Tired of not having a painted army, at least one of more than 1000 points. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshall Costello Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 I have a great amount of my own work ahead of me, and I think following this thread will only inspire me to more enthusiastically work on my Black Templars Crusade. I have a LOT of work to do, so I'll just tag along with you two here, and soak up the inspiration and encouragement! I salute you guys for doing this. I think we're all much better off with the Foundation Paints and the new washes, so hopefully they'll help you both in making this glorious undertaking happen. I very much respect all the work you've done on your chapter The Castigators (I doubt I could put together anything like it, myself) and have always had a soft-spot for the Space Sharks, so, once more: I'm following this with some interest! Keep us informed! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alpha PTP Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Hah! Good luck to the both of you. If you set your mind to something, you will be shocked what you can do. I, myself, have been working on expanding the All Hallows Guard to a full company. I have three tactical squads, one assault squad, and one devastator squads left to go of the main company. I still have the terminator support (Six Terminators, a Master, a Chaplain [Gallows], and a Librarian), a second Predator, and two dreadnoughts. I have all of the models besides the bodies and legs for the second devastator squad. Again, good luck guys. Alpha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darrell Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Mol: The red on the Castigators looks great so far! The tactical symbol on the test marine is really clean, and the Chapter symbol has some good freehand work. Tib: I love the gray on the terminator, but the Tactical marine could maybe use some brightening. The painted "jaws" on the sides of the terminator mask looks awesome! I know I've mentioned that before, but I think it deserves repeating. ;) The shark tooth totem on your veteran looks very nice; the GS rope and "knots" look great, and so do the teeth. I assume they're plasticard? I actually have a shark tooth necklace hanging off my PC tower and your totem looks almost as good as the real thing. Of course, I am biased by my love of sharks. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ToyShip Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Lookin good guys! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LoneWolven Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Awesome thread, brilliant idea, I'm in to watch for the long run. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luther - the fallen Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Damn, that "preaching"(I lack a better word right now) in the beginning of that makes me feel like picking up my own Battle Company.. looks like you're both of to a good start (though Molotov is a few paces ahead of you Tiberius ;) ) keep up the good work, and keep inspiring me to work on my company :) Luther. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ferrus Manus Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Very nice, I like you red Mol and thats a lot of marines! Cpt Tiberius - I think the bluey grey and the Terminator is excellent, but I not so sure about the TActical marine, its a bit bland. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
captain Raiun Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Looks like your both off to a good start...obviously Mol and his large bitz-box has the edge right now :P It also seems like you've inspired a few to follow in your footsteps, to which I say well done. @ Mol: I think your painting looks fine, and I'm impressed with the freehand on the chapter badge, I tried it myself and it is certainly tricky! With regards to the red, it looks like a solid start. I do however feel that the colour should be somewhat darker, as all of the illustrations and descriptions in your IA seem to suggest a darker feel. But like I said, it still looks good :) @ Tiberius: Gonna have to agree with the others and say that the grey on the tactical just doesn't look as good as the termie, though it does look like it might be the photo? Good job on the shark totem as well, for a first time try that's pretty good! I will admit to being a bit dissapointed as to the lack of teeth on the tac marines helmet, but I'm not sure it would work anyway... Subscribed! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted June 19, 2008 Author Share Posted June 19, 2008 Thanks for the responses, guys. It's hugely encouraging to read, especially when I'm just waking up! By contrast, our Warseer Thread hasn't gotten any responses at all yet. :( Awesome thread. I will definitely be keeping an eye on this thread. For one..i love seeing others works. Second, i too can also use the motivation to help me getting my marines done and worked on. As for above, building a full company is a great long term goal. It gives you a great place to start structure wise but also gives you a good goal that you will definitly enjoy when its finished. @Commissar Molotov, i can feel your pain. I too started off several years ago getting discouraged on painting. I was a good pencil artist but couldn't quite get the painting techniques i had learned from art classes to get the same effects on the minis. I slowly started getting a tiny bit better, using the internet helped, but the best advice i can give to anyone who painting skills aren't up to there liking. Thats to keep practicing. Learn the techniques, tho its better to learn from someone in person if you know anyone who is willing to teach you. But learn the techinques, practice the techniques, and find stuff that works for you. Practice and practice. Best thing about painting an army is mark your first model on the bottom of the base with something simple, and when your army is done, you can compare your first model to it. Later on you can replace models or repaint them if they aren't to your liking. But the best thing is to simply just get an army painted. Also, the new foundation paints and washes are great tools. Painting has never been easier to get decent quality models on the table. Simply find a good foundation, give it a wash, highlight or wet/dry-brush over the ink and your base coats are done. Then just rinse and repeat for other areas or paint a solid color. I agree with what you said (though it's in the bit of your post that I didn't quote - "I'm tired of not having a painted army." That's exactly how I am. I'm a perfectionist at heart, but my models don't match my expectations a lot of the time, so I get disenchanted. I'm really hoping I can beat that this time. Though with that test model, my attitude's slightly different. I'm not entirely happy, but I have a good idea of how to improve next time, and I'm confident that next time it'll be better. And as I said before, a whole army of mediocre models is greater tha the sum of its parts. I have a great amount of my own work ahead of me, and I think following this thread will only inspire me to more enthusiastically work on my Black Templars Crusade. I have a LOT of work to do, so I'll just tag along with you two here, and soak up the inspiration and encouragement! I salute you guys for doing this. I think we're all much better off with the Foundation Paints and the new washes, so hopefully they'll help you both in making this glorious undertaking happen. I very much respect all the work you've done on your chapter The Castigators (I doubt I could put together anything like it, myself) and have always had a soft-spot for the Space Sharks, so, once more: I'm following this with some interest! Keep us informed! Always nice to know someone appreciates the Castigators. In their own way, they share similarities with the Templars - though they're radically different in other senses. I hope you enjoy the thread. Hah! Good luck to the both of you. If you set your mind to something, you will be shocked what you can do. I, myself, have been working on expanding the All Hallows Guard to a full company. I have three tactical squads, one assault squad, and one devastator squads left to go of the main company. I still have the terminator support (Six Terminators, a Master, a Chaplain [Gallows], and a Librarian), a second Predator, and two dreadnoughts. I have all of the models besides the bodies and legs for the second devastator squad. Again, good luck guys. Alpha Thanks, Alpha. Of course, when you do your Castigator you can blow mine out of the water. ;) But it's awesome to hear your AHG Company has gotte so far. As I said, the Battle-Company is a target for a lot of Space Marine players. (And if nothing else, it's practically a 3000 point Apocalypse army on its own!) Mol: The red on the Castigators looks great so far! The tactical symbol on the test marine is really clean, and the Chapter symbol has some good freehand work. I'm not entirely satisfied with it, but it's getting there. My friend Nick actually helped with the Freehand, but now I know where I'm going with these things. looks like you're both of to a good start (though Molotov is a few paces ahead of you Tiberius ;) ) keep up the good work, and keep inspiring me to work on my company :D Thing is, I have more models assembled, but Tiberius assembles models quickly. And I figure red is harder than grey. It all balances out in the end. Very nice, I like you red Mol and thats a lot of marines! Like I said, those are only the ones assembled, I need to sort a bunch more of them out. Looks like your both off to a good start...obviously Mol and his large bitz-box has the edge right now ;) It also seems like you've inspired a few to follow in your footsteps, to which I say well done. @ Mol: I think your painting looks fine, and I'm impressed with the freehand on the chapter badge, I tried it myself and it is certainly tricky! With regards to the red, it looks like a solid start. I do however feel that the colour should be somewhat darker, as all of the illustrations and descriptions in your IA seem to suggest a darker feel. But like I said, it still looks good ;) Yeah, the red perhaps isn't as dark, but I'm experimenting, trying to find something that's easy to paint. We'll see, anyway. ---- Personally, I prefer the Codex/Fortress grey on the Tactical Space Shark to the blue-grey of the Terminator. I don't think it's bland, but the it works for me, and I've always been a fan of Chapters like the Revilers and Relictors. I think a blue-grey pushes the Sharks over into Space Wolf territory. A few more pictures: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
captain_shrike Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Seriously guys I'm having exactly the same problem and I'm doing the same thing. So I'm going to keep tabs on this thread and use it for inspiration to build my Black Consuls 2nd/3rd good luck guys its looking good....can't wait to see more.....I'm going to post more in my thread at the weekend(when I get to a PC that I can upload photos from my camera onto) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reyner Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Great idea guys! I'll be watching this thread with interest, it may even force me to finish my company eventually ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpt_Tiberius Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Hey guys! First off thanks for your comments and support. I agree that it is very encouraging to us. :) Now on to some replies... • Shark Tooth Totem - Yes the teeth are plasticard. Wasn't sure it was going to work, but I am pretty pleased with the results. I do think my GS might have been to old as it was very very tacky and difficult to work with. • Grey Color - The tactical looks flat because I am not a photographer. :sweat: The Termi and the Tac marine are both painted exactly the same way. As for flatness that is alsos a photo problem. the minis have a subtle blend on the armor, but it doesn't photograph well. • Sharktooth Pattern on Helmets - While it looks good on Terminators it is rather silly looking on tactical marines. Besides I don't want to over use it. It will be seen on all of my vehicles though (not sure about landspeeders though, they seem the most obvious but the design on their nose makes it difficult to apply. will have to do some tests. Thanks again for your support and I am glad we have inspired some of you to finish your own armies. :) -T. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted June 19, 2008 Author Share Posted June 19, 2008 Just a quick snap; I undercoated nine more Marines (including that Heavy Bolter and Flamer) to go with my test model; so this is Squad Tanthus, my first Squad. Hopefully I can really push forward over Friday and Saturday. (This picture has Sergeant Tanthus along with Brothers Junius, Sixtus, Bassus, Laelius, Hadrian, Sicinius, Valerius, Arrius and Titus.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jester262 Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 this is great! I'll be watching myself! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpt Stahl Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Great idea, good luck to both ;) Cpt Stahl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Nugz Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 2 companies of 2 different chapters?!?! Brilliant! Good job guys. Don't give up. Ecspecially you Molotov. I love the Castigators and might even paint a squad of them if that is okay with you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vassakov Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Good luck guys, we at the Fang will raise an ale in support of our brother Chapters. This looks like being an awesome project, and what we see at the moment looks fantastic. Keep it up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brother varen Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Good luck, Mol and Capt. Tiberius. Iwill definitely be keeping my eye on this thread. It's nice to see that i'm not the only one with this problem :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
El-Diablo Posted June 19, 2008 Share Posted June 19, 2008 Now this is a thread i've been looking forward to. Everything is looking fantastic at this point, you've both got great foundations to work on. It'll be interesting seeing which way you both go about painting the company. Mol, just remember, Mechrite Red is your friend. Keep repeating that and everything will be fine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zombie Sasquatch Posted June 20, 2008 Share Posted June 20, 2008 Now this should help me get my models painted. Almost a full 1500 point army, and only a single marine anywhere near completion! Well, we have the whole summer ahead of us gentlemen, let's see how it goes. :devil: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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