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I live in Santa Clara. amd lookin' for a gaming group.



Do you play at Game Kastle at all? Wasn't sure if you were an EBG or DoW player.




I am a DoW player. There is a campiagn starting on Sunday. If you want to play.

Edited by Master Gabriel Macleod
  • 2 weeks later...

Just a head's up to the SoCal crowd - We've got a 40K tournament at Game Empire in San Deigo on November 7th. The format is doubles, 1000 points per player (2000 per side). A bunch of us from Orange County and Long Beach are heading down for it.


Game Empire Website


Full Tournament Details


Advanced Sign Up


Thanks ;)

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Would anyone in the SF/Bay Area be interested in participating in the BoLS designed Badab War campaign? (if you haven't checked it out, do yourself a favor and do so. I think it is very well designed.)


We play in San Leandro where one member of our gaming group has a couple of tables set up at his house. If interested please let me or ldog1765 know.



I'm in the Sacramento/Rancho Cordova area. I frequent Great Escape Games, but haven't played there yet. I'm recently getting back into 40k after about 10 years. I'm looking for a laid back group of players that would like to get together during the week (Tues-Thurs). Edited by Pigz
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm pleased to announce Capitol Punishment, a 2000 point 40K tournament hosted by Great Escape Games in Sacramento, CA. It will consist of 5 games, 3 on Saturday June 19 and 2 on Sunday June 20. We will be providing $620 in total prize support, we will be using the latest version of the INAT FAQ, and we plan on continuing this tournament annually with the intent to become part of the GW Tournament Circuit.


The cost to enter is $40 until May 22, and $50 until June 12 at which point registration is closed.


A little about the store - be aware that this tournament is not connected in any way with our bimonthly tournament series. The website is here, and we have a subsection of the forums dedicated to Capitol Punishment so please direct your questions there. Entrants should email their army list to sirus@greatescapegames.com.

Edited by Hokkaido23
  • 1 month later...

Hey all,


Just started playing a vanilla space marines army and in the final stages of having it all assembled. I am new to the 40k Univ but and have a small army (700)pts. I am looking for a gaming buddy around my age 20 who doesnt mind kinda showing me the ropes. I live in yorba linda ca in orange county.


General announcement to all you CA bay area players (hope this is the right spot for this) but GW Alamo is having a 2500pt tournament on May 22nd 2010, and we have 12 available spots for all y'all who want to play a good game. Or get some more practice with your ard boyz army. Just call the store to sign up. The only restrictions are WYSIWYG, and army must be at least basecoated.
  • 2 weeks later...
Jumping in late here. I'm in La Mirada, CA. I'm kinda at an equal distance from the LA Bunker, The Block, and the new store that just opened in Fullerton, so I go back and forth between the three. Feel free to PM me if anyone is nearby and wants to get games in. I have ~8k points of Marines, 1.5k of Nids, and also dabble a bit in Fantasy with Dark Elves.
  • 3 months later...

Riverside/Corona CA


I have a Monthly Game on the 3rd Saturday of every Month


Our September Meet is on the 18th and is a 3,000 point Planet Strike Game


We do have Multiple Tables


PM me if you are interested




Thank you for your time



Riverside/Corona CA


I have a Monthly Game on the 3rd Saturday of every Month


Our September Meet is on the 18th and is a 3,000 point Planet Strike Game


We do have Multiple Tables


PM me if you are interested




Thank you for your time



Here is an update:

We are still planning on a Planetstrike Game of at least 3,000 points.


We got two 1,500-point Marines List [Attacker] vs. a 3,000 Point Chaos Army [Defender].


If we a couple of other players we will just kick it up to 3,000 points apiece.


I will be supplying Drinks and munchies.

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