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The 2 unnamed Legions, will they ever be revealed?


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Not quite... The Old Ones implanted them with the desire to fight. Not all of them have an inherent knowledge of technology.


As to the Lost Legions, the fact remains that they are Lost, and GW has no plans to reveal them anytime soon.


Also, those Blood Angels books were horrible. Sheer rubbish wrapped in crud and sprinkled with a healthy dose of lame-sauce...

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Lion el Jonson isbeing kept by the watchers in the dark....theres a caption in the 2nd ed codex "Angels of Death" where this is stated.


As for the two missing legions I seem to remember that in White dwarf when they were showcasing the battle for the Emperors Palace Display one of the photo captions mentions a legion called the "Fire Wasps".

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As for the two missing legions I seem to remember that in White dwarf when they were showcasing the battle for the Emperors Palace Display one of the photo captions mentions a legion called the "Fire Wasps".


The Fire Wasps are a titan legion if I remember correctly. I believe they do guard the Emperor's palace or something like that though.

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Justin Kase Posted Today, 04:52 AM

CernumnosX is correct, you probably saw the word "Legio", in this case referring to the Legio Ignatum (aka Fire Wasps), which is a Titan Legion. From the fluff, they defended the Imperial Palace during the battle there.


Spot on. The Fire Wasps are currently one of three Titan Legions based at Mars.

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Anyway, in the HH art books, who are the pure blood red (doesn't seem like Blood Angels or 1k Sons) and gold paint schemes? Because they look cooool. xD


BTW, they aren't the custode!

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Anyway, in the HH art books, who are the pure blood red (doesn't seem like Blood Angels or 1k Sons) and gold paint schemes? Because they look cooool. xD


BTW, they aren't the custode!


Thousand Sons. It should say just under the picture.


No, the sketch ones that has no symbol and isn't 1k Sons.

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I really hate when people does this...NO, they are the Fire Hawks who soul got a warp diseases and now serve the Emperor until the die, they are the corrupted Angels of the Emperor!

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I really hate when people does this...NO, they are the Fire Hawks who soul got a warp diseases and now serve the Emperor until the die, they are the corrupted Angels of the Emperor!

Not necassarily true. Who's to say they are a curropted chapter? Besides, as I previously stated at length in this thread, NO space marine can be as stealthy as the LotD. For one thing, they arrive right at the heart of the darkest shadows on the battlefield, even if there was a way of warp travel like this, the psykers would see it and prevent it, for fear of DEAMONS! *cybercringe* and no marine, be it Raven Guard or even Alpha legion are THAT stealthy. It's just not right.

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YES, but in fluff, it says the LotD were an old chapter, the Fire Hawks, though the fluff seems to be flapping around a bit, trying to get a bit of mystery in. I'm sure GW could still do cool things without annoying us, like teasing us yet not revealing enough, like the 2 Lost Legions and the LotD.
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The Fire Hawks were part of the 21st founding (which is also known as the Cursed Founding) in that the other chapters formed at the same time have been victims of terrible misfortunes - Obviously the Fire Hawks themselves, who along with their battle fleet made a warp jump and never emerged (and are now strongly rumoured to be the Legion of the Damned), the Minotaurs who joined with the Tyrant of Badab and were sent on a penitent crusade after succeeding their home world as punishment, the Black Dragons who have an unstable mutation concerning bone growth, and of course the Lamenters who were almost completely destroyed during the first Tyranid attack on the Imperium.


There are only peacemeal snippets of the lost legions - perhaps most revealing was 'the lightning tower', where we know that apparently the legions were 'traitors' (this could be interpreted in any number of ways), and that the Primarchs existed (their statues are covered by shrouds in the palace on earth, just as Dorn has arrived there to help fortify it).

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the Minotaurs who joined with the Tyrant of Badab and were sent on a penitent crusade after succeeding their home world as punishment


You'r wrong the Lamenters joind the Astral Claws in the Badab Wars.......the Minotaurs were the ones who kicked their asses in bloody ship to ship fighting.After that the Lamenters were sent with the Scytes of the Emperor against Kraken were they lost 90% of their Marines.

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What if the Emperor messed up the 2 chapters? They were going to be made but he went to far and the experiments went wrong. Leading to them being deleted from the records.






They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plaguThey shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear.


+++ The Emperor of Mankind, on the Creation of the Space Marines +++

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Well that is a possiblity certainly..


Remember though the 'Lightning Tower' story tells us that there were statues of the 'lost' Primarchs in the Palace on earth - so they were presumably found and re-united with their legions. However, I guess there is the possibility that something happened with their geneseed, some massive mutation that meant they had to be destroyed.


Its reinforced time and time again at the beginning of 'Horus Rising', that no marine has ever killed another, but perhaps if the marines of the lost legions had been suitably corrupted then they would not be counted as such..

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In most primarch fluff when the Emperor came they wouldnt join him unless he completed a trial either combat or something else. What if he lost two of these trials and agreed to leave them in peace. Set up a quaranteen zone and deemed it for ever to remain in place.


If the nids got worse or the crons that would allow GW to have these races enter the quaranteen zone and disturb these primarchs who would obviously raise arms agaisnt these transgressors and eventually rejoin the imperium.

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In most primarch fluff when the Emperor came they wouldnt join him unless he completed a trial either combat or something else. What if he lost two of these trials and agreed to leave them in peace. Set up a quaranteen zone and deemed it for ever to remain in place.


i can understand not reading the entire thread before posting.. but, jeez just the post above would have been worthwhile :rolleyes:

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I did read the post above.What I said still stands maybe the Emperor had the statues made as a mark of respect and let them keep their legions to patrol their area of space. It was just a suggestion but apparently some people love the fact that the imternet allows them to be rude to others anonomously
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In mechanicum, Rogal Dorn seems to imply that the legions may still be around but Malcador remind him that they are lost.


Could it be that at least one of them refuse to join the emperor and decide to remain in his own planet for is own reasons? perhaps he rejected the imperial logic.

One of them could have join Horus in rebellion and later change is mind.

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Odd thought I had after reading Mechanicum: Couldn't Dorn's musings about having 15 rather than 13 just as easily refer to the two legions that had sided with Horus at the time? I mean, it is a fairly ambiguous statement. Nothing comes screaming out of the text and says "OH MY EMPEROR IT IS ABSOLUTELY ABOUT THE MISSING LEGIONS!" to me. I dunno, just my two cents I guess.
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