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The 2 unnamed Legions, will they ever be revealed?


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Also, where does the red come from? Neither the LWs nor the DG have red in their colour schemes. Neither is there gold. Yet the GKs have both.


Red is for the blood shed for the Emperor, and the gold is the color of the Emperor himself.




Or not ;)

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You mean like they're chosen by the Emperor, so they get to wear his colours?


*Glances suspiciously at the Custodes*


It is more than likely that custodes and GK share the same gene-seed, if we compared the two there are more similarities than comparing GK's with a standard chapter.



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It is more than likely that custodes and GK share the same gene-seed, if we compared the two there are more similarities than comparing GK's with a standard chapter.


That as an isolated statement I agree with, except I think Custodes don't use geneseed as we understand it. :lol:

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Oh, sorry! :lol: Maybe my point has become slightly redundant! But I recently looked at the title of this topic, stopped and thought: Not will they ever be revealed, but can they ever be revealed? I am bored and lazy so I am not going to say my point but maybe later, plus I am playing COD 4 at the moment, so... ;)
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im perfectly fine with never knowing the truth, because in all honesty, if GW ever does come out with what happend, i will know that it wasnt there first intintion.


if GW tries to reveal it in any way, it woulnt be as awesome as you want it to be. possibly the best way would be to say that they ARE the GK, which can make sense, but it only works as long as its a theroy held only bt the players, not if they make it offical.


some thing happened to the deleted chapters, and they where deleted. whatever it was that happened has sense been frogoten... thus, we will never know what it is that happend, And thats perfectly fine, it leaves the option for people to base there fluff around the theroy that they belive the chapter is far away, in a distant world, and if they can find them, they can bring back enough power to the emperium to start a new golden age.

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some thing happened to the deleted chapters, and they where deleted. whatever it was that happened has sense been frogoten... thus, we will never know what it is that happend, And thats perfectly fine, it leaves the option for people to base there fluff around the theroy that they belive the chapter is far away, in a distant world, and if they can find them, they can bring back enough power to the emperium to start a new golden age.


I bet Bjorn da fell hand remembers..

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Alpharius / Omegon ~ May be dead, may be alive who knows (hopefully alive and loyal)


so basically if all primarchs come out for a fight chaos has 6 confirmed hitters with the prospect of Alpahrius / Omegon

while the loyalists have 1 confirmed, 4 missing and one possible


i would like to note however the luther is one hardcore.... surviving 10,000 years is no small feat...


Sorry to jump way back here (and sorry if someone else has already posted this - but my take on the Alpha's is that one of the twins really went over to chaos and the other stayed loyal, splitting their forces between them. That way there are real chaos Alphas like in the DoW books, and there are loyalist alphas working in secret to bring chaos down, as Legion implies.

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You'll find in another thread on this subject - buried somewhere in the B&C archives - that it was said that all twenty legions took part in the Great Crusade along with where it came from. (I forget now, it's been a while.) Therefore, the Primarchs of the II and XI Legions were found and their legions established.


Edit: Corrected grammar.



Based on "Descent of Angels" (and Flight of the Eisenstein), the legions were founded on the geneseed of the primarchs - The Emperor had this on Terra, the lost primarchs did not need to be found. The Dark Angels and the Death Guard (at least) were originally made up of Terrans (and others I guess) - only afte the crusade reaches their homes did they begin recruiting primarily from Caliban etc...


So maybe there were 2 legions with no (surviving) primarchs. Once the emperor gave up on finding his last two sons, he disbanded their legions?

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perhaps one of the primachs future was that he would completely wipe out the Eldar. the eldar, knowing this from various farseers, destroed the legion.


perhaps my destroying the planet on which there fighting another race, orks maybe, with the other missing legion


as for why they are deleted from records, just the previously stated morale issue.


just my thoughts

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Here's a little snippet - The book 'Red Fury', the 4th Blood Angels Novel. In which Dante and Seth (Chapter master of the Fleshtearers) are arguing about the Fate of the Blood Angels, in a conclave with the other Chapter Masters of BA successors.


One states 'We cannot Disband a first founding chapter!'


Seth's reply is 'We know the history of the Astartes, it has happened before'.


So, a first founding chapter was, at some point, disbanded. We know that the 9 loyalist chapters remain, and the 9 that turned in the heresy were excommunicated. So at least one of the 2 appears to have been disbanded.


Now we need to know when, and why.

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but if it were true, that WHFB to place on a 40k planet, then why arent the orks using their stuff?


Feral Orks, sir. The same could be said about the Exodite Eldar and their lack of Shuriken weapons. But such things may have been forgotten.

ah but the eldar have been around as long as the necrons and perhaps after the fall a craftworld was scattered to WH fantasys world and after many generations gave up on thier technology and got accustomed to old fedual ways of survival and defending themselves same thing with all the other races in fantasy orks just show up, dark eldar im sure just went a little crazy after the fall when they got stuck on this planet, lizard men and skaven were probably just freakish sized animal that got a little too smart, orks grow like weeds (pun intended:P) an ork must be given technology in oder to replicate it they arent very original (converted tanks) black powder era humans still inhabit planets the imperium doesn't mind they arent as advanced as everyone else. well not to go on about everyother race in fantasy im sure they all have logical explanations for their underdevelopment

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As an ex-High Elves player, I feel compelled to correct you on your fluff incorrectness.


after the fall a craftworld was scattered to WH fantasys world and after many generations gave up on thier technology and got accustomed to old fedual ways of survival and defending themselves same thing with all the other races in fantasy orks just show up, dark eldar im sure just went a little crazy after the fall when they got stuck on this planet


The High Elf Codex states that the High Elves lived for quite some time in a state of darkness. They couldn't think and couldn't remember what occurred during this time period. Then, there was a burst of light that cut through the darkness and illuminated their minds, and thus, the High Elves were born. This leaves the possibility of a Craftworld crashlanding on the Warhammer world, and perhaps the inhabitants of the Craftworld suffered from severe amnesia as a result of the crash.


However, we do know for sure that the Dark Elves are NOT Dark Eldar. They're actually High Elves who betrayed their brethren during an event known as "The Sundering". Led by a sorcerer named Malekith, the inhabitants of one of the High Elf territories (Ulthuan, the High Elves home island, is split into several different territories.) rose up against the other High Elves. These rebel Elves had been perversely worshiping the High Elf war-god, Khaine for a long time.


When the Sundering was over, the narrowly defeated rebel Elves fled with Malekith across the ocean, renaming themselves as "Dark Elves".


As for Orks, it's entirely possible that they just crash landed a Rok on the Warhammer world, and when their inherently unstable technology broke down on them, they couldn't find any resources to repair it, so they degenerated to the level of Feral Orks. (But that still doesn't explain why there are "Feral Orks" in Warhammer Fantasy? You know, the ones with like, toucan heads as axe-heads? Are they just "feral-er" than the other Orks? I dunno.)


In any case, the Humans on the Warhammer world are probably left over from the Dark Age of Technology. (My theory is that Bretonians are the remnants of an Inquisition task force sent to re-claim the world for the Imperium, and that they got trapped by the warp-storms and couldn't leave, so they had to adapt to the planet they had landed on. Also, their time away from the Emperor's golden light caused them to confuse his gender a bit, as they mistakenly began to worship "The Lady of the Lake"...)


As far as the missing Legions, I doubt they'll ever be revealed. GW has stated that it wants them to stay a mystery, so people can write their own fluff using their own interpretations of the missing legions.


Just my $0.02...


Edit: Fixed off topic-ness.

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Also, where does the red come from? Neither the LWs nor the DG have red in their colour schemes. Neither is there gold. Yet the GKs have both.

there is the custodian guard they are gold but i doubt they are a legion especially since we know about the custodes they wouldnt be missing

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Here's a little snippet - The book 'Red Fury', the 3rd Blood Angels Novel. In which Dante and Seth (Chapter master of the Fleshtearers) are arguing about the Fate of the Blood Angels, in a conclave with the other Chapter Masters of BA successors.


One states 'We cannot Disband a first founding chapter!'


Seth's reply is 'We know the history of the Astartes, it has happened before'.


So, a first founding chapter was, at some point, disbanded. We know that the 9 loyalist chapters remain, and the 9 that turned in the heresy were excommunicated. So at least one of the 2 appears to have been disbanded.


We could just put that down to the author too :lol:


But, that is an interesting bit you picked up on. I'll have to dig up that novel and reread that part.

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Here's a little snippet - The book 'Red Fury', the 3rd Blood Angels Novel. In which Dante and Seth (Chapter master of the Fleshtearers) are arguing about the Fate of the Blood Angels, in a conclave with the other Chapter Masters of BA successors.


One states 'We cannot Disband a first founding chapter!'


Seth's reply is 'We know the history of the Astartes, it has happened before'.


So, a first founding chapter was, at some point, disbanded. We know that the 9 loyalist chapters remain, and the 9 that turned in the heresy were excommunicated. So at least one of the 2 appears to have been disbanded.


That's very interesting, but with a slight flaw. It says 'Chapter'. We know from Mechanicum that the 2 Lost Legions were lost before the Siege of Terra, so they cannot have been around for the introduction of the Codex Astartes. Oddly enough the only thing this could refer to is one of the 9 Loyalist Legions . . .


Could it perhaps be referring to those Legions that were almost wiped out at the Dropsite Massacre? They could well have been considered 'disbanded' until they rebuilt their strength.

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Or he could just be conflating legion and chapter.


Alternately, the Lost Legions come back at some point between the point where Dorn says they're lost and when our boy says his little speech.


Alternately alternately...as I recall, the Blood Angel novels are almost universally error-prone, fallacious and lousy. We could just ignore it.

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Sorry to take this off-topic, but Feral Orks are spores of Ork warbands that matured with no technology in sight so they used their claws to sharpen sticks then raided Imperial/Non-imperial settlements cose-by then took the weapons, run back into the jungle, breed then repeat this over and over till they are large enought to take over the planet, build ships or capture abandoned warp ships thaty crash on the planet, capture the system then start a Waagh! Quite simple. :)


Maybe Magnus/The Emperor/some form of psyker had a vision that the 2 legions would be wiped out before the end of the GC. These two then tried to change the future and inadvertantly cuased the future to happen. Kinda like in Thats So Raven lol :P

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No such thing as a Feral Ork, technology is imprinted in there brain.
Ah, in MEKBOYZ it is. The only things in an ork brain are: Eat, Talk, Kill. That is its primal instincts. Feral Orks are classified as orks without acces to technology, not the understanding of technology. Tuh, get it right man. :blink:
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