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Born in the UK though... Manchester


However, I call Australia home


Sounds like a couple of song titles


And I'm NOT insane...




I'm greedy and hungry for power... to rule the world, the universe... the entire 40K world


Sorry... no, I just love collecting



Sneak peek at the Land Raider Tank Factory


WIP Armoured Spearhead









Please note that not all pieces have been trimmed yet, weapons and track are not yet glued (to be painted first), and the hull tops has not been glued in place yet

Edited by Lord Castellan Mik

More pics of Armoured Spearhead









Just got to paint weapons and track - Undercoat vehicles and then assemble and final paint.

Edited by Lord Castellan Mik

This is Armoured Spearhead 1 (anti tank)


Weapon fitout as follows:


LR 1

Sponson - twin linked Lascannon

Hull Cupola - twin linked Heavy Bolter

Command Cupola 1 - Searchlight

Command Cupola 2 Hunter Killer Missile


LR 2

Sponson - twin linked Lascannon

Hull Cupola - twin linked Heavy Bolter

Command Cupola 1 - Searchlight

Command Cupola 2 Hunter Killer Missile


LR Terminus

Sponson - twin linked Lascannon and single Lascannon

Hull Cupola - twin linked Lascannon

Command Cupola 1 - Searchlight

Command Cupola 2 Hunter Killer Missile


LR Crusader

Sponson - three twin linked Heavy Bolters

Hull Cupola - twin linked Assault Cannon

Command Cupola 1 - will be Brother Sgt Chronus

Command Cupola 2 pintal mount Heavy Flamer


Armoured Spearhead 2 (anti infantry) will be the same format except for:


LR Terminus

Sponson - twin linked Lascannon and single Heavy Bolter

Hull Cupola - twin Heavy Bolter

Command Cupola 1 - Searchlight

Command Cupola 2 Hunter Killer Missile


LR Redeemer

Flamers everywhere

Just short of A$3000 (about 1200 UK pounds), models only... sorry I don't have the 'pound' symbol on my keyboard!


thats actually not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.


Well, I salute you my friend, THAT sir, is dedication :tu:

You sir are off your nut.


How can you put so much stuff together and not start gibbering and drooling in the corner is beyond me.


Quality so far even if you didn't paint a single fig it would still look epic on the battlefield. Do you plan to play it all in one game? Do you have an opponent with enough points to match this beast?


Wonder if someone has an Ork or Nid horde of this size??

WOW, my goodness......I have never seen so many marines. I thought that I spent a lot(800 usd) for my 4k worth of models for my new Black Templar army. You def have me beat! The only gripe I have is.......Ultramarines? Should have made them Imperial Fists!!!



Ocid: I like the idea of Campaigns, you know wysiwyg; from planet fall to win.


So, all the forces would be in a few continuous games - or one game with a lot of turns.


I allready have an equal size opponent - ME with IG, check back with my post #12; that army is now twice as big.


Muskie: I always add up the dollars - before I spend more, I need to work out the savings, etc


Knowing the actual cost, the RRP, the savings, other prices (on ebay, etc), all add to the enjoyment...


Sooooo much stuff for sooooo little $$$


See... cool isn't it?

As a side thought...


I've been thinking about a Master of the Forge conversion - I have a direct sales full harness Techmarine and this would be a brilliant start. I allso have a conversion Beamer from Space Crusade days (GW designed).


I know that the C:SM says Full Harness OR conversion Beamer, however, I recently read a thread that stated as a compramise, he kept the actual Full Harness arms, removed all the attachments, and replaced with the Conversion Beamer on the arm - with other trinkets... thus not countering the actual rule.


What do YOU think guys... does it work, coz the Full Harness IS the Master of the Forge... How could GW take it away?

all i can say is wow. that many marines is an awe inspiring sight.

may i suggest build a squad at a time, then paint it, then built another, and paint that one? that way its less likely you will kill yourself through removing mold lines.

looking forward to seeing a lot more marines produced and painted, even if they are ultramarines!

I know what you are saying... however, as you see from the LR factory, I love production line...


Fluff and research I'm brilliant at, building I'm very good at, converting I'm good at, and painting this size (I'm used to Epic remember) I've got to learn - and stop start per squad is not a learning curve for me.


I know that by doing it my way, you guys only get to see half finished stuff for a while... but the end will come to those who wait.

;) You are living the dream.


When it's all done and deployed during your apoc game will you sit back, take it all in for a second and then throw your head back cackling like a villain while raising your open hands to the sky?

Edited by Zeller

On the quiet... 6x Baneblades, 9x Basilisk, 14x LR, 3x LR Demolishers, 3x Hellhounds, 10x Sentinels, 100x Kasrkin, almost 500x Cadians, over 60x heavy wpn teams, 12x command squads, 5x Commissars. Still to come 6x LR, 3x Hellhounds, 3x LR Demolishers, 15x Commissars, 17x Chimera, and 12x Valkyries. And one day - 3x Warhounds


And, yes... Thunderhawks too (when they are released in plastic)

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