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To Exterminatussock or not to Exterminatussock?

Bran Scalphunter

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Alright, my not so FLGS is having a cash Tourney in about a month. I planned on joining in with my Wolves since I can always use a game of 40k. However, the store went under a shift in management and the old crew has been replaced entirely by new mooks. I went to the new owner and asked if I should use C:SM for wargear and vehicles (figured I'd make sure with the TO first). He promptly told me that the Space Wolves are not a legal army under 5th Edition and that I would have to use one of the more recent Codeci for me to enter. Note this is right after he gave a guy playing Dark Eldar the okay to be in the tourney, and they're older than we are! :o


Now as to how the title fits into this: in my rush to get to the GS, I somehow managed to include a tube sock into my bag of books and models. After speaking with him, I went back to get my Codex to prove we were legal and found said sock. Going through the army bag, I grabbed the Ven Dread in there and created an impromptu Dreadsock. TO saw that and as I came over, he asked, and I quote "You're not gonna dreadsock me are ya?". I cooly responded with "I'm not sure yet" as I slapped the Codex and most recent FAQ down onto the shop counter in front of him. Of course he still wouldn't let me enter so I told him to "Sod off, ya dirty Sister of Battle! You can count on my never spending my money here again!"


To make things short, I never plan on going near that store and am currently out of nearby stores in which to play Warhammer or any of my habits... I mean hobbies.


What's a Wolf to do my brothers?


*replace sod, Sister, and battle with more imaginative words as you please*

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lol, it would have been even funnier when you really called him sister of battle=p

maybe you could invite your friends over to your place to game?

maybe you should tell them why too,i'm pretty sure the honest and good gamers will understand, the powergamers however, oh wait, you wouldn't wanna play them do you?:o

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Space Wolves are a legal army, the codex exists, it has a 5th Edition FAQ and it's a legal dex in every large scale tournament I'm aware of. 13th Company is usually not considered legal however there's nothing saying Space Wolves cannot be used. Their rules are valid under 5th Edition. If your local Game Store manager is being so rude, I wouldn't go there anymore and I'd ask any friends you know not to attend either. It's rediculous especially since the guy is allowing the even older Dark Eldar.


Anyway that's just bull <DELETED BY THE INQUISITION> man, but there's not much you can do. Though you should have dreadsocked him, that would have been hilarious and well worth the reprocussions IMO. Sounds like that guy needs something large shoved up his proverbial rear end.

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That's the problem since:


1- I'm in the process of moving this month

2- I'll be living in an 2nd floor apartment and gamers can get noisy

3- Try convincing my mom to let half the people I regularly gamed with within 100ft of where I'm moving to.

4- See 1 through 3 and repeat as necessary


@ Vash- technically, I could have gotten away with it, since I'm only 15. *schemes* :devil:

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Maybe you should remind him that under adepticon, any GT circuit, 'ard boys, 40k radio, etc, which are ALL 5th ed tournies, SW are very much so a legal list. You should have packed a second dread into there and exterminatusocked him square in the nuts for such foolishness. You should also give games workshop a call and have them speak to said chumpette.
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well, here is my recommendations:

1. DONT dreadsock him. as he obviously is a moron, think to yourself. is hurting your dreadnought worth hurting a moron? remember the rulebook is hardback, and not breakable. a dreadnought is.

2. organize a gaming group at another location. i have done this 1 time, and let me tell you, the TO will think twice when less than half the usual number of gamers come to a tournament.

this is optional: attend tournament but do not play. instead, bring your rule book and correct him anytime something is done incorrectly. i have done this alos, and it quickly points out his lack of 40k knowledge.


my LGS allows a well known cheater (throughout the state of FL) to participate, so i stopped attending any tournaments he runs. i then organized a gaming group on a none traditional gaming day (sunday here in FL) and quickly had more regulars coming here than his tournaments. i tell them all why i refuse to play in his tournaments, and several of them agreed with me and stopped doing so also. a new GS is expanding to warhammer and i am leaving his store completely and going there. the only thing i buy at his store is cookies. anything warhammer i go to other GS, or order online.


i understand that a player should support his local GS, but the GS should support him also. its a symbiotic relationship. it one side is being retarded, than the other side will suffer as well.


wolf lord kieran

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i share your anger brother, that i do. my new FLGS has suddenly found out that the only store near by, that even sells GW stuff, has decided to try and get 40k going again. seeing as it is closer i went in to play a game. when i broke out my wolves nothing happened, after game 1 of the tourny, the owner (who plays Dark Eldar) said my list wasn't viable, even though i have a codex, and FAQ! WT :devil: !!!! he started going on that i had too many HQs and a few other things that were just unfair to other players..... i said right there in the middle of his store: "Ok, look at you list and tell me ever thing in there is "up to data and un-cheesy", just because i don't play normal space marines doesn't mean my list is unfair! i know there was a reason i stopped coming here and this just adds to it! see ya at the wolf time, little sissy eldar!" and stomed out of the building. it would have been a little better if he had said something when i showed up, but no he let me play one game, the because i destroyed his girlfriend with a about as old as his army codex, he said it wasn't fair. i swear i almost turned in to and Angry Marine "always angry...rrwaaahhh". it just got me so pissed.
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Maybe just not game for a while. I've gone on year long hiatus' from gaming if there aren't any opportunities. I've played 2 games in the last 8 months. Sometimes there just aren't opportunities but you can still model and paint and read and things like that and there is VASSAL and 40k Computer games and what not.


You could of course use the Gaming Store's tables to play your friends and just never buy anything there. Take up their table space and time and give them nothing back for being jerks and let everyone who comes in the store know.


Just don't hit anyone or do anything outrageous and they have no legal authority to make you leave but you can be a holy royal pain as a way to get back at them.

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Guest WG Vrox

Find out the businesses address and post it here for us, we will spam him with emails that contain our 5th edition FAQ and trounaments that allow our wolves to run.


Brothers we must stand together against this injustice and lend this brother wolf our strength as a pack.


Not that you woud go back to this place, but he will know our bite.


WG Vrox.

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Find out the businesses address and post it here for us, we will spam him with emails that contain our 5th edition FAQ and trounaments that allow our wolves to run.


Brothers we must stand together against this injustice and lend this brother wolf our strength as a pack.


Not that you woud go back to this place, but he will know our bite.


Actually I've seen forums do this before, it can get a point across quite... vividly.

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Find out the businesses address and post it here for us, we will spam him with emails that contain our 5th edition FAQ and trounaments that allow our wolves to run.


Brothers we must stand together against this injustice and lend this brother wolf our strength as a pack.


Not that you woud go back to this place, but he will know our bite.


Actually I've seen forums do this before, it can get a point across quite... vividly.


So, roughly speaking we FANGchan him?


I'm game. I'm also lucky in that the local store I play is Wisey's, another Wolf player. No problems there. Still, maybe spamming anyone like this might help... I mean, imagine if someone said that the BA list was no longer legal - at least we have a real, if dated Codex.

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Well, I've talked it over with some gaming buddies of mine who were also taking a dislike to the new crew. Roughly 18 of us have agreed to boycott purchasing anything from the store and to only use their tables. We're not to use the free paints or even speak to the crew. Since us Warhammer and D&D players form the bulk of the store's profit, we'll make some impact.


Unfortunately Vrox, the store no longer has a website or email, not that they would give it to me after the incident with the TO.


Other than that, he's a pile of grox-dung and ain't worth my time or energy.

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This is really frustrating, while reading this my blood pressure shot through the roof I swear. :)


For those of you who keep mentioning dark eldar, remember we ARE older, the D. eldar got a re-do after the Space Wolf codex came out.


There's absolutely NO reason why they shouldn't allow you to field Space Wolves, no reason at all it's completely legal.


Does this store sell Space Wolves merchandise?


PM me this store and it's contact information please...

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Wolf, if I had it's number it's lost amongst packed junk and it no longer has a email or website. I'll let you all in on it's name: Demon's Nest Gaming Shop in western MA. It has a very limited stock from olden times, maybe 1 box of GH that was there when I moved back from Arizona and oddly enough, 3 boxes of Wulfen... :)
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I agree, I would post their info.. I would be happy to write a letter.


Dont dreadsock him. Its not for you, its for your parents.


You might try to contact the owner? I have had a run of bad managers at a local store, but the current one is a good one. In the past, when I had problems, I spoke to the owner. Never to that degree, I tend to not get confronted much with BS like that (I am told it has to do with being 6'2" and about 280lbs - see link for pic).


Failing that, I wouldnt worry about the noise in an apartment. I regularly game in mine, and my friends, with no issue. Just remind them to keep it down.


Or you can always head over to Colorado Springs, we have two active game stores.. :P



Damn.. 3 boxes of wulfen? I NEED 3 boxes of wulfen...

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I'd take ya up on that offer Lars, only problem is I ain't moving cross-country again. Done it twice already, decided it sucked both times. Okay, so noise isn't a problem, but my mom would object to us crude creatures known as "gamers" piling into a relatively small apartment for Russ-knows how long on Saturdays... lord knows she thinks I spend too much time indoors as it is.. ;)
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Damn.. 3 boxes of wulfen? I NEED 3 boxes of wulfen...


I've been thinking whether or not to ask him about those... but I think I could wait to see if GW brings out new models (which I'm sure they will if they include them in the C:SW), or just make my own... only need a few more to make the Apoc list... ;)


I couldn't find ANYTHING on this store, I probably didn't look hard enough, and lets face it, google doesn't know all.

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$38 a box with tax, then how much for shipping? *shudders at thought of cost for sending 3 of them* :pinch:


Funny enough, Lars, you look a lot like some of my relatives, although we never branched out in CO. Nice medieval outfit you got by the way.


Its worth it. Pretty good gaming community here, and you get to be the test subject for my awesome list ideas...


Umm... yay? ;)

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