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My Doublewing (DW squad finished)


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May I ask how you did the black lines on your terminators? Is it badab black or did you use chaos black?


I used badab black on my (old) wolf guard terminators, but I think chaos black is a better option :-)


And another question, can you perhaps write a little tutorial on painting faces? They are great, just like everything on your models ;-)

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Because i prime the miniatures in black i don`t paint the lines. I just paint the other colors "around". And the lines are inked with flesh wash so they are not really black but a very dark brown.

And i will write a little tutorial about my faces the next days.

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Oh ok, I think I'll add thin lines of black and also ink with flesh wash... I have painted my wolves with skull white, then shadow grey, then made a little drybrush with 2 : 1 shadow grey, space wolves grey and added thin lines with the same color, but I don't really like the badab black inked part, so I'll redo it with a (hopefully) thin line of chaos black and flesh wash. I have bought all washes but somehow I don't use them that much, except of badab black :-/
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And somehow I don't like to paint details that much, because I always have to redo something, because I sometimes find it hard to paint exactly.


Und ich glaube wir könnten fast auf Deutsch kommunizieren :D

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wär auf jeden Fall einfacher hehe, aber ich glaube das ist hier nicht so gern gesehen.

So i switch back to English!

"so I'll redo it with a (hopefully) thin line of chaos black and flesh wash"

sounds good to me. Good luck and show us your result.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Although i don`t have much time to paint this days here is my finished chaplain.

Unfortunatelly no good pics cause of the stupid weather.


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You know, of everything in this thread, that chaplain may well be my favorite piece. Its a fantastic army, great addition with this guy for sure. I wish there was a pre-paint pic to see how that hood shaped up, and anything else you did, but the end result is just superb. Wheres the updated whole army pic =p! Thanks for keeping us all posted =)
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O M F G ! ! !


just incredible =) very well done vansan. i wish i've just 50% of your painting skill.


i like the bikes. very nice idea and the dreadnoughs are fine, too (i dislike the shield of the second dread^^)


further more gratz for the 4th place. nice to hear pure deathwing players are scoring ;-) could you please post your armylist? actually i'm a new wh40k player and i would like to get some ideas for building an army.


(idea up to now: belial, librarion, 2 ven dreads (droppod), 5 termisquads with a focus of close combat)


btw: i like your toturial! i'll try this on my dread after i've cleaned it (testet an silver-beige mix on it - didnt work^^)

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ok some new wips. Because i wanted a second close combat squad and also had the BR terminators and some termi and DW parts, i built up this.

And because of the good weather outside i shot some new army pics.









Here is what i painted since September 2008



and the HQ models together


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Not a bad idea Sigismund – it's certainly an army of great creativity. VanSan that assaault squad's coming together pretty well. On the sarge and another model: I guess the powerswords are representing thunderhammers?




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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

After a little break i am doing somthing for my Deathwing again. And its a Land Raider. The theme of the army is removed a bit from the SH issue, because i need a little variety since i have the "real" Space Hulk game. This means i will use normal LAnd Raiders now. Here is the first one, wip of course.

the white parts are finished.


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