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[RP] Verus Imperator Adventum


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That's fine Tyrak, much better to interrogate the prisoner on your own ship :( We all left with you anyway, I'm only now returning to the planet with some of Mallards men to secure the landing site anyway, which reminds me, I hope you don't mind me borrowing another dropship?


yah, James is still on his ship the Ranger(at least for now), i didnt even know people were on the planet


I hope you don't mind me borrowing another dropship?-quote

borrow my thunderhawk, James is going down to the planet anyway.

Captain Malachi Posted Today, 11:42 AM


That's fine Tyrak, much better to interrogate the prisoner on your own ship We all left with you anyway, I'm only now returning to the planet with some of Mallards men to secure the landing site anyway, which reminds me, I hope you don't mind me borrowing another dropship?


Thats fine, just don't take the Thunderhawk, I'm not letting a relative stranger run off with my baby. :P And don't break whatever you take, I've already lost an Aquila Lander.


Thanks Tyrak, I'll try and keep it in one piece, although my track record with dropships isn't very good :P. Emperors Chosen, basically myself, my retinue and ten of Mallards men are now on the planet at the landing site,and possibly others, so you're safe to land.


"Go right ahead Inquisitor, I'll see you planetside soon. Could you please send personel files regarding your men to tech-magos Alasor though, I'd like to know what I can expect, and it will make it easier to provide accomodation for all of them if you wish to make an extended stay." I said, in response to Inquisitor James' request to land.


of course ,i will send you all of the information to tech-magos Alasorthough, but it is not complete, as my scanners were not able topenetrate the jungles"

(on the planet)

"Inquisitor Mallard, a pleasure to meet you" James said, as he walked out of the Thunderhawk, onto the landing strip "I hope i can have your support, I plan to make an expedition into the jungle, but I only have the veterans of the Storm Hawks, and my peresonal stormtroopers"


Seems I didn't explain myself to well, sorry about that, my character is Inquisitor Gordo Levinski, I am merely borrowing some of Mallards men as I brought none of my own, also, It's not tech-magos Alasorthough, just tech-magos Alasor. Sorry.


"Welcome to Maeroc IV Inquisitor James, I will offer what support I can though I regret that my resources are limited, and I am currently in charge of keeping the landing zone safe. If you wish I can send 5 of Mallards men with you, though I should probably clear that with him first, and I doubt they will make a huge difference as the forces you have available should be enough. I have noticed that our scanners are unable to penetrate the jungle as well, it is curious, the jungles do not seem particularly dense, perhaps it is the result of the traitors warp-worship, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough."


Edit- *OOC* Emperors chosen, I just noticed why you thought the tech-magos was called Alasorthough, there was a missed space in my last comment, I've fixed it now.

Well, this is odd, seems my post from yesterday outlining my characters stance on equipment levels and detailing his landing action has been sucked into the warp. Shame, I thought I did a decent job of getting some skitarii killed in an ambush. Well, he's a replacement that'll be functionally the same.




Medronicus reviewed the situation after the fire fight, theatres like this could quickly corrode a force of its combat strength if precautions weren't taken. Munitorium records suggested that deathworld regiments were more resistant to these impacts, but very few of the omnimessiahs domains matched that description. He'd already lost a sixth of his combat strength, a fifteenth permanently, the balance recoverable when the support wave arrived, assuming nothing interrupted it.


The senior adept began to pen the missive he would have the astropath transmit when he arrived, this was seeming more and more like a task for Edward, and less and less like anything he wanted to be involved in. Understanding alien archaeology was something he pursued, confronting cultists like the ones who lay dead amid the plasma burns was something to be left to those who enjoyed that sort of thing.

in character

"my thanks Inquisitor Levinski, yes, i believe my troops should be ebough, but I believe that overkill is a necessity in this case, i also believe that the jamming is the heretics faault, so i want all i can to combat him"


"Very well Inquisitor, I will send a message to Inqusitor Mallard to see if he will allow some of his men to accompany your expedition, and I will also send my protege Jachai with you, he is a fine warrior and an intelligent man, I'm sure he will be of use to you." I said, before sending the message up to Inquisitor Mallard.


Out of interest Emperors Chosen, what are exactly do your forces consist of, numbers wise?


Ryas climbed back into the Starhawk and reveiwed the sensor data and found an Inquisitorial party landing at a more isolated site. In seconds the Starhawk was on its way.


At the landing site the other Inquisitorial agents looked up at the vast bulk of the Starhawk bomber as it descended on VTOL jets. Its black outline was unmarked by any symbols and its weapons scanned constantly. It touched down with a heavy thump and the collossal foward ramp lowered to the ground. The ten men of Ryas' combat retinue emerged from the Starhawk. The Arco-flagellants forming a placid line and the four stormtroopers a cautious guard of the ramp as Inquisitor Ryas descended in his powered armour. Those with psyker abilities found them snuffed out as Ryas came closer his untouchable quality making their skin crawl. "Brothers, it seems that Basavriuk isn't the only cult here." The others stared for a moment.


"I was interrupted at my initial landing site by a Cultist psyker and his followers. He implied that intruders into their domain were unwelcome, later implying that Basavriuk was one of the intruders." He didn't bother elaborating. Trust was scarce but information like this was likely unsuprising and unlikely to be questioned. "As I am a new arrival what are our current plans and directions?"


Decided against first person, it's getting confusing now, going back to standard stroy telling.

*IC (Assuming you landed with us, not somewhere else)*

"Welcome Inquisitor, our plans are to execute the traitor, beyond that we are currently simply securing the landing zone, making it safe for the others to land. Inquisitor James is making an expedition in to the jungle as well, to try and find the source of the jamming of our scanners." Levinski said, as the new arrival exited his Starhawk. He found it an odd sensation not being able to read the new Inquisitor, he had never liked untouchables. "This cult, a chaos one I presume?"

  Captain Malachi said:
"This cult, a chaos one I presume?"




"One would assume so, his robes were covered in crude warp spawned icons, not the traditional sort but that is to be expected of such non-standard cults. The Gods are probably the same just with different names and icons according to local custom. Or perhaps they worship the lesser powers of the warp. In truth I cannot say with certainty the psykers intent. He seemed to dislike trying to get close." One of Ryas' Stormtroopers laughed aloud for a moment before stifling it. The Cultist did squeal like a girl after all.


He stepped over to the crude maps gathered on a makeshift table barely noticing certain of his colleagues take steps back, close was safe if unnerving, too close was repulsive to a psyker. Ryas had long ago ceased noticing when his fellow inquisitors decided to keep their distance even if they were happy to practically hug him if an overly powerful psyker or daemon was present. He looked at the maps of the jungle. With a typical monodominants heavy hand. "Have you considered just bombarding the forest? Nevermind we need to see Basavriuk dead." A bombardment of melta torpedoes would have made identification difficult.


"If Inquisitor James would feel comfortable with it i'd join him on his expedition. If witchery is involved my own nature would disrupt it the closer we got, my actual presence would allow one of our ships to target the site from orbit, we evac and bombard. Unless we had something else in mind?" Ryas was uncomfortable with the level of planning that seemed to have gone into this. The plan wasn't to execute the traitor, that should be the result of the plan. A plan is how one goes about getting that final result.


"We should also have the fleet Astropaths trying to find unsual or overly powerful psyker activity, I doubt they will discover anything but there is a chance Basavriuk made mistakes in his preparations." He said hoping some of his collegues would step up and get some indirect activities happening as well.




OOC: Just playing in character and throwing out some suggestions I had thought of myself. (My first thought was "exterminatus" but that would make a far too short RP :()


"Bombardment was my first though as well, but alas, Lord Tyrak would not have it, and he is essentially in charge of this operation." Levinski said, gesturing to tech-magos Alasor to join them. "I'd agree that having the astropaths looking for powerful psyker activity might be a good idea, but there are a lot of inquisitors on Maeroc IV, many of which are powerful psykers themselves. Ah, magos, is the Valorous Heart battle-ready?"

"No my lord, not yet, but I am confident I can have it working within the next two days."

"Very well. Inquisitor Ryas, I will take my leave now, I have other matters to attend to, and I'm sure you and Inqusitor James have many things to discuss."

Dec 12 2008, 10:59 PM

The thunder hawk approached the ship and waited for docking clearance before proceeding to the landing bay. "Time to go." said Stanislaus as the Stormtroopers filed in behind him. The thud of the transport setting down sent a tremor through the compartment. The hiss of decompression heralded the opening hatch and invaded the space with light, Stanislaus was already walking down the ramp.


Stanislaus is hiding in plain sight lol. probably just the fact that hes not wearing armor, or anything fancy at all.



Seeing a man in power armor frantically pacing back and forth Stanislaus still wearing his green fatigues started walking forward his white hair blazing in the glow globes light. The space in front of the irritated man was empty and obviously for the intended dignitary that was supposed to be here. "well it looks like my humility in having my pilot land in the normal spaces was a bit unexpected for him." he said to himself. Stepping forward into the fully lit space where Tyrak had intended him to land Stanislaus stepped into full view and hailed Tyrak "Greetings and salutations Inquisitor lord Tyrak."


"I thought about bombarding the forest too,but ,what if he escapes? I think we should go in and kill him ourselves, and use bombarding as a last resort." James said to Levinski "Levinski, i think we should procced into the forest immediatly,what do you think?"

*In character*

"Ah, Inquisitor Stanislaus, glad you could join us. What is it you wished to see me about?"


*Out of character*

Tyrak's pacing is slower and more monotonous. He tends to get annoyed when people waste his time, which actually includes anything but the most brief pleasantries. So don't be surprised if he's not best pleased you've disturbed him from his interrogation.


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