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[RP] Verus Imperator Adventum


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Turning to face the giant armoured sarcophagus, Levinski was awed by the sheer size of the ancient machine. "Yes, ancient one, what news do you bring?"

After listening to the dreadnoughts report of the fire headed their way, and dispatching some men to prepare for the fire, a hooded young man ran over. "For-forgive me Lord, but y-you may want to see this." He said, handing Levinski a data-slate.

After a brief pause, the inquisitor turned back to the ancient dreadnought, and spoke: "Ancestor, you should be aware that a new threat has arrived. An ork space vessel has entered the Maeroc system and is heading this way."



I felt like shaking things up a bit, besides, I get bored fighting humies all the time :tu: But yeah, this way we all have some way to add some drama to later posts, I just hope it doesn't go against board rules ;) Oh, by the way, everyone who isn't inside the effects of the jamming signal should know about it.


Edit- This thread has just reached 200 posts!

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Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I need to PM Shunch to find out exactly what the prisoner knows before I do an interrogation post.


Orks as well? Things are getting out of hand here. Are we really going to get away with keeping it at 30 men per player with an Ork hulk inbound?


By the way, where's Caladonia Prime? Last I heard we were on Maeroc IV. ;)

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We have a whole regiment of catachans on one side of the planet and a company of space marines inbound, I think the 30 men per player fell apart a while ago. Besides, one ork hulk won't add that much to the situation, just gives us an excuse to have someone else messing things up instead of more chaos boyz and crazy catachans. Or, you could blow it out of the sky, your choice.

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Well like I said in an earlier post the rest of the Captains men were pretty far out aboard their Battle Barge, and after a message was sent they are just now entering the warp. They should arrive (hopefully) within two days to a week. And don't worry I'm not planning on deploying an entire Company to the planets surface, after all the Warp is a fairly unstable place and god knows what's liable to happen during their journey to the planet ^_^

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Orks as well? Things are getting out of hand here. Are we really going to get away with keeping it at 30 men per player with an Ork hulk inbound?

I was beginning to wonder that myself. Seems a few people are gung-ho about resolving this ASAP. Which in truth makes me sad. ^_^ Maybe I shoulda played something a bit bigger than just my Inquisitor.... Carnifex maybe? ;)



{Day 2, 0630 TST -Aboard The Firebird Risiing}


Alone in his room Inquisitor Blake Decklan was checking his equipment for the fourth time. He'd cleared his mind as much as he could and was slowly placing cards from his onyx tarot deck in a spiral pattern on the floor. All the while he intoned an old terran prayer for guidance. He could smell the incense, the oiled walls, the promethium. Decklan paused in his reading, was their a fire? No, Olmes would have let him know long ago. Clearing his head once more he resumed the prayer and placed another card. *KKRAACK!.... BAANGBAANG!!!*

Jumping to his feet the inquisitor drew both of his bolt pistols. He could definitely hear gunfire outside now. Standing back to the wall arms braced he elbowed the door open button and swung around. What he saw next took his breath away. It was a jungle. THE jungle. Down on the planets surface fire was in the distance, the reek of promethium and gunsmoke in the air. The heat from the flames palpable even from this distance. From the bushes just in front of him there was a feral yell. "WAAAAGGHHH!!!!!!" Just then an ork sporting a very large axe and blue tatoos rushed at him. He'd put three bolts into it before he'd even registered it. The beast fell to the ground with a thud leaking sickly blood from where its head should have been.

Inquisitor Decklan looked around more confused than ever. He was once again standing on board The Firebird Rising, in the hall just outside his quarters. Olmes floated just to the left of the door right where he'd left him. The only thing that had changed was a dismembered servitor lying on the floor its severed arm clutched a dataslate. A layer of frost coated the walls of his quarters as well as the servitor and the floor. Slowly the inquisitor knelt down to retrieve the dataslate. It was the Intel he'd requested just earlier about the planet below and the current data on the hunt. A single red icon flashed on its screen. He thumbed the icon and read the words that followed. [General Warning: Xenos Vessel detected in system| Blockade fleet is engaged]

"Well thats gonna muck things up a bit... Olmes, send for a tech priest and convey my sincerest apologies to them..."


{Edit; time adjustment to meet Tyrak's evacuation orders.}

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Captain Malachi Posted Today, 06:09 PM

Why do you think I brought the orks in? I want this to last, and it seemed to be going a bit fast, I figured a side story would help slow things down.


Interestingly enough you've played right into my hands. Thanks for the excuse.


By the way, if anyone wants to get on or off-planet undetected, now's the time.


*In character*


Firebird Rising, 0500


"Throne damn it!"

Tyrak shot out of the prison deck, flicking on the microbead as he raced for the bridge.

"Mr Kretschmann, power up all systems and beat to quarters. I want every man fully armed and prepared and at his station within the hour - servitors too, get Elbe working on it. Unmask the guns too, Orks will attack us regardless of how we are armed. Send a priority communication to Admiral Cyrus, tell him to prepare for code beta and get the fleet on the move and in system as soon as humanly possible. I want them leaving Cypra Mundi in no less than six hours! Tell him I will transfer my flag to the Domine Canis as soon as he arrives. Abandon the blockade and order the fleet into position to repel incoming - use diplomacy with the Astartes, but otherwise pull rank - I'm the Inquisitor leading the Conclave and a former ranking Naval Officer to boot. Also, send a servitor team to pack all my possessions for transfer to the Domine Canis. I'll be in my quarters helping them pack."


Tyrak cursed under his breath. They would need the Emperor's help to hold off the Orks. Chances are they would be unable to stop the hulk, but there was a chance the Orks would simply head for the planet and ignore his ad-hoc 'fleet' for the most part.

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By the way, if anyone wants to get on or off-planet undetected, now's the time.



Apparently I'm just psychic... as you haven't been informed of Inquisitor Pyykkönen's vessal hitting planetside yet. It's almost like I knew this was coming somehow :) (though in all fairness, I didn't do it!)




Aboard the Mars class Battle Cruiser Cavalier, outlaying system ~1 week distant, day 2


"Captain, you need to see this."


Captain Fisher walked over to the communications station aboard the command deck of the Cavalier. "Yes, Lieutenant?"


"Sir, there's a priority communication to Admiral Cyrus in Cypra Mundi from an unidentified vessal from Maeroc IV, requesting immediate aid and assistance from his fleet. The message bears Inquisitorial authority."


Fisher looked over the information himself, scowling and cursing lightly. It wasn't from their Inquisitor... dispite the fact she was non-military, Inquisitor Pyykkönen had been somewhat adopted by the Cavalier due to her record of service and polite extended interaction. They were pleased she had the common sense to let the sailors do the sailing, and was very respectful of allowing them to have regular shipboard operations. Fisher knew she was on some sort of mission on Maeroc IV, and now the system was the origins of a distress call to another naval fleet. He was tempted to call this the message for reinforcements the Inquisitor had prepped them for. An opening door and a quick glance at the source of the noise told Fisher that thankfully he wouldn't have to make the call. Admiral Drayson was entering the bridge, along with Colonel Kit Pyykkönen of the stationed Cadian 84th. Dispite being in the Imperial Guard instead of the Imperial Navy, Colonel Pyykkönen had uncanny luck in terms of being around to receive important news in person, an asset to the fleet as it meant the stationed Imperial Guard troopers were always readily available for assistance.


"Admiral, you need to see this." That was all Fisher had to say. Admiral Drayson came over and looked at the screen, as did Colonel Pyykkönen. Drayson spoke quickly, "I should think this is close enough to the Inquisitor's request to suffice. Ready the fleet, we move in response. Most likely we'll only arrive to pick up the pieces, but if the Emperor is willing we may arrive sooner."


Kit had only one thought as the Naval Officers went about the process of getting the fleet moving, "I hate it when I'm right..."


Edit: forgot the time/location stamp

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Does anyone know where shunch is? Last I heard he was ill, but that was quite a while ago, surely he's better by now? Oh, and Nicole, go back to your old avatar, your new one scares me :)



But the new one is a much better picture... especially with the larger shot on the profile photo...


It's the Inquisition, and a member of Ordo Hereticus to boot... ph34r m3! ^_^ Ahem.. psychological warfare is simply another tool of the Inquisition?

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-----Day 2-----


-----The Jungle, Near the Jamming Beacon-----


The Marines watched in satisfaction as much of the offending area was scorched away, the weather was far too damp to allow for more widespread flames to spread, sparing them the unfortunate likelihood of being consumed within the radius of the flames. With a larger and clearer area around them their helmets autosenses were working at a much greater efficiency allowing them to see deeper into the jungle around them and watch for traps that may be lain with an eagles eye. So far a great deal of their hindrances were gone, pitfalls had been spotted easily and avoided and now they closed on a sinkhole up ahead with a log lain across it. Captain Corvinus held up a fist and his squad dropped down to their knee, their gaze scanning the area. "Brothers I do not like this, I sense a trap lays before us." Chaplain Ezekiel nodded his agreement and as one they edged a little closer before halting again and scanning the area. Ezekiel lit up the rest of the foliage that lead up to the sinkhole letting it burn away with a hellish delight, "Brother Grigori, Brother Jude. Clear that hole, we shall cut a fresh log if we require it." The battle brothers reached down to their equipment pouches and withdrew a frag grenade each, arming them they threw them clear into hole, quickly followed by another two. As the grenades bounced down into the hole the first two detonated just above the surface sending irregular chunks of shrapnel exploding out in all directions, the second two followed suite filling the immediate area with white hot shards of shrapnel that filled the area in all directions, quite ccapable of perforating anything in their path. "Well done Brothers, let us close in and sweep it one last time." Cautiously they edged further towards the sinkhole, scanning the area around them and in front of them for further traps.


-----The Landing Site-----


Cadmus leaned his immense frame back slightly scanning the night sky his massive power claw clenching and unclenching as he did so. "Xenos, Scum. By the Emperors Will they shall fall burning and screaming to their perdition, their flesh ripped from their bones and their foul unclean souls sent to the warp." His amplified voice echoed with tones of hatred and he rotated his frame down to view the diminuitive figure of Levinski, "Where do you need Me most?" His large autocannon gleamed slightly in the light and ancient seals of purity fluttered slightly in the wind, a tattered red tabard was draped across the front of his sarcophagus and every inch of his armour plating was inscribed with illuminated passages from the Requiem Angelis. "I have been ordered to aid in the defense of this camp, and to assist you with Tactical knowledge if you desire it." The Dreadnought rotated slowly to gaze at the Jungle, scanning it as he calibrated systems after his awakening.

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Day 2

At the landing site.


"Thank you ancient, for now you should simply prepare, the orks are still at the edge of the system, and they will have to go through Tyraks ships to get here. How many of your captains men are still at the camp on the thunderhawk? If you have a techmarine my ally, Tech-magos Alasor, could use some help getting my valkyrie flying again, I fear we may need all the help we can get if those xenos land."



Inquisitor James' position.


How did I get myself in to this? Jachai thought, as one of the catachans, he assumed they were catachans anyway, held a lasgun to his forehead. At least they hadn't found the ancient ring-weapon his master had given him upon his elevation to high interrogator.

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-----Day 2-----


-----The Landing Site-----


Cadmus turned and regarded Levinski, "Aboard the Thunderhawk is the standard crew of Four Marines, assisting them is a Techmarine and five Servitors of various designations." Cadmus stood up to his full height, towering over the man as he stepped backwards a few steps, "I will inform them that they're help is required in the defense of this camp. Praise to the Emperor." Cadmus turned and stomped back through the camp and ascended the ramp onto the Eternal Castigator, He halted before the Techmarine who had awoken him and leaned forwards again to talk to his Brother. "Brother your assistance is required in the camp, we will need to ensure that this camp is adequately defended in case those filthy Xenos decide to land." The Techmarine nodded and bowed, "Of course Ancient one, I will inform the others and we shall descend into the Camp to aid these people." Cadmus bowed his Baroque 'head' at the Techmarine and turned to leave the craft, pausing at the top of the ramp down into the camp to gaze over the area he had been tasked with assisting, and sighed to himself as he thought of his Brothers lost out in the Jungle as they were. "Remain strong my Brothers, soon I will come to your assistance, Emperor willing."

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day 2

"get ready" james wispered to Jachai


"hey, no talking" one of the catachans said,"or you'll get a tste of this" drawing his knife.

"NOW!" shouted James, elbowing the catachan nearest to him, and drawing his sword, while pushing Jachai to the ground. "stay down" he shouted.

"FOR THE EMPEROR!" yelled Lysander, fring his bolter into the catachans,who were fighting bakc with knives and lasguns.

"fall back" one of them said, and the catachans retreated bvack into the woods.

"hold your fire Lysander, and give me a casualty report."

"sir, we've lost two more troopers,and one is seriously wounded."

"thanks you, we will stay here and search for clues on who those men were."

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"My Lord Inquisitor, we must give chase! Catachans are smart, and these men will undoubtedly return to their base of operations, get backup and come for us, we cannot allow that!" Jachai said, while nursing his shoulder from where he had hit the ground hard. He noticed one of the dead troopers was from Mallards detachment of stormtroopers, he did not relish the thought of having to report that to his master.

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*In character*

Day 2, Firebird Rising, 0630


Tyrak's Chambers.


"Get that desk packed away!" Tyrak ordered the Servitors.

His chambers were now almost bare, nearly everything had been packed away for transfer to the Domine Canis. Tyrak picked up his dress uniform, and reverently laid it in a crate held by a Servitor. He had changed into his battle-dress, and now wore his full armour and coat, with his weapons securely strapped in place. His cap had been replaced by the helmet for his power armour, which Tyrak held under his arm as he directed the Servitors. His Bolter hung on his left hip, his Naval pistol on his left hip, and his sword was sheathed across his back,

His library, possessions and other equipment had already been transferred to his Thunderhawk in the launch bay under heavy guard, and would remain there until it was time to depart the Firebird Rising. Gently he unhooked the shield bearing his coat of arms off the back of the door and handed it to the last Servitor. As it trundled off down the corridor, heavy footfalls signalled the arrival of Senior Techpriest Elbe.

Elbe, like most long-serving Mechanicus officials, was almost entirely mechanical, a patch here and there of greying flesh and his mechanically attuned mind within his metal skull the only evidence that he was once human. Four mechanical arms replaced the normal two for a human, and a fifth came out of his spine and arched over his head like a tail, or a scorpion's sting. The red robes of the Mechanicus hid his body, with a hole in the back for the fifth 'arm', and a cowl to cover his head.


"++Is all in readiness?++" he canted, his voice a harsh bark from the mechanical voice-box set in his throat.

"Yes, soon things can come to fruition. Are you certain you wish to take part in this?"

"++I will do my duty to the Omnissiah, regardless of what form that may take.++"

"The Orks are first. Is the ship in readiness?"

"++She is ready. Her spirit knows the familiar drills by now.++"

Elbe's single red eye met Tyrak's gaze.

"++Her spirit has been commended to the Omnissiah.++"

"Very well. You know your part, now we must all act."

"++How is your pistol?++"

Tyrak wordlessly handed over his Naval Pistol, heavily modified and now resembling a sawn-off shotgun more than anything else.

Elbe tutted as he whispered obesiances to the Machine Spirit under his breath. One of his arms selected a small part from a pocket in his robes, and inserted it into the now dismantled breech of the pistol. The other three arms swiftly reassembled the pistol whilst the fifth swiveled slowly overhead, surveying the environment. Tyrak knew that attached just above the grip of that arm was Elbe's second mechanical eye. Elbe handed the pistol back.

"++There. The Machine Spirit has been pacified and it will serve you well. I have added another modification that should reduce the chances of jamming to negligible.++"


Tyrak made the sign of the Aquila. Elbe returned the gesture with the sign of the Cog.

"Against the daemonic."

"++Against the daemonic.++"

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Planet side away from the orks [i didn't bring my Teeth Bribes you see.] Day Two


The going had been slow as the Stormtroopers of Mallard forces carefully looked for traps. May had served in some very deadly Campaigns either in the Imperal Guard or in Jethro's case and a Inquestional Stormtrooper. No one had fall into one yet. and they had disarmed any they could or put signs up should the other come this way. The going was slow and Mallard's Frustration was starting to show.


"Are you alright Ducky?" asks Abby.


"I am fine, just frustrated. I know that we need to move at this speed, but everyone else seems to be contributing much more . I should have recalled our full forces maybe then I would feel like I the 'little brother' of this operation.'




I post some more later this was just to let people know I still exist.

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*In character*


Day 2, Firebird Rising, 0700


Tyrak returned to the bridge to find his officers, Interrogators Hayes, Serk and Kretschmann, and Techpriest Elbe already present.

"How long till the hulk arrives in range?" Tyrak inquired.

"Still 12 hours to range, sir." responded Hayes.

"Any sign of an attending Ork fleet?"

"No sir, its just the hulk."

"Right. We've some time to get other matters sorted then."

Turning to face Hayes, Tyrak took an object from his pocket. Hayes stiffened.

"I'm sorry this couldn't be done formally, but circumstances have dictated otherwise."

He switched to High Gothic.

"Do you, Interrogator Hayes, fully understand thy task and thy purpose in this Imperium of Man?"

"I do, sir."

"Do you pledge thy life and soul to the destruction of all things fell and foul, wherever they be found?"

"I do, sir."

"Do you accept and renew the pledges made at the initiation of your service, namely to accept no truck with dark forces, to delve in dark places at the behest of the Master of Mankind, and to carry His light into the places lost?"

"I do, sir."

"Good. Those to vouch for the character and worthiness of the aspirant, stand forth."

Tyrak took two letters from his pocket and read,

"I, Inquisitor Marl, do vouch for the character and worthiness of Interrogator Hayes and judge him worthy to be an Imperial Inquisitor."

He switched to the second letter.

"I, Inquisitor Wiesngren, do vouch for the character and worthiness of Interrogator Hayes and judge him worthy to be an Imperial Inquisitor."

Tyrak put the letters back in his pocket.

"I, Inquisitor Tyrak, do vouch for the character and worthiness of Interrogator Hayes and judge him worthy to be an Imperial Inquisitor. Therefore, upon the profession of thy faith and the judgement of acceptable character, I hereby induct thee fully into the Ordo Malleus as a full Inquisitor."

He took Hayes' rosette from his pocket, and Hayes wordlessly handed over his copy-rosette.

"Here is the symbol of thy authority, use it well, Inquisitor. Ave Imperator."

"Ave Imperator", chorused all those present.

"Congratulations, Inquisitor Hayes," said Tyrak, dropping out of High Gothic, "Here are your first orders."

He handed over a packet with his seal and that of the Ordo Malleus emblazoned on it.

"You are to supervise the evacuation of all non-military personnel from the ship, set up a base at the Maeroc landing site and then return to take command of the Firebird whilst I transfer to the Domine Canis. I have selected Junior Astropath Fralon to be your first aide. Are there any others you wish to take with you?"

"With your permission, sir, I should like Chiiss and Khalar."

"Very well. Take all your personal belongings with you, and select what you need from the Armoury. It may be the last time you get to use it. I will sign the transfer documents and meet you at the landing bay should any of the other passengers prove resistant to evacuation."


* * *


The Landing Bay


"Have you had any trouble getting the other Inquisitors off-ship?"

"No, sir, although some were . . . reluctant to be ejected."

"Tough. This is my ship, I will do what I will with it."

"They understood that eventually, sir."

Tyrak chuckled under his breath, and turned to face Hayes.

"Very good, Inquisitor. Now its your turn. You will do well own your own. Have you all you will need?"

"Yes sir. Chiiss, Khalar and Fralon have their belongings and are already embarked."

"Good. Then its time to go."

The two men made the sign of the Aquila, and Hayes headed into the Aquila Lander.

As the shuttle left the launch bay, along with the other shuttles taking the former passengers down to the planet, Tyrak's smile rapidly hardened into his usual unreadable expression. Stage one was complete. Now the Traitor would soon show him, or herself.


*Out of character*

Sorry to all those previously on the Firebird, you have been evacuated (forcibly if necessary) and are now in shuttles heading to the planet. Feel free to use the shuttles as you will, I'm not expecting to get them back. They'll either be an Aquila Lander or an Arvus Lighter, take your pick. Obviously, if your character has his/her own shuttle they will use that.

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{Day 2, 0715 TST- Maeroc Landing Site}


With a loud yawn and a stretch Inquisitor Decklan disembarks from the Arvus he'd brought to the surface. Following him came Olmes and behind the servo skull came two heavy weapon servitors both armed with heavy bolters. Decklan turned to regard the servitors, "Yer ta keepin dis dropper right ere." he stated. Olmes diligently relayed this as servitors aren't well versed in hive language. "Olmes, lets 'ave a chat 'n see who's workin' dis rock." Looking around Decklan spots the thunderhawk and decides to head in that direction. He arrives to see a man conversing with a space marine dreadnought. He quietly whistles to himself and walks over to them.


"Allo!" Taking a slight bow, "Inquisitor Blake Decklan, at yer service." Standing upright once more he asks, " So, whats the intel?"

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Day 2, inquisitorial landing site.


Regarding the curious new arrival, Levinski tried to place the accent, finally giving up, he said "Welcome to Maeroc IV inquisitor, As you no doubt know we are preparing to fight the orks that have recently arrived in system. For now, our primary objective is to make sure this landing site remains in our hands, if you could set up your two servitors in good firing positions I would appreciate it. If you have any other forces available deploy them as you wish."

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-----Day 2-----


-----Inquisitorial Landing Site-----


Cadmus descended the Ramp towards the Inquisitor, the Techmarine and Servitors following him. The Techmarine dispatched the Servitors to various firing points around the Landing site, their arms clutching bolters as they proceeded to the optimal firing locations that they had designated as the most optimal. The Techmarine moved off towards the nearest Tech-priest to discuss what could be done to repair the Valkyrie that Brother Cadmus had informed him would be required to be returned to service to defend this place. Cadmus himself stomped up to the Inquisitor and noted the new arrival pausing before them both and regarding them inquisitively. "The Servitors have been Dispatched Inquisitor, and Brother Fairus shall assist in the repairs on your vehicle. May I inquire as to what our expected defensive force will consist of?"




Still here, but not much more I can do until Ripath posts what happens in the jungle next.

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If I may hijack some characters, I'll pencil in some details


Here goes...




Day two, noonish TST. Outer reaches of the system aboard the TerrorShip 'Morklubz Pride'


Kaptin Morklub gazed out across his bridge from his favourite place, this Kaptinz Throne. He was fond of it, 'kause e'd bashed all da meks 'til dey'd 'ooked up all da thrusders so some shiney buttonz on is arm rezt. One good smack and the ship would satisfy his needs for speed.


The scrape of toenails on the deckplates betrayed the approach of his favourite grot Fungfetch returning wif a fresh mug of fungus grog from the galley, taking his cue he listed to the far side of his chair and pretended to listen to his oomie advisor. Every good BloodAxe knows dat oomies will sell each other out, and that if youz was kunnin' like Morklub was, you could use this to your advantage. Still, they got dull at times, and he'd wish'd that this one would stop wif all da jibber-jabber and just get on wiv tellin' 'im where da loot was in dis system. 'E thought about cuffin' 'im one good just to make him get on wif it, but dat never seemd to do any good wif dis one.


Fungfetch did 'iz level best to hold da grog out at the edge of the Kaptins reach, but like most times before, Morklub lunged to the other side of his seat, snatched the brew and clipped 'im one rough upside the gob. Slugging back a good swig of da latest brew, da boss noticed that 'iz oomie was taking down his pie charts, and with that he started paying attension. A kunnin' Ork like Morlub knows that when they put away the charts they're going to 'soommerize' and that all the previous talk 'ad been a waste of bref.


"... And that is how we know that there's an armoury in the jungle. They wouldn't bother sending out jamming signals if they weren't hiding something valuable. Any Questions"


"Nah, and git yer zoggin oomie rear offa mi bridge, yer stinkin' up da plaze".


Planket wouldn't lasted two min'ts on da 'Pride' if Morklub hadn't made it clear to da krew to leave 'im alone, and he didn't muck like 'im 'imself. But, 'e always seemed to know where some loot was and 'e'd come 'ightly rekomended by that von Orlock fellow e'd fought wif a little while back.




If you'll recall, in the census I did define von Orlock as something of a radical once. Could be a project of his, on the premis that the Eldar have been known to redirect ork waaghs to human worlds, done right' he should be able to send a crop of orks at some 'pansies' if it comes to fruition. In the meantime he'll be able to use them to relive some of his peers of what he'd casually refer to as 'surplus equipment' via combat losses. Shame that he'll have to risk exposing this world to ork spoor, it's had to stop green skins from landing once they arrive in a system. Still, if it can be kept localised, and thorough atomic cleansing of the region should be enough to spare the world the truly harmful long term impacts. Obviously, agents not of the Ordo Xenos could not be trusted to manage an ork herd properly. Send the chaos resistant orks to fight suspected chaos forces in an area your planning to expunge from the galaxy to build their trust, seems fair.


Besides, how did you think a Calidus might attempt 'a word in your ear' on an Ork Warlord? (No this isn't a calidus, but the concept isn't far off. Yes, it is truly ancient fluff that has Blood Axe bosses with 'Oomie advisors)

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