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New Blood Angels player WIP *NEW PICTURES*


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I'm so happy to see my LeMartes conversion working out! Feel free to repaint him as necassary!


Really coming along good Schuur! I love the basing for the Dreadnought! Very active and dynamic. Once I finish my army, and then decide to start re-working on it, one of the first things I plan to do is re-base my Dreads with more dynamic poses, like you have done with yours.


Can't wait to see your work on the upcoming DC!

Indeed the army is going along well ^_^


I think there's another thing to add to your shopping list? Dunno if somebody has mentioned this already: drill bits and/or pin vise... better to drill out those barrels ;)


Things are good already: the sarg (going by the further pic) looks good on the tabletop already :)


If you do plan to strip the Goldielox squad, I hope the paint do come off... planning to strip the Rhino as well?


Like what Ziggy has said: Keep up the good work and be proud! B)



Barrels - That'll be way later, I'm not so concerned with that yet. Maybe this summer, I don't have much more room!

Sarg - I thought he looked good on the tabletop a week ago! haha. Thank you =)

Goldielox - I don't know if I can strip them. My dorm is PACKED so I'm not sure if I can leave them sitting. I might just re-prime them, I don't intend to use them much in the future really, just until I get my hands on more assaulties.



I'm so happy to see my LeMartes conversion working out! Feel free to repaint him as necassary!


Really coming along good Schuur! I love the basing for the Dreadnought! Very active and dynamic. Once I finish my army, and then decide to start re-working on it, one of the first things I plan to do is re-base my Dreads with more dynamic poses, like you have done with yours.


Can't wait to see your work on the upcoming DC!

DC just arrived, so excited!

I'm so happy to see my LeMartes conversion working out! Feel free to repaint him as necassary!


Really coming along good Schuur! I love the basing for the Dreadnought! Very active and dynamic. Once I finish my army, and then decide to start re-working on it, one of the first things I plan to do is re-base my Dreads with more dynamic poses, like you have done with yours.


Can't wait to see your work on the upcoming DC!

DC just arrived, so excited!

I'm terrible about double posting, but here are my updates. Assault Squad came yesterday, so I assembled, primed and gave them a quick run of codex gray on the edges. I put mechrite over the goldylocks squad and rhino. The paint on the goldylocks squad was too thick to salvage, so I just want them to be blood angels lookin' for the time being and the rhino was just primed black by a friend. The Termi squad came along nicely, this will be my new technique for red from here on out. Also, my Architect neighbor just set up a light area for taking pictures of his projects, so I'm asking him to take pictures of my army on occasion. I love the dorms!







On this last picture, we had a bit of a lighting mishap. These are on a black sheet. Haha.


C&C requested!

  • 2 weeks later...
Throw some red saltiers (the x's) on the DC and it looks ready to go!

I haven't posted in a while, and that's my bad. Finals are killers! Anyway, my DC came along nicely. I just really need to come up with bases for my minis.

Ughhh! Finals! I thought I'd be done with school when I graduated, but somehow my wife keeps convincing me to help write her papers for graduate classes.

Thankfully the nights she has classes lets me go to the basement and throw paint at my little army men!

  • 3 weeks later...

My DC:






The start of my next 10 Assault Marines. This is after two coats of red and an elementary round of blacklining. More to come on these






C&C? The yellow heads are VERY VERY VERY WIP, so ignore them for now :)


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