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Heresy Era Imperial Fists


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My yellow is really simple. I think I gave a tutorial somewhere back in this thread, but here's again:




1. Assemble your model (partially or totally is your decision)


2. Basecoat/Spray it black. Don't do it in white, the result will be quite different from what I've done.


3. Once it's dried, go over the entire model with Iyanden darksun foundation. Try not to put it on too thick. Make sure it covers all the areas you later want yellow (i.e. the armour plating and helmet). It doesn't matter if some paint runs into the cracks and creases (for example, if you closely examine the Space marine armour, you'll notice it's divided into segments, buttons, plates, etc all divided by dents/cracks), we'll take care of those later.


4. Once that's dry, Go over the whole model with Badab Black wash. Especially make sure it runs into the creases and cracks. This will later create the effect of shading which experts do by highlighting.


5. Now comes the hardest part. Once the wash is dry - and make sure it is - use Bubonic brown to give the armour a final layer. While doing this, make sure NO PAINT runs into the cracks and creases. The Badab Black in the cracks will create a contrast with the stark bubonic brown, thereby creating a shading effect in the cracks. If some bubonic brown runs into the creases, don't panic. Just let it dry, then go over the area again with some wash, and then try again.


6. Once this is done, add the final details to your liking. I painted the soft armour behind the knees and around the elbows Codex Grey, then washed it with Badab afterward. I free-handed the shoulder pads (I dunno how good you're at that sort of thing).


7. Base your model (As you can see, I'm pretty lazy when it comes to that) ;)


8. Admire your finished model.


9. Go to your nearest GW store, have everyone there worship you for the amazing Job you've done on the model.


10. Now, feeling like a God, found an Imperium of Man and go to war againt all those filthy heretics and the Xeno scum ;)



Anyways, thanx

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Thanx ;) He was pain in the ass to do...LOTS of Green Stuff...I think he turned out quite well, despite the fact he's a midget amongst my marines (the other MkII marine being a giant - they both turned out slightly smaller/larger than the rest). I'm quite happy with both, still wondering how i could equip the one on the left though...just a bolter seems a little boring...
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Once again, I would like to ask for some help. I asked this question a while back, but came to no clear conclusion:

I'm planning of adding a few dead traitor marines to the bases of my Fists. I decided I'd use Sons of Horus. Problem is, no one seems to know for sure what colour their armour is. Some people go for a pale green, some for a greenish grey, others for plain Codex grey. Can anyone help me out and tell me what the fluff says? In the Colected visions we find pictures of the Sons in both grey and green armour, but mostly grey. What do the Horus Heresybooks - which I have not yet read - say?

Help would be very much appreciated ;)

By the way, further update:

Bin working on the shoulder pads of my two Mk II Crusade armour marines...











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  • 2 weeks later...
I'd like to once again ask for some advice. I'm currently working on a five-man assault squad, and I'm toying with the idea of having them flying through the air by drilling holes in their torsos and sticking them on soem wire. Has anyone made anything of the sort? Any ideas? How would I attach the wire to the bases, and how would I stop it bending?
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Oh, and another question more closely related to the Heresy:


Concerning Librarians. Now, I'm working on my chaplain at the moment, and somehow I'd like a Librarian to accompany him, but I'm not sure I really can, doing a Pre-Heresy Imperial Fists force. Is it true that all Legions (should have) redeployed their librarians to the battle companies to fight as normal marines after Nicaea? And is ti true that certain legions/primarchs, including Dorn/teh Imperial Fists and Mortarion/the Death Guard hated the idea of psykers fighting amongst them and never used them?

Anyone help me out here?

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  • 3 weeks later...


Been absent for a while, working on my latest project: my 5-man assault marine squad!

I know jump packs were rarer Pre-Heresy, but I guessed the Imperial Fists, particularly the elite 1st Grand Company, as siege specialists, would employ jump packs. Plus, having got my hands on the great jump packs from Maxmini, I had to do them. They're still WIP, but the yellow armour's done, plus the sarge only needs finishing touches.

1st Marine: Plasma pistol, full Mk VI Corvus armour:




2nd Marine: Plasma pistol, almost-full MkIV Imperial Maximus armour:




3rd Marine: Full Mk IV Imperial Maximus armour:




4th Marine: Full Mk II Crusade armour:





5th Marine: Sergeant, full Mk III Iron armour:







Finally, a further tactical marine in Mk VI Corvus armour:


I'm still painting the assault squad, which is taking AGES to do, but when I'm finally done I want to concentrate on my Chaplain again, and after that, possibly my termies, with the odd tactical marine thrown in between them. Unfortunately, I'm starting a new job tomorrow, which'll hamper a rapid progress in further work (difficult to fit modelling, 8 hours of work, my girlfriend, eating, sleeping and reading into a single day...)

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  • 1 month later...

Hey folks!

It's been a while. I'm still trying to find the right form of metal rod for the assault marines, and the progress on my Fists is currently hampered not only by Christmas, but also by a massive paint job I recently took on: a friend of mine asked me to paint the entire 2nd Company of Ultramarines, with support from 1st and 10th Companies, and all the vehicles that go along with it - something like 15 vehicles and 150+ marines. I only started a short while ago, so I haven't yet done much:




At least my payment is worth it:


(This is only the first part of the payment...I'm also getting an armorcast Shadowsword, a Leman Russ, a Leman Russ Exterminator, a FW Basilisk gun, a Griffon Mortar, a couple of sentinels, and a few guardsmen)

Anyways, you can see I've got enough to do for the moment. Nevertheless, yesterday i got myself some assault termies for my Fists, and I'vo got some questions. Possibly some of you can help me.

Now, I know that during the heresy termies were rather rare, and that they (most probably) wore the "Cataphractii" armour, which I will be giving them. But the assault termie box has a lot of bits I'm not really sure I can use in a Pre-Heresy force.

First of all, these crosses. What are they? Are they merely decorative? Would they have been around during the Heresy?



Secondly, this other strange cross. Looks like a Crux Terminatus, which I'm sure wasn't around during the Heresy. Could I use it?



Thirdly, the Thunder Hammers. I know that during the Heresy Lord Commander Eidolon wielded a massive two-handed one...would the termies have had these?


Same for the Shields. Could I use them?


And these symbols. Could I theoretically use them as the head of a Crozius Arcanum for my Chaplain?


And a last question: the skull-motif, which is everywhere on Imperial armour and weaponry...would that have been around during the Heresy?

I know it's a long list of questions, but your help would be much appreciated!


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Small Update. Did a little work on my assault marines lately (couldn't stand painting the f***ing smurfs any more). Here's the results. Sorry about the very bad quality pics, sometimes they just don't come out right...







Slowly coming along. I still have to solve the problem with the wire (though I may have found a way to use shashlik-kebab sticks of steel...gotta try). Anyways, not gonna be doing much over Christmas, I guess, so I'll say seeya next year and a merry Christmas to y'all folks :tu:

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  • 2 months later...

Ok, small update!

While I'm STILL (!!!) working on how to get the damned assault marines up in the air (I now wish I'd never chosen to do that), at least I finally finished painting them today. Pain in the arse, really glad they're done. I also finished up a further tactical marine.

Additionally, I am slowly starting to collect together the bitz I need for my Termies, in particular my Termie Chaplain, looking forward to doing those. As I stated earlier, I'm planning on adding a few dead traitors to the termie bases. Considering the different traitor Legions, I ruled out the Iron Warriors (I know, as the archenemies of the Fists they'd fit pretty well, but I hate them and their colour scheme), the Emperor's Children (they ran off during the Siege of Terra to torture, murder and beat the civilian population, probably were too busy to fight the Imperial Fists at the Palace), the Night Lords & Alpha Legion (not present at the Siege), the Death Guard (though I really love them, I'm no good at doing Plague Marines, that's my brother's domain), the World Eaters (just normal Khorne Zerks are boring to do), and the Thousand Sons (not sure whether they were red or blue, plus I like them too much). Which leaves the Sons of Horus and the ( :down: :yuck: :cuss :angry: ^_^ :sick: ) Word Bearers (really really hate the buggers). Which would you guys choose? And, if you chose the Sons of Horus, how would you do the armour and the colour scheme? (Really need help here :P )

Would really appreciate help here!

Anyways, here's the pics:

Tactical Marine in full MkVI armour:


Detail of shoulder pad:


Finished assault squad:


Shoulder Pad detail 1:


Shoulder Pad detail 2:


Very proud of my rock-hard sergeant :)


MkIV Marine:


MkII Marine:


MkIV Marine (2):


MkVI Marine:


What do you think? Crits & Comms?

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  • 1 year later...

Wow man just read through this since i stumbled on it while searching for heresy-era fists. i've just started to do my own but am attempting to truescale them too as well as stick to the correct marks for the siege of terra.


will be following this - keep up the good work man.

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