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(OOC) Verus Imperator Adventum

Inquisitor =D=

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Now here is an interesting question... Bare in mind that for Draken's stoyline, he is in fact declared diabolus, due to Jerimiah 73. However, due to the unique fact that Draken never actually summons it, as opposed to it simply following him and possessing whatever kills it (and thusly becoming the next version of jerimiah's number), what would the good folks of the Ordos consider him, OOCly of course?
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Well... if you must know(as I think only Inquisitor =D= knows right now) It goes back to the Belfall Massacre, in which his brother Jermaine Draken, created the Libram Mortis and summoned the Plague Host. Long story short, Hannibal was "mortally" wounded, while his brother died. His final words before passing out were to inact exterminatus. Shortly after waking up in the medical hold of the Crimson Moon's battlebarge, Jerimiah 73 (then Jerimiah 01) was simply sitting there, waiting for him to awaken. Once he awoke, he was told that his goal wasn't finished, and that in order to fully end the curse his brother wrought, he needed to find and destroy the artifact in question.
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OOC'ly of course, Nicole would be inclined to do the following (in no particular order):


1) Destroy the daemonhost. She is a stauch Thorian and daemons die.

2) Consider the Inquisitor a probable Radical, and bear an incredible amount of scrutiny to avoid death.

3) Find and destroy any heretical warp-damned artifacts. If they have particular qualities of the interaction between warp and real space they will be observed, notated, then destroyed.


It is entirely possible that said probable Radical will be allowed to assist with items 1 and 3, before being destroyed himself if he is deemed too far lost.


That's just her though, she's only one individual Inquisitor :)

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Well, considering what I know from Eisenhorn (which, in addition to the Thorian Sourcebook, I consider my inquisitorial bible), any particularly staunch Inquisitor, like a Monodominant, wouldn't give a crap to the if's and's where's or but's when it comes to fraternization with the daemonic. Even if you didn't ask for it, a fair number of Inquisitors would have you burned at the stake, and then have the ashes shot into the nearest star. Most Puritans would chastise him for simply not annihilating the daemon on the spot. If it returns, most would err on the side of caution, and assume that Draken is spiritually corrupted, and in dire need of being cleansed (the kind that hurts a lot and usually pertains to fire).


There is no innocence, only varying degrees of guilt.

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This would be the reasons that Nicole decided to work outside the Conclave... too many cooks! :tu:


That's putting it lightly. Decklan honestly and fully believes that the Emperor guides his movements through his minor farsight ability. So keeping that in mind whatever it is he is doing must be what the emperor wants. B) And yeah... I'll admit it, Decklan does plan on "mercy" killing Draken at the end of this... Jeremiah on the other hand deserves no such "mercy" and will receive the full on butt whooping an ordo malleus inquisitor can deal.

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Well =D='s last post seems like a reasonable place to start chapter 2, I personally would have done it when the orks ambushed the first time, but I didn't get to say so before everyone started posting on it.

Agreed, I think that's a good place to stop. Unless anyone objects, I'm gonna send number6 a PM to lock the thread in a few hours. I almost feel as if I should throw down a "FIN" style post to dissuade anyone from posting until then....lets just hope regulars read the OOC thread first and the RP thread second.


On to the second point. The grand question. Who, among us, can walk the walk and talk the talk? That is to say, who is knowledgeable enough about the current story, while still having the writing and organizational skills, to start up the new thread? All I know is that there's no way in hell I can do it.


EDIT: Something else also just occurred to me. I remember it being mentioned somewhere that some of us would like to see the RP threads stickied. Is this still desired? This couold be a primary concern should we have the first chapter locked, as the locked version will quickly fall into the bottomless depths of thread-hell in a few weeks, and I think some of us may like to preserve it as an informtion source.

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I know exactly where Nicole is, but I've actually been intentionally not paying as much attention to the posts dealing with other story arcs as soon as I determine there wasn't any communications or anythign that she would have knowledge of, to keep it closer to IC as possible for my tired brain *chuckles*
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Well rather than add another stickie to the already long list of them hows about whoever starts Chapter II have a Link to the previous chapters of the storyline? That would make it a little simpler wouldn't it?

As for who's to "moderate" the next chapter I would but I've one problem. I have a nine-month old. On average it takes me 40 minutes to an hour to grind through a small post like this one. So I must pass on the honor. :confused: If no one else will answer the call though I am willing to try.



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Thanks Inquisitor =D= for doing my plotline of the Rok justice :confused: (Could have been longer but as your post said, it had been longer.)



For the Start of Chapter 2 We should include extra Imperial Guard resources being diverted to the surface to set up a more permanent/temporary fortification and staging post. (As in the end of Chapter 2 I'm thinking we should wrap this particular planet up with an Exterminatues, if we do i'd like the pleasure of that particular post.)


Ryas will also be deploying a trio of Cobra Destroyers for monitoring the outer system.


To answer the Daemonhost Question. Ryas would kill it and arrest the Inquisitor. And unlike most being a blank the Daemon couldn't possess him.

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To answer the Daemonhost Question. Ryas would kill it and arrest the Inquisitor. And unlike most being a blank the Daemon couldn't possess him.


You mean he'll try. :) Always leave an opening so that the person who's character it is decides their fate. And I reckon that Daemonhost has a few tricks up it's sleeves (assuming it has sleeves :HQ: ).

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To answer the Daemonhost Question. Ryas would kill it and arrest the Inquisitor. And unlike most being a blank the Daemon couldn't possess him.


You mean he'll try. ;) Always leave an opening so that the person who's character it is decides their fate. And I reckon that Daemonhost has a few tricks up it's sleeves (assuming it has sleeves :tu: ).


The question was "How would /soso/ react to it" That is how Ryas would react, not to mention he's in orbit ;) With Warships :)


However Ryas has bigger problems.

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So, are we moving this forward? Someone's going to have to step up and volunteer to start off Chapter II, or we'll all just sit here staring at one another awkwardly, waiting for one of us to make the first move. Inquisitor =D=, there's no way I could ask you in good conscience to moderate when you have a nine-month old - I'd sooner read the entire first chapter and memorize it. I'd be willing to write a prologue or a narrative, but we need someone with organizational skills and at least basic knowledge of the story so far to actually do the deed.


Sorry guys, its just that lulls get me all twitchy...I'm so anxious to get this moving again.


I guess I could try my hand at pitching something...let me make sure I know what's going down.

- Initial plot line (Basavriuk)

- Orks

- Tyrak going rogue

- Ryas new head honcho of the Conclave

- Some Guardians of the Covenant now involved


Assuming I "literacize" this list, will that cut it?


Oooh, God. I'm getting twitchy again.



- Shunch

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Looks about right, i'm willing to help moderate from the start of the next chapter, keeping Ryas in orbit should keep me up to date in a fluff and real fashion. But i'd need detail summaries of the first chapter.


But I don't have a great deal of time so it might not be perfect (Once or twice per couple of days at slowest.)

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