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(OOC) Verus Imperator Adventum

Inquisitor =D=

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Those look like the major events.


Also, not all Inquisitors on the planet are part of the Conclave. Indeed, at least two Inquisitors are hunting Basavriuk but NOT affiliated with the Conclave, showing some of the fractured nature of the Inquisition. So there are Conclave and non-Conclave, Puritan and Radical, Traitor and Loyalist Inquisitors on the planet in all sorts of combinations thereof.


Should be a party.


Likewise I cannot moderate as I only have internet access at work at the moment, with a pregnant fiancé on bedrest and two existing children so I have no time.. otherwise making a write up wouldn't be that hard. Lack of time does so many things...

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Ok Damnit :D


Later on i'll write up the pilot post of Chapter 2.


Some things I NEED to know.


EVERYONES current position. And what they're doing.


Actually that its. It will be written from Ryas' perspective so it'll be intentionally vague.

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At "Basavriuk's Temple"

+Inquisitor Decklan (leading =][= spearhead)

+Inquisitor Hayes

+Inquisitor Levinski

+Inquisitor James

+Brother Captain Corvinus and his Guardians of the Covenant command squad.

+Inquisitor Draken and "Jeremiah 73" and Six terminators of the Crimson Moon chapter.

+Imperial Guard Captain Taylor and "regiment"

+Nameless Assassin (Ripath's)


Also there, 2 Thunderhawks of the Crimson Moons chapter, 1 Thunderhawk of the Guardians of the Covenant and who-so-ever wants to join in the inquisitorial fun.


Recent Events = See posts 407 onward

Discussions @ site = Basavriuk is not there?, Libram Mortis is unleashed, the Orks have landed.

Themes? = Hanibal Draken, traitor or not? Daemonhost, To kill or not to kill? Assassin, to believe or not?



I'd go into more detail but... I'm le' tired. ;)

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I think =D= has the basic idea - that should suffice for the intro.

As for my part, I'd have to say Basavriuk's current location is "unknown".... assuming Kadaeux writes from Ryas' perspective, it should be really only based on a hunch (like,"I'm pretty sure we're on the right planet").

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As I wrote in an earlier post:


Inquisitors Pyykkönen and Crown are one to two days hike northwest of the initial landing site upon Maeroc IV, in a limestone cave complex/fort formerly occupied by rebel militants, the same branch who had attacked the initial Conclave landing party upon the planet. They have several rebels to psychically interrogate, as well as a small arms catch, mostly las weapons. They have sustained some losses, but Nicole still possesses her retinue (Kenneth, William, Sister Helena, Bosco the cyber-mastiff and one servo skull), as well as 18 Stormtroopers (4 of which are wounded).


There is also Inquisitor Gabriel Crown and Sergeant Dyna Polarion present in the limestone caves.


The last timestamped posting for them was late day 2/early day 3 when the information about Tyrak's activities and the Orks were going over various comm channels.


Admiral Drayson is inbound with the small fleet that Inquisitor Pyykkönen arrived and was inserted from. They should be arriving probably around day 7 to 9 IC'ly to help secure the system. The "Fleet" currently numbers about 4 to 6 cruisers and a handful of escorts. Notable forces aboard include the Cadian 84th Shock Trooper regiment (with varied attached forces), a couple of squads of Blood Ravens Space Marines, some Sisters of the Order of the Sacred Rose, and one squad of Grey Knight terminators. These forces are veterans of the last summer campaign on route to their various destinations that were together when Nicole borrowed the Mars-class Battlecruiser Cavalier to help track down Basavriuk.

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assuming Kadaeux writes from Ryas' perspective, it should be really only based on a hunch (like,"I'm pretty sure we're on the right planet").


If you want, you can tie that in to the whole confusion over whether Tyrak deliberately led the Conclave here. It won't have any substance, since Tyrak's story is now done as far as the RP is concerned, but it should serve well enough to keep our characters confused till we work out a better story.

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If you want, you can tie that in to the whole confusion over whether Tyrak deliberately led the Conclave here. It won't have any substance, since Tyrak's story is now done as far as the RP is concerned, but it should serve well enough to keep our characters confused till we work out a better story.

Sounds perfect to me. It would beg the question why and when he chose to betray the Conclave, but I'll leave such decision-making up to you...


I also have another question to slowly refill the vast crater that is my ignorance of how the story has progressed: what are our third parties?

I know we have the Conclave

I know we have Basavriuk and friends

But who else is there?

That is to say, who is in the story but can not count themselves an ally of either of the aforementioned factions?




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As far as third party.... Inquisitor Draken isn't actually part of the conclave, as he is deemed radical, he is there right now to warn them of the new presence of the daemonplague(haven't actually figured out a name for it yet, or if it is an already-named nurgle disease). Then there are his retinue of storm troopers, and the 1st company(the only company left) of the Crimson Moon Chapter. The host's loyalties should be kinda obvious... :)
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There's always fun parts about playing an inquisitor, when things get boring, go rogue. :P

And the fun parts about being a rogue are, when things get boring, get yourself possessed.


Just as a heads up, Basavriuk is going to be moving his plans into overdrive, and all will be revealed very soon.

Doomsday plot, initiate!

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Sorry for not posting much recently, a surge of apathy combined with just getting busy with a lot of crap recently has caused me to not have much time here... sorry again. If Captain Taylor is given a command, expect her to follow it to the letter, grumbling, but performing expertly.
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