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Bringing out the Bran


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*hides somewhere behind the Inquisition for not being ass-sniffed by the wolves*

hmmmm.... pie...... i like pie.....

hadnt guilliman seriousely rules for everything? watch out! maybe he has even rules how to Exterminatussock (although that's an wolf intervention)


whew; your forum is actually much funnier then were i come from :D

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Well, some one has to have fun in this organization... for the emperor! After all, if we want him to wake up and get to buisness we have to remind him that its worth his while.... and since it hasnt worked so far well just have to try harder.


MORE ALE! MORE FOOD! and bring me some more beautiful inquisitors, there seems to be no end of them! Unless you look at GW models.

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Well, some one has to have fun in this organization... for the emperor! After all, if we want him to wake up and get to buisness we have to remind him that its worth his while.... and since it hasnt worked so far well just have to try harder.


MORE ALE! MORE FOOD! and bring me some more beautiful inquisitors, there seems to be no end of them! Unless you look at GW models.

and of course (for my sake) MORE BLOOD TO DRINK! MORE FLESH TO SHED! i..... see.... it.... it's dark...... Dorn watch out!


errr.... yeah; the flaw is taking it's toll again... something you wolves and inquisitors don't like; do you? <_<


well... the only inquisitor model from GW i like is that of Coteaz....

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Agreed, he makes a hell of a Wolf Lord. Nice Thunderhammer too, and a decent cyberraven. Now if only his retinue wasnt completely worthless to me. *sighs*.


In any case *throws forgotten soul a blue steak* heres dinner, enjoy! Whats weird about wanting to tear into a nice hunk of fresh juicy meat? Seriously.... blood angels are weird. Man can have a steak any way he wants it thank you very much.

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no ale? aaaahhh.... all the way to Fenris just for a piece of steak? man; bummer..... so... a blue steak thrown to a red/black marine? :P


yeah; he makes a nice model for multi-purpose; i use him as a captain ;P

well, there's nothing wrong with tearing in fresh-meat; but when i'm in a red thirst; i could eat everything bloody; even Baalite Scorpions (and those doesn't taste good; even worse then Fenrisian Wolves (errr.... had i told you about that already? <_< ))


Edit: typos

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forgotten soul Posted Today, 08:27 PM

*hides somewhere behind the Inquisition for not being ass-sniffed by the wolves*




*Frantically pulls out bolter, then puts it away*


Don't sneak up on the Inquisition! It makes us all very nervous!


*Shudders slightly*


And yes I do hot wings. I use a Redeemer Flamestorm cannon for the extra zing. Heavy flamers dont cut it.


Use Incinerators! Just as tasty, but guaranteed Chaos-free to boot. :D

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You sods are lucky I'm a good-humored guy, otherwise I'd have to hurt you all. :D


And for the record... I do not mess with the Wyches. Even mighty Bran must draw the line somewhere (before they draw a line in my gut with a blade). SoB are fair game, just make sure the Repentia don't have the Eviscerators, unless you're into that stuff, I don't judge (much). Banshees... well... if you can convince them, as Mighty Bran so obviously can, have at it. :(


I may have endorsed the cereal in my youth. Hey, I needed ale money and all I had to do was stick my name on a box of nutritious (and surprisingly tasty) cereal. Don't judge me. Okay, Tyrak can judge me, but just because it's his job.

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forgotten soul Posted Today, 08:27 PM

*hides somewhere behind the Inquisition for not being ass-sniffed by the wolves*




*Frantically pulls out bolter, then puts it away*


Don't sneak up on the Inquisition! It makes us all very nervous!


*Shudders slightly*

well, i'm psychopathic, so shoot what you want! i have feel no pain -_- and; if you're making me mad; i'll charge you


ha, like a bloodangel could kill a fenrisian wolf!even my mom can beat a blood angel

well.... i can actually; i even killed a Flesh Hound in combat (damn, i love my Rending :rolleyes: )

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