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Bringing out the Bran


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well i believe in older fluff we were the only chapter whos marines could still have women to, well..., you know=p

Nope... in the older fluff all marines could, once they retired.

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hendrik Posted Yesterday, 09:52 PM

hehe, that's why the inquisition stays away from fenris! they're afraid we'll take their sisters of battle! :D


We just know well enough to stay well away from the Sisters when someone tries to make advances to them.


*rubs scars and winces*


Still, if you ever need a quick way for a Blood Claw to learn the lesson of wisdom, get him to try and chat up a Sister. ;)

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And there is where I think we have gone a bit too far...


Going to far would be me saying every time the Space Wolves go to battle with the Sisters of Battle as our allies, there tends to be a fair amount of ass sniffing.



That one got me rolling. Just the sheer thought of a blood claw, nose firmly implanted in power-armored ass, running up the field of battle "supporting" a sister....

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Sven Bloodskull Posted Today, 07:54 AM

By Russ brothers! Look what ye did! Now the Inquisition is here!


Me? I don't give a damn about some Wulfen. Just as long as Russ brings back the Tree of Life! Then I can administer some righteous smackdown on those blasted Thorians . . .

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Sven Bloodskull Posted Today, 07:54 AM

By Russ brothers! Look what ye did! Now the Inquisition is here!


Me? I don't give a damn about some Wulfen. Just as long as Russ brings back the Tree of Life! Then I can administer some righteous smackdown on those blasted Thorians . . .


Well do our best.... itll got towards his tab.

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By Russ brothers! Look what ye did! Now the Inquisition is here!


Quick, hide the Wulfen!


Sven Bloodskull


They'll be no hiding of anything here brother. If the inquisition think they can come to Fenris and meddle in our business they'll be feeling the business end of a number of power armor boots up their back sides! :lol:

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They'll be no hiding of anything here brother. If the inquisition think they can come to Fenris and meddle in our business they'll be feeling the business end of a number of power armor boots up their back sides! :lol:


Out of a hundred GKTs who fought alongside the Wolves at the First War for Armageddon, a total of zero had any problem with them. Now that's an obstacle that not even the most convinced Inquisitor can get round. :lol:

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They'll be no hiding of anything here brother. If the inquisition think they can come to Fenris and meddle in our business they'll be feeling the business end of a number of power armor boots up their back sides! :lol:


Out of a hundred GKTs who fought alongside the Wolves at the First War for Armageddon, a total of zero had any problem with them. Now that's an obstacle that not even the most convinced Inquisitor can get round. :lol:

i do believe some of them had a headache after the drinking contest after the war;):lol:

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They'll be no hiding of anything here brother. If the inquisition think they can come to Fenris and meddle in our business they'll be feeling the business end of a number of power armor boots up their back sides! :)


Out of a hundred GKTs who fought alongside the Wolves at the First War for Armageddon, a total of zero had any problem with them. Now that's an obstacle that not even the most convinced Inquisitor can get round. :)


But didn't 0 of them also make it back from the 1st War? I might be misremembering my fluff, but I thought the banishing of Angron killed them all.

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They'll be no hiding of anything here brother. If the inquisition think they can come to Fenris and meddle in our business they'll be feeling the business end of a number of power armor boots up their back sides! ;)


Out of a hundred GKTs who fought alongside the Wolves at the First War for Armageddon, a total of zero had any problem with them. Now that's an obstacle that not even the most convinced Inquisitor can get round. :D


But didn't 0 of them also make it back from the 1st War? I might be misremembering my fluff, but I thought the banishing of Angron killed them all.

No, it only got 3/4ths of them. It was the ale that got the rest.

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They'll be no hiding of anything here brother. If the inquisition think they can come to Fenris and meddle in our business they'll be feeling the business end of a number of power armor boots up their back sides! ;)

Out of a hundred GKTs who fought alongside the Wolves at the First War for Armageddon, a total of zero had any problem with them. Now that's an obstacle that not even the most convinced Inquisitor can get round. :D

But didn't 0 of them also make it back from the 1st War? I might be misremembering my fluff, but I thought the banishing of Angron killed them all.

No, it only got 3/4ths of them. It was the ale that got the rest.


Their leader, Brother-Captain Aurellian, survived even that.

Plus it would have been quite easy to 'vanish' a few Space Wolves during the battle. If they really thought the Wolves were corrupted, they'd have told the Inquisition during the battle. They'd have destroyed the SW fleet, leaving the Wolves with no way off the planet. Teleport the GKs out, and Exterminatus the planet. Simple, but effective.


But they didn't. Despite the apparent ease in the possibility of wiping out the Wolves (with very underhand tactics, admittedly), they chose not too. Therefore, there was no problem.

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i mean no disrespect to you fighting men but talk to the boss while tackling the 10 bloodthirsters and there mate ....talkings for after the party silver dudes partys fer fighting and drinking:)
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They'll be no hiding of anything here brother. If the inquisition think they can come to Fenris and meddle in our business they'll be feeling the business end of a number of power armor boots up their back sides! ;)

Out of a hundred GKTs who fought alongside the Wolves at the First War for Armageddon, a total of zero had any problem with them. Now that's an obstacle that not even the most convinced Inquisitor can get round. :)

But didn't 0 of them also make it back from the 1st War? I might be misremembering my fluff, but I thought the banishing of Angron killed them all.

No, it only got 3/4ths of them. It was the ale that got the rest.


Their leader, Brother-Captain Aurellian, survived even that.

Plus it would have been quite easy to 'vanish' a few Space Wolves during the battle. If they really thought the Wolves were corrupted, they'd have told the Inquisition during the battle. They'd have destroyed the SW fleet, leaving the Wolves with no way off the planet. Teleport the GKs out, and Exterminatus the planet. Simple, but effective.


But they didn't. Despite the apparent ease in the possibility of wiping out the Wolves (with very underhand tactics, admittedly), they chose not too. Therefore, there was no problem.

Damn good fight that was. Now I just need to find someone with about 8000pts of demons so I can do it again.

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If I am not mistaken 100GK went up against angron and his 10 bloodthirsters. Grimnor was there with most of the SW chapter. Back then Ulric even got a salute from Angron cos he killed 3 WE in CC. The wolves ran that show with the GK turning up at the end and finishing angron off (well he only went back to the warp for 666 years)
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And when fighting alongside Vassakovs company, most of our marines (DA and SW) were constantly hung over...


We may have killed a few guard with the ale however... Too strong for their weakling livers.

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Rumours are that SW will be released later this year, do not take this to be a Terran year, it could be a light year!


How to beat SW part 3: Yell "CATS!" and take them in cc while they look around confused.


Imperial News Flash! It appears the Thousand Sons have gone into the music industry, the first album is called "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf!"


How to beat SW Part 4: Do NOT build your bunkers from wood or straw, use bricks and let them wear them selves out due to the "Huff and Puff" rule.


It has come to the attention of the Ordos Zeno that Bran maybe an Ork Kommando that has infiltrated the Fang.

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Keep your Bolters ready lads! The commando may still be here!!!


AAAAAH there he is! (plasma shot smashes into Brans not blown off arm) Got the bugger!!!

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Firenze, 2 things:


1. why say keep your bolters ready and blast him with a plasma gun?;)

2. why shoot his other arm off? now your just asking for him to literally kick your ass!


Is the inquisition gone, btw? Cause i got some inquisitor repellant if they arn't.


And the final question, what, by Russ's beard, was the topic of this post again? :)


Sven Bloodskull

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Firenze, 2 things:


1. why say keep your bolters ready and blast him with a plasma gun?;)

2. why shoot his other arm off? now your just asking for him to literally kick your ass!


Is the inquisition gone, btw? Cause i got some inquisitor repellant if they arn't.


And the final question, what, by Russ's beard, was the topic of this post again? ;)


Sven Bloodskull

1) Hes a Dark Angel... "Super Shooty Plasma Freaks" as one of their own described them as.

2) Dunno.... we didnt teach him tactics.


And I think the Grey Knight is still around, he tends to be.


The topic of this thread is making good wholesome fun of Bran Scalphunter.

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The point of the thread was apparently to annoy Bran. This thread is therefore unmitagated fail, as Bran appears to be having as much fun as us.


Look, he's playing ping pong with some Blood Claws... using various unidentifable bits of Firenze. Clearly his teeth remain sharper than his wit... ;)


As for the 1st Armaggedon war, the information I have on it (cf. WD v.279 Codicium Imperialis Vol XXiV, Liber Victorum: The 1st War for Armageddon) suggests that of 100 Grey Knight Terminators, only 10 survived (some sources suggest that the Grand Master Mandulis was amongst them,k though this remains unverifiable.) The Wolves and Guard units bought, with Blood and Iron, time and space for the Grey Knights to do what they do best and though there is little glory in this there is much honour - I say we raise a toast to the fallen brothers of Armageddon; Human, Wolf and Knight alike.


The Ordo Malleus rarely bothers with the Wolves as there is no evidence, or indeed any real suspicsion of a Daemonic Taint in the Chapter*. Similarly, the Ordo Xenos will call the Wolves only for aid or a Deathwatch Brother. Only the Hereticus would press for destruction of the Wolves, believing the Wulfen to be mutations and typical of the Legion - we prefer to keep our own house in order, and our methods are not approved of by some.


* Though they probably wouldn't mind a quiet chat with the 13th Co. given their use of Chaos Tainted armour and equipment. Whether this results in a belated effort at actually killing off the Lost depends on the Inquisitor in question...

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