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Today Khârn killed...


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Jumped outta a landraider and killed an entire squad of ravengaurd minus the champ and 2 HQ's which promptly hit and ran to leave Khârn and his couple of friends to face the wrath of oh so many plasmas. There was nothing left but a smoking ruin after the volley's so who knows he may have lived:whistling:

Edited by oreaper84
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Have you guys ever thought of totaling up all of Khârn's kills? This thread reads as well as our "You know you're a Templar when..." thread.


Truly Epic!


It needs to be closed, because this topic will not end.



And yeah i tried to total up the kills since page 1, after 4 days of counting, i became isane, and tried to put the hair of a cop on fire with a banana, sceaming Kill!,Maim!,Burn..., got a nice 3 weeks vacations in a nice hospital...

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  • 4 weeks later...

He's tougher with 2+/4++, but doesn't have Blessing of the Blood God.

I haven't tried using Cutter, but with Gorechild he has one less attack than in 40k and one less strength and hits according his WS instead of always hitting on 2+. He still has Rage and Hatred, so he easily beats infantry, but not as powerful in challenges.

He also can sweeping advance 'cause 30k marines have no ATSKNF.

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He's become the center of a 1250 list I run. Last night he personally flipped over two Demolishers before running back to the squad he broke away from to steal their thunder after they failed their first assault distance attempt. I believe he tallied 6 guardsmen and 1 Chosen.


Unfortunatelyin my next game he got tarpitted and then overcome by a squad of wraithblades and their stupid stupid shields.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, just a heads up. I am making a kill tally based off of the scores in this thread. If you want to contribute be specific about the models involved, what kind of tanks he destroyed as well as what chapters or regiments the casualties are from. Be specific!



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Yesterday Khârn killed a squad of Legion of the Damned. Again, tar-pitted by a 3++ for most of the game. First he took out their sergeant, then he killed 8 LotD and 2 Chosen. I might have just had the Chosen assault them and sent Khârn off by himself, but I wanted to make sure they were dead.


It was almost the perfect game, but Khârn actually let me down. 1750 against LotD with GK and Inq allies. He starts off with a squad of GK TDA and an Inquisitor manning an Aegis and Quadgun in the middle of his deployment zone in the cross-wise deployment scenario, with everything else in Reserves. I went first, running two Land Raiders flat out right at him. I got a Turn 2 charge with Abaddon and his Bringers of Despair, and all I needed was Khârn and his MoK Chosen to make a 7" charge distance. Even with a re-roll the fact he had to go over terrain kept me from getting Abaddon and Khârn and their two squads of body guards stuck-in to the only enemy unit on the field. With Khârn's support I could have had his army off the table before his second turn even started.


Come to think of it, I'm not sure he should have been able to set up like that? Is an Inquisitor and 5 Terminators really half of 1750? Or does LotD let him get away with things like that?


Either way, we went a full 7 rounds. Khârn had a chance to redeem himself in the end, but again failed a charge distance. We were playing the two objective scenario, and my opponent had a unit of Paladins in my backfield sitting on mine. I had no scoring troops left. Turn 7 I moved my surviving Land Raider flat out to put my Dirgecaster within 6" of his Paladins then tried like hell to get Khârn into an assault with them from where he had recently finished off the LotD. He managed to get 5" across some difficult terrain, then he needed 10" to make the assault. He did not make it, so he didn't get his chance to attempt to survive long enough to contest. It was the only gambit I had left, since I didn't have the distance to attempt an effective tank shock to move the Paladins off the objective.


So my opponent got the one objective, first blood (for killing a small squad of cultists I should have hidden better), and linebreaker. I only got slay the warlord and line breaker. The game had its moments, and it was the closest I've played that particular opponent in a long time, so I'm not bummed about it.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Khârn killed:

- A wall (difficult terrain test made with perfect roll)

- A squad of assault marines (after he murdered the wall to get to them)

- A jumpack chaplain

- A couple of sternguard


Not my game, but the wall was the high point of his rampage. The opponent was chill about letting Khârn take a test to punch through it (since it is Khârn after all) and then he proceeded to murder a whole squad and their chaplain.

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It's been a while since I used Khârn and his World Eaters, so I decided to play a couple maelstrom missions, and in four games this weekend Khârn killed:

Against orks - Grotsnik (challenge), 2 meganobz, ork nob (challenge) and then he slaughtered remaining 20 boyz who tried to run away.

Against GK - Grand Master with halberd (challenge), five purifiers and Crowe.

Again another GK - dreadknight, Coteaz and five henchmen.

Against tau - riptide, 3 crisis suits and some commander with AP2 sword.

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