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+++ Situation Report +++

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  • 2 weeks later...

++Transmitted: Glorious Illuminator++

++Location: Scarus Sector, Thracian Primaris++

++Destination: Eternal Crusader++

++Subject:Status of the XXXXXX Crusade Fleet++

++Author: Marshal Todt++

++Thought for the Day: The Crusader's Zeal is his his only Companion++


High Marshal,


We have successfully repelled the Traitors from the underhives as was the plea for aid. Lord, the situation here is dire indeed, and you were right to send me and my Crusade for surely if anyone can stand against the combined might of the Traitors and Renegades as well as this "Green Kroosade" it is the warriors of my Crusade. Since our last meeting I have refitted the fleet and reinforced the Fighting Companies. We are now three Fighting Companies strong totaling four-hundred and eighteen battle brothers. We have received word that the Angels Sanguine, Salamanders, and Imperial Fists have all dispatched companies to the Scarus Sector at the command of the Wolf Lord Grimnar. I am sure your lordship and the Great Wolf will agree that my Crusades expertise is needed here blunting this Ork incursion as opposed to reinforcing Cadia itself, I hear there are many other Crusades fighting in the vicinity of Cadia and the inclusion of mine would make little difference. Curiously Lord, the Dark Angels have a small presence in the Sector but have yet to respond to our hails,as always Lord they are a most difficult Chapter to understand and if it was not for my previous experience with their ever silent Master Sammael at New Rynn City I would take their silence as an insult. Ever your servant.



Marshal Todt


Forward Unto Darkness


++End Transmission++

Edited by Marshal2 Crusaders
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  • 1 month later...

Reporting as requested:


Force Designation: Black Templar's Damascus Crusade-"The Emperor's Paladins"


Commander: Marshal Wilhelm Kurtz, "He Who Returned"


Flagship/Base of Operations: Battle Barge Righteous Wrath


Current Assignment: Still recovering strength from glorious but costly victories during the Dark Crusade, the fleet's host is currently engaged in sporadic punitive raids against rampaging Ork warbands and the forces of the Iron Warriors traitor legion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

++Transmitted: Holy Wrath++

++Location: Dunconia, Helliox Prime++

++Destination: Holy Terra++

++Subject:Status of the XXXXXX Crusade Fleet++

++Author: Marshal Nova++

++Thought for the Day: The emperor's faith is the only weapon we need!++


Marshal Nova reporting for duty, we have recently dispatched a entire company of the traitorous red corsairs, we also have attracted the attention of the inquisition and they have sent use an entire squad of cullexus assassins, for what purpose i am not sure although i am aware that they have orders to silence a particularly filthy witch as that is their profession, i am pleased to also say that we have found a link about the mysterious blood ravens chapter, dark secreats they are milord, the inquisitoin are currently looking into it and also, we have by the emperor's faith found a piece of our founding chapter's primarch's armour, a piece of his chestplate, by the imortal emperor i am pleased to have lived to be able to witness that moment of holyness +++++ BOLTER SOUNDS FROM THE CORRIDOR +++++ Brothers regroup around the ceremonial chamber and repell the infidels +++++ THE SOUND OF SCREECHING +++++ status report +++++ ONLY A FAINT NOISE IS HEARD THEN THE CHANNEL GOES DEAD FOR A MINUTE +++++ report we have a holy relic from a primarch, we report any assistance is of the utmost of importance, the enemy must not be allowed to take possession of such a holy relic, FOR DORN AND FOR THE EMPEROR YOU WILL NOT DIE TODAY AND YOU SHALL NOT FALTER THIS DAY, YOU WILL TRIUMPH AND YOU WILL BE VICTORIOUS ON THIS HOLY VESSEL. +++++ THE WEIRD NOISE BECOMES LOUDER +++++ Teleportation devices are bringing aboard the blastphamous traitours and bloodthirsters are boarding the vessel, unable to self-destruct due to the holy relics aboard +++++ THE VISIONAL SCREEN BLACKS-OUT AND IS REPLACED BY A FUZZY NOISE AND DARKENSS AND A FAINT FACE APPEARS ON THE SCREEN ONLY TO DISSAPEAR INTO THE DARKNESS ONCE AGAIN+++++


++ Transmission Interrupted ++

Edited by antique_nova
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+++TO+++---->Chaplain-Marshal Renaud de Chatillion

+++FROM+++---->Marshal Elostirion Gilgalad


+++TRANSMITTING+++Marshal Elostirion Gilgalad of the 41st Crusade, Formerly of the Tiberior and 3rd Armageddon Crusades under Marshal Amalrich reporting Chaplain-Marshal. We stand at the ready after our successful Crusade on Armageddon. Eagerly await word from High Marshal Helbrecht if our continued assistance is needed.




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  • 2 weeks later...

High Marshal Leoné reporting from aboard the Battle Barge "Word of the Living God"


Our champion has been chosen,

Our thunderhawks are ready,

The Machine Spirits of our Crusaders are angered and faithful,

Our vows are being ritualised as we speak,


We will steamroll through the enemies of the emporor in our glorious crusade

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Marshal Zúgo Ralbecht here. The 17th stands ready to bring enlightenmemt to the dark corners of the galaxy. Those that refuse enlightenment shall have it forced upon them upon the tip of my crozius. Hail the Emperor! Edited by Lord Antharis
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+++TO: High Marshal Renaud de Chatillion+++

+++FROM: Marshal Gabriel Van Trapp+++


+++TRANSMITTING+++ Marshal Gabriel Van Trapp of the 29th crusade fleet reporting for duty. I apologize for our lateness sire but we got hit by one hell of a warp storm but we are ready for combat high marshal









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+++TO+++---->Chaplain-Marshal Renaud de Chatillion

+++FROM+++---->Brother Hedron aboard the Battlebarge " Indefatigable Servant "


+++TRANSMITTING+++Marshal Is'Rael Jericho brings the 13th Crusade " Absolution " to serve, convert, and profess the greatness of Him on Terra to the darkest, most farflung reaches of the universe.


M'lord all is well in regards to the populace of Apoch 5. Emperor be praised. The eradication of blasphemous Cult of Lasciviousness was no less than a complete success. We found much more that initial intelligence reports suggested however. From our staging area of low orbit near Apoch's 8th moon, we witnessed unspeakable acts of hedonism, canabalism, and utter depravity. Upon further scanning, we discovered not only the heretic locals, but that of warp spawned daemons. Fearing that the daemonic influence was too wide spread for containment, Exterminatus was called for by the esteemed Inquisitor Lord Deciminus Hurst, whom has been aboard the " Servant " since our encounter with the xenos Eldar of the Scylla Cluster.


Marshal Jericho took council with Master of Sanctity Elijah, and Lord Hurst. Recclusiarchs Solomon and Abraham were attending as well. Surely the Emperor's wisdom is with these men, for Exterminatus was waived and we commenced to launching a ground assualt, once it was learned that the cult was only active in the tri-city state surrounding the capital.


With the deaths of the daemonic leaders, figureheads, and foul dark preachers, the rebellion fell with little to no resistance. The lost natives whom were swayed from the Light were given the Emperor's Judgement with utmost impunity, may His wrath be eternal. Probationary reign was given to the newly appointed governor, pre-screened and hand selected by Lord Hurst personally.


Casualties were within acceptable parameters, merely three crusader squads, one assault squad, and one Sword Bretheren squad from the Marshal's household. Rest well brothers, you died a beautiful death, a warriors death. I, myself have currently been placed on light duty whilst I await completion of a pair of bionic legs, a bionic eye, and a bionic hand. Brother Haephestus , of the Adeptus Mechanicus assures me that my flesh is a suitable host and that the Machine Spirit favors me. Furthermore, my ability to perform will not be in question, that I shall be stronger, faster, more powerfull in servitude to the Lord of Terra with these augmentations.


Another notable loss was that of the Culexus Assassin known as " Iscarius ". Throne! those things disturb me, makes my skin crawl. Surely they are the Emperor's Vengence made flesh. He fell administering the Emperor's wrath to a foul Keeper of Secrets who's name { =I= information deleted by Lord Deciminus Hurst. Further details of this encounter will be in the communication sent by Marshal Jericho and myself =I=}. The Apothecarium informs us that our current stores of geenseed will not be taxed in replenishing our numbers with suitable neophytes from the current system. Regretably, our length of stay within system will be extended whilst the Recclusium and Apothecarium screens, and readies the newest candidates for implantation.


Lastly sire, we have put in requisition K465-95-Z42 for appropriation of materials, as well as engineering and tech teams for the construction of the Fortress Monastary " Gethsem " which will be located in the mountain range Chyron's Spine, overlooking the capital and tri-city areas.


Death is to merciful an end to the traitorous, the xenos, or the weak willed. There is nothing the witch has at their disposal that is a substitute for a faith and a pure mind. Faith NEVER fails.


For Dorn. In honor of Sigismund.

Glory to Him on Terra. The Emperor guides.


++++Thought for the day: " Excuses are lies the weak tell themselves. Failure is for the heretic. Be neither "



Edited by Brother Hedron
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+++TO+++ ----> High Marshal Renaud de Chatillion

+++FROM+++---->Chaplain Ludwing Von Lickten




Marshal Ludwing reporting


Have recently purged and defended chapter keep Khreak

will send full report and all findings to HQ


Currently awaiting approval on the 2nd Thangdron Crusade





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+++TO+++ ----> Chaplain Marshal Renaud de Chatillion

+++FROM+++ ----> Marshal Chief

+++TRANSMITED+++ ----> Message pod 0209.45

+++THOUGHT FOR THE DAY+++ ----> To admit failure is to blaspheme against the Emperor.


The Centennial Feast of Blades upon Phalanx was a great success. Our Emperor’s Champion (Ulysses) won the contest, as had been hoped, downing each of the other eleven contestants in quick succession. Lord Vladimir Pugh regretted your absence but appreciated the importance of your current crusade. Various matters were discussed and minutes taken, which a lexicanum of the Imperial Fists ensures me will be sent to you post haste.


On a more serious note, the 11th Crusade has proceeded, as ordered, into the Korianis sector of the Ultima Segmentum. We have been unable to contact any Blood Raven forces and notify them of our presence, as was insisted upon before launching the crusade against the Eldar forces in the sector.


I grow tired of waiting for these Blood Raven witches and request permission to commence the decimation of the Eldar’s exodite worlds at once.




For the glory of Him on Terra and Dorn!


Marshal Chief

Edited by col.woods606
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  • 2 weeks later...

+++TO+++ ----> Chaplain Marshal Renaud de Chatillion

+++FROM+++ ----> Chaplain Canute

+++TRANSMITED+++ ----> Inquisitorial Astropath Alpha

+++THOUGHT FOR THE DAY+++ ----> Through it all, the Emperor protects.


The Diasceres Crusade is currently operating against traitor forces and their demonic allies near the Eye. The crusadehas also encountered forces comprised of the living metal warriors known as Necron battling the chaos forces.

After hard fights against deamon forces the crusade "enlisted" the help of a Malleus Inquisitor. Although a valuable asset, he must be kept at bay lest he discover things best left hidden. If he does, the Emperor protects those that protects themselves.

Until such time as the emperors enemies have been weakened enough to defeat them, the crusade will continue its tactical strikes against them.

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Salutations Brothers,


Marshal Chain-O from the "LIGHTBRINGERS CRUSADE" ready for battle!

Our torch will light the shadows of the traitors, the demons, the heretics, the aliens! SET THEM ON FIRE!

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+++TO+++ ----> High Marshal Renaud de Chatillion

+++FROM+++----> Marshal Godfrey de Bouillon aboard the battle barge "Confessors Fury"


greetings from the Eternal Redemption Crusade, our unending crusade against the heretics and traitors continues in and around the eye. Let all who turn from the emperors light fear the flames that shall banish the shadows and cleanse their corruption.


Glory for the Emperor, Death to the enemies of the Sons of Dorn, and Redemption for Marshal Clairvaux

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+++TO+++---->Chaplain-Marshal Renaud de Chatillion

+++FROM+++---->Marshal Brandr Sturmkreig

+++TRANSMITTED+++ Astropath Primus Garrik

+++THOUGHT FOR THE DAY+++----> Only in death does duty end


+++TRANSMITTING+++Marshal Brandr Sturmkreig of the 19th Cadian Crusade reporting. We ran afoul of a warpstorm near the Cadian system. We were engaged heavily with traitor warbands and even a full scale rearguard action against a combined force of orks and Death Guard elements. There is still heavy resistance in this sector and the Ordo Malleus has requested our aid many times. We have answered their call each time and emerged victorious against the arch-enemy. The High-Marshal has but to the say the word and we will withdraw our crusade fleet to carry the Emperors torch elsewhere.





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  • 1 month later...

+++TO+++ ----> High Marshal Renaud de Chatillion

+++FROM+++ ----> Marshal Baldwin

+++TRANSMITED+++ ----> Message pod 0003.38

+++THOUGHT+++ ----> Imperator lo Vult!


Greetings My leige,


Marshal Baldwin of the Outremer Crusade at your service, High Marshal.


The Emperor Protects



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