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@Philip: You've got my DIY listed @ the 1000 Space Marince Chapter Index under the Fists of Dorn. I'm still working on my IA for them, however, their color scheme has been modified slightly & their name has actually been changed to: Priory of Dorn.

Here is their updated color scheme w/Chapter Badge:


I have some material available for them:

Priory of Dorn - Insignium Astartes

Priory of Dorn - Chapter Organization

Priory of Dorn - Ghulbain: Astartes Homeworld

There are additional SMP images @ Priory of Dorn - B&C Gallery (Captain, Chaplain, Apothecary, Sergeant, Terminator & Vehicles).

Once I've gotten their IA completed & published here, I'll post a link for you in the MIA thread you've got up.

Also, The Falcons of Kiahvar don't exist any more (unless someone else took them over) They've been re-formatted into the Scions of Cestus.

Here is their updated color scheme w/Chapter Badge:


*Edit: Looking through the MIA chapters, I noticed that you actually have both the Fists of Dorn and Priory of Dorn listed and both Falcons of Kiahvar and Scions of Cestus listed. The Fists of Dorn evolved into the Priory of Dorn, so unless someone else has them as their chapter, they no longer exist. The same is true for Falcons of Kiahvar, the evolved into the Scions of Cestus and no longer exist. Just though I'd let you know, so you can clear out the pseudo-duplicates.

Edited by AngryJohnny
  AngryJohnny said:
*Edit: Looking through the MIA chapters, I noticed that you actually have both the Fists of Dorn and Priory of Dorn listed and both Falcons of Kiahvar and Scions of Cestus listed. The Fists of Dorn evolved into the Priory of Dorn, so unless someone else has them as their chapter, they no longer exist. The same is true for Falcons of Kiahvar, the evolved into the Scions of Cestus and no longer exist. Just though I'd let you know, so you can clear out the pseudo-duplicates.

I'll sort that out. I'll tag them (Fists of Dorn, Falcons of Kiahvar) for priority removal once we hit 1,000.

Do you have full IA for Priory of Dorn or Scions of Cestus?

Thanks for the Iron Knights update and the Emperors Disciples (is there an IA for the Emperors Disciples?)

@ StormWarriors2 - you're welcome.

  Heru Talon said:
You forgot the black helmet.

I didn't :cry: I've also updated the shield and gave the armour a bit of a polish!


Added the Star Foxes;


Is this correct?


Edited by Philip S
  Philip S said:
  AngryJohnny said:
*Edit: Looking through the MIA chapters, I noticed that you actually have both the Fists of Dorn and Priory of Dorn listed and both Falcons of Kiahvar and Scions of Cestus listed. The Fists of Dorn evolved into the Priory of Dorn, so unless someone else has them as their chapter, they no longer exist. The same is true for Falcons of Kiahvar, the evolved into the Scions of Cestus and no longer exist. Just though I'd let you know, so you can clear out the pseudo-duplicates.

I'll sort that out. I'll tag them (Fists of Dorn, Falcons of Kiahvar) for priority removal once we hit 1,000.


Do you have full IA for Priory of Dorn or Scions of Cestus?


Thanks for the Iron Knights update and the Emperors Disciples (is there an IA for the Emperors Disciples?)

No, I don't have a full IA for the Priory of Dorn or the Scions of Cestus yet. I'll put a link the the MIA thread once I've finished them though. I'm not sure if the Emperor's Disciples have an IA or not. It was a DIY that was created by Captain Gideon Emitt.

Hey Phil, I need to ask if it's possible to use the image below for the Azure Blades, as the image used on the Project site isn't the 'current' Chapter colors.


Yes, I realize that the active cameoline suit makes the Tactical Marine look goofy, but it's part of the kit a battle-brother of my DIY normally runs around with. If not, then use this one instead:


@ Espada Azul - the second one with a plain white background would be ideal.


I like the active camo-suit, I used a similar idea for my marines stealth technology (Marine Power Armour Stealth tech). This is not to hide from the enemy out of fear, but more because the enemy will scarper at the sight of marines; so they have to seek up like predators and pounce at point blank range. Once close they change back to chapter colours in a flash and charge, get into the ranks and cause havoc at CQC range. This is a bit out of sorts with the background, but I tend to see the background as 'exceptions to the norm' where marines are tested in unusual circumstances, when in 'reality' most mission run without a hitch and use stealth tech.


@ Brother Anvilus - do you a copy with a plain white background? Do you have an IA link?


@ halfling hopperston - do you have an IA draft up? An idea for a chapter symbol?



Philip S: Actually, I just wanted a Marine image with for the DIY without the (inactive) camo robes, as it looks too busy for a simple Tactical Marine.

Also, I'm not used to the warping functions in Photoshop, so I figured that the default DA winged sword used in the Space Marine painter could do. If you could do something about placing the symbol on the shoulder inset, that would be cool though.


Philip, currently no chapter symbol will do that once i have my IA done, and I'm just waiting on some info to help me finish of the first part of my IA then ill have a full draft up for you and ill post it here.


here is a new link to the image, ill photo shop one once i have the chapter symbol sorted out.


Edited by halfling hopperston

Trow in my two cents real quick...I remember when GW did the "Make a chapter contest", and the two that always stood out to me were the Iron Sceptres and the Sons of Dorn. Going through the awesome list you got going, I noted they both had incorrect colors. the Sceptres are a foliage green with a black helmet. They were created to combat a severe outbreak of Khorne Berzerkers in their sector.Their helmets are experimental and faulty (look kinda like the Heresy Mk of armour), and cause severe scarring running from below the cheekbone to their hairline on each side of their faces. They continue to use them because of tradition. The Sons of Dorn, are quartered black and white, no other colors. Sorry, I can't remember their history. Hopefully, someone out there still has an old white dwarf from this time and can confirm this for me. Keep up the great work, I'm lovin it!


P.S. Found the Sceptres Pic! http://www.nightserpent.com/minis/brother_moebius.jpg

Edited by 1000heathens

Something like this then?





Edited by Brother Cambrius

@ Espada Azul - I'll see what I can do... is that image smaller than usual?

@ halfling hopperston - nice.

  1000heathens said:
Trow in my two cents real quick...I remember when GW did the "Make a chapter contest", and the two that always stood out to me were the Iron Sceptres and the Sons of Dorn. Going through the awesome list you got going, I noted they both had incorrect colors. the Sceptres are a foliage green with a black helmet.

The Iron Sceptres are not in the list (you saw the Iron Spectres!). I'll add them in. I'll see if I can find out anything more on the Sons of Dorn.

@ Brother Cambrius - yoink!


Thanks mate :lol:


Edited by Philip S

Lol, yeah, I misread that, my mistake. Here is the site of the fella that created the chapter, plus a close-up of the gnarly experimental helmets. Hope this helps.



No problem Phil. Glad to be of service.


Here's a Sons of Dorn image:




They just need now their symbol, which is the black skull with a white backgorund bordered by a black circle on the transfer sheet.




BTW: Have ou also added the hospitallers, Sons of Jaghatai, Emperor's Shadows and the Emperor's Storm? they're the DIY chapters featured in "How to paint Space Marines"

The Medusan Knights - Before Excommunication



Symbol is the iron gauntlet of the Iron Hands, with 2 crossed swords behind. Lots of Bionic Parts. Tabard marked with AdMech symbols and holy binary.


After Excom, re-named The Ironbound.



Symbol is the iron gauntlet of the Iron Hands, superimposed over a star of chaos. Same with the bionic parts, just daemonic. Tabards marked with Dark Mech Symbols and scrap-code.


Sorry, I don't have photoshop yet.

Edited by 1000heathens

Oblators Chapter




Oblator chapter are a Blood Angel descentant chapter of unknown founding. Their power armor is deep red in color with bleached bone aquila and helmet and black linings. The left pauldron, holding the chapter symbol, is bleached bone. The symbol is a single, red drop of blood.


Prosphora world


Prosphora is a Hive world in Ixaniad Sector, Segmentum Obscurus. The world is widely known for two things, foremost of which is the religious devotion of its ancient noble houses. Prosphoras great spires house some of the most stunning architectural monuments in the whole sector as the ancient noblehouses compete to build ever more outrageously grandiose monuments and cathedrals to honor the Emperor. In addition to its magnificient religious architecture the Prosphora is known for being the homeworld of Oblators chapter os Adeptus Astartes. In the shadows of the great cathedrals, hidden below the support structures of the hive-spires lies another world. A world inhabited by millions of pilgrims on their way corewards, towards the holy Terra. Many pilgrims stopped in Prosphora to pay homage on the altar of Saint Taslima, but many stay longer than necessary because the next part of the journey goes past the Cadian gate and is known to be long, dangerous and expensive. The lowest levels of the hive accomodate the pilgrims and the noble houses feed them, but there is preciously little work available to save money for leaving the place. Thus millions upon millions of pilgrims hang around the underhive, begging for money. Eventually many of them fall prey to the underhive gangs or end up joining the gangs themselves.



The most deadly of these gangs all are so-called

Edited by Polaria

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