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Chaos with the new wolf dex?

Drudge Dreadnought

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Can't really see it wking for fallen eather. Nothing about it sz fallen to me. Fallen should use DA dex of maybe csm dex with no cult troops or icons or demonic stuff. You are basicly talking about DA's that stopped listening to orders and went off on their own mission, nothing more
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... who have been doing their own thing for 10000 years. If that doesn't deserve an above-average profile, I don't know what does.


So have thousands of legion csm's, and they are further augmented with the pwr of chaos and the fallen are not.

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... who have been doing their own thing for 10000 years. If that doesn't deserve an above-average profile, I don't know what does.


So have thousands of legion csm's, and they are further augmented with the pwr of chaos and the fallen are not.


So use Chaos for Chaos. Fallen have no rules.


Heck, for all I care, go ahead and use SW rules for Chaos. I'm just trying to think creatively here.

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Way to not take a joke Corpse. 0_o


Some people tend to jump on the bandwagon of name calling so I wanted to shoot it down before it got any worse.


Name calling is a form of "joke". Nothing against it personally, I just went into depth of its background so those who felt like jumping in - knew what they are actually doing.


I knew exactly what I was doing, and I intended it as a joke only.

I actually think that Space wolfs are the only spess mehrens worthy of their original name. On the loyalist side that is.


I hope no one was offended. :ermm:




None taken.


Should visit some of the chan /tg/ sections, and various other locations that are a bit lax on voicing personal opinions. It gets pretty gruesome there. A meager mention of anything animal+human related (or even just animal) it gets the furry(insert greater insult next to the word here) tags. Many of whom say they scroll across B&C/Warseer(etc) frequently. I also believe that none of the mods here never visit those sites.


I can assure you, I've never set my foot on 4chan more than once... Madness!

So it has a special place under my boots.


As for the Fallen thingy.

I would too, use the DA dex if I was to find myself playing the Fallen.


Just for note, how do you guys who are actually considering it going to explain your odd psychic powers?

Jaws of the wild wolf and such...



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The fallen that band together and form armies (as opposed to the single individuals) are usually described as a huge threat, so I would put them more towards Chaos Marines than Dark Angels. A lot of the Dark Angels rules like Deathwing, Ravenwing and Intractable (no rules for that currently) have been developed only after the betrayal of the Fallen, so the Fallen shoudl not have such formations and rules. Also, the old rules for Cypher allowed him to be taken in Chaos or Imprial Guard force, and he could be accompanied by a squad of Chaos Marines that represented fallen.
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I wouldnt mind chaos players using "counts-as" rules with either the marine or space wolves dex's. If you find it fun, im fine with it, lord knows its hard to find fun times in the chaos codex. I personally will use the CSM codex as i apsolutely refuse to have anything to do with loyalists. I flipped through the codex and i really liked what i saw, seemed like an interesting and well thought out book. Much like the marines/ork/guard, makes me very much look forward for the next one.


<3 me some furrie action baby! My woman and myself both like to dress up as hamsters and have a night on the town every so often. Spices up the relationsip... :tu:


Anyone ever read that article about the drifter walking around some national park area or something, when he came across a group of furries doing their thing out in the woods. He was apparently really really loaded up on a coctail of drugs and thought they were really animals, so he tried to join in for whatever reason...Anyhow they kinda beat him away and he was wondering around some more and found himself another furry and tried to join in with that one. Just so happens that little furry was really a brown bear which in turn mauled him to death.


If he had listened to Steven Colbert he would have know the threat bears pose to Americans!

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So use Chaos for Chaos. Fallen have no rules.


Heck, for all I care, go ahead and use SW rules for Chaos. I'm just trying to think creatively here.


Don't get me wrong, I don't care if someone uses SW dex for Fallen. Just doesn't seem like a good fit to me. I always thought of fallen as being more shooty and about sabitage (sp?), and less likely to run into hth swinging a chainaxe. More of a "why should I run in and go hth with the guy when I can shoot him from way back here" kinda attitude (not that they wouldn't be very skilled in hth if needed, like any other uber vet). I guess I sould have explained myself better.

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I would have no problem someone running counts as chaos with the space wolves dex. Our codex is boring and bland, if someone wants to have some fun and use a different dex, more power to 'em. Allow players their fun, if you want serious go to tournies and you have different standards.


Just as an FYI, what i did personally is instead of bouncing to counts as. I decided to make a smallish army of guard, kinda my cultists ect ect. I can use them in apoc right along side my normal Word Bearers, they fit right into that role, in our planetary empires campaign we are in, I can just use guard every so often and have the WB Cult leader "Colonel Stinkmeiner" take charge and lead a small band of worthless skum.


Point is, 80% of the people on this forums dislikes the current chaos codex, 10% dont care one way or another, and 10% very much like it. Agree to disagree because its really just a point of view :ph34r:


Its a game, try to have some fun.

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I have 3 notes to share.


1. No devoted squads('Zerkers, TS, etc)

2. No Defiler~ <3

3. Space wolfs are for furries.




1. Wolves are space Vikings. I fail to see how the lack of Bezerkers would be a problem.

2. They should have bigger and better guns than that. Hopefully, anyways.

3. I would love to see what would happen if you put that on the Space Wolves forum. I may have to sig that.


I do this regularly with Space Wolve players, there are alot of them on 4chan, just like there are a lot of Ork players and IG players, with a mixed population of Space Marines and Chaos Lite marines (thankfully small group of 4.0fanboys).


It's not that funny, in 5 minutes you can't have a serious discussion about the Wolves because it breaks down into calling SW people furries, but it's rather normal now.


I would have no problem someone running counts as chaos with the space wolves dex. Our codex is boring and bland, if someone wants to have some fun and use a different dex, more power to 'em. Allow players their fun, if you want serious go to tournies and you have different standards.


Just as an FYI, what i did personally is instead of bouncing to counts as. I decided to make a smallish army of guard, kinda my cultists ect ect. I can use them in apoc right along side my normal Word Bearers, they fit right into that role, in our planetary empires campaign we are in, I can just use guard every so often and have the WB Cult leader "Colonel Stinkmeiner" take charge and lead a small band of worthless skum.


Point is, 80% of the people on this forums dislikes the current chaos codex, 10% dont care one way or another, and 10% very much like it. Agree to disagree because its really just a point of view :P


Its a game, try to have some fun.


Problem is alot of people stopped seeing it as a game. Apoc is nice for this, it bypasses alot of stuff to legitimately allow players to put more flavor on the field, and make counts as more realistic for Cult armies (<3 Genestealers). Problem is we want the codex to actually perform and not screw over for normal games.

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