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Deathwatch Kill Team on Gehenna? Did I miss a memo? I must have been asleep! :lol:


Is the composition of the Kill Team concrete? The reason I picked up on this is the fact that it would be best not to include marines from chapters that are already present, just to keep things mixed up. If you had already come to this conclusion on your own, you are obligated to disregard this paragraph with great justice! :P


As an aside the Blazing Sons are members of the Deathwatch.... ;) I kid, dropping unsubtle hints are a hobby of mine.


In any case I had an idea for another narrative bit, but don't have enough information to proceed. I wanted to do a combination piece of a Gehenna PDF gun-crew on the eve of the invasion, watching the skies. Then once the assault begins the perspective switches to a Thunderbolt pilot from the Imperial side. If that sounds acceptable that is.


I'm trying to get across both the equality of the men on both sides while also highlighting their own beliefs, since that's all that seperates them at this stage. The Gehenna PDF aren't chaos followers or xenos scum after all.


Anyway, I await majority approval before I begin. The information I was looking for was a general layout of where the Palace is on the city network. While the original defenses would still be present, I'm sure the PDF would have reinforced them with city-wide AAA batteries and such, it's also the gun-crew I was referring to.


The only other thing I might need would be a squadron name and type to be able to use. It can be anything really, but I didn't want to simply make something up myself seeing as KHK has put a lot of effort into the creation of the forces at work here. Much kudos by the way.


What accent is that meant to be? :)


Well it started out as a pirate but then got crossed with english-northern-lincoln country accent and came out... somewhat similar to both and yet neither at the same time. Magicks? :D

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Sorry, GHY, I should keep you more updated ;) !


Is the composition of the Kill Team concrete?




The reason I picked up on this is the fact that it would be best not to include marines from chapters that are already present, just to keep things mixed up. If you had already come to this conclusion on your own, you are obligated to disregard this paragraph with great justice!


Erm . . . :) we kind of did the opposite. The Kill Team is:

A Warrior Eternal Sergent

An Arctic Lion Assault Marine

An Infinity Knight with bolter (sniper)

A Death Head with bolter

A Death Head Devastator


Pages 15 and 16 in this thread have details.


I'm all for the story GHY, sounds like a good idea.

This is just my own curiosity, I am aware of the acronym AA (anit-aircraft), is AAA just a European thing or are multiple people making that typo, because I'm seeing it in a couple threads?


The only other thing I might need would be a squadron name and type to be able to use.


Navy Assets were always the ones that escaped me, usually why I pushed the fleet composition onto other people :D !

I'd imagine a mixed number of flights and aircraft. Maybe the Thunderbolt could be in a flight escorting a Marauder? I've always wanted to read about Lightening Strikes http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Lightning_Strikes , so if you could throw a couple in I'd appreciate it.


As for squadron names, have a blast. Personally, I think the name should either be more Imperial centric (to show loyalties) or names around the Beast of Perditia (to show who the real Perditians are). I think the latter would be a little more difficult (Beastie Squadron still sounds pretty cute though ;) ). The former would be something around the lightening bolt, golden throne, etc.




Always magicks. All the time. ^_^ .

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Yup, there is a Kill Team present. The reason why we decided to keep the members within the ranks of the four Campaign Chapters will hopefully be clear after checking out the pages provided by King.

I wouldn't be surprised if haven't got the memo that we changed the name of the campaign, seeing how you say 'Gehenna' several times in your post ;) Am I wrong? Might be the difficulties of referring to the Campaign as something else than what you have been calling it for several months, I know I am struggling.

I think it's about time we changed the name of the thread? *looks at King*


As for the story, Ydalir, go for it! I think it has potential.


I'm liking the setup so far King. Things are shaping up!


EDIT: Hey, look! It changed! Magicks...

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This is just my own curiosity, I am aware of the acronym AA (anit-aircraft), is AAA just a European thing or are multiple people making that typo, because I'm seeing it in a couple threads?

Anti-Aircraft-Artillery? :)

Best I can come up with, other than that it might just be a popular typo.


EDIT: Hey, look! It changed! Magicks...
Always magicks. All the time.


It also explains GHY's semi-yorkshire-semi-pirate transforming accent that he had.

I'm starting to suspect Chaos influence, although I could just be paranoid. :D

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The only reason I suggested keeping the Deathwatch team different was because keeping the campaign so heavily restricted to the chapters already involved seems a little, well, insular. Insular is something Imperial Campaigns aren't.


Imperial forces comprise of many different collections of forces from wildly different backgrounds, space marines being no different.


It also smacks of a little bit too much 'convenience' that the nearest available kill team just so happened to be made up of those marines from the chapters that are already or soon to be involved in the campaign. So far as I know kill-teams are drawn up and then sent where they are needed, they don't hold any marines on retainer just so they can go to a conflict where their chapter is already fighting, that seems a little redundant.


The Deathwatch are there to deal with the Eldar, not liaise with their own chapters. I also doubt they would pull these specific marines from other duties just because they are from the chapters already in the warzone. The nearest available team would be sent, who knows what chapters comprise that team?

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While Inquisitor Maelbor (of the Ordo Xenos) has a large number of Stormtroopers available to him, the situation ends up necessitating a Deathwatch Kill Team, as the Eldar forces prove to be far more experienced and skilled than his Stormtroopers can handle. His original estimation had been that, with the number of Stormtroopers under his direct command, he would have sufficient forces to deal with and investigate the Xeno involvement. He essentially didn't see a very big need for a Deathwatch kill team at the time, nor did the agents he sent ahead of him feel the need either.


Obviously, fate has conspired against the Inquisitor.


While Inquisitor Maelbor has already sent word for the nearest Kill Team to arrive in-system to aid in his efforts, the nearest one would take two weeks, minimum, to arrive, time that Maelbor would rather put to good use. As such, much to the irritation of the Astartes commanders, Maelbor requests the assistance of any Astartes that had already served in the Deathwatch and have them temporarily re-instated, which would save a gross amount of time, not only in training, but in transportation as well.

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I suppose that's a fair reason. However:


which would save a gross amount of time, not only in training, but in transportation as well.


So far as I know the Deathwatch don't receive additional training, they are veteran Astartes from many chapters who are simply inducted into the Deathwatch and therefore given access to special equipment and means that the Inquisition has available to them. That said, I could be wrong. :woot:


That said, it still feels far too 'convenient' from a narrative standpoint, but I don't see much wrong with it as a reason.

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A few of the other authors/developers of this particular campaign have their own reasons for doing things this way, I'm sure. This is mostly just speculation on my part, but I believe one or more individuals wanted to keep more of the 'big name' Chapters and whatnot excluded from this sort of conflict, focusing on the fan-made aspect of the project. Also, opening up involvement (and the Deathwatch team) to outside forces would likely result in A LOT of folks on this board messaging the developers with notes about including their own personal character from x chapter, etc etc. Again, this is mostly speculation, and I'm probably wrong about a few things.


Personally, I'm far more suited to writing stuff about the Imperial Guard and the Inquisition, rather than Astartes, but I'm helping out as much as possible with this project, as is everyone else helping out, yourself included, GHY. I just want to congratulate everyone's contributions to this project so far, everyone has done AMAZING work!

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Well I was here in the beginning, then I left. Now I'm back I feel obligated to do as much as I can for this project, given that I had to leave at a time when I had a lot of things that needed to be written here, which was disappointing and I felt pretty awful about letting people down.


In any case here I am now and ready to work. I'll get started on that new story soon, I have some more work to finish for the Blazing Sons IA but the story is next on my list.


Chapters and whatnot excluded from this sort of conflict, focusing on the fan-made aspect of the project. Also, opening up involvement (and the Deathwatch team) to outside forces would likely result in A LOT of folks on this board messaging the developers with notes about including their own personal character from x chapter, etc etc. Again, this is mostly speculation, and I'm probably wrong about a few things.


I do understand that, though the people involved with this project do have more than enough DIY chapters between them to mix things up a bit even if you wanted to keep it 'in the family' so to speak.

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Just to clarify, the Kill Team isn't a Deathwatch team; it's a team of Astartes created from ex-Deathwatch veterans within the companies that are included in the campaign - hence why it only includes members from the Lions, Heads, Warriors and Knights.
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Hm. Awesome work, KingHongKong, but once you've rested and eaten, you might take another look at what you've managed to type up. A few of the sentences either don't really flow well together, or seem incomplete


You've no idea how right you are, DKC. I was typing that semi-fatigued. What I typed I think turned out alright, and I wound up jumping around a little too much, I think :D .


That said, it still feels far too 'convenient' from a narrative standpoint, but I don't see much wrong with it as a reason.


I don't think so. The way I imagine it (disregarding my little story in progress a few pages ago), Maelbor will walk onto the Nausicaa, intent on getting a team of Astartes to fulfill his own secret campaign. Multiple Astartes will be assembled during a lull in the combat, I imagine 2 or 3 Astartes per Company from each of the Chapters so around 8 to 12 Death Heads, 2 to 4 Warriors Eternal, 2 to 3 Arctic Lions and 2 to 4 Infinity Knights.


Four heads of each of the Chapters (Tobulo, Aleksei, Arnkel, Altram) will likely limit the young Inquisitor's team, given how much they have to accomplish.


Maelbor will be excited to see Dussan, perhaps afraid of Titov (given Maelbor's history with these two), simply threatened by the Death Heads because of their seemingly friendly relationship with the Warriors Eternal and perplexed by or apathetic to the Arctic Lions who seem less than human given their introvert personalities, I think Arnkel's outrage will surprise Maelbor more than anything else.


As a note for when Maelbor is assembling his team, I think that there will be plenty of conflict amongst the marines themselves. Upon seeing Dussan, Maelbor will likely want to put him in command of the squad. Dussan isn't a leader and the others know this. Warriors Eternal will likely scoff at this, Death Heads will refuse to be led by Infinity Knights based on conflicting views and Arctic Lions will also raise eyebrows. Other issues will be raised when considering a Death Head leader. Infinity Knights will regard Death Heads as savages. Warriors Eternal will probably say something similar, making a point that the Death Heads that have served in the Deathwatch are all bloodthirsty and eager for glory in the fight below, not a secret campaign. When considering an Arctic Lion, the Death Heads will likely scoff at this the most, making a point at how the Arctic Lions don't say anything. Eventually eyes will turn on the Warriors and Titov will rise to the occasion.


Given the idea that the Deathwatch have a secret campaign, I imagine Isaik to be less than ecstatic about returning to the black and silver of the Deathwatch. I think he'll fall into the position because he is one of the few proficient at handling heavy weapons and the others that are have less experience than Isaik (Death Heads) or are needed more by their Chapter (Warriors Eternal). I do have to wonder what will promote Einar to go given that Arnkel is reluctant to give him up and some of the Death Heads will have similar talents. Perhaps Einar wants to return to the black and silver? Ferrus?


Ferrus, you've made me feel self conscious, I don't know how to think of this:


Lions, Heads, Warriors and Knights.


Which one of these things is not like the other :Elite: !

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Well that makes more sense. From the outset it seems far too convenient but with a bit of explanation it works. Not that I thought you needed my approval, but I never really sit quiet when I see something that doesn't sit right with me either.


On the story front: The Blazing Sons have been sucking up all my free hours like a bloody time-sink. It will come, eventually. Apologies for the delay.

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Well that makes more sense. From the outset it seems far too convenient but with a bit of explanation it works. Not that I thought you needed my approval, but I never really sit quiet when I see something that doesn't sit right with me either.


I think this is the best thing about a project in a small group, people can voice opinions and they can be easily heard and responded to.


Don't worry about not working right now, I'm sure even when we're all back in school some of us can make time to work on this, I know I will :o ! (kind of a risk for Junior year, but you gotta have something fun to do, right?)


This is one that's just for kicks, but I'm sure you all remember the Black Templar/ Crimson Fist Campaign where the two fought side by side and exchanged some heraldry? I think that would be pretty cool here too, plus it would give reason for the other Chapters to get close, not just support from the Death Heads.


For the Death Heads, I imagine Space Marines who get closer to them to adopt the painted skull on the helmet. I think that even when smaller teams are deployed, they may have to fight in a similar manner with mixed squads, making for an interesting few stories and parts of the overall Campaign.

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Well that makes more sense. From the outset it seems far too convenient but with a bit of explanation it works. Not that I thought you This is one that's just for kicks, but I'm sure you all remember the Black Templar/ Crimson Fist Campaign where the two fought side by side and exchanged some heraldry? I think that would be pretty cool here too, plus it would give reason for the other Chapters to get close, not just support from the Death Heads.


I was under the impression this actually occured very regularly between Astartes Chapters, but the exchange of iconography would be an interesting thing to read about, I think.

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As a note for when Maelbor is assembling his team, I think that there will be plenty of conflict amongst the marines themselves. Upon seeing Dussan, Maelbor will likely want to put him in command of the squad. Dussan isn't a leader and the others know this. Warriors Eternal will likely scoff at this, Death Heads will refuse to be led by Infinity Knights based on conflicting views and Arctic Lions will also raise eyebrows. Other issues will be raised when considering a Death Head leader. Infinity Knights will regard Death Heads as savages. Warriors Eternal will probably say something similar, making a point that the Death Heads that have served in the Deathwatch are all bloodthirsty and eager for glory in the fight below, not a secret campaign. When considering an Arctic Lion, the Death Heads will likely scoff at this the most, making a point at how the Arctic Lions don't say anything. Eventually eyes will turn on the Warriors and Titov will rise to the occasion.


I think Dussan knows it, too. :lol:

The way I see it, Maelbor's initial suggestion that Dussan takes charge is something that wouldn't get support from any corner.


Ferrus, you've made me feel self conscious, I don't know how to think of this:


Lions, Heads, Warriors and Knights.


Which one of these things is not like the other :lol: !

By George, you're right, KHK. Knights only has one vowel in it! :lol:

Perhaps I should consider a vowel-ier name. :D

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Due to technical problems, I'm unable to work on what I was supposed to work on. So I did this instead. I'm thinking half the size of these would look good in the booklet. Not some marvelous artwork to be spread over a whole page, but just small semi-cool portraits to go along with each Captain's rules. Hope you like them.



Here they are in avatar size if you guys are interested. I'l remove these after a few days, so get them while they're hot.



@ Ferrus: The plan was actually to add a white lion fur to his backpack, but I forgot. I'll add that when I get the chance, unless you don't mind. The avatar is still usable since it's just the face.

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I think Dussan knows it, too.


I would have thought Dussan would be honored to take the position given his outspoken personality.


Excellent work on those images, Grey! You've really got a style all your own :HQ: .


Any ideas on heraldry to be exchanged between the Chapters?

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There is going to be a Perditia Campaign Badge that all participants in the campaign will wear.


The badge is a vortex/ beast of perditia, any suggestions for how to incorporate the two together GHY :) ? Grey's got "artist block" for the badge at the moment.


The iconography I was asking about was like the Black Templar/ Crimson Fist campaign where they fought together and exchanged the Templar Cross and the Crimson Left Fist heraldry.


I imagine those fighting alongside Death Heads for prolonged periods of time adopting the skull helmet.


From what I gather of the other Chapters:

Warriors Eternal: Helmet Stripe


I don't know about the Lions and Knights.

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Holy cow, those pictures are epic! ^_^


It always stuns me when people produce cool stuff based on crazy ideas I've had. It stuns me further when they look that cool. Grey, award yourself another purity seal right now. :devil:


I imagine those fighting alongside Death Heads for prolonged periods of time adopting the skull helmet.


From what I gather of the other Chapters:

Warriors Eternal: Helmet Stripe


I don't know about the Lions and Knights.


Little 'infinity loop' symbols carved into a shoulder-pad rim? Would be a pain to model, admittedly, but speaking from a story point of view that could look pretty cool. :devil:


EDIT: I'll totally use that pic of Altram for my avatar, just as soon as I figure out how. :P

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EDIT: I'll totally use that pic of Altram for my avatar, just as soon as I figure out how.


Easy way of making sure it stays up and doesn't magically dissapear one day is to:


Save the avatar picture to your computer > Upload the pic to your B&C Album > Use the 'url' line of html (a url, oddly enough) code on the image's page > paste that line into the text box on your 'edit avatar' page in your control panel.

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@ Ferrus: The plan was actually to add a white lion fur to his backpack, but I forgot. I'll add that when I get the chance, unless you don't mind. The avatar is still usable since it's just the face.


Firstly, those drawing are really cool!


Secondly, the model I have made for Arnkel (as 1st Coy Captain) has a ivory cloak simply with fur at the top, near the shoulders; rather than a full lion. That said, it would be pretty cool to see. I'll leave the decision upto you.

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Little 'infinity loop' symbols carved into a shoulder-pad rim? Would be a pain to model, admittedly, but speaking from a story point of view that could look pretty cool.


Interesting, but I think the exchange of heraldry thing should be something 1. a bit more obvious and 2. something the chapter does (I mention this simply because I don't know whether or not Infinity Knights mark their shoulder trims this way).


I think the exchange will be somewhat universal between the Chapters:

Arctic Lions: I really don't know :)

Death Heads: skull helmet

Infinity Knights: brown right arm?

Warriors Eternal: helmet stripe? (I don't know how this would work for veteran sargents who already have this due to the codex)


I'm trying to think of the various conflicts that would have the Chapters working together.


Death Heads fight alongside Warriors Eternal when they first arrive to aid the Campaign, the most notable action being the first successful assault on the ACN, the attack on the capitol. The entirety of both forces will participate in this attack.


Death Heads fight alongside Arctic Lions on the World Train. This is one of the smaller actions in the Campaign.


Death Heads fight alongside Infinity Knights when laying sieges to several outlying moons. This is a series of actions in the Campaign with Death Heads and Infinity Knights breaking sieges across several moon clusters.


I'll leave it up to everyone else to think of situations where the AL/IK, AL/WE, IK/WE will work together.


If anyone else can think up chapters or ideas for the progress I currently have, please do. I'm suffering from writers block :lol: !

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Well have the other chapters symbols incorporated into the company banner, along with the symbol for the Perdita campaign, for a more general approach anyway.


You can also cram in more heraldry on those shoulder pauldron insets than meets the eye. If you miniaturize the squad and/or company markings that might go there you can fit on a few different symbols. Having the four chapters symbols next to each other may get a little crowded, admittedly and hard to model, but it's an idea.

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