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My ideas for the Second Army, with the larger the arrow the larger the force:


You've just run the majority of your army into the Eldar battle fleet :unsure: , COMMISSAR!


With a lesser attempt at being humorous. I like how the other three arrows are positioned to take out agri-moons from the beginning. After that I imagine will begin reinforcement and the assaults on the hive moons.


The Ordo Xenos would likely mount somekind of mission on each of those planets, in one form or another


The Eldar force around these worlds is basically all battle fleet. There really isn't anything on the ground except the continued agricultural production.

However, since this is basically the last line of defense as far as the Perditian population is concerned, I wonder if they'll be more on the end of just trying to hold off the Imperial invasion here? What do you all think? The worlds will probably end up bombed from orbit anyway, the last stroke of patience taken from the Mechanicus representatives who originally wanted to preserve resources lost after being convinced by the Guard officers.


it should be one badge.


This is going to be the thing that sticks, then.


I was thinking we could limit the beast face to just the maw of the beast. I think the maw, in combination with the swirl pattern, gets the point across, without being to complex.


Sounds like a plan. What kind of maw are you thinking of? Something like a shark or more mammalian?


EDIT: Just to throw it out there, if you've ever played Spore, I'm sure you're familiar with the heads in the game:




One of my favorites, for the short while that I played, was the one in the far right column, fourth from the bottom, with four mandibles.

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The Ordo Xenos would likely mount somekind of mission on each of those planets, in one form or another


The Eldar force around these worlds is basically all battle fleet. There really isn't anything on the ground except the continued agricultural production.

However, since this is basically the last line of defense as far as the Perditian population is concerned, I wonder if they'll be more on the end of just trying to hold off the Imperial invasion here? What do you all think? The worlds will probably end up bombed from orbit anyway, the last stroke of patience taken from the Mechanicus representatives who originally wanted to preserve resources lost after being convinced by the Guard officers.


Personally, I think they would be making lightning hit-and-run attacks on lone ships (or targets of opprotunity) the entire time the Imperial Invasion first starts. Its only around those planets that they would probably do more than just cripple/destroy a single ship (or two, depending upon how fast they can do it) and then bug out. They would likely be doing skirmish/delaying tactics once the first few moons fall, and then actually be putting up a good fight in the inner rim. That's if there is something on the planet they need to extract first before the Imperials get there and glass/land on the planet.

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Here's something I've been working on the last couple of days. The idea developed as I went along, and somewhat similar to how I made the Captain headshots, I tried to add certain details to each pad to enhance each chapter's character.

As you might noticed, the Arctic Lions pad is the most simple one. My favorite description of them is 'silent zealots' and I think that shines through. Their faith is not to be yelled out loud, hence the simple look, but they are faithful nonetheless, and if you notice, there are some subtle inscriptions to the side of the symbol on the pad. Catechisms of purity, maybe...?

With the Death Heads, I wanted to capture their untamed and ferociousness. To show this the pad is more beat up than the others, with paint chipped off and even some blood.

I wanted to give the Warriors Eternal pad a feel of strength. So I decided to add studs to give the pad a reinforced look. Simple, but effective.

Finally for the knights, I went down a similar path to the Lions, focusing on their zealousness. But unlike the Lions, I think the knights are more inclined to proclaim their faith. So i thought purity seals were a less subtle way of showing this. I added some wing to the symbol as well just for some fanciness.

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Grey, you've outdone yourself. Those are fantastic!


The wings on the sword are a nice touch indeed! I might make that the official badge of the wandering companies. :P

I also approve of the use of purity seals - I'm a sucker for plastering them all over my marines. :lol:

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Those pads are impressive Grey. Nice job :lol: !


I noticed that about the previous pad you had between the Arctic Lions and the Death Heads. the Death Heads pad is certainly representative of the Chapter's ferocity. I like how that bloodstain seems to go over the pad. Looks like some poor guy got rammed by an Astartes.


I also have to say that the wings on the Infinity Knights weren't something I gave much thought to at first, but then when Ace brought up the wandering companies, I just thought that was a really good representation of that ideal.


EDIT: I also started working on what will be one of the first "Chapter" of the Perditian Campaign, the problems on Protomangate. I figure the Ork incursion will be mentioned prior as a record of one of the last Imperial notes to come out of Perditia before its betrayal.


Protomangate Forgeworld


Genetor Quris moved with a grace all his own, as alien to mortal men as the xenos that inhabited the farthest reaches of the Eastern Fringe. A half dozen mechandendrites moved with dexterity and finesse beyond mortal ability, clicking against the walls of the forge, observing the workings beneath the catwalk on which he paced. His mind raced, processing countless exabytes of data. Observing the progress below, in accordance with the his logris' calculations, he began to access data with an all too human franticness. A small buzzing broke his trance. The buzzing grew louder, and louder, pushing his enhanced mind to its limits. He shut out the thunderous pain, and returned to the logs of his beloved forge.


++ Opening records ++

++ Production levels ++

++ Processing ++

++ Insufficient Production ++

++ Investigating ++

++ Energy levels ++

++ Optimal ++

++ Investigating ++

++ Forge status ++

++ Functional ++

++ Investigating ++

++ Tithe Collection ++

++ [World] ++

++ Received ++

++ Optimal ++

++ [World] ++

++ Received ++

++ Optimal ++

++ [World] ++

++ Received ++

++ Optimal ++

++ Perditia Tetrius ++

++ Error ++

++ Tithe insufficient ++

++ Received: 0 kilogram Hydrogen gas ++

++ Received: 0 kilogram Helium gas ++

++ Received: 0 kilogram Nitrogen gas ++

++ Received: 0 kilogram consumables ++

++ Investigating ++

++ Accessing records ++

++ Conflict status ++

++ Xeno incursion ++

++ Incursion status: Imperial victory++

++ Perditia: recovery status ++

++ Tithe: established ++

++ Error ++

++ Insufficient data ++

++ Logging out ++


This could not be happening. Quris examined record after record, reading over the nearby star port's incoming and exiting vessels, vessels waiting in orbit and vessels believed to be in transit. Protomangate was to expect resources from Perditia twenty year fractions prior to this failure to meet the Imperium's needs. Surly they would have been informed had the vessel been lost to the warp. Messages must have been sent to Protomangate to tell of the tithe's departure. There was none. The laxity of the Perditians had placed the Protomangan forges behind schedule, in turn they have hindered the Imperial war effort throughout the sector. This was betrayal, heresy. The Magos and Departmento Munitorium would be informed of this troubling event. Quris calmed himself, everything would be alright. He hoped, and he felt that all too human anguish once again.

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Looks good to me KHK. Are you planning to add more to it?


Also, as a note my time on the Campaign may be limited over the next few weeks due to a combination of A2 exams and something I'm working on for the Liber... If anyone wants a pre-post look at it, for some early C&C I'd appreciate it. If so, PM me. :P

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Looks good to me KHK. Are you planning to add more to it?


Also, as a note my time on the Campaign may be limited over the next few weeks due to a combination of A2 exams and something I'm working on for the Liber... If anyone wants a pre-post look at it, for some early C&C I'd appreciate it. If so, PM me. :)


Sure, why not. ^_^

I'll see if I can pick up on any mistakes.


This was betray, heresy.

It's also betrayal. And possibly skulduggery, although I doubt you'll want to use that one. -_-

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More will be added to it Ferrus, don't you worry. However, at the moment I'm weighted down my final exams.

Good good. Well good luck with your exams, mate. I know exactly how you feel at the moment.



I think that's a good start King.

It'll have to be a little while until I can spend more time on the campaign badge, but that spore chart is useful.


And thinking about the IK symbol and the Wings representing the wandering Companies... that's a nice thought.

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Good lord there is a lot more information and ideas flying around in this thread since the last time I looked. This is some major work being done here. I'm only sorry I dropped off the face of the earth right at the start, things were not going well for me in the Real World ©.


I love the four shoulder-plates together, fantastic work there Grey.

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So, this is pretty awesome. I approve.


The only thing I have a problem with is Governor Apfel's name. It breaks my suspension of disbelief a little bit to see a man named "apple". Just sayin.

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Those shoulder pads are awesome :blink: I've been flicking through this and it is truly a great effort, looks like so much work has been poured into this project well done guys!
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So, let's move your ideas into the Perditia thread and discuss this further there. The list of troops assigned to taking the train, armaments, strategies, ideas for defenses on and around the train, so on and so forth.


Hrmm, list of Troops:


- Captain Arnkel


Command Squad Arnkel

- Sergeant Haemudr

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother


- Chaplain Gaut

- Librarian Ingvar


- Tactical Squad III 'Victrix'

- Sergeant Kraki

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother


- Tactical Squad II 'Honour Bound'

- Sergeant Njal

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother


- Tactical Squad I 'Juggernaughts'

- Sergeant Ari

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother


- Assault Squad I 'The Reapers'

- Sergeant Sigvid

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother


- Assault Squad II 'Xenobane'

- Sergeant Gorm

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother


- Terminator Squad - Led by Sergeant Bram

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother , Assault Cannon


- Scout Squad - Led by Scout-Sergeant Eldgrim.

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother

- Brother


I figure the rest of the company could be off aiding the Army groups in some way.



I think that the strategy is to halt the train's movement so that the Tact. Squads and Arnkel can board and aid their TDA brethren, and of course their DH allies.


As for defences, I can see a lot of troops guarding the railway, with turrets and mines. The Train itself I think would have guns mounted on its externals with at least a regiment on board with some smaller turrets inside. I mean, it is quite important.



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First Company:

(Terminator armor) Champion Narrik (Power Sword, Storm Bolter)

(Terminator armor) Master of Sanctity Miguelo (Crozius Arcanum, Storm Bolter)


Terminator Squad Balthamo

(Terminator armor) Veteran Sergeant Balthamo (Power Sword, Storm Bolter)

(Terminator armor) Brother Arcturo (Power Fist, Storm Bolter)

(Terminator armor) Brother Moik (Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield)

(Terminator armor) Brother Laffiti (Power Fist, Heavy Flamer)

(Terminator armor) Brother Barssaud (Chain Fist, Storm Bolter)


Terminator Squad Pantilimon

(Terminator armor) Veteran Sergeant Pantilimon (Power Sword, Storm Bolter)

(Terminator armor) Brother Roux (Power Fist, Assault Cannon)

(Terminator armor) Brother Nikolo (Power Fist, Storm Bolter)

(Terminator armor) Brother Tryphe (Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield)

(Terminator armor) Brother Cosmo (Lightning Claws)


Infiltrator Squad Jackobi

(Carapace armor) Veteran Sergent Jackobi

(Carapace armor) Brother

(Carapace armor) Brother

(Carapace armor) Brother

(Carapace armor) Brother

(Carapace armor) Brother

(Carapace armor) Brother

(Carapace armor) Brother

(Carapace armor) Brother

(Carapace armor) Brother


Camo-cloaks, sniper rifles, shotguns, bolters, heavy bolter, close combat weapons, teleport homer


Miguelo will take the role of second in command for this operation, no matter how much Narrik protests.


Death Heads Terminators are individually armed, similar to Deathwing Terminators or Space Wolves Wolf Guard.


If we can make a scenario for the Campaign booklet, like I said, similar to Space Hulk, I think this could be made into something interesting.


The rail itself is more like a grav lev/ bullet train, there aren't any tracks so much as an energy trail.

Most defenses will take the form of waypoints that the train makes stops at and, as you said, vehicle mounted guns (primarily anti-aircraft).

The train will have a good number of PDF on board.

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Capturing a train is a fairly hard task, especially a hardened target like a military train. It would be easier to blow a hole in the track to keep it from affecting the rest of the conflict in any meaningful way as I'm sure the track is easier to repair than the train.


Though I'd venture to ask whether there was more than one track and more than one engine, since a single train, no matter how fast is not a huge threat as long as you control both points of it's route. You control the stations and the train becomes redundant. Have I missed something here?


That said if you're determined to capture the train from the inside out, there is only really one tactic that would work in this situation. If you can't get ON the train while it's moving then you have to steamroll your way through the train before they disconnect your carriages out of desperation (I assume they have more carriages) and prevent you getting bogged down at a choke point, of which there would be a lot.

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