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New HH novel in the pipeline "The First Heretic"

Brother Subtle

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thats interesting and awesome.




And man, he is furious.


Does it say what he's armed with. In Raven's Flight he gets through a veritable armoury- A Heavy Bolter and Energy Whip. A Predator's Turret. And an Iron Warior's arm, which was holding a chainsword at the time.

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Corax has lightning claws in "Fulgrim".


It would be cool if he kept them in "the first heretic", although i don't think he will because he forged the 'Ravens talons' (Shrikes claws) after the drop site masacre. Maybe they were just a replacement pair.


Anyway i'll just be really happy to see Corax :P what ever weapon layout he ends up with.


I was really looking forward to the book because i collect WB, but now i have absolutely lost all controle Corax is AWESOME!!



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thats interesting and awesome.



And man, he is furious.

Perhaps that alludes to the incident where Corax removed his Legion from the Command of Horus, as Horus was heavily using the Raven Guard for a lot of his victories and claimed all the glory afterwards. It would fit with the whole "rift between loyalist and traitor primarchs" theme that Guilliman and Lorgar are part of. And it is one well known incident wher Corax was majorly pissed.

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Corax also removed his legion from an engagement that envolved the Thousand Sons. I always imagined Corax as one of the more open minded Primarchs. Apparently not when it comes to psykers.


He also had a problem with Mortarion even though they were together on the issue of sorcery. Corax was conserned about Mortarion's loyalty, which appeared lie with Horus before the Emperor.

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I loved the excerpt from the First Heretic. Lorgar came across as a proud individual, that had just been shamed. He was wounded, and he lashed out. Guilliman was interesting as well. At first he seemed like someone performing a distasteful task. However after Lorgar pimp slapped him with the mace, it seems that Lorgar may have been correct and Guilliman did enjoy Lorgars humbling. And if Malcador was there for Lorgars reprimand, do you think he told the Emperor, that his censure of Lorgar may have very well backfired?


Conclusion: Can't freaking wait. :tu:

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However after Lorgar pimp slapped him with the mace, it seems that Lorgar may have been correct and Guilliman did enjoy Lorgars humbling.


I don't think he enjoyed it, but I think he became more likely to lose his temper once Lorgar hit him, so he made a little jibe, then left.

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Seriously, he was being amazingly restrained. If it had been, say, the Lion or Leman who were there instead of Guilliman, there would've been an epic battle. It's only because of Robbie G's... Mixed reputation on the 'net that people are making anything of this at all.
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Seriously, he was being amazingly restrained. If it had been, say, the Lion or Leman who were there instead of Guilliman, there would've been an epic battle. It's only because of Robbie G's... Mixed reputation on the 'net that people are making anything of this at all.



I'm not really a Guilliman Hater(Dorn on the other hand) but that's just what I took away from the scene. However going to the end of the excerpt, As a man. If a man asked me if my tantrum was done, I may very well have slapped him again with my mace. But that's the beauty of this scene, it's all down to how you interpret it.

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It's perspective. This isn't just 2 Brothers having a row. It is the middle of a diplomatic situation infront of hundreds of on lookers, many of whom you are the inspirational and devotional figure head of and all armed to the teeth with powerful weaponary. You would be a fool to hit someone, and Lorgar was a fool.


If you had a disagreement at work would you hit someone?


Look at the situation too. Guilliman has just been hit and mentions Lorgar as having a tantrum. If Lorgar hits him again it would validate everthing Guilliman and the Emperor just said. He was a fool to strike Guilliman in the 1st place, for just that reason.

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  • 1 month later...
If you had a disagreement at work would you hit someone?


Depends....did this argument at the office stem from them burning down my office?


Well we didn't have that information when I made that post, I was going with the information available :)


Thing is, it makes what I said even more pertinent!


Lorgar has been told infront of his men, and infront of another of his Brothers and his men, that every thing he has worked for is wrong, and was punished publicly by the Compliant world being bombarded from above. Basically he said the world was compliant and this turns out not to be the case, according to Crusade doctrine.


The whole situation was decidely diplomatic, yet Lorgar was purely running on emotion. Understandly of course, but he should have had better control and brought up the matter in private with Malacador and the Emperor.


Guilliman was emotionless note; we don't know whether this is because he was just a cold bastard or whether he was genuinely hiding his emotions. We also don't know the reason he was hiding his emotions if he was, but he came off alot better than if he was to have a blazing row in this situation. If he had taken the bait he would likely have made Lorgar look even more a victim.

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Guilliman had made an effort all his life to not have the greater battles negatively affect the common people. He fought his campaigns so that there would be a minimum of collateral damage, and the administrations he established were rewarding earnest and hard working people, and not have an elite minority opress the population.


In this incident in appears that Guilliman had been ordered to make an example of the city, and I imagine that was not an assignment that he enjoyed. I am certain Guilliman would have just wished for Lorgar to be professional about it and comply and go on with the Crusade, now leaving out the whole religious angle. Get the whole incident over with, without any hassle.

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Did anyone elses' jaw go slack at that backhand? Here I am- reading about the mysterious Malcador, Regent of Terra- and he gets slapped and NEARLY KILLED by Lorgar! Malcador is always portrayed with such a silent power that commands respect, then to imagine him in that situation... wow! Completely shows how unhinged Lorgar has become as of late!
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Malcador gets backhanded and its awesome. He then summons the Emperor in a blaze of teleporting power. So Malcador the almost just killed has the ultimate (and I can't believe i'm saying this so kill me now) pokeball holding the Emperor.


*shoots himself in the face with a plasma gun for the reference*

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Look at the situation too. Guilliman has just been hit and mentions Lorgar as having a tantrum. If Lorgar hits him again it would validate everything Guilliman and the Emperor just said. He was a fool to strike Guilliman in the 1st place, for just that reason.


It was malcador that was hit by Lorgar, not Gulliman.


I like the way that Gulliman came across, he was stoic in the face of his raging brother. The Ultramarines had just leveled Lorgar's city! Imagine that in reverse & Mccragge (spelling prob off) being flattened by the WB.


The emotional undertones were great through-out the scene!


I would love to know what was going through Gulliman's mind? what was he feeling? was it nothing? remorse? pity? anger? & there is the beauty of A D-B writing. you just don't know.


You can guess, but the truth of it is hidden & for me that adds a lot to Gulliman's character, even with all this going on the guy shows absolutely no emotion what so ever.


I can see why other primarch's think him arrogant, but I believe now, after reading that extract that the guy was waging a war within himself to be the epitome of an Astartes. A weapon, cold hard & blunt. To be used as in this case against his brother's city & to show no flicker of emotion when fulfilling his orders to the letter.




(I collect blood Angels. I've never hated the Ultramarines, I've never loved them. To be honest the 'goody-two-shoes' swagger & by the rules attitude never really sold itself to me.


I thought it was a little too dull...


Maybe I was wrong? the inner turmoil of such an attitude must be a constant battle, never to show fear, arrogance, raw emotions all the while kicking ass across the galaxy. That isn't dull in the least, I hope A D-B gets to write the next Heresy Ultramarines novel, something tells me it would be ace.)


Lorgar, was also restrained in my opinion. His magnificent city, his very ideal of Imperial perfection was flattened & we see him face to face with the arbiter of that.


Lorgar is hurt & damaged, his world in pieces (literally) & after all that he is told that he was wrong. He was the carrier of the Word, of imperial truth & he was wrong & to be told this in front of his whole legion....


Lorgar is grasping for something, anything that makes him right again... enter Chaos.


I can't wait for this to come out! simply brilliant!

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Look at the situation too. Guilliman has just been hit and mentions Lorgar as having a tantrum. If Lorgar hits him again it would validate everything Guilliman and the Emperor just said. He was a fool to strike Guilliman in the 1st place, for just that reason.


It was malcador that was hit by Lorgar, not Gulliman.


Check again. ;)

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