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=I= Coming in 2010?


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Re: The hair thing.


Do take a closer look at the Sisters. Their hair is incredibly thin and detailed. Not flat albeit with some rather crude texture, like much other hair. Length does not have as much to do with it, as texture. However, aye, here and there we have some hair and fur that looks really good, and that's great, because we do all know how much sculpting techniques and molding have progressed the past few years, so NOW they might be able to start doing something that would not look like pish or as flat-haired as some plastic models. The models from the LotR-range do show some exquisite detail here and there, which is why I am one of those that are, cautiously, thinking that there might be some plastic SoB coming up in the next few years.


They do run on a two-year pre-set schedule (apparently set in stone, too, if I understood correctly), so despite them being able to create almost as nice hair (or whatever, really) NOW, maybe they put plastic SoBs on the list some time afterwards they figured.



I really hope faith points will still matter. Makes the Sisters even more fun to play with.

Anyone have any guesses as to them getting new units or something?

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Anyway, whatever codex they make, they will need to make some exceptions to us, cause I'm failing to see how they can make our armies (together or not) be "true" following how streamlined the 5th ed is.

Well, you can expect lots of players to be disappointed. I'm definitely not "in the know", but I think faith powers might be based on USR. Streamlining those could be like this:

Faithful: unit makes a ld test. If passed it can get one of the following USR for the turn: Fearless, Rending, Furious Charge or Fleet.



I just read the orders rules for IG, and if AoF is to turn out soemthing like that, I'll be very happy.

Orders are great for the Guard but I wouldn't like to see the system ripped off, plus it doesn't seem like such a system would represent AoF. AoF are not an order given, but more a manifestation of their faith in the God-Emperor - it comes from within the unit itself. Having leaders around (or spiritual leaders at least) giving bonuses to this roll in some form would be cool too, and represent their pure faith encouraging the faithful!


Otherwise a simple Ld test and picking a power would work, as long as they are reasonable USR options - seems like a good way to do it. I'm very interested in seeing how GW sets about it, especially with the new "simpler" rules mantra, but if they steal boreas's idea then I won't mind!

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Orders are great for the Guard but I wouldn't like to see the system ripped off, plus it doesn't seem like such a system would represent AoF. AoF are not an order given, but more a manifestation of their faith in the God-Emperor - it comes from within the unit itself. Having leaders around (or spiritual leaders at least) giving bonuses to this roll in some form would be cool too, and represent their pure faith encouraging the faithful!


Yes, I think that's the idea. Instead of faithful model give faith points, they would have "orders" instead.

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Personally I wouldn't like AoF to just be another USR option for sisters. Call me a purist but I like the fact that all 5 AoF have a valid place in the game depending on the requirements of the unit at any given time.


If we look at what we've got at the moment and compare them to what we could have I believe that we are better off with the current AoF system. Ok, so DG is pretty much rending anyway, I'll take that but I'm not sure if rending negates stuff like FNP? If it does then great but I'd have to do some working out as to whether rending would stand me in better stead than AP1 (probably, given the vehicle pentration table and the amount of times I face FNP but I'd still need some time to review the difference).

However there are AoF which I would definitely rue the loss of. SotM is the best example and probably the widest used amongst SoB players with smaller squads.

HotE is always a firm favourite for me, using large squads I'll pretty much always use HotE in the first round of recieving an assault, sure I'll take wounds for everyone striking before me but it's often offset by the number of effective wounds that S5 can deliver and, perhaps more importantly, a S8 strike from my Vet+ Eviscerator. Without HotE we lose the ability to instant death MEQ's and also lose a valuable 2 points of armour penetration when attacking vehicles and walkers.

SotM is another mainstay in any respecting SoB general's arsenal. How often is that Inv save used to tarpit the hell out of an assault unit and delay them in getting to grips with another squad?

The Passion is not often used but in the right moment it can result in an effective counter strike which can blunt an assault and even turn the tables mid-CC.


I think the last thing worth considering is the current weighting of AoF. Each one depends on the unit size being right for it to be effective, SotM, The Passion and LotE are only really effectively used in smaller unit sizes, where as DG & HotE are best used in larger squads. In terms of game balancing and tactical use giving a 20 strong unit the option of having inv saves would result in cries of 'Broken!' from all and sundry and it's not something I'd want to see made available on the roll of a Ld test. It's too easy, especially considering the fact that SoB have some of the highest Ld values in the game.


I agree that we'll see a change in terms of AoF, I just hope that they keep within a reasonable level of 'buffing' as appossed to absolute cheesiness.

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I completely agree on the balancing issues for AoF, especially with respect to Invuln saves. The biggest complaint I get about my flying nun is her 2++ save which, since she is an independent character, she gets to take on? You guessed it, a leadership test.


Rending would be better than AP 1, since it would autowound high strength creatures and it negates normal armor saves and add another d3 to armor penetration rolls (Bolters penetrating armor 11 or 12 and glancing 13 would be a bit much...

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First time post.


I've only been playing for a couple of years. My exposure was through my son who had been collecting and painting for years. Even so, I came into 40K somewhat blind and started with Tyranids, not knowing that the Sisters were still a viable army. But when I finally discovered them, I was an immediate convert! I now have an Apocalypse sized pure Sisters force at around 7000 points basic (no extras, wargear, etc.). That can be expanded/supplemented by another couple thousand in Inquisitorial forces.


And even though I've only been involved with GW for a couple years, I understand they are, in the end, a business and have to make decisions based on what will keep them in business...not necessarily that which coincides with the wishes of the players. So I am consigned to patience, waiting until I see something in concrete before I give any creedance to whether we get "squatted", or a new Codex. I do take every rumor with a bit of salt...although I notice someone just pointed out that there were a load of new models hidden in the 5th edition book that eventally came to shelves...so we really can't ever know what GW will do next.


But I do still have some personal hopes...


1) A new Codex that improves the Sisters' ability to get some range, improved armor on our tanks (don't necessarily want new vehicles...just something a bit more resilient), and most importantly, better points costs for FoC choices. If the codex is a combination of all the Inquisitorial orders, fine. Just don't take away FoC choices...meld it all together...it would work.


2) No new plastic models. That's right, you heard it. I DO NOT want the models in plastic. First and most importantly, if they make plastic Sisters, they will become the "Army of the Month". In the game scene in my area, it is mostly younger lads and they are the first to latch onto whatever is the new, revised Codex as they see that army as being the new power army (which why I no longer have the Tyranids I started with...they were all sold off almost immediately after C:Tyranids arrived in the shops). That would lead to a load of other SoB/WH players, and I like the uniqueness we Inquisition players share. We aren't SM's! SoB/WH armies should be infrequently seen in a gaming circle in my opinion, just like in the fluff. Secondly, I like the feel of the metal models having been a wargamer once-upon-a-time in my far distant past and having started with lead. I think the sculpts are fairly decent and applicable to the fluff. A few more poses would be nice, but nothing that can't be overcome with a bit of conversion (I've already done my own Penitent Engine since we only get two original models, and done a load of hand swaps...especially on VSS's to get rid of that useless plasma pistol).


3) I like AoF, but do find them a bit cumbersome and confusing to non-SoB players. So I hope to keep an ability that will be titled AoF, but putting them more in line with Universal Rules...which means we might could get more AoF's! This will keep the Emperor fanatic flavor of the Sisters.


4) One additional FoC choice I would love to see come back would be Frateris Militia/zealots...something represent a Priest's or Inquisitor's ability to raise a rabble of rabid religious ragers in response to a threat. Everyone who can't shrug off Baneblade rounds (ala SM's), have meat shields, and this could allow Inquisitorial forces to have an equivalent ability.


I've rambled on a bit now, so I'll let everyone else get back to the thread. Thanks for letting me write my piece. ;)

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I want the current models not to be changed but to turn into plastic with no changes short of new poses really.


Also there is hope for demand being high enough, a 10 year old came into my local GW and said I want to start DH because the GKT and PAGK models are awseome but he hates normal SM <_< If other people besides us think they are awseome then a conversion to plastic could yield massive profits indeed!


Oh and does anyone besides me want this guy on the top left redone completely:Linky

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Oh and does anyone besides me want this guy on the top left redone completely


I don't even play WH (I play DH) but yes, I still want him re-done. I also want to be able to buy henchmen for DH without having to buy the "Daemonhunter Inquisitor Lord Torquemada Coteaz & Retinue" pack or going to a different army to find some models that look right!

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Re: The hair thing.


Do take a closer look at the Sisters. Their hair is incredibly thin and detailed. Not flat albeit with some rather crude texture, like much other hair.


Hopefully this won't type out sounding rude, because that is totally not my intention.


Your statement has me completely baffelled. You think the hideous bob they all come with is "thin and detailed"? It sure looks like a solid mass with some lines carved into it to me. I guess I'm not sure what you mean; can you explain more, or show a picture? Or are you looking at different models than the basic Sister?

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Just noticed that the box of PAGK is off from the GW site (UK). They still remain in Fast Attack but their text is "undefined" and they aren't available.

Woh, good spot, this all points to the combination of all the WH and DH codex's seeing as now both have the codex's and major troop boxset removed. A combined should NOT happen.


I also support the idea of Verythrax Draconis on codex: =][= and a codex Ecclieschary (sp?). Jervis saying they won't combine but all this talk about a codex =][=? could of hit the nail on the head there

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Hopefully this won't type out sounding rude, because that is totally not my intention.


Your statement has me completely baffelled. You think the hideous bob they all come with is "thin and detailed"? It sure looks like a solid mass with some lines carved into it to me. I guess I'm not sure what you mean; can you explain more, or show a picture? Or are you looking at different models than the basic Sister?


Compared to other models that have hair showing yes it is rather detailed. It may be a hideous bob but I can see layers in some of mine and it looks like it flows naturally rather than an artifical windblown look on the Autarch on the bike.

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I also support the idea of Verythrax Draconis on codex: =][= and a codex Ecclieschary (sp?). Jervis saying they won't combine but all this talk about a codex =][=? could of hit the nail on the head there


And considering our options, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this. The speculation already got wild enough, and I'm VERY afraid of the possibilities presented.


I can't see a future codex/codices being made without profound changes in our armies, and when GW change things it usually make a lot of people cry... :)

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I can't see a future codex/codices being made without profound changes in our armies, and when GW change things it usually make a lot of people cry... :(


You read Warseer too much :P Apart from some unthinkable change like giving sisters a lasgun, most changes can only be positive.


What I can see that's plausible (and would be a good thing) is a nerf to the Canoness. Having a character flying around with a 2+ invulnerable save hacking away at Monstrous Creature is not something that should be (altough I currently enjoy mine!). On the plus side, though, we could get more and better special characters! An Eternal Warrior Karamazov would be good change.



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What I can see that's plausible (and would be a good thing) is a nerf to the Canoness. Having a character flying around with a 2+ invulnerable save hacking away at Monstrous Creature is not something that should be (altough I currently enjoy mine!). On the plus side, though, we could get more and better special characters! An Eternal Warrior Karamazov would be good change.


My dreamy, utopic, optimistic self demands a number of special characters as big as IG and CSM got :(


I would love a full fledged arbites alternative to ISTs, with cyber mastiffs, bikes and a Marshall character. But then I woke up ...


But I can still hear the cries of joy of the older players ringing in my ears :P

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interesting...so new GK and SOB could be just on the horizon?
Heh heh heh, more like just over the horizon...and we all know that the horizon never gets any closer.


There is nothing concrete at the moment and all we really know is what the next release will be with some educated guess as to what's coming after it. The other thing to still bear in mind is that battle missions doesn't cater for WH, DH is a maybe as the new issue of WD has a shot of some GK's facing off against daemons...but whether that's an indication of anything probably remains to be seen.

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I was thinking myself, considering some aspects of our armies, and put it against the latest rumours. I think reached a conclusion on what could happen with the =I= for 5th ed - it's just speculation, but I'll list it here, just to leave it registered, in the case I'm proved right in the future :tu:


Well, I was re-reading the rulebook, and I noticed that are some references for our armies like a Sororitas shrine, and our forces listed as Forces of thr Imperium. And occurred to me: If they really didn't used our armies names cause they are about to change, and they maybe will put them in the same book, the more logical thing to do would be calling it "Forces of Imperium". It makes even more sense if they want to leave the SoBs to the Ecclesiarchy.


And there's a lot of grey areas: what happens with the allied rules? Ecclesiarchy lists can't use assassins, then? WH inquisitors would not use SoBs anymore? All possibilities speculated so far for our codices don't present satisfatory answers to those.


- A codex with all those armies possibilites would be very unlikely, by the pattern the 5th ed is following so far.

- The same can be said about allied rules

- If they separate Inq and Ecclesiarchy, WH lose their chamber militant, Unless they replicate SoBs rules in 2 books, unlikely as well.

- The book woul be too BIG.


So I would not be impressed if, instead of getting a CODEX, or 2 CODICES, we get a SUPPLEMENT instead.


Yeah. instead of a codex, our armies would be presented in a supplement, like Planetstrike and Battle Missions, called Forces of the Imperium (cause it would not only have Inq on that).


That book would have:


- Several Imperial units to be allied with SM and IG and rules for that.

- Those units could be Inqs, GKs, SoBs, Assassins and Ecclesiastical units (even arbites, too).

- Some lists and options for armies entirely composed by units from that book: A GK-only list, a SoB-only list, a DH list, a WH's and a Ecclesiarchy's too.

- Missions for these armies and units (assassination and other themed ones)

- Apoc datafaxes with formation for those units

- be book would be in color, hardcover, maybe :)


It's the only way I can imagine that our armies could be handled together, and without go against the fluff by impeding allying or armies together with other Imperial factions.


The main problems I could see with that arrangement are:


- Inq will not be mainly "ours", they will be availablke to every imperial army (I don't care, but some people don't like it);

- Difficulty to understand how much such book would be impacted with the release of a new rulebook edition

- it would be expensive.


And the release timeline make sense as well: planetstrike last year, battle missions now, this book later in the year.


Your thoughts?

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From the "vibes" I get from different rumors:


-Combined =I= dex from many black depth of rumor-mongering

-Separate Codices from JJ (some would say "often", but he really said that once that I know of)

-All other dark and mysterious rumours from the Web.


I say this:


First "wave": a "Force of the Imperium" book with Inquisitors, assassins and possibly Ecclesiarchy. Some missions, datasheets and one plastic release (possibly June to August)


Second "wave": Codex: Grey Knights (possibly end of 2010)


Third "wave": Codex: Sisters of Battle (anywhere from mid 2011 to mid-2012)


That is nothing else than a personnal "bet". I don't know anyone at GW or at a GW store (heck, I avoid GW stores!!!). There is some bit of hope in there, mixed in... I'd prefer the Sisters to be sooner, but I just don't get the right vibes...




EDIT: 1000th post HAHA!

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Interesting ideas, but for gut feelings you'd be best of waiting so your gut can have a bit more info to digest! I'd hope to get the WH codex sooner rather than later, plus "Forces of the Imperium" would be a really bad name for an army/codex, second only to "Necrons"...
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First "wave": a "Force of the Imperium" book with Inquisitors, assassins and possibly Ecclesiarchy. Some missions, datasheets and one plastic release (possibly June to August)


Second "wave": Codex: Grey Knights (possibly end of 2010)


Third "wave": Codex: Sisters of Battle (anywhere from mid 2011 to mid-2012)

This really makes no sense. It doesn't make sense to add yet another book to IQ dexes. The only options I can see making sense to GW is either a) a combined Ordo dex or :lol: the status quo of simply a new Daemon/Witchhunters dex.
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