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=I= Coming in 2010?


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Sternguard don't have the complete Deathwatch feel to it if you ask me eg:


Drop Pod.
-Anti Xenos ammo
Have you read the rules for thier ammo?
-Heavy bolter with Suspensor allowing them to move and shoot
This is hardly a defining characteristic of DW, however I'll give this one to you.
-Librarian, Chaplain or Captain in their squad as standard
Unimportant as it is the OX IQ that is the one in command of the mission and only in extreme circumstance does a Librarian or Captain take command.
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Well, in the meantime, another kick in the crutch by GW: The Battle Mission has race-specific missions: 30 missions, 3 for each faction (IG, SM, CSM, Daemons, Tyranids, Eldars, Dark Eldars, Necrons, Orks, Tau). No Inquisition, no specific SM chapters.


Welcome to the ever-fading, always shrinking Inquisition.



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Well, in the meantime, another kick in the crutch by GW: The Battle Mission has race-specific missions: 30 missions, 3 for each faction (IG, SM, CSM, Daemons, Tyranids, Eldars, Dark Eldars, Necrons, Orks, Tau). No Inquisition, no specific SM chapters.


Welcome to the ever-fading, always shrinking Inquisition.




GW needs to at least release one campaign book focused ONLY in the =I=, when or codexes get released. That's the minimum they can do after neglecting us since apoc.

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Sternguard don't have the complete Deathwatch feel to it if you ask me eg:


Drop Pod.

Lame! Deep Striking PA, Better!


-Anti Xenos ammo

Have you read the rules for thier ammo?

Yes, all Rapid Fire and no Assault! Metal Storm anyone?!


-Heavy bolter with Suspensor allowing them to move and shoot

This is hardly a defining characteristic of DW, however I'll give this one to you.


-Librarian, Chaplain or Captain in their squad as standard

Unimportant as it is the OX IQ that is the one in command of the mission and only in extreme circumstance does a Librarian or Captain take command.

Wimpy Humans in Command, No Way! Gen-Humans FTW!

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Well here's hoping on Ordos Xenos at last, albeit mixed up with the "Other two Ordo's."
What do you need other than Sternguard to make an OX themed force?

I guess the hope would be that if GW release an 'Alien Hunters' codex then it would expand on the Deathwatch in the same way that WH/DH expanded on the units available to the Chamber Militants of the Ordos Malleus & Hereticus. All we've really seen so far of the Deathwatch is small killteams - even the fairly large deployment in Eisenhorn were organised into killteams. However, it would be a simple matter for GW to expand the fluff to cover larger 40k army sized forces - perhaps ones normally mobilised to deal with the sorts of alien threats that 'conventional' forces are unequipped and don't have the experience to deal with.

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Well here's hoping on Ordos Xenos at last, albeit mixed up with the "Other two Ordo's."
What do you need other than Sternguard to make an OX themed force?

I guess the hope would be that if GW release an 'Alien Hunters' codex then it would expand on the Deathwatch in the same way that WH/DH expanded on the units available to the Chamber Militants of the Ordos Malleus & Hereticus.

What exactly can you add to the DW that wouldn't be a simple carbon copy from the SM dex? Fluffwise they have access to Kill-Teams (if we're honest we can admit that Sternguard were based off those rules), Terms, techmarines, and dreads. I suppose you could make a case for Land Raiders and other transports as well. Scouts count as IST and this sounds like a Smurf List to me.
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What exactly can you add to the DW that wouldn't be a simple carbon copy from the SM dex? Fluffwise they have access to Kill-Teams (if we're honest we can admit that Sternguard were based off those rules), Terms, techmarines, and dreads. I suppose you could make a case for Land Raiders and other transports as well. Scouts count as IST and this sounds like a Smurf List to me.

Fluff-wsie, at the moment they act in killteams - GW can easily change that if they wanted to put out an Alien Hunters codex. Grey Knights could be argued to be little more than marines with a few fancy bits of equipment and some special rules and I can think of tons of things that could go in an Alien Hunters codex that'd make the Deathwatch at least as distinct from 'vanilla' marines as Grey Knights are.


For example, the Deathwatch are said to have access to the best technology available, both Imperial and alien (although they find using the latter distasteful, sometimes it's necessary). It'd be easy to come up with all manner of fancy bits of xenotech that have been adapted for use by the Deathwatch; and not just by borrowing wargear from other codices, there are loads of other alien races out there whose technology the Deathwatch could use. Similarly, they could have vehicles that use alien tech, or they may have other vehicles that are not issued to the rest of the Astartes - Landspeeder variants, Rhinos adapted to aid in the capture and recovery of aliens and their technology. Maybe elements of the AdMech work alongside them field-testing and studying xenotech. Inquisitors could employ alien mercenaries... etc.

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Yeh deathwatch could have the option for the c'tan phase sword (origannly discovered by a deathwatch force IIRC).

You have the old suspensor heavy bolter. Have a sternguardish elite unit and a tuned down troops choice. All the =][= form the other books and all kinds of alien tech such as digital weapons

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There's not just the C'tan phase sword, there are all manner of alien weapons they could carry - K'nib multi-launchers, Xenarch Death arcs, Hrud Fusils, Scythian venom talon, Galthite lacerators, Fra'al Glass knives, Slaugth Necrotic sceptres, shroud cloaks, Enoulian Shard weapons - it'd be easy to come up with alien wargear for Ordo Xenos characters.


There's also all sorts of things they could be given that use purely Imperial tech for armies led by very puritan characters - perhaps devices adapted from ones used to capture/monitor aliens. Or what about skimmer Rhinos based on those used by the Custodes. If the Deathwatch really do have access to the best technology available then they could have all sorts of fun stuff designed for fighting the Enemy Without - especially as they have contacts in the AdMech...

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Well, in the meantime, another kick in the crutch by GW: The Battle Mission has race-specific missions: 30 missions, 3 for each faction (IG, SM, CSM, Daemons, Tyranids, Eldars, Dark Eldars, Necrons, Orks, Tau). No Inquisition, no specific SM chapters.


Welcome to the ever-fading, always shrinking Inquisition.



I have to say it's been a fair while since I was annoyed by GW's general lack of attention to the *cough* 'Forces of the Imperium', apathy had taken over somewhat, but this news has mightily p!ssed me off!!!


I think that this speaks volumes as to how close any =][= releases are planned and I wonder what, if any, consideration had been given to the inclusion of any inquisitorial content into this release.


Seriously, if there are any GW eyes on this thread (at the moment I'm in doubt as to whether there are) it's about time that we had some type of response again in regards to where we stand. We've been told in not too recent times that we were being represented in the GW towers and that we have not been forgotten. Sadly this doesn't seem to be the case... I feel a need to correspond to Mr Jonson again...

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I would say that summed up my view on this. Apocypse? Annoyed. Cities of Death? Disappointed. Planetstrike? I expected it. Battle Missions? That was below the belt. As much as Dark Eldar players complain about being ignored, even they get a token effort in these things; we are just flat-out forgotten.


I honestly doubt Jervis reads the mail. I got a response to my letter from `Inquisition Day', but it sounded like it was the generic response letter with a minor addition included by the secretary. Still, if another mass mailing were organised, the designers would likely be aware of the discontent. I doubt we would get any reaction from it, but they would be aware at least.

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Fluff-wsie, at the moment they act in killteams - GW can easily change that if they wanted to put out an Alien Hunters codex. Grey Knights could be argued to be little more than marines with a few fancy bits of equipment and some special rules and I can think of tons of things that could go in an Alien Hunters codex that'd make the Deathwatch at least as distinct from 'vanilla' marines as Grey Knights are.


For example, the Deathwatch are said to have access to the best technology available, both Imperial and alien (although they find using the latter distasteful, sometimes it's necessary). It'd be easy to come up with all manner of fancy bits of xenotech that have been adapted for use by the Deathwatch; and not just by borrowing wargear from other codices, there are loads of other alien races out there whose technology the Deathwatch could use. Similarly, they could have vehicles that use alien tech, or they may have other vehicles that are not issued to the rest of the Astartes - Landspeeder variants, Rhinos adapted to aid in the capture and recovery of aliens and their technology. Maybe elements of the AdMech work alongside them field-testing and studying xenotech. Inquisitors could employ alien mercenaries... etc.


They could use that cool hovering rhino, as example :(


And please, no alien mercenaries. It's the Imperium and the Inquisition. Maybe one or another alien option in the retinue (a Hrud, perhaps, and that's it). For radicals.


But back on boreas' comment, what this exactly it means?


- if our update will take that a LONG time to happen, it would make sense for them to throw some bones to us in these publications;

- if our update is just around the corner, it would make sense to put =I= stuff in these publications to prepare the ground and stir the armies a bit.


So, I'm confused ;)

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But back on boreas' comment, what this exactly it means?


- if our update will take that a LONG time to happen, it would make sense for them to throw some bones to us in these publications;

- if our update is just around the corner, it would make sense to put =I= stuff in these publications to prepare the ground and stir the armies a bit.


So, I'm confused :P

There's no confusion, truth is that we're looking at a long wait for anything to raise its head above the parapet, maybe we're event looking at a 6th ed release or just prior to 6th ed?


We know that something is being worked on, that's a given, but it absolutely astounds me that yet again we've been passed over with not even the slightest nod that there are still relevent =][= armies being played by punters across the world. Maybe I was lulled into a false sense of security with the rumourmill going full speed and also the fairly recent WD article that opened up some strategums for SoB in planet strike. As it is, I feel downright cheated and I'm also starting to feel that with the withdrawal of the 'hunters dexes and the withdrawal of minis/boxes we're staring into the abyss in terms of what place or purpose our armies have in the 40K universe.


Seriously, I've maintained an upbeat frame of mind on the whole =][= thing but this has knocked my faith in GW doing the right thing to the point where I'm asking myself 'why am I bothering?'

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that there are still relevent =][= armies being played by punters across the world.


I don't know how popular =I= armies are right now (we should be more popular than DE at least, I assume). But weren't =I= absurdly popular by the time the 3rd ed codices were released? With the Inquisitor game, BL books and WD articles in full rage? I don't understand why GW doesn't seem interested in replicate the phenomenon in ANY form...

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How about someone, a native english speaker, to write an email in the name of our community, asking about the lack of support in the recent publications?


Not something as a protest or petition, but more a notification that we, =I= players, are aware that we will see our update in some moment until 2012 and we are somewhat (gasp) cool with that already - but the lack of support in the recent publications is sad, cause we as consumers, would readily buy all this new material - if some support to our armies were provided.


And that's unfair, since the =I= armies are the only ones being ommitted. After all, until said otherwise, =I= IS a valid 5th army - and not providing us the same kind of stuff all the other armies are receiving alienates part of their userbase.

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Well, I can think of two scenarios: either everyone at GW forgot to put us in the book or GW voluntarily omitted us. Either case is unacceptable. I will write GW (again). I'll even put a copy of my last official letter in. It's dated July 2008 and tells about my disappointment about us being forgotten in the "Apocalypse" book. This time around, I can add Apocalypse: Reload and Battle Missions. I willl, though, add some thanks for the nice people at FW that remember us once in a while.


The last person I knew cared for the Inquisition at GW was Andy Hoare, which doesn't work there anymore (I think!?). Does anyone know if someone else now looks our way?


I really bummed by GW right now. I've spent the last 6 months assembling and painting a Tau force and am in the process of being beaten soundly by the new nids time and again (my best friend's first 40k love are nids and he's happy with the new codex. He did offer me to play something else, but I know he really want to try out all the cool new options). My aging =I= can barely stand against the Orks, IG, SW and Nids I play regularly. My Necrons are somewhere in my house, but I haven't taken them out of the box since 5th ed. For some reason, with each new codex my Space Marines looks blander and blander. So on the plus side, I've decided not to buy anything GW or FW until one of my codexes comes out. That's about 200$/month I save, on average.



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Thinking about this it's even more unbelievable in the respect that the battle missions book only caters for specific races fighting specific games. How hard would it have been to have designed a book of 'stock' scenarios that could be played out by any race?


Not nearly as hard as it would be to put together a book specifying what races were involved in particular battles surely?

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