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Rise of the Imperium (formely Rise of the Emperor)


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The scout force approached a ridge, the sun beat down heavily. There was no vegetation for miles; it was just an endless sea of sand. “Why would they build Hive cities here” He mused to himself.


“Sir, look in the sky ahead, four piranha’s flying this way” a scout reported.


“Brother Scout Jero, Brother Scout Ageon, can you get a fixed lock onto them with your missile launchers?” Telion asked over the comms bead.


“Negative” they replied in unison.


“Damn. Every one get under your camo cloaks, disguise your self as best you can” he ordered.


The Piranha’s flew directly over their position and then flew out in a wide arc and back to the Tau base.


The Tau base was quite a large complex. It was surrounded by a large rockcrete wall, and every so often were towers with fire warriors in them acting as sentries. Then there were rows, upon rows of white tents. At the centre of the complex was a building made out of a white material, it was unlike Imperial designs which were monolithic. This building was of a sleek and sophisticated design. Various landing pads dotted the complex each had numerous Piranha craft upon them. Numerous Devilfish and Hammer head tanks were parked up inside the Tau base; Water Caste members could be seen servicing them. Telion smiled, battle would soon follow.


“Aun’Sha, I cannot establish contact with the Kor’Vattra” a Water caste member said anxiously.


“Do not worry, it is probably atmospheric interference” the Ethereal calmly replied. “Try again in a few hours”.


“My Lord, we have found their base of operations. What are your orders now?” Telion asked Roboute over the comms-net, hoping he could lead a surgical strike in to the Tau base.


“Sit tight my son, we will be launching an full on frontal armoured assault there soon” Guilliman responded.


Telion smiled, the armoured might of the Ultramarines was soon about to crush the pathetic Xenos.

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I'm still enjoying it don't worry but you seriously need to address the spelling and fluff issues. Thunderhammers pre-date lightning claws and were a favoured weapon during the unification wars. The drop pods fire death wind missiles not death wing. and they are anti personnel not anti tank. You could cover that by haveing the tanks torn apart by assault cannon fire though.


Keep it up, despite these issues (and in the grand scheme they are minor) it still a great concept. It's strange, I don't believe any of this makes sense, The story should not mwork for me and yet i find myself checking back every morning to see if you've written about my legion!


Cheers AB

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Thanks astartes, yes the Tau are going to have a serious can of whoop ass opened on them ;)


Angels_Blade, thanks for highlighting those issues for me; i do not think thunder hammers were around pre-heresy if they were why do the current chaos legions lack them? Oh did i put death wing? ooops. At that close range i reckon they could penetrate the Tau tank armour :)


Well thanks for your comments, as ever i will keep writing and aim to improve.

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Sigh at people who cant use Latin




On a more serious note. I am McLovin' it so far, but I have to ask; Is this going anywhere? Will there be a story beyond what I have said above? I don't really care if there isn't, as I am even now having multiple nerdgasms, but I was just wondering.

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Telion looked out across the sand swept plains. Plumes of dust and smoke rose rapidly into the air. A sea of Adamantium filled his super-human vision. . Ancient rhino armoured troop carriers sped up the side of the flanks; carrying a mighty army of Space Marines. Vast amounts of Predators, Whirl Winds and Vindicators drove onwards their hulls glinting in the midday Sun., their deadly weapons all sought to kill the Tau. At the fore front of this impressive sight was the Mighty fortress like Land Raiders. The sight of so many tanks pleased Telion and filled his chest with pride. He could literally fill the tanks machine spirits begging to come into contact with the Tau. He chuckled at the thought that the Machine Spirits wishes would be granted soon enough. Not since the days of the Great Crusade had such an n impressive display of Space Marine tanks been gathered.


Even as the first Vengeance missiles struck the Tau’s base Telion and his scout force ran down the sandy slope. Thunder Hawk gunship streaked over head Hell strike missile slammed into the ground ripping apart Tau and their tanks like paper.


Cries of “For the Emperor!” and “Courage and Honour!” filled the air and vox-net. Once again the Ultramarines brought battle to their foes; it would be a long and bloody day for the Tau.


Not a huge add, but wraps up the Tau/Ultramarine conflict allowing me to move on :)


Now who to do next, I have 3 ideas just which one to pick.

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Aside from the minor spelling and grammatical issues it's a fun read. But I find it hard to believe that the various chapters would so readily cast aside their colors and standards and take up that of their founding legion. I understand that their Primarch is back, but perhaps the various chapters would hold onto their identity, and specialty. All while still following their Primarchs.
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Yeah not very good at the whole grammar thing. Well i think you under estimate their loalty to their Primarchs i believe that they'd readily swap their colours if their Primarch commanded them to do so.


I wouldn't think otherwise. But seeing how they've had ten thousand years to become independent and different in their own ways I don't see that transition being an easy one. What is to become of all these chapters home worlds and responsibilities now that they've reunited with their legions?


Anyway keep it up, I enjoy reading you story bro!

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Marines followed their Primarhs to hell and back, they disobeyed their Emperor and everything they fought for, even when all hope was lost they still fought on because their Primarchs asked them too; i think painting their armour a new colour wouldn't be too much of an ask. They'd be too caught up in the euphoria of the moment to actually care :)

As for their planets well im not gonna go deeply in to that as it wont add to the story but heres what happens;


Still remain Space Marine home worlds, their sole purpose is for recruitment and to manufacture equipment for their Legion.

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