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Rise of the Imperium (formely Rise of the Emperor)


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Perturabo stared at the walls, now reduced to rubble due to the constant artillery bombardment. The Iron Warriors Primarch personally directed the artillery bombardment, using his millennia old skills at siege warfare to bring the once mighty fortress walls to their knees. There was only one wall left between the Imperial forces and the Inner Bastion; one wall between victory. There were now three ‘Parallels’ and numerous other ‘Saps’ and artillery pits. Each trench was taller than even Perturabo and had a ‘lip’ of compacted earth on the top side that faced the enemy Fortress; this extra measure was now useless as the enemy guns had been silent for two days now. The artillery pits followed the same principle except they were much deeper and wider and housed several Basilisk Artillery tanks.


“Mighty Primarch my troops are ready for the assault when you command it” the General announced. He puffed out his chest making sure the Primarch caught a glimpse of his recently polished medals.


“Your troops will not be needed. My Astartes will show you how an assault is done” Perturabo responded, his Legionnaires cheering.


“My liege my troops have fought hard and died and deserve to have the honour of this assault alongside your marvellous Legion. They could show us how it is done. ” The General was trying to hide his mounting frustration.


“You can observe and learn from a safe distance and not get in our way.” Perturabo replied, betraying no emotion in his voice.


“You will need back up though! How can your assault force of Two thousand hope to subdue a fortress? Its suicide!” the General roared in anger.


Perturabo stepped forwards, casting a shadow over the small Imperial General and hoisted him up by his collar to Perturabo’s face.


“Do not question my methods or my troops. I am a Primarch and these are Astartes; the finest warriors the galaxy knows, creations of the Emperor! Do you question His works?” The Primarch retorted, putting the shaking General back down.


“No?” Perturabo asked when the General failed to reply. “Warsmith Honsou, prepare your Grand Company” the Primarch continued.


“Look at those boots! They are a disgrace soldier! If I can’t see my face in them at the end of the day you’ll be guarding some backwater planet for the rest of your life!” The General screamed as he stormed off, trying to re-inflate his damaged ego.


Unbeknownst to Perturabo an Aquila Lander was well landing. He only realised this once the high pitch whine of its engines filled his ears and dust and dirt was kicked up around the aircraft.


Letting out a low growl of anger Perturabo gripped Forge Breaker and stomped of to the aircraft. He hated dealing with Imperial officers and Bureaucrats.


A tall man wearing blue silk robes with a white Aquila upon the front came striding toward the Primarch. He looked like a man on a mission, he did not acknowledge the iron Warriors that surrounded the Aquila Lander and him; their weapons ready. He came to an abrupt halt in front of Perturabo and knelt; “Primarch Perturabo of the mighty Iron Warrior Astarte Legion, this is for you” He announced, holding out a scroll of parchment; a Lightning Bolt shaped red wax seal, holding the scroll.


Perturabo took it and opened it. In mere seconds he had digested the Emperors message, excitement and shock filled his face.


“What is it my Lord” Honsou probed.


“Our greatest honour and our right”








I know so anti-climactic but i love spoiling things and building things up ect etc. I hope you enjoy.

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Well I always felt those two hsould have wroked together, not just one or the other. Next chapter or maybe the one after i will tackle a question that has plaqued every 40k gamer. The answer will be very heretical to the fluff so be warned :lol:
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Wow...I mean wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow...(etc...another 1'000 times).


This is amazing stuff...I have loved every single bit of it and crave more than anything else for more, more more, etc...(you know this part).


When's the next update and when are there going to be Alpha Legion? :P

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Well to be honest i have thought about inserting a twist soon as in this chapter or the next. However im not sure whether i want to for numerous reasons including personal taste and that it may not work. There have been a twist or two so far and will be more. Writing the next chapter now!
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The Emperor stood as resolute as the millions of statues that have been erected to celebrate him though out the Imperium. His outline had stopped shimmering and the air around him was heavy and saturated with warp power. Dorn could feel it squeezing him, he felt for what his Legion and the others felt.


“What are you doing Father?” The Primarch asked.


“Look ahead” the Emperors voice had become monotone and laden with power.


Dorn swivelled his head to where the Emperor was pointing; where they had been dull and lifeless the warp runes that were etched upon the walls were flickering into life, warp power buzzed about them.


Suddenly there was a high pitched scream, to his left some metres away a red line hung lazily in the air. A tear in reality was appearing before his eyes; two bony, pink claws clutched either side of the tear and began to widen it. A bald, avian like head poked through as the warp portal became wider, then a pair of huge white, feathery wings came through next and then a spindly pair of pink, clawed legs came next. The demon let out a high pitched scream and then charged to the nearest foe; a squad of Grey Knights.


The noise would’ve been deafening had a pair of human ears head it. Bolter rounds, Pyscannon shots and other missile weapons slammed into the demon; shredding it in seconds. More and more of these pink demons began to emerge through the portal and a second portal began to form not far from it. The Grey Knights began to form circles around them; weapons at the ready. Great gouts of flame rushed through the air, the holy fire incinerating the demons. A strong smell of burnt flesh wafted through the air.


“For the Emperor!” the war cry echoed like thunder. Like a wave the Warriors surged forwards as more demons came through and more warp portals were appearing. Librarians sent bolts of the warp at the demons, Marines and Custodes shot bolt round after bolt round in to the horde. Dorn strode forth through the tide of filth and hacked demon after demon to pieces.


“ENOUGH!” roared the Emperor. A wave of white light bathed the forces, demons were obliterated instantly; their souls forever cast out from the universe. Instantly the warp holes sealed shut, all trace of the attack gone. Astartes and Custodians alike looked puzzled at the Emperor as they knelt in thanks.


“Father, we could have and would have killed these abominations. You need not have stopped your works” Dorn exclaimed.


“I have finished, you all must leave”.


“Why?” Dorn asked, confused at the Emperors sudden actions.


“I must complete the psychic protection for this tunnel; to do this with you all here would put you in grave danger.” the Emperor explained.


Even now as the others began to leave Dorn stood still. “No”.


“I cannot guarantee your safety; your loss is not worth it”


“I am staying Father.”


The Emperor knew he could not sway Dorn other wise.





Yeah i lied, no shocking revealations yet. Those are reserved for tomorrow ;) Hope yuou enjoy.

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Great gouts of flame rushed through the air, the holy fire incinerating the demons.

Small correction. IMO, it sounds better this way. Apart from that, I really like it and Dorn's devotion is a really nice touch :lol:


Keep it going!

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Thanks. Well i wanted Dorn to feel bad for before when he couldn't be there for the Emperor. Was going to have more demons come through and have the Dorn and Emperor argue a bit more but it doesn't add or detract from the story. Now time to write up the next chapter.
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Thanks. Well i wanted Dorn to feel bad for before when he couldn't be there for the Emperor. Was going to have more demons come through and have the Dorn and Emperor argue a bit more but it doesn't add or detract from the story. Now time to write up the next chapter.

A very wise decision. :)

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“Fine. Stay then”


The Emperor closed his eyes; a blank expression filled His face. The air pressure began to increase, as more and more of the warp began to overlap with reality. Dorn was driven to one knee, his armour buckled slightly.


“Leave now Dorn, things will get worse” warned his Father.


“NO! I will not abandon you again! I will be here for you!” the mighty Primarch roared. His voice was like thunder, shaking the tunnel and caused some rocks in the upper echelons to fall down. He was now on his feet, cursing himself for his weakness.


The Emperor simply nodded. He shifted to a combat ready stance and once again closed his eyes. A halo of white light shrouded his head and sparks of power flashed across his torso; leaving no trace of damage. Dorn looked around, scanning his surroundings and checking for any sign of demonic incursion. The air now was very heavily saturated with the warp, it pressed his armour close to his body and his head was hurting like he had never experienced. Bolts of lightning arced out from the Emperors body wildly, tearing chunks out of the floor and walls. Flying debris narrowly missing Dorn or causing him to dodge.


Dorn dropped his stance a little as a huge chunk of rock came hurtling toward him. With a loud grunt the Primarch leapt into the air, with two hands Dorn swung at the rock. The ancient Chain Blade easily spilt the rock in two. With a shake of the ground Dorn landed feet first. He looked over at the Emperor, who was now bathed in a white light. A maelstrom of warp power swirled around him, more powerful bolts of lightning shot off in random directions.


Then it happened. A red dot appeared several metres directly in front of Dorn, increasing in size by the second. Another began to form by it. Dorn scowled, “Blasphemous bastards! Feel the wrath of the Emperor!” As the first Blood letter emerged its head was sent spinning away. It did nit scream, it did not bleed nor did its body fall; it just blew away like smoke. The other portal was now spewing demon filth; more Blood Letters. Each let out a bestial roar and charged Dorn, his Chain Blade roared praise to the Emperor as it sailed through the air, and more heads fell. Looking over his shoulder the Primarch saw yet another portal appear, closer to the Emperor. This portal seemed to splutter and wane as it struggled to take hold in such close proximity to the God-Emperor.


Some bolts of lightning struck out at the demons, forever wiping their stain from the universe. Again and again Dorn struck out, killing each demon with every blow. Then an even louder bestial and guttural roar filled the tunnel. The Blood Letters looked back toward the portal and began to beat their chests feverishly and let out cries of anticipation. A Blood Thirster came charging from the portal; saliva clung to its fanged maw as it let out another ground shaking roar. Its blackened wings out stretching, its two arms widening in a display of superiority. It looked at Dorn and laughed. “I have fought your kind before, lap dog. You Astartes put up a good fight but all eventually become a trophy to the Blood God” it mocked.


Rage and hatred exploded from Dorn, raising his Chain Blade he charged. The Blood Thirster raised its Axe and Whip and like wise charged. Blood Letters ran mindlessly at the Emperor but as each one got within several metres or so their soul was flayed right from them.

The Blood Thirster laughed as it lashed out with its whip, snaking it around Dorns left arm. The Primarch laughed too as he grabbed the whip and yanked, the Blood Thirster lurched forwards toward Dorn. The two titanic figures were now Vis a Vis, a look of horror upon the Blood Thirsters face.


"I AM NO ASTARTES. I AM ROGAL DORN, PRIMARCH OF THE IMPERIAL FIST LEGION. LOYAL SON OF THE EMPEROR!” he bellowed. His Chain Blade came hurtling forwards. The Blood Thirsters expression turned from shock and anger to agony as the Chain Blade tore a hole straight through its torso. Dorn smirked and spat in its face, the acid burning the ugly demonic features. The Blood Letters looked on as the strongest of their kind was being brought low so easily.


Dorn let go of the whip and used his free left hand to grip the demons neck. For what seemed like an eternity he squeezed. Bones snapped and blood vessels burst from the huge amount of force Dorn applied. The demon just stared in to the distance, its face blank as its life was being drained away.


Like ashes on the wind the Blood Thirster and Blood Letters blew away, the portals stuttering before imploding.




Not the heretical question i promised but i feel that was a good chapter. Please enjoy.


Now, i am off to a Arts and Crafts festival to get more people addicted... i mean into this wonderful hobby. Be back in several hours with more, yes more for you!

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