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They could TOTALLY use some more muscle. They're not grim dark enough! And "more muscle" does not mean balloon-armed Catachan nonsense, just a tiny bit of bulk in the non-boob/butt areas would be great to balance them out a little.


edit: "frail, innocent" does not really go together well with "space barbarians".



Anyways Kid Famous I dig your work from the concept, to art, to models. I like the depth you've taken to "fitting" the girls in the suits particularly the Grey Knights stand ins. I like how their feet kind of sink into the knees and all of the advanced technology in the why, or how, is implied.


They have this desperate heroic theme that I really like. Frail girls barely armored against the galaxy, yet ferocious as all hell.

Thanks for your support Dan.



Derka Derka.


More or Less?






For musculature? It's hard to make it out due to the sheen of the greenstuff, but that bottom picture looks great. Really looks like she's tensing the muscles in her leg to lift up that bulky armor. Although the top image makes it look like it flares out a lot. Tense your leg, and look at the muscle, or stand like she is, and look how the muscle flares out, and it'll give you a good idea of what to look for. Good work though. :whistling:


I assume you'll be shaving down the jagged bits around the greenstuff/knee armor connection? Or is that fur lining or something?


Also the second image, the chest actually looks reasonable, merely well-endowed rather than cartoony, and I assume that's leather or some sort of armor covering? Looks much better.

Yeah that's what 30 mins of sculpting will do... lol

Yeah I use petro-jel for lubrication it really does wonders to make details go away.


As far as her bust goes. I didn't change it at all and I think I gave her your standard leather "shirt" I'm not sure what the fantastic grim dark version of it would be. But her hair covers most of it.

Which brings me back to my main point that Not many of them have absurd breasts. It's just the fully painted one that's to most out of control.


And yeah theres a lot to file down on these minis, and chop off. Like the dangly green stuff at the joints, I might put "Fur lining" over that like I did on a few of them. But I'm not going to leave it like that if I can. But my first game with them is this weekend. So....gotta speed it up. :whistling:

I'm afraid I just can't get behind the project- I don't have any particular objection to female Marines, but the whole thing strikes me as a little too transparently T&A for my tastes. Not that 40K lacks for that sort of thing, but you're pretty much just stripping them of their armor because you want to sculpt some breasts onto a model. If that was the point, why not choose an army that doesn't require endless rationalizations for why you 2+ save is represented by a bikini and loincloth? The huge, bulky arms and legs just make it look even more bizarre, like a man dressed to the nines who has somehow forgotten his pants and underwear.


If you want to take it down the "warrior women" path, arming them with advanced versions of "primitive" weapons would be a good start. Spears, axes, etc instead of power swords or other weapons; bows are also strongly associated with amazon cultures, so some sort of Star Wars-esque "powerbow" might work, although it would be tricky to model; alternately, some sort of throwing weapon could also work and would be more in line with the Space Vikings vibe of SW. Decorating their armor with totems, trophies, etc, will also do wonders- you have a good start with the pelts, but don't neglect adding bitz from other armies to represent things they've taken from fallen foes and objects they venerate as protective charms or that otherwise have spiritual significance to their culture.



As noted, I think the faces are the biggest weakness of the sculpts from a technical perspective; you're a more than reasonable sculptor, but the kissyface pouty lips are really killing the otherwise-decent looking features. I would stick to more neutral expressions and/or use something else as a model/base while you get some practice in working on faces. It's only to be expected, as human faces are incredibly hard to make look good.


You may also want to invest a little time in setting up a lightbox- a cardboard box with the top and one side torn out and white paper over the remaining sides will do wonders for your photography and make it much easier to see your work. Good lighting positioning will also help a lot.


I would actually say that this is one of your better efforts, even though you seem to dislike it for being an "easy way out." It isn't necessary to shove the concept of female marines in the opponent's face- subtle details often add more to a sculpt that gross efforts. The Wolf Priestess is also a pretty decent sculpt and has far more cohesion than most of the other models; though it's hard to call what she wears 3+ armor, it's not as though there aren't GW models that don't have issues of their own, so I think with a little bulking up she could make a very reasonable-looking model.


Overall, I would say this to you: don't give up on sculpting, as it looks like you have some real talent. At the same time, resist the temptation to sexualize your models to no purpose. It is offensive and makes you look childish when you could easily be using your talents to a more constructive purpose. Chainmail bikinis and boob armor, while unfortunately a staple of many genres, are not exactly "classy" and aren't going to gain you any points with any reasonably-mature gamer. There is nothing wrong with modeling attractive women, but there is a difference between doing so in a reasonable manner (e.g. Dark Eldar Wyches, Daemonettes, anything with a "-" or 6+ armor save) and going to absurd lengths to show off their body. Don't be that creepy guy who pets his Sisters of Battle and talks about how close they are to being corrupted by Slaanesh; don't even start down that road. It may sound harsh, but try to avoid making your miniatures blatantly misogynistic, as it does nothing but perpetuate poor stereotypes about the hobby.

I'll say this Kid Famous, this topic certainly has caused a lot of new accounts to be started. I've never seen so many new members in one topic in all my years here.


Yeah its pretty obvious that the new accounts are those guys that got banned yesterday, I mean that derka derka "girl" even entioned about sending it to troll forged mini's like the banned chap did yesterday...


Don't listen to the haters Kid and don't make these "heroic frame" females muscular!! Keep your origional vision in mind and roll with it.


For your next sculpt may I suggest just using purity seals to cover her what-nots. That'll really get them going. :)

Because of the ealier 'fun' with this topic the few constructive things I said disappeared so I just thought I'd repost here to express my thoughts on the project. I'll put it simply: I admire your creativity and your sculpting ability as, compared to me, you can actually sculpt, draw and then sculpt what you drew. I wish I had that ability. Although I agree with some of the 'not enough armour/muscles' comments I personally think these gals look great and wish I had your abilities. Keep up the updates.
Yeah its pretty obvious that the new accounts are those guys that got banned yesterday, I mean that derka derka "girl" even entioned about sending it to troll forged mini's like the banned chap did yesterday...


Because clearly anyone who doesn't express gushing love and admiration for every iota of a project is clearly a troll out to destroy his self esteem, right? And certainly not people voicing potentially-valid objections and criticisms of the project, their attention having been drawn to it by the firestorm that happened earlier in the thread?


This attitude of "anyone who says anything bad is a troll and ignore/ban them" is poison to a forum. If you want to see what slavering admiration and isolation from criticism brings, take a look at the Star Wars prequels or Ewe Boll's films- folks who, in their own mind, literally can do no wrong.


For the record, I have read B&C off and on for quite some time now; I simply had no compelling reason to post (and hence register) before now. I don't play Marines, so I didn't feel that there was a particularly good reason for me to jump in and throw down opinions on things that I didn't have much personal experience with. Perhaps judging folks less by their postcount and more by the content of their replies, rather than arbitrarily dismissing them as trolls, would be constructive?


For your next sculpt may I suggest just using purity seals to cover her what-nots. That'll really get them going.


It would be funny if you weren't serious, I'm sure. Adding smilies to your post doesn't fool anyone.

For your next sculpt may I suggest just using purity seals to cover her what-nots. That'll really get them going.


It would be funny if you weren't serious, I'm sure. Adding smilies to your post doesn't fool anyone.

Told you it would get them going! lol


Oh and Abuse Puppy = Derka Derka.

Anyway Der..I mean Abuse Puppy, lighten up or you will get this thread locked.



Are you planning on making an army of these fantasy warriors kid or just a unit?

Get this miscarriage of a thread locked? Heaven forfend!


This has nothing to do with original artistic intent. This has to do with putting something ridiculous down on the table in front of other players and wrecking any semblance of fictional coherency that player has. Fine, you've got your amazon thigh-machines. But now I've got to shoot at that, and I just feel bad. Not because I mind wiping them out, but because you're still going to claim a 2+ save on some wind-chilled meat-sack's vitals when it's her shins that are all up-armored.


Great, make your sculpts. Just don't try to sully this by making up some kind of b.s. fluff like it matters.


And stop crapping on new registers as if they're not people who have been reading the site all along and finally found the topic that makes them want to comment. You guys are being awful sycophantic here. Skill in sculpt aside, there's skill in concept, and it's just as valid to criticize that as execution. Yeah, it got crazy, but it was really carried too far from the other side as well. This has always been a touchy subject, and just deleting posts and banning accounts, even of those who have been constructive, is the wrong way to go about it. It makes you look defensive and petty. Let the artist suffer for his art, or whatever this is.

Get this miscarriage of a thread locked? Heaven forfend!


This has nothing to do with original artistic intent. This has to do with putting something ridiculous down on the table in front of other players and wrecking any semblance of fictional coherency that player has. Fine, you've got your amazon thigh-machines. But now I've got to shoot at that, and I just feel bad. Not because I mind wiping them out, but because you're still going to claim a 2+ save on some wind-chilled meat-sack's vitals when it's her shins that are all up-armored.


Great, make your sculpts. Just don't try to sully this by making up some kind of b.s. fluff like it matters.


And stop crapping on new registers as if they're not people who have been reading the site all along and finally found the topic that makes them want to comment. You guys are being awful sycophantic here. Skill in sculpt aside, there's skill in concept, and it's just as valid to criticize that as execution. Yeah, it got crazy, but it was really carried too far from the other side as well. This has always been a touchy subject, and just deleting posts and banning accounts, even of those who have been constructive, is the wrong way to go about it. It makes you look defensive and petty. Let the artist suffer for his art, or whatever this is.


Okay. You have to be aware that there was a few accounts banned yesterday and all the "new" members who have signed up today are saying exactly the same thing as the afore mentioned banned members. Its a tad fishy don't you think?


Also what is wrong as "Counts as" all of a sudden? I believe there is a thread with Legion of the damned and an Ad Mech army using the Deamons codex as rules. No one has said they don't have horns therefore they are not Deamons so I wouldn't play you. They see an army with an artistic licence. Exactly the same as these She-Wolves which are "counts as" Terminators.


They could have adamantium bones for all I care so that is where a 2+ save is allowed.. Just remember this is a fantasy game.

@ Kid Famous, i really like the concept art and the visual style you are drawing them in. Your obviously a very talented artist so hats off to you.

As for some of your scultping, i think some of the proportions are off, not by much (and with the anime style i'm expecting some of it to be intentional) but with your Rune Priestess especially, it looks like her torso should be shortened and the legs lengthened. I reaise it may be too late for you to do these changes, and they are by no means destroying the sculpt but i feel it would greatly improve the end result.

The faces on some of your models need some work, i realise you are on a schedule and so have likely let a bit of detail slide to get the army finished in time, but as has been said alot of the lips/expressions look the wrong side of commical. Alot of them are very pouty and whilst it isn't that much of an issue again i feel the end result would be impoved if changes were made.

Lastly some of the hair is very 'clumpy' and large, and whilst its decent if the sculpting were finer i personally think it would look better. On some it really looks like large lumps of greenstuff glued the the head rather than flowing locks.

On the painting side, whilst its decent and a solid job, some care could be taken with the highlighting and shading to improve the overall look. The colours you have chosen are good and the placement is decent as it draws the attention to the face (with the bright hair).


I realise that some of the issues are as a result of the time issues you find yourself facing as you push to get the army finished, but some of them are worth remembering in future sculpts.


Im not going to insult you by calling you creepy or a perv as it solves no purpose, and I personally do not feel that these are any more offensive than the Dark Eldar slaves (the two women on the Raider) or many other fantasy scultps you see from other companies. I would have no objections with you playing against me with these models. I would also not object to your use of them as Terminators as the armour is pretty clearly terminator armour (thanks in part to your use of the back plate on most of the models).

I commend you on trying something different and hope you are not too discouraged by some of the reactions when it comes to posting future models. I would enjoy playing against these as much as i would enjoy playing against an 'Eavy Metal quality army and embrace things that make the hobby a vibrant place. Sure some of your ideas will recieve negative comment but they will also draw some positives. I'm glad to see something diferent as if everyone had the smae models with the same paint scheme the hobby would stagnate. Kudos to you for trying something and having the balls to display your results knowing that you will recieve alot of flak.

Here are a few examples of constructive criticism and trolling:


Derka Derka: That is constructive criticism. Doesn't like the sculpts/concept (which is perfectly fine) and suggests avenues to improve not only the sculpting and painting but also the questionable content of the figures.


Unfortunately Derka Derka is a sock-puppet for Johan Spess who spent yesterday flaming and trolling over 10 pages. Had the Derka posts been made yesterday instead of the flaming and trolling posts they would probably be an active member still today. Unfortunate because we'd really rather not ban people but after yesterday we have little choice in the matter.


AbusePuppy: Again, constructive in their criticism. No flaming or trolling. Expressed their dislike of the subject and again offered avenues of improvement. Does that mean AbusePuppy is some how part of/related to the crew who got themselves banned yesterday? Good chance of that but since they are actually posting within the rules of the forum there are no issues.


In fact I even agree with AP that doing the female marines like this would probably be the better route to take. Sculpting a head or sawing one off another mini and putting it in place of the standard head is certainly easier (both from a model and wallet perspective) than the current concept. But it doesn't really mesh up with the OP is wanting to do so up to them if they want to continue down that path or not.


Grandmaster Flux: Certainly posts exactly like the trolls from yesterday, even using the same phrases of one them. Word for word. Notice there is zero constructive criticism in that post just a giant dog pile on the OP and the idea. Not helpful at all. Trolling.


The PCA is here to help people improve. You don't have to like their ideas, paint jobs, sculpts or whatever. But you are expected to be constructive in your posting. Constructive doesn't mean you are fawning over it or even like it. A person can be critical of something without being a troll or personally insulting.


How you articulate your dislike is what is important here. Act like the folks from yesterday and you are done here. Post constructively and it is likely you'll be around to post the next day as well. Doesn't matter if you like it or not. You can like the idea/paintjob/sculpt or not. We aren't here to tell you whether you should like it or not. But again, how you express that like or dislike is what is important.


Constructive Criticism must be criticism and it must be constructive. It is criticism when it focuses on standards; it is constructive when it articulates those standards so that the shortcomings can be dealt with.


Quote from a book a I read once that puts it in simple terms.


If your intent to joining the forums and posting is to simply slag off on someone then you will be shown the air lock without a second thought. If on the other hand you have actual critical commentary that isn't a personal attack, off topic or other trolling nonsense then most likely there aren't going to be any issues with your post.

It's really disappointing to see so many people getting worked up about this.


I think the models are great. Completely against fluff, and great. It's your game you can do what you want with it. Some people choose to play the game in the already made fluff set out by GW (I am one of those people, I like to double check all of my painting and modelling to make sure it fits into the pre-established fluff). Others choose to go out on a limb and do what they think is fun or a good idea, and I think that's equally valid as the first group.


Clearly Kid Famous has gotten a lot of people worked up about it. Big deal, someone somewhere is always going to be upset by something you do. So, if you don't like the idea, don't look at the topic. Easy as that. No one is making you look at it. I don't think there is (and hope there isn't) any chance of Kid abandoning his project due to a couple nay-sayers.


Anyway, I can definitely see the style coming through from the sketches all the way through the painting and thats awesome. I can't wait to see those Grey Knights, because if the models turn out like the sketches they're going to be incredible.


Good work Kid.

I'm going to have to agree with the suggestion of using different heads. The sculpting on the bodies and hair is coming out well, but the heads and faces themselves are looking wrong and way too large. I know there's some nice female heads that've been done by a 3rd party mini maker. I remember seeing some on female scouts awhile back. I'd suggest looking around a bit and even if you don't buy them, use them as an inspiration for your own sculpts.


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