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Come fellow Word Bearers


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Being Lorgar, I took it upon myself to make us an official place to discuss and share the history of our Word Bearers armies, why you play them, how long, their fluff etc. Also, I encourage you to post pictures of your armies.

Please, I would like it if only Word Bearers players posted on here. Im not saying those who dont play them cant, but this is a place for us, not you, outsiders. (Dont take that too seriously...)


I do hope this thread lasts for a long time. In order for this to happen, you must post, Word Bearers. For your primarch, your legion, and Chaos!



Anyone got any army pictures they want to share? WIP, done, it doesnt matter.

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Although I have nothing to add (yet). I gladly look forward to seeing other players armies and adding my 2 cents as I construct my long planned Word Bearers army.



edit: Actually although its front page right now I do have a post regarding Daemon princes in the Host. I would like as many of your opinions as I can get on the subject.

Daemon Prince discussion

Hmm, perhaps posting something else would help more Bearers of the Word find their way here. Where are all my children?!


My Word Bearers army is the 27th Host. Just thought I would throw that out there. I also plan to make a Kor Phaeron, Erebus and Lorgar model. It might take time though. Pictures to be up whenever I actually start on them. First I should finish painting my official models...

Currently, I've just finished an epic assembling binge and am now faced with the task of greenstuffing 40 Doghouse pattern Chaos Marines and 15 Chaos Knight/SM/Ghost-rider models as bike proxies (riding Warhammer Chaos Steeds, which will be GS'd and painted up to look like Nightmares).


Where do you guys think the twin-linked bolters should go? On a harness on the steeds' barding? Or not at all, as they can be represented by the flames of the steeds? I'm planning on using Knight legs, GS'd torsoes (embigged as the legs make CSM torsos look too smaller), Knight arms and a mix of Chaos Warrior/CSM heads, or possibly flaming horned skeletal heads. The general plot idea is that after the debacle in Daemonworld, Lorgar invested some of his power into his favorite chosen, turning them into the Huntsmen of Lorgar, doomed to spend eternity riding down all those who anger their lord.

Just regarding my forces dark apostle-Lord angrus blitz. He has a accursed crozius (counts as power weapon), plasma pistol and a rosarius (counts as mark of tzeentch) and he leads his force-the murder legion in the area surrounding the maelstrom.


or at least he will when I have painted up his personal host (1k army of word bearers)

Personally (not a good painter either) I basecoat with Krylon acrylic spray paint... burgundy for WB's

I do the same for my rank and file. Brown wash mixed with a bit of red to smooth it out. Silver trim with a light black wash. I do my eyes light blue.

This is how I paint my Word Bearers


1. Black basecoat

2. paint all the armor mechrite red

3 all the weapons and trim and such boltgun metal

4. horns bleached bone, then skull white

5. I paint my eyes with goblin green, but almost any light green paint will do

6. paint over the mechrite red parts with scab red

7. wash with black

8. I paint my bases with scorched brown on the tops, and graveyard earth for the rims.


Hope that works and helps you.

I've yet to assign a number to my warhost.


They are led by the Coryphaus name of Kol Bador. He's armed rightly with his power talon* and TL-bolter. Pale, dark peircing eyes, no helmet.


The Coryphaus leads his Annointed consisting of between 5-10 terminators. Sadly I read Dark Disciple after building them so the reaper, powerfist, and combi-plasma that are in the story are not present. I may fix this one day by buying another squad and setting them up correctly.


*Lexicanum says his talon is a powerfist but I interpreted it as a lightning claw. In game it's a demon weapon but that's only until I make Marduk.


The warhost has recently been built up to a complete stage 1 of collection.


As of now:


Demon Prince

10 Annointed

10 Mounted Possessed

10 Mounted CSM

15 Slogging CSM

15 Slogging CSM

10 Mounted Berserkers led by Khalaxis

3 Bikes

10 Havocs with HB

10 Havocs with AC

3 Obliterators


In the future I might build a 3rd havoc squad, Namar-sin's to be exact. Possibly a squad of chosen as well.


The host is all primed and at least half of the marines are scab red. It's coming along slowly.



Gray primer>Scab Red armor>Boltgun trim>Yellow eyes>Badab wash on the eyes and metallics>clearcoat shoulders>decal>seal.



I picked up CSM during 3.5. I only had a pair of 8-man squads at the time so I didn't get a chance to use them. When Dark Apostle came out I was psyched to take up WB. Since then the army has grown dramatically and actually has 3 heroes. These three men were run of the mill marines, the sole survivors of their squad mind you, and they have killed over 60 Tau in close combat in one game single handedly. It was a crushing victory brought back from the brink. The only other battle where my WB have taken to the field was against a Necron army. Sadly, once the annointed were destroyed by C'tan I had my army fall back. The game concluded with a defeat.


I look forward to crushing the new Tyranids and their trygons.

Well, I've been using them, but as stated elsewhere they are my fiancee's army. She chose them for a variety of reasons...I'll let her post them. I've been painting them though, because it's fun. Here are some pictures!



Dark Apostle










Daemonic allies



















As you may have gathered, I liked how the defiler turned out...

I just finished my Kor Phaeron model. I used Abaddons head and cut off the hair, and used the cape, staff and combi melta from the Chaos terminator lord box for the other bits. I dont see Kor Phaeron using a combi melta, but I didnt have much else to use for the right arm. Ill post pictures whenever I can, but dont expect any for awhile...

@ Lorgar: Oh mine has a head, it just doesn't need to be hidden behind a mask. The daemon is comfortable showing its ugly mechanical innards.


@ Possessed Marine: No, it is as Lorgar said: Khorne helmet pieces stuck to an old power axe. However, I did also convert a Dark Apostle to a bike, using the DA robed body and crozius arm you were thinking of. Looks fantastic, though I haven't painted it yet. When I do, it'll show up here :)

i would use the torso and legs from this model for starters for your Lorgar, then various other parts to make him look more word bearers, possibly the horned head from the spawn kit with a bit of work ;)




Good idea. Its sure better than buying 4 different models just to make 1. How do I do the head though? I know how to do everything else, its just the head I need...I dont think the spawn ones would work, but if all else fails ill try it. Actually, a few in there might be good...
that head maybe even work with a bit of converting, just add horns ( plenty in your bitz box i'm sure), then work on arms/shoulder pads and crozius which shouldn't be too hard either, if you want to give him wings the ones from the possessed box actually fit nicely if you have them lying around.

Just found this thread and i have to say awesome. Just finished reading the Word Bearer series and i have come to heed the word!. I haven't seen many word bearers at my local GW and the lure of Black Legion and Red Corsairs also lingered in the back of mind when deciding what legion i would like to collect.


But I've decided on Word Bearers and planning to start this month and hopefully i will post up some wip's when i get started.




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