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Oh, very nice way of using the Emperor's Children Dread - I'd never thought of how well that "face" could be used to communicate a Chaos Dread's complete insanity. Damn clever and effective. ;)
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Thanks guys!


If you want to convert the EC dread, a tip is to by the sonic dread instead, since you recieve two amazing loudspeakers "for free". I have not used them here but I will save them for something else in need of screaming sound.





Nice conversion of the EC dread. I imagine it took a lot of dremel work getting the Slaanesh logo removed?


It's left side is full of slaanesh, that's true, but it can easily be removed with a knife or a file (I recommend both) since it's resin. Apply GS or whatever you like.

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So I've been looking at the codex, and I realized my fluff is a little off for what I want, especially since we can (and might as well) be taking units with other Marks than the MoCU and potentially even cult troops.


The general idea is that my warband lots its faith; following obtaining some recruits during a campaign on Thranx, one of the Lords pulled a coup and had the lightly-injured Dark Apostle "enshrined" in a dreadnought, and then followed up by slaughtering all the Acolytes. Those who survived were either new recruits who knew nothing about the way things were supposed to be, or die-hard followers of that Lord. One of the new recruits was a budding sorcerer, but he kept his mouth shut and his psychic powers hidden for fear of attracting the wrath of the Lord. About two millennia pass, and during that time the warband's ranks become dangerously thin. The budding sorcerer becomes an Aspiring Champion, but is still very tight-lipped about his real abilities. He does make contact with a daemon princess, who arranges for him to find a copy of the Book of Lorgar in return for his worship.


Anyway, the warband then attacks a stranded Blood Angels' Battle Barge. The Lord sends his squads to secure nonsensical objectives such as the ship's donut machine, but not the bridge or engines. Said AC picks up a fallen chaplain's crozius (or maybe a force weapon, not sure right now), and decides to secure the barge completely. He and two squads carve a bloody path from the refectory to the bridge, and proceed to secure the whole of the battle barge for their Lord.


Except the Lord is extremely angry about how this AC dared ignore his master plan, and has his squads imprisoned in the chaos flagship's hold pending the manufacture of more dreadnought sarcophagi. During this time, the AC begins leading a long prayer vigil. After several weeks, the DP responds that help is on the way, About that time, a renegade Apothecary of the Lunar Wolves (long story- I've got his fluff written elsewhere)) claiming to have been Horus' personal physician arrives, kills the deranged Lord, and seizes command. After a brief conference with the DP, he appoints the AC to being the Dark Apostle, and agrees to be his mentor. The new DA becomes the spiritual leader, while the Apothecary takes up a degree of temporal leadership. The DP (not sure which mark, possibly that of Slaanesh since Tzeentch and Slaaney are buddy-buddy like Khorne and Nurgle) sits back and pulls strings from inside the Immaterium.


So what I'm thinking is taking the MoT and modelling his Accursed Crozius as a force weapon instead of the usual Crozius Arcanum, and let me take psychic powers. I'm tempted to go with Gift of Chaos because of how disruptive dropping spawn into the enemy lines are- especially since Spawn aren't worth Kill Points, but can provide a serious distraction to the enemy. And a Tzeentch sorcerer can cast it twice a turn- its in the FAQ.


Any thoughts?

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Well, I've got all the bitz for a crozius- the imperial eagle banner topper, and the DA ugprade sprue that I've got ordered has a mace arm that I can saw off. From there, I could sculpt flames into it- or try, sculpting flames is kinda hard /sweatdrop- and then give it a coloring to make it look somewhat sorcerous.


Either way, I've already sculpted his shoulder pads and they've got skulls on them, so I if we get a new codex that goes back to MoCU only, I won't have to re-model him.

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That sounds pretty cool Darth...Keep us posted on how things go with it...


I have been mulling the idea of having my DA as a sorc with the MoT as well....for almost the exact same reasons...There is something deliciously evil about turning a few members of my opponents own army into annoying spawns. The other thought I had was giving him the Daemon Wep as well, but what has kinda turned me off is that everyone seems to envision it as a kai gun, whereas when I first read the decription I had visions of my DA's crozius becoming infused with warp fire and him pointing it and these really cool looking multi-couloured blasts of warp fire launching out of the end and blasting the crap out of his enemies...Hell, I still may do it. It just conjures up a really cool image in my head....


I suppose the only other setback to doing it that way is that I have been basing my host off of the 34th, and that's not something that Marduk has manifested in the fluff (at least not yet, lol.)


Anyhow, thanks for the continuing inspiration everyone...Received a few more kits in the mail today to continue work on: another 10 man csm squad, a land raider, a rhino, and a BA dread that I'm going to kit bash the crap out of to make my "Warmonger". I also need to get another set of the WB shoulder pads ordered from GW soon, so I can try out TDA's mold technique to get some Latros Sacrums on my Termi's shoulders....


I've got a few WIP pics that I'd love to post, just got to find a good cheap (as in free) pic hosting place to post them in so that I can share them here. (Other than my FB account that has a few pics in it). If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.


Look forward to seeing more inspirational work from everyone here.



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I've got a few WIP pics that I'd love to post, just got to find a good cheap (as in free) pic hosting place to post them in so that I can share them here. (Other than my FB account that has a few pics in it). If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

Why you are on a free pic hosting site right now! ;)


All members have access to upload pics directly to the site and create their own albums free of charge :)



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I saw this on another forum...


Fluff for upcoming Word Bearers army


The red-armored giant growled. The marine next to him flinched.


Lord Zadakiel stepped from the throne with one flowing movement, the weight of his ancient Terminator armor nonexistant.


His second stepped next to him. A large power armored figure, Krathos might make an excellent sucessor if something..unfortunate didn't happen to him first. The Lord of the Word Bearers strode across the floor of his command barge, stopping at the plasteel window of the observation bay.


Krathos examined a grubby data-slate, and turned to his lord.


"The world is sixty-five percent urban in nature, my lord. The rest is mostly farmland, with scattered forests and deep-bore mines. All defenses and orbital batteries have been eliminated, and the Chirumeks have assured me their communications are jammed."


Zadakiel considered this for a moment.


"Krathos, bring up the Hellforger, I will lead the assault personally."


"Of course, my lord."


Krathos scurried away. No doubt in a few moments his venerable Land Raider would be pulled by vast chains up from The Pit, as they called it. The large holding cell for the demonic vehicles of the Word Bearers.


Zadakiel turned to the cowering tech-priest in the corner.


"Activate the lift."


The Lord stood back as the section of floor he stood upon decended to the loading docks. He passed slave trains, the torture decks, the Pit's entrance (He noticed one of Krathos' Marines body on the floor, the Hellforger had an appetite.), and finally came to rest at the hangers.


Dreadnought Rekald storde to meet him, the vast war engine's steps shaking the deck.


"Lord Zadakiel, it pleases me greatly to serve you once more." rumbled Rekald


"I have no doubt." replied Zadakiel conversationally, as he eyed Krathos hoisting the war engines into the transports.


Rekald's vox fizzed, then "My lord, it occurs to me that we are far overestimating the enemy. Are you sure you wish to commit so much of the band?"


The Dark Apostle chuckled. "Rekald, you are my greatest comrade and a faithful servant, but above all you do not know who you are fighting."


The ancient machine took the compliment with a click-hiss from it's plasma cannon. The other marines often backed away when Rakald powered up his plasma cannon, but Zadakiel had known his comrade long enough to know it as a symbol of immense gratitdue.


"Then enlighten me, lord, so I may serve you better."


"We got to fight the Space Marines of the False Emperor, my friend. We go to fight the Ultramarines."

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Nice fluff kolbywhite28. :D


And to Bearingtheword, I run my Dark Apostle in Terminator armour and hive him the MoT and a Daemon Weapon. You can find some pics of him earlier in this thread.

I have his Crozius as a close combat weapon, and the shooty attack is made with his book. Or, more correctly, he summons daemons to slay his enemies using his book.


Last battle I played, I deep struck him behind a Warp Hunter, and he took out both its gun and immobilized it, which I of course rationalised as the daemons killing the crew! :)


and +D6 attacks in close combat is quite nice. Not as good as the undivided one, but then again, you do get a 4+ inv save, which also helps mitigate the weapon attacking you.

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I've got a few WIP pics that I'd love to post, just got to find a good cheap (as in free) pic hosting place to post them in so that I can share them here. (Other than my FB account that has a few pics in it). If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

Why you are on a free pic hosting site right now! ;)


All members have access to upload pics directly to the site and create their own albums free of charge :P





I did not know that ......thanks TDA!


Guess I'll have some pics up in the next couple of days then ;)


Also just realized that (thanks to me being half awake and it being 2am or so when I posted it) that if I run my DA as a sorc I don't get the daemon wep, but the force wep instead, but the idea still stands if I run him as a Chaos lord...


Nice fluff there Kolby....gets me fired up to work on my host....


Totgeboren...yeah that 4+ save is quite handy to have...plus it fits the old bonuses we used to get from the accursed crozius.....I think what I'm gonna end up doing is trying various setups that can match with what I have kitted out my DA (and my Coryphaeus with as well) until I find one that I am really happy with. Or maybe have a few dif options filed away depending on the points total and force composition I'm running.



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Lets hope this works :P and hopefully it doesn't break any rules (size wise or anything like that) If it does please let me know and/or feel free to fix or remove it.




A few of the WIP pics of my DA....

Any C&C is always welcome. Hope you like him.....

(Also, please forgive that Heresy Online is in the background....also a member there and was looking at some things when I decided to take the pics )


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Paint him!


He'll look ace.


Regarding the Mark of Tzeentch, i'm toying with the idea of using MoT and Power Weapon, I think that with the current rules for Daemon wepons being irrevocably altered by Marks that this represents the old Crozius Rules best. I also feel that this is represented quite nicely in the Word Bearers series, Marduk has a Daemon Chainsword and gains a Crozius, never is the Crozius described as containing the essence of a Daemon, yet the details of the chainsword are plentiful.

However, I find the fluff>rules mindset makes me think, what the hell? Who says that the old codex was right? While I also feel that utilising the rules to represent the effect you are after in terms of fluff, just "counts as" the rule for which you have the option and rename it to something that fits your fluff, the problem comes when you want to combine incomaptible pairings. i.e. I'd like my Dark Apostle to gain the benefits of the mark of chaos undivided, the leadership boosts make sens for a preacher; however, I'd also like to give him the MArk of Tzeentch because it best represents the benefits of a Space Marine Chaplain's Roasarius. Both are perfectly reasonable for a Dark Apostle yet you'll never be able to do it. I suppose you could for Apocalypse, but that's not really the point.

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Thanks MaliGn!


The only thing stopping me from painting him is that I am going to be trying TDA's technique for molding the Lactros Sacrum for the shoulder pad markings on all my terminators. I have to wait til I can get another set of the Word Bearer shoulder pads from gw.....unless......I pop the one off of my First Acolyte that is still being put together and use it for making the molds.....hmm.... :tu:


I also started up a WIP thread here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=238009 , so I can keep the motivation and c&c flowing :)



It's funny how something so small as sharing your visions with others and them sharing theirs with you can get you pumped up, hehe...




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Indeed, amazing is it not? :)


I'd encourage you to look over the green stuff on the DA BtW, it looks a bit rough here and there, the book and webbing between the arms especially.


I've had this Land Raider sitting in my WIP box for ages, like a few months long of a year. I originally intended it to by for my then DIY Space Marine Chapter project but now I'm just tired of it. So I decided this morning to turn it into a proper vehicle of Chaos and add it to my Word Bearer force. I've always wanted to try a dual Land Raider list anyhow :tu:



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I have run my Dark Apostle as a Lord with a power weapon and the MoT many times. It's just that, well, I'm mainly a fluff-player, but the Lord is so weak with just a Power Weapon that I finally gave in and gave him a Daemon Weapon.


3 attacks with S4 makes him about as killy a standard Asp. Champ. I want my mighty Dark Apostle to be a bit more cinematic than that.

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Indeed, amazing is it not? ;)


I'd encourage you to look over the green stuff on the DA BtW, it looks a bit rough here and there, the book and webbing between the arms especially.


I've had this Land Raider sitting in my WIP box for ages, like a few months long of a year. I originally intended it to by for my then DIY Space Marine Chapter project but now I'm just tired of it. So I decided this morning to turn it into a proper vehicle of Chaos and add it to my Word Bearer force. I've always wanted to try a dual Land Raider list anyhow :)





Yeah, the pics where taken a couple weeks back, since then he has gotten some clean up on the green stuff. It's amazing how you can take a pic and then scrutinizing it you can find more of your errors than when you are holding the mini in your hands looking it over...


The webbing between the arms has especially been a pain in the ;). This particular mini was my first time using green stuff for anything other than filler (did I say that before?) so it has been rough. I did several minis with gs that day, including my Khalaxis conversion. I can only hope that my skills get better with it as time goes by, hehe. I am a bit intimidated when it comes to painting it since, thanks to my nerve damage issues, painting can sometimes be very difficult for me, but I am proud of the conversion so far...


Just out of curiosity, are there any Land Raider variants available to Chaos via Apoc or Imperial Armour or any of those sources? Since our Land Raiders are so meh, I'd be interested in looking into some other options for Apoc games and what not.....


@ Totgeboren: Yeah I am finding it hard to convince myself to only take a PW for him if he is going as a Lord with MoT.... so I think I have narrowed it down to either a Lord wiht MoT and the Daemon Wep (using the DW like I mentioned above, or running him as a Sorc with MoT, Warptime and possibly adding Gift of Chaos, Bolt of Change, or Doombolt to that. Although the cost goes up a bit that way. The force wep ID is a nice option to have at hand as well I think. I suppose I'd also want to add a familiar to him if I went that route as well I suppose...There could be some really cool ways to model one *rubs hands together* ;)




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Hmm, laid the basecoat of the red on about 3/4 of the Land Raider, rebasing most of it as well from the gray/white I had initially painted it. Also chaosified it and removed the Imperial symbols I had on it. Still got a pair of imperial symbols to replace but until I know what to replace them with I'm leaving them.



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hello word bearer friends i have been playing them since fourth edtion (chaos codex 3.5) i chose them orignaly becuse they could feld more troops that with Bile made for true chaos . but now with bile nurft i have goten fluster with my marines and putt them up for now till next year hopfuly. thought i must admit had a great storys to tell like when my 1 oblit toke on 3 bane blades and lived, my apothis toke on a big dread and toke him out with a melta bomb. i never win a game with them but thing happon. im two sqauds away from finahing 7th / six as well as need 12 dread claws. based on 3.5 i have halve of my chose in trem done few need painting and starting to look at choosen for the other halve.
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Anyone manage to get an order placed for Aurelian ?


I heard Black Library was having some issues or something....


I so wanted to order a copy but just couldn't free up the $50 (usd) for it at this time. Hope it does go well for A-D-B though, and praying that down the road they release in a mass pb or hardback. Am really looking forward to learning more about my fav chaos legion. *wipes the drool from chin*


@fiveofnine : Well met! I think we are all holding out hope that we get a new "competitive" dex soon :)




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  • 3 weeks later...



The Word Bearer's latest Apostle (Though he's nowhere near done, he's getting a skin cape and a modified helmet that belongs to Zhufor, minus the Mark of Khorne. The head was just added to make it look more completed, its not glued.)


Still lots of work to be done. Done Done Done.

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