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ultra-meet 4


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Jeesh, it seems like ages since I posted on B&C. I guess i've just been too busy with MVA.


I want to confirm I'm planning on booking hotel for 4 of us coming up - me, Ctan (No guesses there!), Sniffle (Eldar) and a mate of mine who will be bringing his Blood Angels and who is now getting well over-excited about the new Codex.


So expect a car full of us so thats another 4 to be added to the list.

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Make sure you guys write up a full report of the goings on at this latest meet!!


And pour some out for your missing homies lol. Gutted im not going to be there

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Wonder how my fiance will take to moving to the UK just so I can start attending these. Doubtful.


Just tell her you are going on a Mystery holiday to somewhere in Europe. Trust me, she'll love it.


Legal disclaimer: Wan is not to be trusted in any way shape or form when it comes to relationship matters and is not liable in any way for any hurt or costs arrising from the reaction to any advice he might make B)



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sadly im not gonna be able to do it cost is racking up way to much for me to be able to afford it at the moment


A pity as I had hoped to regain my honour by crushing you beneath my terminators heels ^_^

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Jeesh, it seems like ages since I posted on B&C. I guess i've just been too busy with MVA.


I want to confirm I'm planning on booking hotel for 4 of us coming up - me, Ctan (No guesses there!), Sniffle (Eldar) and a mate of mine who will be bringing his Blood Angels and who is now getting well over-excited about the new Codex.


So expect a car full of us so thats another 4 to be added to the list.


Glad you guys can make it again. This meet marks a year since the inception of the U-M's and it would be good to have most of the original guys going.


gutted for gaz and renik, we will post loads of piccies for you

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Morning All,


I am mulling over a few lists for the 24th/25th April meet and although I have not yet played the new nids I am aware of a couple of rules that are currently being debated and will probably be FAQ-ed.


I know that this is not the rules forum but in order that we can have a fun weekend without rules lawyering I think this is the correct forum and thread to raise this and get your views on my interpretation so that we can reach a general understanding and then have a blast on the weekend gaming and drinking beer!


The rules I am drawing to your attention are:

1) Doom of Malan’tai- Despite the whole RAW argument going on, I suspect that its “spirit leech” will be FAQ-ed so that it CANNOT affect troops embarked on a transport. Therefore, this is the way I want to play it.

2) Mawloc- I have never understood why there was a debate about it intentionally deep striking onto/under enemy units, but perhaps that’s just me. Anyway, I notice within the last White Dwarf (WD363, p62) that Robin Cruddace (God bless his losing streak to Phil “the power” Kelly) talks about using Lictor’s “pheromone trail” (like teleport homers) to ensure that Mawlocs cannot scatter when intentionally emerging underneath enemy units. I hope this means that there will be no debate if I use Mawlocs in this way?


Anyway, I await your responses with interest but as a fallback I suppose if the above is going to cause major problems I could just pick lists that do not include these units or only play these lists against players that are ok with these interpretations?


Sorry to be serious for a minute, but I’d rather sort out my lists and models with the prior knowledge of your views on the above. Thanks in advance!

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I personally have never had an issue with deep striking on a unit, in fact my Clubs FAQ includes this as a rule because I am expecting this to be the case in the FAQ.


I also dont play Doom affecting troops in transports, simply because it would be far too complicated an issue to deal with units falling back in a transport. A really good debate about this can be found on the "Beasts of War" channel on you tube (if you have never heard of this I suggest you sign up, the "on the table" and unboxing bits they do are really good), check it out as the guys there have a really good debate on it.


Still I am not grand pubar on this one, these are my suggestions only. Whether we want to dice off on the day about these or try to come up with a voting system. Personally I think GC08 should choose as he has put a lot of effort into organising all this.



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I personally have never had an issue with deep striking on a unit, in fact my Clubs FAQ includes this as a rule because I am expecting this to be the case in the FAQ.


I also dont play Doom affecting troops in transports, simply because it would be far too complicated an issue to deal with units falling back in a transport. A really good debate about this can be found on the "Beasts of War" channel on you tube (if you have never heard of this I suggest you sign up, the "on the table" and unboxing bits they do are really good), check it out as the guys there have a really good debate on it.


Still I am not grand pubar on this one, these are my suggestions only. Whether we want to dice off on the day about these or try to come up with a voting system. Personally I think GC08 should choose as he has put a lot of effort into organising all this.





Thanks Wan, interesting to hear that your club adopts a similar approach. I think my suggestions are fair and sensible but like you say its not for us to rule on these.

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All these people pose an interesting problem. Who to play?


So many choices. I know I want to get in a game vs Cadarn's Wolfwing. I also need to burn out some grubby little scouts :)


If there are necrons around I would like a go since Ctan and I started a game and never got a turn in before we had to pack up. Also, I have never played a proper game vs necrons...ever.


Ctan, your monolith is safe from me, no lucky melta shots in my army for you too fear :)


So thats 3.


If we do get the whole BFM thing in then that will be good too.


Whats the official list of attendees Gc08?

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i havent put a list together yet but off the top of my head:














pheonix knight


ill have to go look through and properly update when i get a chance


And have you changed your dice GC08???!!!

No but i figured out they only like my scout armies, i went to bury wargamers played 3 and won 3. my dice rolls were pretty average for a change.. im also winning at my LGS!!

So watch out lads my losing streak is behind me :D

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So watch out lads my losing streak is behind me :D


Enter bad luck troll. I keep trying to sneak out of the house without him following but he always knows and jumps in my case.


Hopefully as I will be running some snipers and terminators your dice rolls will be unaffected, though ye have been warned ;)


Oh and by the way my incomplete version of my 1st, 3rd and 10th army is 2 for 2, however more importantly its a lot different to play and requires me to actually think. Battle report from last night is up.



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Oho, this is looking like there will be a decent crowd, which will be great.


Now I just need to work out if I can finish painting both my Wolf/Hulk-Wing AND my Eldar, so people can try beating on the Space-Elves if they want a change.

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i havent put a list together yet but off the top of my head:













Myself and Phoenix Knight are also definites for the weekend.
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Rightio then. I have now FINALLY finished painting my Ultrawing to the same standard. Its taken a few months (of stripping and painting etc) and if I never have to paint another Terminator it will be too soon.


20 Terminators which composes of 15 Shooty Terminators and 5 LC Assault Terminators. Not a single TH/SS chap to be seen.


"A Wall of Blue 2+/5++" coming soon to theatres near you :)

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You aren't allowed them. Scouts can't be trusted with such weapons as they're noobs. :wallbash:


Another house rules clarification for the event, please.


Sweeping advance: A terminator character is attached to a unit of non termnators. Can the nom termies perform a sweeping advance if they win the combat? I've seen this debated before with no clear agreement and so would appreciate a house rule verdict. If there are any concerns then I'll play it safe for the whole event. I'd appreciate your thought before hand as it will sway a purchase decision one of two ways.

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You aren't allowed them. Scouts can't be trusted with such weapons as they're noobs. :)


I have combi-weapons though ;)


Another house rules clarification for the event, please.


Sweeping advance: A terminator character is attached to a unit of non termnators. Can the nom termies perform a sweeping advance if they win the combat? I've seen this debated before with no clear agreement and so would appreciate a house rule verdict. If there are any concerns then I'll play it safe for the whole event. I'd appreciate your thought before hand as it will sway a purchase decision one of two ways.



It doesnt need house ruling mate, the rulebook is very clear on these rules, if an IC joins a unit that doesnt have a rule then the Ic loses that rule too.. so in this case the IC would lose the ability to sweep.

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Wrong way around. The IC is in terminator armour so he can't sweep anyway. The rules are a bit vague and both arguments have merit. Sweeping Advance isn't a special rule or ability, such as Counter Assault or Furious Charge. So he couldn't gain it from the squad anyway. But as it's not a move action, the squad does not have to leave him in order to do it. I honestly have no idea how this is played by others as I've not had to deal with it before now.


Either way works for me, but its just something I'd like some agreement on before I tried it out, or DIDN'T use it and realise later that I could have.

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Unit always moves at the pace of the slowest element, the IC cannot join or leave a unit whilst in combat, the IC would not be able to do a sweeping advance therefore the unit and IC cannot.


Tis how I have always played it and I assumed that were da rules. I can find some rules pages if you would like?



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