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Blood Ravens reference in A Thousand Sons

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Normally I'd consider this threadomancy (as it is) but I have new information I have wished to share since the first page of reading through this topic.


In the Age of Darkness anthology, there is a short story called Rebirth. For those of you that have read it, you know exactly what I'm going to say - it's the ending after all ;)


To those of you who have not, it is further BL evidence that the Blood Ravens are indeed Thousand Son successors.

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To those of you who have not, it is further BL evidence that the Blood Ravens are indeed Thousand Son successors.


It is, and it isn't. I wouldn't expect to see any further confirmation. I've explained this in various threads before, on B&C and elsewhere, but I don't have any links handy.


It's safest and most accurate to take the cute Thousand Son references for what they are: cute references that might be coincidence and might be true, but aren't factual indicators of anything.

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but didn't the thousand sons undergo the rubric before they would have a chance to have created a successor?


Don't the AdMech keep stores of each Legion's geneseed?


Yeah, but "officially", all the traitor's geneseed where removed from the banks and destroyed.


That's not true the traitor seed was held in a stasis vault,the Mechanicum never deletes anything,Learn it,Live it,Love it :)

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The other thing is that if they are Thousand Son successors, but they aren't affected by the Rubric, they'd therefore be still affected by the Flesh Change. Since mutation isn't significantly higher in the Blood Ravens than any other Chapter, this is highly unlikely.


Even so, I'd just like it to be left as a possibility. It should be left vague, instead of dropping heavy-handed "hints" all the time.

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If you read the first Dawn of War Ominbus you will learn alot about the Blood Raven, two things to be most pointy, One they recruit people that show psyker powers before they become Space Marines to make them into Librarians (I am not sure but I think they use "special" geneseed on them too) and that they do have alot of mutations almost half of the people they recruit get mutations and are killed because of it but in the book you notice they are not being that crazied about it.
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To me, its been everything but SHOUTED that the Blood Ravens are 1k Sons successors.


You have some mysterious librarian become Chapter Master, make all sorts of sweeping changes to keep his chapter together, they don't know their Primarch, their geneseed origin is unknown, etc. Its a heavy psyker chapter and they wear red.



No apparent traits of the Blood Angels (Black Rage, Red Thirst, blond, blue-eyed, predisposition to melee, etc), aside from the Chapter name, colors, and maybe Gabriel Angelos' name referring to angels (but that's the Dark Angel naming scheme rather than the Blood Angel one)


No apparent traits of the Raven Guard (black eyes, black hair, snow white skin, abundance of jetpacks or stealthyness, etc), aside from the Chapter name



Things you could attribute to the Thousand Sons:

Librarian Chapter Master

Lots of Librarians

An Inner circle of Librarians

Lots of mutations in the initiates

Obsessed with collecting knowledge

Unknown Primarch/Geneseed

High frequency of Librarians turning to Chaos

General problem with Marines turning to Chaos

Red armor

The raven name/symbol's possible relation to the Thousand Sons cabal - Cult Of The Corvidae, who were the guardians of the Thousand Sons' Great Library. They were red armored Marines marked with raven symbols.

Ahriman knew the Chapter's first Librarian Chapter Master, and he's somehow very familiar with the details of the Blood Raven's founding

A possessed Remembrancer glimpsing the future of Prospero "...the lost sons and a Raven of Blood. They cry out for Salvation and Knowledge but it is denied?..."

Magnus The Red orders 4 Battle Barges of his Legion to flee before the Battle Of Prospero, each with secret orders (obvious possible source for surviving loyalist Thousand Sons).




Yeeeeaaaaaa....... I'm gonna go ahead and call this pretty much confirmed.





We're going to need to coin a term for all these things we "know" that A D-B tells us we'll probably never be able to prove.


"Aaronian Facts" - Facts that we "know" but we can't prove.


"Aaronian Suggestions" - Possibilities that are directly suggested in the fluff and seem to fit what we know, but we can't prove or disprove them, and probably never will be able to.



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