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Today Mephiston slayed...

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Two Obliterators, a Demon Prince, Huron Blackheart and eight Khorne Berzerkers. Had the game gone to turn seven, there was a squad of Thousnad Sons within reach that most likely would have felt some pain.
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I had a 2500pt game yesterday. Mephiston took out about 8 genestealers, a brood lord, a trygon prime and 3 CC carnifexes. It's so rare for a HQ that expensive to make its points back in my experience. I was honestly shocked. First game with the new 'dex. I had sanguinor in there too. He took out a good number of spinegaunts that were supposed to be a tar pit (didn't last long :D) and then took out his target (a 275pt hive tyrant) in one turn, along with its last bodyguard. He got clobbered by the three carnifexes, but Mephiston got revenge for him =D


I also had Tycho rip 10 or so hormagaunts to bits before punching Old One Eye's face off in a later game :P

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Today Mephiston killed 5 Heavy destroyers, twice, 1 Necron Destroyer Lord, 1 Necron lord, an absurd amount of Tau, 20 some Necron Warriors, in the same game. In contrast his little brother Gabriel Seth butchered Chaos Termy Sorc lord with mark of Tzeentch for +init I think? 1 Khârn the Betrayer(with 3 kicks to his nuts, he rolled trip 1's) his pack of Zerker friends 16 strong, 3 Chaos Termies, 3 Oblits, and a generous ammount of Plague Marines, game 1. Game 2 he massacred 3 Crisis suits, 2 drones,....and scared everyone into running for their worthless Xeno/Necron lives.
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First game tonight, i blew up a rhino with Khârn and 8 bezerkers in it (1250 point game) first turn i charged in with mephiston and slew Khârn. 2nd turn (his half) i slaughtered all but one, and well my turn i killed the last one, and i had my opponent tabled at the top of turn 3 on his assault phase.




Game 2 was a different story, being only the 2nd time i've ever used mephiston i over estimated his durability and he got blasted to death by 5 heavy destroyers and 5 destroyers.

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Today, Mephiston killed absoultely nothing, as Quantra managed to roll a rather spectacular number of snake eyes all at once... :)

I think there might be another dice somewhere out of shot. I was laughing so hard I couldn't see straight, and he was on my side.




What a fine afternoon :D

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That looks like all the dice... Am I ever going to live this one down? Just when I was saying how confident I was that not even I could miss with all his attacks... I would like to note that these are Jazzman's dice, I call shenanigans!! =p


Awesome couple of games though and a lot of fun no matter how epic my failure was.

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where does it say that? i just checked the book and i dont see it anywhere


oh geez, just found it! that is STUPID why would they make that rule!?!?!?


this brngs the question why do dark eldar have 2++ save? but instead all lords can take it...

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Today in a 3,000 point 2v2 game against CSM and Nids, Mephiston killed: 1 Trygon Prime, 8 Rubric Marines, 1 Swarmlord, 9 Hormaguants, 4 Chaos Marines, and 1 Daemon Prince. He only took one wound in return (from a Perils of the Warp while in the Swarmlord's shadow). Not bad for 7 turns.
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where does it say that? i just checked the book and i dont see it anywhere


oh geez, just found it! that is STUPID why would they make that rule!?!?!?


this brngs the question why do dark eldar have 2++ save? but instead all lords can take it...



yes but the dark eldar 2++ is lost after it is failed.

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That looks like all the dice... Am I ever going to live this one down? Just when I was saying how confident I was that not even I could miss with all his attacks... I would like to note that these are Jazzman's dice, I call shenanigans!! =p


Awesome couple of games though and a lot of fun no matter how epic my failure was.


I take it you failed his Unleash Rage test too? With rerolls the chances of this happening are truly astounding.


But it can happen. :)

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You'll notice a theme here but Played another 2500pt game as we have been testing 'Ard Boy lists. This was now the third game with him.


To Recap first game he got two Land Raiders and a 10 Man Tactical Squad.


Second game he got a Monolith, 12 Warriors and 3 wounds on Nightbringer.


This the third game he wounded Abbadon twice before his squad of terminators (who got butchered by Assault Terminators) failed their leadership in combat, tried to run, got caught and killed. He then killed a Defiler before being gunned down. Abbadon got 3 wounds on him before being cut down.

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That looks like all the dice... Am I ever going to live this one down? Just when I was saying how confident I was that not even I could miss with all his attacks... I would like to note that these are Jazzman's dice, I call shenanigans!! =p


Awesome couple of games though and a lot of fun no matter how epic my failure was.


I take it you failed his Unleash Rage test too? With rerolls the chances of this happening are truly astounding.


But it can happen. :)


I was trying to smack up a chaos vindicator so unleash rage wouldn't have helped.

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