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Today Mephiston slayed...

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Today Mephiston slayed a Tyranid prime 5 warriors, upgraded tervigon, a hive tyrant (which without guard with whip lashes he will always beat, swarmlord he will only just beat with no guard presuming u can cast a psychic power more than once) 14 hormaguants and a carnifex. Total of one wound done to himself with a plasma pistol of all things.


The lord of death is just insane even against Eldar where he helps counter their abilities even though they counter his, kill their farseer and he jsut goes beserk and tables everyone! Game prior killed. a wraithlord, Eldrad 6 firedragons, a wave serpent and had 3 wounds left. The guy is a machine. Save Lysander, Logan, Abaddon and those type chars he just mauls everyone and isnt slow like them and kills vechicals amazingly.


Last Game imp guard. 30 penal legion, 2 lemon russes, 9 vets and had 2 wounds left.

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Today Mephiston slayed 4 Kommandos. Then he got charged by 6 Kommandos with Snikrot, 10 Nobz with Powerclaws and Big Choppas and a Mega-Armoured Warboss. He bound them for 2 rounds and died, so that the Baal Predators could open fire. Mephiston resurrected later that day, being very hungry.
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Today Mephiston slayed Ghazkull Mag Uruk Thraka. While it wasn't an official result of the game (I was playing to the objectives, and keeping him away since he was worth 3 VP and his squad another VP), we threw down some dice after the game was decided. Mephiston had 5 hits, only 1 saved, so Ghazkull was slayed before he could attack.

Man, if Yarrick had seen that, the second and third wars for Armageddon could have been prevented!

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Today Mephiston slayed; an Epistolary librarian, 5 tactical marines with plasma cannon, and a razorback with twin-linked lascannon, totaling 335 pts. not bad considering it was only a 1000 point game! also he took no wounds all game! huzzah!
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Played Black Templars last weekend. Since my Blood Angel build has very little long range anti-tank so I use Mephiston, since he has a 24 inch range LOL. So against the Black Templars he tossed a Land Raider and a Vindicare tank into the air and killed them. Then almost the whole the whole Black Templar army fired on him and killed him with Lascannons and rapid fired Plasma. He was out in the open after killing the tanks since he can't get his massacre move.
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  • 2 weeks later...
today meph killed A biker nob with power claw, an 8 man biker squad with PK nob and Wazzadakka Gutsmek totalling about 450 points and didnt loose a wound. If the game hadnt have ended on a 1 or 2 he would'd have 2 killa kans to that list or another biker squad with nob.
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Mephiston got himself the following selection of food items,

4 Heavy Destroyers, 14 Necron Warriors, 4 Destroyers, Destroyer Lord, Necron Lord, Battlewagon, 40 some grots, and a truck. He almost had a Big Mek, but the lone surviving sarge with a TH from my very rapid fired to dust assault squad, swooped in and domed him before Mephy was done with Necron sack lunch.

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  • 1 month later...

I love this thread.


I've seen Mephiston in my games kill huge amounts of Ork cans and dreads. The list had 9 Cans and 2 Dreds He kill almost all of them in one game I had against them.


He's killed a huge amounts of Genestealers, a bit of a pain, lucky for me I didn't get rended. He killed the Tyranid prime and two of the Genestealer squads while the rest for my army got an ass kicking he then helped finish up the stragglers with the aid of two Vindicators.


I've used him to almost single handedly take out a 1k Necron list the rest of my army wasn't in a position to do anything due to terrain.


In some of my latest games (three in a row) he cleaved a Land raider in half killing enough occupants in the fire ball to cause them to run off the boards edge..... I one game he then got a face pounding from a 10 man squad of TH/SS Terminators, But it was worth it!


I know this didn't happen in one day it was over three, but c'mon!




Mephiston: Bad ass since 2010.

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This weekend Mephy didn't performed as expected :HQ: he had Yarrick and his full command squad, was slayed with no reaction from a Nid Prince and his guard....(that was mean), 1 squad of Pathfinders and 1 squad of the basic troops for Dark Eldar....I was really expecting more...I'm not sure if I will use him again any soon.
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Played orcs a couple days back, mephy was pretty key at winning one for the home team!


Killed: a full 20 man kommando unit, about 20 boyz, a full 10 man biker boyz unit.


In the end he had 1 wound left, but he tied up so much stuff to allow my army to get the charge he was completely worth it! The only games I hate taking him on are against Eldar

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I played two games of 1750 against my dark angel player friend, we play pretty competitively, Meph was just fowl. I use plenty of armor so meph never gets shot unless I want him to be, as he just sits behind fast moving vehicles


Game 1 Meph strolled onto the battlefield and decided to single handedly destroy half the army.

- Master of the Raven Wing

- Belial

- a 3 man ravenwing bike squad

- 3 death wing terminators 1 with assault cannon and chain fist

- Land Raider

- Land Raider Crusader with Mutli Melta


And Lived


Total pts. 1095.


Game 2 After Quenching his thirst for pathetic DA blood he chilled out and just decided to kill

- Ravenwing Land Speeder with MM and Assault cannon

- 3 raven wing bikes 1 with a powerfist

- Ezekiel

- Dreadnaught

- 2 vets with plasma pist plasma gun and power fist

- Land Raider

- 4 Death wing terminators 1 with assault cannon and chain fist

- all for a grand total of 0 wounds. (I rolled rediculously well this game, Meph past 2 5+ invulns from a lib shield for instance, a pitty cause my rolling ruined this game for me and my opponent.)




How do people do badly with thuis guy? If you play him smart and don't run into TH/SS termies or a bloodthirster with the 2++ vs force weapons he just doesnt die. i7 6 attacks on the charge reroll hits str 10 it all just dies before it attacks!

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A completely unhurt Tervigon, The last unsaved wound was force-weaponed away.


Unhurt Doom of malantai


Tyranid Prime


4 genestealers..



After this game he had 3 wound suffered.. All "self infilcted" with some help of shadows of the warp.



I was impressed.


we had an unsure rule in wether a psyker is allowed to use force weapon in the opposing player turn. But since rule says "after unsaved wound occured." we allowed it.



Had a similar fight against the Nidzilla the other day (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=198109) Meph didn't come in til turn 4 and proceeded to slay a 5 wound tyrannofex, 5 genestealers, 2 hive guard, an alpha warrior and a completely unwounded hive tyrant. I reckon about 750pts and he only suffered a single wound in return. The only thing mephy has to fear is concentrated plasma and anything that caused instant death regardless of toughness. Other than that he's the stuff of legend!



Nice work,


considering i thought i dug my own grave after my nifty Stormraven fumbled his TL-plasma cannon and blasted 7 of my own assault marines. Things looked pretty grim until Mephiston showed me the proper faith in the emperor..


I mustn't forget to mention my land speeder covered his own flank (again!) against the genestealers and burned 16 of them on his own.


You had over a third of your points tied up in two units and the Nid player lost? No offense, but was the Nid player terribad?

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it's easy to go wrong with him, in fact. I played 2 ou 5 missions were Characters would give 4 kill points instead of one. I played Eldar, and all players who played with me are so scared about mephiston that they avoid at all cost to have him in CC, last but not least...I , not aware of the nids sword of disgrace, charged the nid prince and that was the only one time that he was dead in 5 games. Yes...pick your target...as long as you are aware of everything that this target has.
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Today in a 1750pts Spearhead Tourny Mephiston slayed.. 30 necrons 1 monolith, two Russes, a vendetta, a melta hot shot vet squad, and a DE Ravager, and transport with squad inside. Very busy today and he took a total of 1 wound which was self inflicted.
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Today mephiston killed 2 mawlocs, a flyrant who forgot his lashwip, a tervigon, and 2 squads of termagaunts. (small spawned squads, but blah)
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I played against Meph the other day with my marines (as SW). I can't remember what he killed, it was upwards of 350 pts worth, but having limited AP2 weaponry I decided to ignore Meph and go after the rest of his army.


To my surprise Mephiston Periled 4 times and rolled a 1 for landing in dangerous terrain.


The lord of Death died without my force shooting a single shot at him. My opponent and I were in hysterics.


Has this happened to anyone else?

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Today mephiston killed 2 mawlocs, a flyrant who forgot his lashwip, a tervigon, and 2 squads of termagaunts. (small spawned squads, but blah)


I''ve had meph take his own last wound a few times due to perils lol

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