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Interested in a conversion challenge?

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I was at my local Hobby center chatting with some of the other hobbyists. One of them mentioned something one of his old Hobby groups did. He called it a Conversion Challenge. Basically someone issued a Challenge. The terms of the challenge is that you have have to use a specific piece in the conversion. So basically if you wanted to participate you had 30 days to plan your conversion, collect the materials for it, complete it and post pictures with an explanation of the conversion.


So, anyone interested?




Rules for the First Challenge

What is this Conversion Challenge:

This conversion Challenge will be a 30 Day challenge where in each participant will create a converted model. The final model may represent anything the participant wishes. At this time, there are only 2 limitations.


Limitation 1:

The final conversion must use the required part. I will go into more detail about the required part in a moment.


Limitation 2:

The conversion must be appropriate for this forum (Remember, we are on BolterandChainsword.com after all)


Those are the only limitations. If you want to build a gigantic Army A clashing with Army B diorama where the leaders of the two armies are conversions utilizing the required bit; Fantastic idea! More power to ya! I can't wait to see the finished product. If you want to create a loan model to represent you're newly inducted Chosen Space Marine; Outstanding idea! I want to see what you convert to pull off the idea.


When is this Challenge:

I will announce the start of the Challenge Saturday, the 15th of May at or around 10pm eastern time. The challenge will run for 30 days, until June 9th. By June 10th, 10am eastern time, ALL entries must be in. I (maverike_prime) will be the primary judge, but I have a panel of 4 other individuals whom I will contact to aid with the judging.


How do I submit my conversion:

Post pics of it. There are several free image hosting services available online including Photobucket and Flickr. You can upload your pictures to those services and then post links to them in a thread on this forum. If you encounter difficulty in getting the pictures uploaded, I encourage you to ask for help.


What do I need to submit?

Pictures. for simplicity sake, I ask that you submit 5 shots of your conversion.

1) Front or head on shot

2) A shot from the left side

3) A Shot from the right side

4) A shot from the back side

5) A 3-view shot from the front-right, or front-left. You're choice.

if the judges need a different shot of your conversion, we will contact you and ask for a specific shot. If when viewing your images we can not clearly see where you used the required piece, we will send you a message asking you to point it out for us.


Where do I send the pictures?

On this forum. When I announce the challenge Saturday night, I will open a new thread. Post all submissions in that thread. I will post a link to the submission thread here in this thread and utilize this thread to answer questions that may arise.



What were you saying about the required piece:

The required piece is the primary point of the challenge. Anyone can make a cool conversion with their own parts. But when you're limited to needing to use one specific part, it becomes much more of a challenge. In that spirit, this conversion challenge is limited by the fact that you will be required to make use of a specific part in your conversion. Please understand, that I am only requiring you to use the part. I make no requirement on how the part is used.


For example; Lets say the required part is this Space Marine Body. To have a qualified entry for the challenge that body MUST be used. You may want to use it as the central part of the conversion and convert a Space Marine Sergent directing his squad forward under fire. Perhaps you want to convert a scene where a Chaos daemon just ripped a gigantic gash down the length of the body so you take a dremal to the body carve out the gash and green stuff in the ravaged armor edges. The final conversion has a Blood Letter standing over the recently ravaged marine. That would be fine. Perhaps you want to swap out the head so you take your dremal and core out the head to put the half-cybernetic head in it's place and go on to convert an Iron Father who just wreaked a Tyranid warrior. That would be fine.


Will the required part be metal or plastic?

For this first challenge it will be metal.


What? Why? Metal is hard to work with

The main concern raised about this challenge as been cost for the required bit. Generally speaking, acquiring a part that is available via blister is cheaper then acquiring a part in a plastic box set. Using the above example, the cost to acquire the body would be $11.50 USD because that marine is available in a blister. Where has if you to build the same body out of plastic you need to acquire the Tactical Marine box set for $35.00 USD. From a planning stand point I am making these decisions on a worst case basis, and that is "If I had nothing, and I entered this challenge, that am I required to have?". Blisters are generally cheaper then box sets. Plus I never said you had to go out and buy the blister. Maybe you have a friend who has that piece laying around from an old conversion. Offer to trade for it.


What about painting? As already stated, this is a Conversion contest. Not a Golden Daemon or Golden Bolter. You will receive no extra credit for a good paint job. In truth, painting your conversion before we announce the winners will probably hurt your chances at winning as painting tends to hides a conversion, and the key point is that you must use the required part.


Any Questions?


Idea for the next Challenge. What do you think of it?


I had a bit of a brain storm for the next challenge and I wanted to see what sort of reaction I get to it.


Instead of having a required part, it would be closer to a theme. Basically, here's my thought: Characters. We know there are several characters that could use an update to be inline with the newest kits. Heres how it would work. Challenge contestants would have 90 days (Yes, that says 3 months) to pick the character they wish to convert, acquire the materials, and complete the conversion. There would be 3 limitations, well 4 since we're on Bolter and Chainsword.

1) It would be a character from a current Codex.

2) You could only use plastic kits. So if you choose to do an Abaddon conversion, you can NOT use any parts from the pewter miniature.

3) When you post, you can NOT state who the character is. That will be part of the test for the challenge. Can you make a model that is the character and is recognizable as that character.


So, what do you all think?

Sounds good to me. I keep entering painting challenges and failing them as i spend the whole time converting.


Only problem i can see is that a lot of people may not have the specific model or funds to purchase said model. Apart from that though, how far can the conversion go? For examples sake, say the model we start with is... sicarius. Would it be cool to end up using just the helmet and scratch sculpting everything else?


Speaking hypothetically,



Sounds good to me. I keep entering painting challenges and failing them as i spend the whole time converting.


Only problem i can see is that a lot of people may not have the specific model or funds to purchase said model. Apart from that though, how far can the conversion go? For examples sake, say the model we start with is... sicarius. Would it be cool to end up using just the helmet and scratch sculpting everything else?


Speaking hypothetically,




the way I was gonna run it was that stating that you had to use a specific part, not a model. Like you'd have to use the body from Lysander. If you use the arm, hammer and shield form the model is up to you, but the finished conversion would have to have the Lysander body.

You should've mentioned this a while ago as I would've entered my dreadnought :rolleyes:


Considering I was thinking of making the challenge with the Lysander Body that would have been a really interesting dread.


That was him before painting began. So yeah, what timing :)

You should've mentioned this a while ago as I would've entered my dreadnought ^_^


Considering I was thinking of making the challenge with the Lysander Body that would have been a really interesting dread.


That was him before painting began. So yeah, what timing :P



as I said, an interesting dread.







































oh and by the way: HOLY CRAP! I Like that dread!

Oooh, sounds fun, I won't contribute because I'm low on budget, have no conversion experience (well much anyway), and no need for a terminator model in my army, BA Terminators at least shooty ones, seem too big a points sink.


good luck everyone, and I do wanna see this challenge happen. Talk to the Great Emperor, or one of his Primarchs ;)

Oooh, sounds fun, I won't contribute because I'm low on budget, have no conversion experience (well much anyway), and no need for a terminator model in my army, BA Terminators at least shooty ones, seem too big a points sink.


good luck everyone, and I do wanna see this challenge happen. Talk to the Great Emperor, or one of his Primarchs ;)


well the challenge hasn't actually been issued yet so no one knows what part will be required. Since I'm running this on B&C though it's gonna be a Space Marine bit of some sort though. I'm thinking I'll announce the actual challenge Saturday Evening at 10:00 PM EST. Until then I ask everyone who's participating to spread the word and see how much interest we can get in this. More participants means more challenge means more information being conveyed at the end.




Sorry, that's Saturday the 15th.

I'm in, though I think it would be better to have the required part be plastic, and not a metal special character ^^


The problem with making the required part plastic is then I'd be requiring the participants to purchase a $25+ box set versus a $12 dollar blister. the major concern that has been raised thus far is cost.


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