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GW's New Blood Angels FAQ

Espada Azul

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Thought of another issue left out. Storm Ravens moving flat out and using POTMS to fire a weapon.


Why is that an issue James?

PotMS allows the vehicle to fire one more weapon.

If a LR can shoot when shaken or stunned why wouldn't this apply to flat out as well?

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Thought of another issue left out. Storm Ravens moving flat out and using POTMS to fire a weapon.


Why is that an issue James?

PotMS allows the vehicle to fire one more weapon.

If a LR can shoot when shaken or stunned why wouldn't this apply to flat out as well?

Some argue that the list of times you can use POTMS (moving at cruising speed, shaken/stunned) is an exhaustive list and not a list of examples.

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Thought of another issue left out. Storm Ravens moving flat out and using POTMS to fire a weapon.


Why is that an issue James?

PotMS allows the vehicle to fire one more weapon.

If a LR can shoot when shaken or stunned why wouldn't this apply to flat out as well?

Some argue that the list of times you can use POTMS (moving at cruising speed, shaken/stunned) is an exhaustive list and not a list of examples.


I see...


Though I think the wording of the rule is crystal clear.

The vehicle can fire one more weapon than would normally be permitted.

The rest is just a list of examples.

Since the rule is found under Land Raiders, moving flat out has no meaning in the entry.

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The only argument missed is the issue about Sanguinary Novitiates/Blood Champions taking extra gear. <snip>


Agreed. This is the only question I had last weekend when preparing for a tourney. The others are not anything I wasn't playing 'right'.

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Bleh - im unhappy with two of the decisions in here, but at least they have been ruled one way or another.


Thanks to all those that wrote in- most answers in there were in the letters we were sending!!


Cheers guys!

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Furioso Librarians losing access to Heavy Flamers and Extra Armor is a big one to me. Hard to justify the points on a Dread with no extra armor.


Yeah, I used to run 2 Furioso Librarians, Now I have lost all will to work on my BA army right now...


Why the hell would you keep the most venerated Dreadnoughts bereft of extra plating. Another wonderful GW idiocy. I am glad I don't work for them anymore...

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The only argument missed is the issue about Sanguinary Novitiates/Blood Champions taking extra gear. This seems to be a pretty good FAQ, answered the questions people are really arguing about.


I don't understand why anybody would think they could take extra gear. They are both separate models and are not Honor Guard. If you look on the Honor Guard page they have a separate, though obviously similar, stat line listed. Therefor they are not "Honor Guard". "Any Honor Guard can replace..." is the way the rule is worded. And even if one attempts to use the "upgraded to Blood Champion" but still an "Honor Guard" argument, the Blood Champion has a PW and Combat shield, neither of which can be exchanged for additional gear.



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The only argument missed is the issue about Sanguinary Novitiates/Blood Champions taking extra gear. This seems to be a pretty good FAQ, answered the questions people are really arguing about.


I don't understand why anybody would think they could take extra gear. They are both separate models and are not Honor Guard. If you look on the Honor Guard page they have a separate, though obviously similar, stat line listed. Therefor they are not "Honor Guard". "Any Honor Guard can replace..." is the way the rule is worded. And even if one attempts to use the "upgraded to Blood Champion" but still an "Honor Guard" argument, the Blood Champion has a PW and Combat shield, neither of which can be exchanged for additional gear.



Well, remember, the Blood Champion does not lose his previous gear. Its always spelled out when gear is replaced, so he still has his bolt pistol/chainsword, grenades.


But, I'm not sure why I'm trying to argue this, I don't believe the Blood Champion can get gear (as can be seen by my posts in the Official Rules thread on the issue), but it is an argument that comes up every so often.


I once had a game where I had an opponent upgrade his champion to a storm shield, and get upset when I disallowed it.

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Overall I'm fairly happy with this. Smoke on a scout move is an unsuspected surprise. Losing the pre-assault FC/FNP bubble is interesting, on the flip side it means if you position differently you can charge into your bubble so it's not a total nerf.
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The only argument missed is the issue about Sanguinary Novitiates/Blood Champions taking extra gear. This seems to be a pretty good FAQ, answered the questions people are really arguing about.
I never saw this as being any different to a Sarge being allowed upgrades but the regular troopers not. The HG are allowed upgrades but the Sanguinary Novitiate isn't. The Blood Champ has an upgrade, so can't stack another one.
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yes if you get turn 1. effective range of flamestorms is 24"+template size[that is if you want to fire sponsons].

so I can envision see an alfa strike build with lets say 10 sternguard with 6 combi meltas drop durn 1 combat squad smoke two transports and then the two units get flamestormed .







what I dont get is why the the BA faqs has buffes and clarifications in it while the nid one has only nerfs when the nid dex is clearly a worse dex for both casual and tournament play.

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does this mean that Baals can Flat Out on a scout move and then (assuming I play first) move the normal 6" and fire their guns?

Yes it does

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technically, it is legal to scout a Baal 18 inches, pop smoke. Then if you get first turn, move 6, fire everyhting. Then on opponents turn you get the smoke save. By RAW this is legal.
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Well, I am shocked that they allow Smoke to be popped in scout moves. This pretty much confirms Adepticon's Rules FAQ and added 2 turns to the game. So we all play a minimum of 7 turns now? There for the game ends on turn 3...


Even as a BA player, I still think popping smoke before the game starts is not in the spirit of the game, but it IS GW's game, I suppose.


I was kinda disappointed, but not surprised about the Libby Dreds wargear. I guess I can strip my libby chasi of it's librarian paint and make it a DC dred instead.

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After much pissing and moaning to my friends about the loss of extra armor I have decided to go ahead and still play my Librarian heavy army and find a place to put the 30 points somewhere else.


I guess I will have to just play smarter with my dreadnoughts. I suppose them surviving every game is an indication they may be a little over-powered...

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Looks like a pretty good FAQ, both for the BA and the Nid fixes. Loving the tactical necessity of the Priests now, however, and it will make them much more fun (read; evil) to face.
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