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BA Death Company would be my guess too. That he;nets looking good Lestat, I really like that you added the studs to the top vent and the cabling at the back is a nice touch too.


Astador, meant to say last night that that's a nice display case you've got there, but it looks a little bare just now though, you're gonna have to get painting mate :lol:.



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Well James, once my army is fully painted it will take up that middle shelf. The top is going to be my display pieces, current ebays, and commissions that haven't been claimed yet.

which is something I need more of, commissions that is. :)


I don't know what will end up on the third shelf though! lol

I plan on adding another case too.



If I read your question right, which I very well may not have, your asking if you do washes over the armour prior to the black wash will they show up?

If that's it, then the answer is yes. It would be an underlayer showing through. My Death Company army is washed Baal Red prior to Badab Black wash. The armour is 100% finished prior to the washes though is the secret.

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Stuff is looking great guys!


The Blood Angel turned out nicely Astador, just don't sneeze and drop him on the floor ok? :)

I also picked up a display case like that, still in the box though, I'm moving into my new house in a couple of weeks, no sense in putting it together yet. I'll take a pic when I do though!

KK Terminator is pretty dark looking, I think maybe he needs some highlights, did you manage to try some washes on that world eater yet?


Also anyone who saw my WIP shot of the 3D model I was working on, it's finished now and posted up in the HoH subforum!

My Gallery



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Thanks Russ! :)

Yeah the box is so heavy, the thing still weighs a ton when assembled, so it's probably best not to do it until you move! :)


And I already dropped him several times! :P

I did break my Njal when I moved him into the display case! He survived at a GW from the Space Wolf release, up until two days ago!!! I was like damn!

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Morning Folks,


Well got up this morning and picked up the paints and actually did something on my DA vet guy.

Managed to get the armor its first coat and i have to say i think it makes the rest of the colours look a lot better now i have the contrast of the armor colour on it ;)





What colour would you recommend for the banner colour ?


Also thought would show you just some of what i have on the go that i make a start on then lose interest for some reason and start on something else ;)


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Blood Angels, Death Company.

There's the blood-drop on the helmet, plus your avatar is the Death Company.

Now, I like Chocolate Chip Cookies, just so you know.


Well spotted - one virtual cookie is winging it's way to you!

Just got to love those bloodthirsty homicidal maniacs!


BA Death Company would be my guess too. That he;nets looking good Lestat, I really like that you added the studs to the top vent and the cabling at the back is a nice touch too.


Well the cabling that was already on the helmet had a huge air bubble so I decided to replace it with some guitar string - and added a couple of other pieces while I was at it. I didn't want to convert it as heavily as your fantastic Chaplains helm, but I still wanted to make it unique. I had some small plastic beads left over from another project which I thought would make perfect studs. Just very carefrully drill a small hole, add a drop of superglue and drop the bead in - simple!

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Morning Folks,


Well got up this morning and picked up the paints and actually did something on my DA vet guy.

Managed to get the armor its first coat and i have to say i think it makes the rest of the colours look a lot better now i have the contrast of the armor colour on it :whistling:





What colour would you recommend for the banner colour ?


Also thought would show you just some of what i have on the go that i make a start on then lose interest for some reason and start on something else :D



The DA is looking pretty nice KK, although the white is looking a littlt too, well, white if you see what I mean. I think a watered down blue wash painted into the recesses would add some shading to the white and make it pop more.

The sword blade and the cloak are very nicely done. I'm trying to work out if you are using metallics or NMM?

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hi lestat, The sword and the gold is an attempt at nmm i quite like the sword but not the gold needs to be lighter :whistling:

The metal area's i think im just gonna go with BG metal.

Well kudos to you for giving NMM a try - you did a better job than me. I tried to work out how to do it once and failed miserably. I was going to do the Sanguinor and SG in NMM and jst couldn't get my head around how it was supposed to work.

I think that sticking with gold works better on this model as it is already quite dark from the armour.

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hi lestat, The sword and the gold is an attempt at nmm i quite like the sword but not the gold needs to be lighter :whistling:

The metal area's i think im just gonna go with BG metal.

Well kudos to you for giving NMM a try - you did a better job than me. I tried to work out how to do it once and failed miserably. I was going to do the Sanguinor and SG in NMM and jst couldn't get my head around how it was supposed to work.

I think that sticking with gold works better on this model as it is already quite dark from the armour.


TBH mate the sword wasn't that difficult just followed the tutorial from wd with the sanguinor :D

The gold did confuse me slightly plus i think i didnt use the correct mixes of paint when doing it thats why its so dark on the gold area's

but hey ho nothing ventured and all that :lol:

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Hey Folks,

Well progress report for today, I have managed to get most of the banner done i think,

Things still to do

Wash & highlight armor

Highlight Banner

Wash and highlight reds

Wash & highlight metallics


So what do we think so far & what else would you suggest ??




Wont get much more done as "She who must be obeyed" has got more jobs for me darn !! :)

Think i would rather upset Slaneesh lol less trouble hehehe

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Wish I could get up in the morning and paint....The DA is looking pretty cool KK. I think the white feathers on his helmet could benefit from having some watered down Shadow Grey or Asurmen Blue painted into the recesses. I have to say though I like the way he's shaping up. The red looks quite nice as well and overall I think you've placed the colours really well as well.

Don't worry about constantly starting new projects, I suffer from acute 'new-shiny-thing-itus' as well :rolleyes:.


Couple of pictures of what I've been working on over the last couple of days:


I've been trying to work out the best way to weather him a little so his armour doesn't look quite so factory fresh. I think a couple of brown glazes concentrated mainly on the recesses might help and possibly some of the colour from his base once I paint it drybrushed onto his boots. I don't want to got totally over the top, just enough to finish the mini nicely.


I did about 3 hours of work on the BA Sanguinary Guard commission tonight and finally got the wings ready for highlighting. I couldn't face attacking all those feathers again just yet though so I've begun to work up their gold armour again. I really want to get as much of them finished as possible before Halo: Reach hits the doormat next week.





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James he does look awsome !!!

Cant wait see some more sang guard stuff :D

Im not sure about getting Reach completed 3 quite easily and didnt bother with ODST,

Whats your gamertag ? Im playing Tranformers:War For Cybertron atm and its really good its transformers from the cartoon rather than the movie's :D


mine is TheReal Mr Duck

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Thanks for the comments guys. I'll get some more shots of the Sanguinary Guard up later tonight once I've done some more work on them :mellow:.


Glad the BA in mk III is being well recieved, I was a little worried that his armour was a bit too glossy from the Baal Red I used on it. I've got a couple more photos of something new today:


This is the same marine who's wearing the mk III armour. I'm gonna write him a wee Bio. Basically he was born on Terra and fought through the entire crusade, first as a regular marine, then becoming a plasma gun specialist before being promoted to sergeant (retaining his love of plasma weaponry) just prior to the out break of the Heresy. At the conclusion of the Heresy he was listed MIA having been last seen during the Battle for the Eternity Gate Spaceport...


I'll make a note of all those gamertags and add them to my friends list on LIVE, although I only have Silver just now. I'm hoping to be able to get Gold soon, but we'll have to wait and see. KK, I'm a diehard Halo fan so I've played all of them (excluding the PC games). ODST was a nice change of pace from the usual (but still awesome) running and gunning of the preceding trilogy. If you can find it in a bargain bin I'd recommend giving it a try.





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OK folks,

I think he is finished,

I have highlighted the banner the armour put a thin wash of asy blue on the white,

I really quite happy with this guy I think it helped spending alot longer on him rather than rushing straight through and finishing him :mellow:

What do we think ?









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Looks really good. The cloak and the NMM gold work really well together. The blueing of the white has helped a lot too. Taking more time and having patience are the keys I think. My only suggestion and it's entirely optional, is maybe hit the very edges of all the red areas with some thinned down Blood Red mixed with Blazing Orange. It'll add a nice but not too bright highlight to them :).


Keep 'em coming



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I really like the DA Vet KK but I think that the white still needs a wash or something as it is a bit too white IMO. Otherwise, the rest of the model is great! :) I love your attempt at NMM but I think I spot a small glitch. On the left side of the cross guard, there's a part where the yellow is much lighter than the rest of it: is that a wanted effect? In any case, in my humble opinion, I think it should be the same colour as the rest of the golden parts.



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Thanks for the comments guys. I'll get some more shots of the Sanguinary Guard up later tonight once I've done some more work on them :).


Glad the BA in mk III is being well recieved, I was a little worried that his armour was a bit too glossy from the Baal Red I used on it. I've got a couple more photos of something new today:


This is the same marine who's wearing the mk III armour. I'm gonna write him a wee Bio. Basically he was born on Terra and fought through the entire crusade, first as a regular marine, then becoming a plasma gun specialist before being promoted to sergeant (retaining his love of plasma weaponry) just prior to the out break of the Heresy. At the conclusion of the Heresy he was listed MIA having been last seen during the Battle for the Eternity Gate Spaceport...


I'll make a note of all those gamertags and add them to my friends list on LIVE, although I only have Silver just now. I'm hoping to be able to get Gold soon, but we'll have to wait and see. KK, I'm a diehard Halo fan so I've played all of them (excluding the PC games). ODST was a nice change of pace from the usual (but still awesome) running and gunning of the preceding trilogy. If you can find it in a bargain bin I'd recommend giving it a try.






I like the story aspect you have going with this marine. I would suggest two things before you paint him. First, I would replace his right shoulder pad with the same on as his MK 3 armor. I think it would provide a visual link to his story. Second, I would send me his MK 5 helmet as it is one of my favorites and as a sergeant he won't wear on anyway. :rolleyes:

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Thanks Mike. I'd send you his mk V helmet if I had one, but I could only afford the legs, pads and backpack from Bits and Kits thanks to their increase in shipping costs. As for the shoulder pad idea, I wish I'd thought of that before I glued him together....


Ah well. What I was going to do though was keep his left knee yellow to tie the two mini's together. I figured he'd be promoted within his company/chapter so would be able to retain his heraldry.





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Thanks Mike. I'd send you his mk V helmet if I had one, but I could only afford the legs, pads and backpack from Bits and Kits thanks to their increase in shipping costs. As for the shoulder pad idea, I wish I'd thought of that before I glued him together....


Ah well. What I was going to do though was keep his left knee yellow to tie the two mini's together. I figured he'd be promoted within his company/chapter so would be able to retain his heraldry.






Fair enough, it looks like I'll be sending some MK 5 heads to you as soon as I get some FW armor for my birthday. Soon, very soon.

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