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@ cheeseychaoslord: welcome back mate :rolleyes:. Bitz Box and Bits and Kits both have all the FW armour sets up just now (although Bitz Box is out of stock). There's also a little known bits site called Model Bits which only has the mk III at the moment. As usual, for prices it's best to compare between them, although I have only just noticed that Bits and Kits postage has risen from £1 for UK shipping to £1.60!


@ S.Bloodhowl: I completely agree with your sketch of the leg conversion. Infact one quick search later here's an actual RT era dreadnought with the original 'long' legs: [http]http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=154342[/http]. As for the arm, I like what you're trying to do. I never liked the way that the gun looked (whatever it is, I think it might be a really really early incarnation of the Lascannon) almost like it was stuck on as an after thought.


@ Astador: looking forward to the rest of the tuts. When are we going to get to see the Terminator that arm belongs to :D?



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Dinner break! :D

All that's left is the backpack and the weathering on the base!





Better pictures later when the backpack is finished!

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CMA Those Sir are some very SWISH ! BA <_<

That Mephiston rocks !!!


Inb regards to my stuff,

Still not done the Dark Angels guy the Nightlord has still only got the necron abyss on him,

I start stuff and then really cant be bothered to keep going so start something else lol need to commit to finishing !!!

My PH terminator has been redone I did have his armour Knarloc green then knarloc & skull white mix with a wash of thraka green & then badab black but didnt like how it turned out so i have redone him to be a justarian so will have the black armour :)

Will try and get some progress pics up later you guys to pick on me about lol hehehe ;)



Well this is my Justarian I have done so far, Obviously lots to do yet, There no washes or anything on him yet, Any suggestions for the chest piece as i think it looks a little bare at the mo,

Changed the arms to or would you guys suggest the lightning look better ??




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He looks like he is progressing nicely! :lol:

I didn't get any work done tonight, went and saw Resident Evil: Afterlife. Man it was amazing! :)


But I did buy this earlier today.



I was happy ;) lol

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Wow Chaplain and Khornate. Those are very nice. Verrryyy nice.I have no idea about the chest piece..I have a couple of models just like that! :lol:

Nice case..seems a bit empty right now ;)

What I've been working on. Check the thread for a full low-down. :)


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Hello folks! :P


I can't decide on which model to buy and paint so I thought maybe you chaps could help me out? Choose one of the following:


-Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost

-Count-as Khârn the Betrayer (converted)

-Huron Blackheart

-Chaos Sorceror (converted)

-Daemonhunter Inquisitor with BP and PS

-Space Marine Captain (converted)

-Techmarine/MotF (converted)

-Captain Sicarius (possibly converted)

-LotD Marine

-Space Marine Veteran (converted)

-Dark Angel Librarian (fully converted)

-Space Wolf Rune Priest

-SoB Canoness

-Sister Repentia

-Pre-Heresy Space Marine

-Inquisitor size model


Phew...well I guess that it's for the mo :) As you can surely see I really need help choosing!!





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Ok so here is a question for all those people more experienced with the colour pallete etc than i am, (which means everyone on here lol )

On my justarian guy black armour if i bomb it will an ink/wash do you reckon the slight colour shade will show up ?

I have the full washes plus all the ink's aswell as i have the mega paint set.

Was thinking it would give the armor a funky sort of hue to it :o


Ok so here is a question for all those people more experienced with the colour pallete etc than i am, (which means everyone on here lol )

On my justarian guy black armour if i bomb it will an ink/wash do you reckon the slight colour shade will show up ?

I have the full washes plus all the ink's aswell as i have the mega paint set.

Was thinking it would give the armor a funky sort of hue to it :D

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BB-Ludovic, I personally would choose Huron Blackheart, but that's only because after seeing some in-focus pictures I'm starting to like the mini a lot more. I can still envisage lots of comedy 'grrr! If only I didn't have this ridiculously sized heavy flamer I'd be able to pick up my can of coke without knocking over my prized icon of chaos' moments ;).


KK, he's lookin pretty cool mate. If you highlight the Justaerin's armour up first then hit him with a wash of badab black then the lighter shades will show through as long as you keep the wash airly light. If you want glossy black armour, give it a harsh edge highlight with some grey then wash it lighly with Black Ink it'll allow your highlights to shine through and give the rest of the armour plates a nice glossy sheen.





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Another new and shiny project has reared it's armoured head on my workdesk. I have managed to get my grubby little hands on a large scale Marine helmet and have been working on that recently. It's the helmet from Forgeworlds large scale Imperial Space Marine http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Modelling-Supp...ACE-MARINE.html

I have made some minor conversions and filled in all the little air bubbles you get in resin. It's currently basecoated and I've started highlighting. I have however, spotted some small patches I've missed in the pics ;) I guess a wash over the top will fix those.





If you can guess what Chapter he's from, you've earned yourself a cookie or two.

Any C&C is welcome!

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